module Paperclip module Helpers def configure yield(self) if block_given? end def interpolates key, &block Paperclip::Interpolations[key] = block end # The run method takes the name of a binary to run, the arguments to that binary # and some options: # # :command_path -> A $PATH-like variable that defines where to look for the binary # on the filesystem. Colon-separated, just like $PATH. # # :expected_outcodes -> An array of integers that defines the expected exit codes # of the binary. Defaults to [0]. # # :log_command -> Log the command being run when set to true (defaults to false). # This will only log if logging in general is set to true as well. # # :swallow_stderr -> Set to true if you don't care what happens on STDERR. # def run(cmd, arguments = "", local_options = {}) command_path = options[:command_path] Cocaine::CommandLine.path = ( Cocaine::CommandLine.path ? [Cocaine::CommandLine.path].flatten | [command_path] : command_path ) local_options = local_options.merge(:logger => logger) if logging? && (options[:log_command] || local_options[:log_command]), arguments, local_options).run end # Find all instances of the given Active Record model +klass+ with attachment +name+. # This method is used by the refresh rake tasks. def each_instance_with_attachment(klass, name) class_for(klass).unscoped.where("#{name}_file_name IS NOT NULL").find_each do |instance| yield(instance) end end def class_for(class_name) class_name.split('::').inject(Object) do |klass, partial_class_name| klass.const_defined?(partial_class_name) ? klass.const_get(partial_class_name, false) : klass.const_missing(partial_class_name) end end def check_for_url_clash(name,url,klass) @names_url ||= {} default_url = url || Attachment.default_options[:url] if @names_url[name] && @names_url[name][:url] == default_url && @names_url[name][:class] != klass && @names_url[name][:url] !~ /:class/ log("Duplicate URL for #{name} with #{default_url}. This will clash with attachment defined in #{@names_url[name][:class]} class") end @names_url[name] = {:url => default_url, :class => klass} end def reset_duplicate_clash_check! @names_url = nil end end end