--- title: 2018 Property Assessment Analysis author: Prepared by reports@taxreformyyc.com geometry: margin=1.5cm --- ```{r loadLibraries, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE} # Load the required libraries library(knitr) library(scales) library(formattable) library(ggplot2) ``` ```{r defineConstants, echo=FALSE} # Constants address <- "<%= address %>" myAssessedValue <- <%= assessed_value %> csvFile <- "<%= csv_file %>" # Get the house number and street name #myHouseNumber <- gsub("[^\\d]+", "", address, perl=TRUE) m <- regexpr("^\\d+", address, perl=TRUE) myHouseNumber <- regmatches(address, m) myStreetName <- gsub(".*[\\d]", "", address, perl=TRUE) # How do this factors impact an assessment? unknownImpact <- c('Valuation.Approach', 'Assessment.Class', 'Property.Type', 'Property.Use', 'Taxation.Status', 'Community', 'Sub.Neighbourhood.Code..SNC.', 'Market.Area', 'Sub.Market.Area', 'Land.Use.Designation', 'Building.Count', 'Building.Type.Structure', 'Year.of.Construction', 'Quality', 'Basement.Suite', 'Walkout.Basement', 'Garage.Type', 'Fireplace', 'Influences', 'Market.Adjustment') # These factors are informational and don't affect the assessment noImpact <- c('Roll.Number', 'Location.Address') ``` ```{r loadData, echo=FALSE} # Load data data <- read.csv(csvFile, header=TRUE) ``` ```{r getMetaData, echo=FALSE} streetAddresses <- data[,noImpact[2]] # Remove the street names from the addresses #houseNumbers <- as.numeric(gsub("[^\\d]+", "", streetAddresses, perl=TRUE)) m <- regexpr("^\\d+", streetAddresses, perl=TRUE) houseNumbers <- as.numeric(regmatches(streetAddresses, m)) ``` \center `r address` \flushleft # Synopsis This analysis pertains to the property located at **`r address`**. It documents the treatment of the assessment data provided by the City of Calgary for the pertinent property and those deemed comparable: `r kable(data[order(data$Location.Address),]$Location.Address, col.names=c('Comparable Properties'), align=c('l'))` The data under investigation was obtained from [assessmentsearch.calgary.ca](https://assessmentsearch.calgary.ca) and is presented alongside this document in a consolidated CSV file. # Approach Overview The data investigated in this analysis consists of properties chosen for their similar features and proximity to one another. The number of properties chosen was maximized to ensure a fair representation of valuations and to support the integrity of this report and its conclusion. Given that there are many factors contained in the data whose precise impact on assessed values are unknown, commonalities are identified and omitted from consideration, as all such factors should have identical impact on the final assessment. Factors that vary are identified and presented for consideration, as transparency and integrity is of the utmost importance. Again, the precise impact of these factors on the final assessment is unknown, as the weights assigned by the City of Calgary are not divulged in the assessment data they provide. Having acknowledged the factors that cannot easily be quantified, the focus turns to the properties' lot sizes, total developed area, and assessed values. By visualizing the relationship between these quantifiable factors, the pertinent property's assessed value is contrasted with those of the selected properties. The conclusion of this analysis is drawn from the underlying data. # Identify common factors Many of the factors that impact the assessments are identical. This data can safely be removed from consideration, as the impact on the assessed values should be the same for all the properties under investigation. ```{r commonFactors, echo=FALSE} # Identify common factors headers <- c() identical <- c() displayHeaders <- c() for (col in colnames(data)) { values = data[,col][!duplicated(data[,col])] if (length(values) == 1) { headers <- append(headers, col) displayHeaders <-append(displayHeaders, gsub("\\.", " ", col, perl=TRUE)) identical <- append(identical, toString(values)) } } commonFactors <- data.frame(headers, displayHeaders, identical) ``` Here, **`r length(commonFactors$headers)`** common factors can safely be removed from the data set: `r kable(data.frame(commonFactors$displayHeaders, commonFactors$identical), col.names=c('Factors', 'Identical Values'), align=c('l', 'r'))` ```{r removeCommonFactors, echo=FALSE} # Remove common factors data <- data[,!(names(data) %in% commonFactors$headers)] ``` # Identify unknown and non-impacting factors Of the **`r length(colnames(data))`** remaining columns, some cannot be quantified. Others certainly impact the assessed value of a property, but the assessment data provided by the City of Calgary does not reveal to what extent. ## Non-impacting factors ```{r noImpactDisplayHeaders, echo=FALSE} # Remove the dots from the header name noImpactDisplayHeaders <- gsub("\\.", " ", noImpact, perl=TRUE) ``` These factors cannot be quantified and are administrative in purpose: `r kable(noImpactDisplayHeaders, col.names=c('Non-Impacting Factors'))` ```{r removeIrrelevantFactors, echo=FALSE} data <- data[,!(names(data) %in% noImpact)] ``` These are removed and the remaining **`r length(colnames(data))`** columns are carried forward. ## Unknown factors The impact these remaining columns have on assessment values is unknown: ```{r identifyUnknowns, echo=FALSE} # Identify unknown factors unknownFactors <- names(data[,names(data) %in% unknownImpact]) ``` `r kable(gsub("\\.", " ", unknownFactors), col.names=c('Unknown Factors'))` The variability within these unknown columns is presented here in the interest of transparency: ```{r consolidateUnknownFactors, echo=FALSE} consolidatedUnknownFactors <- data[,(names(data) %in% c(unknownFactors))] rownames(consolidatedUnknownFactors) <- houseNumbers ``` `r kable(consolidatedUnknownFactors[order(as.numeric(row.names(consolidatedUnknownFactors))),], align=c(rep('c', length(unknownFactors))), row.names=TRUE, col.names=gsub("\\.", " ", unknownFactors))` These undoubtedly have an impact on the valuation, but their precise weighting and significance are not presented in the assessment data provided by the City of Calgary. As such, they are removed from the dataset. ```{r removeUnknownFactors, echo=FALSE} # Remove unknown factors from data set data <- data[,!(names(data) %in% unknownFactors)] ``` The remaining **`r length(colnames(data))`** columns contain the following data: ```{r addRowNamesToData, echo=FALSE} # Add row names to data rownames(data) <- houseNumbers ``` `r kable(data[order(as.numeric(row.names(data))),], row.names=TRUE, col.names=gsub("\\.", " ", colnames(data)))` # Visualization The raw data presented above is summarized in Figure 1. It illustrates the disparity between the assessed property values. The pertinent property is coloured red. The blue line running through the graph is _best fit_ for the visualized model. It serves as a predictor, or indicator, as to where the properties in question should be positioned. The pertinent property's overassessment is determined by measuring the distance between the red point and the blue line. ```{r adjustValues, echo=FALSE} # Sum each property's lot size and total developed space areaTotals <- rowSums(data[,-1]) # Isolate all assessed values assessedValues <- data[,1] # Plot the best fit regression line reg <- lm(assessedValues~areaTotals) # Plot distances between points and the regression line assessedDifferences <- residuals(reg) adjustedValues <- predict(reg) # Reconcile adjusted property values adjustedProperties <- data.frame(houseNumbers, adjustedValues, assessedDifferences) ``` ```{r generatePlot, fig.cap=paste(address, "Overassessment", " "), fig.width=12, echo=FALSE} plot.title <- paste(address, "and Comparable Properties", sep=" ") plot.subtitle = 'Current Assessed Property Values' ggplot(data, aes(x=areaTotals, y=assessedValues)) + # Plot title ggtitle(bquote(atop(bold(.(plot.title)), atop(italic(.(plot.subtitle)), "")))) + theme(plot.title=element_text(size=24, hjust = 0.5)) + # Axis labels ylab("Assessed House Values on your Street") + xlab("Total House and Lot Size (Sq. Feet)") + theme(axis.title.x=element_text(size=18, face="bold", margin=margin(20,0,0,0)), axis.title.y=element_text(size=18, face="bold", margin=margin(0,20,0,0))) + # Axis tick labels scale_x_continuous(labels=comma) + <% if opts.ylimit? %> scale_y_continuous(labels=dollar, breaks=pretty_breaks(n=10), limits=c(min(assessedValues)-<%= opts.ylimit %>, max(assessedValues)+<%= opts.ylimit %>)) + <% else %> scale_y_continuous(labels=dollar, breaks=pretty_breaks(n=10)) + <% end %> # Scatter plot points geom_point(shape=ifelse(assessedValues==myAssessedValue, 16, 1), size=ifelse(assessedValues==myAssessedValue, 5, 4), colour=ifelse(assessedValues==myAssessedValue, "red", "blue")) + # Point labels geom_text(aes(label=houseNumbers), hjust=0.5, vjust=-2, size=5) + geom_text(aes(label=paste("$", accounting(assessedValues, format="d"), sep="")), hjust=0.5, vjust=-1.2) + # Best fit line geom_smooth(method=lm) ``` # Conclusion The data investigated in this analysis describes the factors considered in assessing the property located at `r address`. It was collected and provided by the City of Calgary. This report set out to quantify the disparity between the pertinent property and similar properties in the the neighbourhood. Common factors were identified and eliminated from the analysis. Similarly, varying factors were identified, catalogued, and removed from consideration. The City of Calgary's property reports do not describe how these characteristic features are quantified and weighted in determining a property's assessed value. As such, they could not be included. The conclusions that follow are drawn from comparing lot sizes, total developed area, and assessed values. The underlying data and the overall approach have been presented in full. ## Overvaluation: `r currency(adjustedProperties[houseNumbers==myHouseNumber,]$assessedDifferences)` This investigation compared the assessed values with lot sizes and developed square footage. It has revealed that that the pertinent property is overvalued by **`r currency(adjustedProperties[houseNumbers==myHouseNumber,]$assessedDifferences)`**. ## Corrected Assessed Value: `r currency(adjustedProperties[houseNumbers==myHouseNumber,]$adjustedValues)` In order to bring the pertinent property's assessed value in line with those of similar properties in the neighbourhood, it must be reassessed at **`r currency(adjustedProperties[houseNumbers==myHouseNumber,]$adjustedValues)`**.