require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe PasswordResetsController do dataset :readers before do controller.stub!(:request).and_return(request) Page.current_site = sites(:test) if defined? Site request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = '!' end describe "with a forgot-my-password request" do it "should ask for an email address" do get :new response.should be_success response.should render_template("new") end end describe "with a submitted email address" do describe "that we recognise" do before do post :create, :email => '' @reader = readers(:normal) end it "should give instructions" do response.should be_success response.should render_template("create") end end describe "for an account not yet activated" do before do post :create, :email => '' @reader = readers(:inactive) end it "should redirect to the please-activate page" do response.should be_redirect response.should redirect_to(new_reader_activation_url) end end describe "that we don't recognise" do before do post :create, :email => '' end it 'should grumble' do response.should be_success response.should render_template("new") flash[:error].should_not be_blank end it 'should not send a message' do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last.should be_nil end end end describe "with a confirmation" do describe "where the code is correct" do before do @reader = readers(:normal) get :edit, :id =>, :confirmation_code => @reader.perishable_token end it 'should show the new-password form' do response.should be_success response.should render_template("edit") flash[:error].should be_nil end end describe "where the code is wrong" do before do @reader = readers(:normal) get :edit, :id =>, :confirmation_code => 'anyoldstringwillnotdo' end it 'should grumble' do response.should be_success response.should render_template("edit") flash[:error].should_not be_blank end end end describe "with a new password" do describe "where the confirmation code is correct and the password confirmed" do before do reader = readers(:normal) post :update, :id =>, :confirmation_code => reader.perishable_token, :reader => {:password => 'testify', :password_confirmation => 'testify'} end it "should update the reader" do readers(:normal).valid_password?('testify').should be_true end it "should log the reader in" do controller.send(:current_reader).should == readers(:normal) end end describe "where the confirmation code is correct but the password not confirmed" do before do @reader = readers(:normal) post :update, :id =>, :confirmation_code => @reader.perishable_token, :reader => {:password => 'testify', :password_confirmation => 'testy'} end it 'should grumble' do flash[:error].should_not be_blank end it "should return the password form again" do response.should be_success response.should render_template("edit") end end describe "where the confirmation code is wrong" do before do @reader = readers(:normal) post :update, :id =>, :confirmation_code => 'dingbat', :reader => {:password => 'testify', :password_confirmation => 'testify'} end it 'should grumble' do response.should be_success response.should render_template("edit") flash[:error].should_not be_blank end it 'should not change the password' do readers(:normal).valid_password?('testify').should be_false end end end end