# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/inputs/base" require "logstash/namespace" require "logstash/plugin_mixins/aws_config" require "time" require "tmpdir" require "stud/interval" require "stud/temporary" # Stream events from files from a S3 bucket. # # Each line from each file generates an event. # Files ending in `.gz` are handled as gzip'ed files. class LogStash::Inputs::S3 < LogStash::Inputs::Base include LogStash::PluginMixins::AwsConfig config_name "s3" default :codec, "plain" # DEPRECATED: The credentials of the AWS account used to access the bucket. # Credentials can be specified: # - As an ["id","secret"] array # - As a path to a file containing AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=... and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=... # - In the environment, if not set (using variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) config :credentials, :validate => :array, :default => [], :deprecated => "This only exists to be backwards compatible. This plugin now uses the AwsConfig from PluginMixins" # The name of the S3 bucket. config :bucket, :validate => :string, :required => true # The AWS region for your bucket. config :region_endpoint, :validate => ["us-east-1", "us-west-1", "us-west-2", "eu-west-1", "ap-southeast-1", "ap-southeast-2", "ap-northeast-1", "sa-east-1", "us-gov-west-1"], :deprecated => "This only exists to be backwards compatible. This plugin now uses the AwsConfig from PluginMixins" # If specified, the prefix of filenames in the bucket must match (not a regexp) config :prefix, :validate => :string, :default => nil # Where to write the since database (keeps track of the date # the last handled file was added to S3). The default will write # sincedb files to some path matching "$HOME/.sincedb*" # Should be a path with filename not just a directory. config :sincedb_path, :validate => :string, :default => nil # Name of a S3 bucket to backup processed files to. config :backup_to_bucket, :validate => :string, :default => nil # Append a prefix to the key (full path including file name in s3) after processing. # If backing up to another (or the same) bucket, this effectively lets you # choose a new 'folder' to place the files in config :backup_add_prefix, :validate => :string, :default => nil # Path of a local directory to backup processed files to. config :backup_to_dir, :validate => :string, :default => nil # Whether to delete processed files from the original bucket. config :delete, :validate => :boolean, :default => false # Interval to wait between to check the file list again after a run is finished. # Value is in seconds. config :interval, :validate => :number, :default => 60 # Ruby style regexp of keys to exclude from the bucket config :exclude_pattern, :validate => :string, :default => nil # Set the directory where logstash will store the tmp files before processing them. # default to the current OS temporary directory in linux /tmp/logstash config :temporary_directory, :validate => :string, :default => File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "logstash") public def register require "fileutils" require "digest/md5" require "aws-sdk" @region = get_region @logger.info("Registering s3 input", :bucket => @bucket, :region => @region) s3 = get_s3object @s3bucket = s3.buckets[@bucket] unless @backup_to_bucket.nil? @backup_bucket = s3.buckets[@backup_to_bucket] unless @backup_bucket.exists? s3.buckets.create(@backup_to_bucket) end end unless @backup_to_dir.nil? Dir.mkdir(@backup_to_dir, 0700) unless File.exists?(@backup_to_dir) end FileUtils.mkdir_p(@temporary_directory) unless Dir.exist?(@temporary_directory) end # def register public def run(queue) @current_thread = Thread.current Stud.interval(@interval) do process_files(queue) end end # def run public def list_new_files objects = {} @s3bucket.objects.with_prefix(@prefix).each do |log| @logger.debug("S3 input: Found key", :key => log.key) unless ignore_filename?(log.key) if sincedb.newer?(log.last_modified) objects[log.key] = log.last_modified @logger.debug("S3 input: Adding to objects[]", :key => log.key) end end end return objects.keys.sort {|a,b| objects[a] <=> objects[b]} end # def fetch_new_files public def backup_to_bucket(object, key) unless @backup_to_bucket.nil? backup_key = "#{@backup_add_prefix}#{key}" if @delete object.move_to(backup_key, :bucket => @backup_bucket) else object.copy_to(backup_key, :bucket => @backup_bucket) end end end public def backup_to_dir(filename) unless @backup_to_dir.nil? FileUtils.cp(filename, @backup_to_dir) end end public def process_files(queue) objects = list_new_files objects.each do |key| if stop? break else @logger.debug("S3 input processing", :bucket => @bucket, :key => key) process_log(queue, key) end end end # def process_files public def stop # @current_thread is initialized in the `#run` method, # this variable is needed because the `#stop` is a called in another thread # than the `#run` method and requiring us to call stop! with a explicit thread. Stud.stop!(@current_thread) end public def aws_service_endpoint(region) region_to_use = get_region return { :s3_endpoint => region_to_use == 'us-east-1' ? 's3.amazonaws.com' : "s3-#{region_to_use}.amazonaws.com" } end private # Read the content of the local file # # @param [Queue] Where to push the event # @param [String] Which file to read from # @return [Boolean] True if the file was completely read, false otherwise. def process_local_log(queue, filename) @logger.debug('Processing file', :filename => filename) metadata = {} # Currently codecs operates on bytes instead of stream. # So all IO stuff: decompression, reading need to be done in the actual # input and send as bytes to the codecs. read_file(filename) do |line| if stop? @logger.warn("Logstash S3 input, stop reading in the middle of the file, we will read it again when logstash is started") return false end @codec.decode(line) do |event| # We are making an assumption concerning cloudfront # log format, the user will use the plain or the line codec # and the message key will represent the actual line content. # If the event is only metadata the event will be drop. # This was the behavior of the pre 1.5 plugin. # # The line need to go through the codecs to replace # unknown bytes in the log stream before doing a regexp match or # you will get a `Error: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8' if event_is_metadata?(event) @logger.debug('Event is metadata, updating the current cloudfront metadata', :event => event) update_metadata(metadata, event) else decorate(event) event["cloudfront_version"] = metadata[:cloudfront_version] unless metadata[:cloudfront_version].nil? event["cloudfront_fields"] = metadata[:cloudfront_fields] unless metadata[:cloudfront_fields].nil? queue << event end end end return true end # def process_local_log private def event_is_metadata?(event) return false if event["message"].nil? line = event["message"] version_metadata?(line) || fields_metadata?(line) end private def version_metadata?(line) line.start_with?('#Version: ') end private def fields_metadata?(line) line.start_with?('#Fields: ') end private def update_metadata(metadata, event) line = event['message'].strip if version_metadata?(line) metadata[:cloudfront_version] = line.split(/#Version: (.+)/).last end if fields_metadata?(line) metadata[:cloudfront_fields] = line.split(/#Fields: (.+)/).last end end private def read_file(filename, &block) if gzip?(filename) read_gzip_file(filename, block) else read_plain_file(filename, block) end end def read_plain_file(filename, block) File.open(filename, 'rb') do |file| file.each(&block) end end private def read_gzip_file(filename, block) begin Zlib::GzipReader.open(filename) do |decoder| decoder.each_line { |line| block.call(line) } end rescue Zlib::Error, Zlib::GzipFile::Error => e @logger.error("Gzip codec: We cannot uncompress the gzip file", :filename => filename) raise e end end private def gzip?(filename) filename.end_with?('.gz') end private def sincedb @sincedb ||= if @sincedb_path.nil? @logger.info("Using default generated file for the sincedb", :filename => sincedb_file) SinceDB::File.new(sincedb_file) else @logger.info("Using the provided sincedb_path", :sincedb_path => @sincedb_path) SinceDB::File.new(@sincedb_path) end end private def sincedb_file File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".sincedb_" + Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{@bucket}+#{@prefix}")) end private def ignore_filename?(filename) if @prefix == filename return true elsif (@backup_add_prefix && @backup_to_bucket == @bucket && filename =~ /^#{backup_add_prefix}/) return true elsif @exclude_pattern.nil? return false elsif filename =~ Regexp.new(@exclude_pattern) return true else return false end end private def process_log(queue, key) object = @s3bucket.objects[key] filename = File.join(temporary_directory, File.basename(key)) if download_remote_file(object, filename) if process_local_log(queue, filename) backup_to_bucket(object, key) backup_to_dir(filename) delete_file_from_bucket(object) FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(filename, true) lastmod = object.last_modified sincedb.write(lastmod) end else FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(filename, true) end end private # Stream the remove file to the local disk # # @param [S3Object] Reference to the remove S3 objec to download # @param [String] The Temporary filename to stream to. # @return [Boolean] True if the file was completely downloaded def download_remote_file(remote_object, local_filename) completed = false @logger.debug("S3 input: Download remote file", :remote_key => remote_object.key, :local_filename => local_filename) File.open(local_filename, 'wb') do |s3file| remote_object.read do |chunk| return completed if stop? s3file.write(chunk) end end completed = true return completed end private def delete_file_from_bucket(object) if @delete and @backup_to_bucket.nil? object.delete() end end private def get_region # TODO: (ph) Deprecated, it will be removed if @region_endpoint @region_endpoint else @region end end private def get_s3object # TODO: (ph) Deprecated, it will be removed if @credentials.length == 1 File.open(@credentials[0]) { |f| f.each do |line| unless (/^\#/.match(line)) if(/\s*=\s*/.match(line)) param, value = line.split('=', 2) param = param.chomp().strip() value = value.chomp().strip() if param.eql?('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') @access_key_id = value elsif param.eql?('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') @secret_access_key = value end end end end } elsif @credentials.length == 2 @access_key_id = @credentials[0] @secret_access_key = @credentials[1] end s3 = AWS::S3.new(aws_options_hash) end private module SinceDB class File def initialize(file) @sincedb_path = file end def newer?(date) date > read end def read if ::File.exists?(@sincedb_path) content = ::File.read(@sincedb_path).chomp.strip # If the file was created but we didn't have the time to write to it return content.empty? ? Time.new(0) : Time.parse(content) else return Time.new(0) end end def write(since = nil) since = Time.now() if since.nil? ::File.open(@sincedb_path, 'w') { |file| file.write(since.to_s) } end end end end # class LogStash::Inputs::S3