# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'rdf' require 'strscan' unless defined?(StringScanner) require "ostruct" require 'unicode/types' ## # Serialize ruleset back to EBNF module EBNF class Writer LINE_LENGTH = 80 LINE_LENGTH_HTML = 200 # ASCII escape names ASCII_ESCAPE_NAMES = [ "null", #x00 "start of heading", #x01 "start of text", #x02 "end of text", #x03 "end of transmission", #x04 "enquiry", #x05 "acknowledge", #x06 "bell", #x07 "backspace", #x08 "horizontal tab", #x09 "new line", #x0A "vertical tab", #x0B "form feed", #x0C "carriage return", #x0D "shift out", #x0E "shift in", #x0F "data link escape", #x10 "device control 1", #x11 "device control 2", #x12 "device control 3", #x13 "device control 4", #x14 "negative acknowledge", #x15 "synchronous idle", #x16 "end of trans. block", #x17 "cancel", #x18 "end of medium", #x19 "substitute", #x1A "escape", #x1B "file separator", #x1C "group separator", #x1D "record separator", #x1E "unit separator", #x1F "space" #x20 ] ## # Format rules to a String # # @param [Array] rules # @param [:abnf, :ebnf, :isoebnf] format (:ebnf) # @return [Object] def self.string(*rules, format: :ebnf) require 'stringio' unless defined?(StringIO) buf = StringIO.new write(buf, *rules, format: format) buf.string end ## # Format rules to $stdout # # @param [Array] rules # @param [:abnf, :ebnf, :isoebnf] format (:ebnf) # @return [Object] def self.print(*rules, format: :ebnf) write($stdout, *rules, format: format) end ## # Write formatted rules to an IO like object # # @param [Object] out # @param [Array] rules # @param [:abnf, :ebnf, :isoebnf] format (:ebnf) # @return [Object] def self.write(out, *rules, format: :ebnf) Writer.new(rules, out: out, format: format) end ## # Write formatted rules to an IO like object as HTML # # @param [Array] rules # @param [:abnf, :ebnf, :isoebnf] format (:ebnf) # @param [Boolean] validate (false) validate generated HTML. # @return [Object] def self.html(*rules, format: :ebnf, validate: false) require 'stringio' unless defined?(StringIO) buf = StringIO.new Writer.new(rules, out: buf, html: true, format: format, validate: validate) buf.string end ## # @param [Array] rules # @param [:abnf, :ebnf, :isoebnf] format (:ebnf) # @param [Boolean] html (false) generate HTML output # @param [Boolean] validate (false) validate generated HTML. # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @param [#write] out ($stdout) def initialize(rules, out: $stdout, html: false, format: :ebnf, validate: false, **options) @options = options.merge(html: html) return if rules.empty? # Determine max LHS length format_meth = "format_#{format}".to_sym max_id = rules.max_by {|r| r.id.to_s.length}.id.to_s.length max_sym = rules.max_by {|r| r.sym.to_s.length}.sym.to_s.length lhs_length = max_sym + 1 lhs_fmt = case format when :abnf then "%-#{max_sym}s = " when :ebnf then "%-#{max_sym}s ::= " when :isoebnf then "%-#{max_sym}s = " end if format == :ebnf && max_id > 0 lhs_fmt = "%-#{max_id+2}s " + lhs_fmt lhs_length += max_id + 3 end rhs_length = (html ? LINE_LENGTH_HTML : LINE_LENGTH) - lhs_length if html # Output as formatted HTML begin require 'erubis' require 'htmlentities' @coder = HTMLEntities.new eruby = Erubis::Eruby.new(ERB_DESC) formatted_rules = rules.map do |rule| if rule.kind == :terminals || rule.kind == :pass OpenStruct.new(id: ("@#{rule.kind}"), class: :declaration, sym: rule.kind, assign: nil, formatted: ( rule.kind == :terminals ? "# Productions for terminals" : self.send(format_meth, rule.expr))) else formatted_expr = self.send(format_meth, rule.expr) # Measure text without markup formatted_expr_text = formatted_expr.gsub(%r{]*>}, '') if formatted_expr_text.length > rhs_length && (format != :abnf || rule.alt?) lines = [] # Can only reasonably split apart alts self.send(format_meth, rule.expr, sep: "--rule-extensions--"). split(/\s*--rule-extensions--\s*/).each_with_index do |formatted, ndx| assign = case format when :ebnf formatted.sub!(%r{\s*]*>\|\s*}, '') (ndx > 0 ? (rule.alt? ? '|' : '') : '::=') when :abnf formatted.sub!(%r{\s*]>/\s*}, '') (ndx > 0 ? '=/' : '=') else formatted.sub!(%r{\s*]>\|\s*}, '') (ndx > 0 ? (rule.alt? ? '|' : '') : '=') end lines << OpenStruct.new(id: ((ndx == 0 ? "[#{rule.id}]" : "") if rule.id), sym: (rule.sym if ndx == 0 || format == :abnf), class: :production, assign: assign, formatted: formatted) end if format == :isoebnf lines << OpenStruct.new(assign: ';') end lines else OpenStruct.new(id: ("[#{rule.id}]" if rule.id), class: :production, sym: rule.sym, assign: (format == :ebnf ? '::=' : '='), formatted: (formatted_expr + (format == :isoebnf ? ' ;' : ''))) end end end.flatten html_result = eruby.evaluate(format: format, rules: formatted_rules) if validate begin require 'nokogiri' # Validate the output HTML doc = ::Nokogiri::HTML5("" + html_result, max_errors: 10) raise EncodingError, "Errors found in generated HTML:\n " + doc.errors.map(&:to_s).join("\n ") unless doc.errors.empty? rescue LoadError, NoMethodError # Skip end end out.write html_result return rescue LoadError $stderr.puts "Generating HTML requires erubis and htmlentities gems to be loaded" end end # Format each rule, considering the available rhs size rules.each do |rule| buffer = if rule.pass? "\n%-#{lhs_length-2}s " % "@pass" elsif rule.kind == :terminals "\n%-#{lhs_length-2}s" % "@terminals" else lhs_fmt % {id: "[#{rule.id}]", sym: rule.sym} end formatted_expr = self.send(format_meth, rule.expr) if formatted_expr.length > rhs_length && (format != :abnf || rule.alt?) if format == :abnf # No whitespace, use =/ self.send(format_meth, rule.expr, sep: "--rule-extensions--"). split(/\s*--rule-extensions--\s*/).each_with_index do |formatted, ndx| if ndx > 0 buffer << "\n" + lhs_fmt.sub('= ', '=/') % {id: "[#{rule.id}]", sym: rule.sym} end buffer << formatted.sub(/\s*\/\s*/, '') end else # Space out past "= " buffer << self.send(format_meth, rule.expr, sep: ("\n" + " " * (lhs_length + (rule.alt? ? 2 : 4) - (format == :ebnf ? 0 : 2)))) buffer << ("\n" + " " * (lhs_length) + ';') if format == :isoebnf end else buffer << formatted_expr + (format == :isoebnf ? ' ;' : '') end buffer << "\n\n" if [:terminals, :pass].include?(rule.kind) out.puts(buffer) end end protected ## # W3C EBNF Formatters ## # Format the expression part of a rule def format_ebnf(expr, sep: nil, embedded: false) return (@options[:html] ? %(#{@coder.encode expr}) : expr.to_s) if expr.is_a?(Symbol) if expr.is_a?(String) return expr.length == 1 ? format_ebnf_char(expr) : format_ebnf_string(expr, expr.include?('"') ? "'" : '"') end parts = { alt: (@options[:html] ? %(| ) : "| "), diff: (@options[:html] ? %(- ) : "- "), star: (@options[:html] ? %(*) : "*"), plus: (@options[:html] ? %(+) : "+"), opt: (@options[:html] ? %(?) : "?") } lparen = (@options[:html] ? %[(] : "(") rparen = (@options[:html] ? %[)] : ")") case expr.first when :istr # Looses fidelity, but, oh well ... format_ebnf(expr.last, embedded: true) when :alt, :diff this_sep = (sep ? sep : " ") + parts[expr.first.to_sym] res = expr[1..-1].map {|e| format_ebnf(e, embedded: true)}.join(this_sep) embedded ? (lparen + res + rparen) : res when :star, :plus, :opt char = parts[expr.first.to_sym] r = format_ebnf(expr[1], embedded: true) "#{r}#{char}" when :hex escape_ebnf_hex(expr.last[2..-1].hex.chr(Encoding::UTF_8)) when :range format_ebnf_range(expr.last) when :seq this_sep = (sep ? sep : " ") res = expr[1..-1].map do |e| format_ebnf(e, embedded: true) end.join(this_sep) embedded ? (lparen + res + rparen) : res when :rept # Expand repetition min, max, value = expr[1..-1] if min == 0 && max == 1 format_ebnf([:opt, value], sep: sep, embedded: embedded) elsif min == 0 && max == '*' format_ebnf([:star, value], sep: sep, embedded: embedded) elsif min == 1 && max == '*' format_ebnf([:plus, value], sep: sep, embedded: embedded) else val2 = [:seq] while min > 0 val2 << value min -= 1 max -= 1 unless max == '*' end if max == '*' val2 << [:star, value] else opt = nil while max > 0 opt = [:opt, opt ? [:seq, value, opt] : value] max -= 1 end val2 << opt if opt end format_ebnf(val2, sep: sep, embedded: embedded) end else raise "Unknown operator: #{expr.first}" end end # Format a single-character string, prefering hex for non-main ASCII def format_ebnf_char(c) case c.ord when (0x21) then (@options[:html] ? %("#{@coder.encode c}") : %{"#{c}"}) when 0x22 then (@options[:html] ? %('"') : %{'"'}) when (0x23..0x7e) then (@options[:html] ? %("#{@coder.encode c}") : %{"#{c}"}) when (0x80..0xFFFD) then (@options[:html] ? %("#{@coder.encode c}") : %{"#{c}"}) else escape_ebnf_hex(c) end end # Format a range def format_ebnf_range(string) lbrac = (@options[:html] ? %([) : "[") rbrac = (@options[:html] ? %(]) : "]") buffer = lbrac s = StringScanner.new(string) while !s.eos? case when s.scan(/\A[!"\u0024-\u007e]+/) buffer << (@options[:html] ? %(#{@coder.encode s.matched}) : s.matched) when s.scan(/\A#x\h+/) buffer << escape_ebnf_hex(s.matched[2..-1].hex.chr(Encoding::UTF_8)) else buffer << escape_ebnf_hex(s.getch) end end buffer + rbrac end # Escape a string, using as many UTF-8 characters as possible def format_ebnf_string(string, quote = '"') string.each_char do |c| case c.ord when 0x00..0x19, quote.ord raise RangeError, "cannot format #{string.inspect} as an EBNF String: #{c.inspect} is out of range" unless ISOEBNF::TERMINAL_CHARACTER.match?(c) end end res = @options[:html] ? %(#{@coder.encode(string)}) : string res = "#{quote}#{res}#{quote}" end def escape_ebnf_hex(u) fmt = case u.ord when 0x00..0x20 then "#x%02X" when 0x0000..0x00ff then "#x%02X" when 0x0100..0xffff then "#x%04X" else "#x%08X" end char = fmt % u.ord if @options[:html] char = if u.ord <= 0x20 %(#{@coder.encode char}) elsif u.ord == 0x22 %(>") elsif u.ord < 0x7F %(#{@coder.encode char}) elsif u.ord == 0x7F %(#{@coder.encode char}) elsif u.ord <= 0xFF %(#{char}) elsif (%w(Control Private-use Surrogate Noncharacter Reserved) - ::Unicode::Types.of(u)).empty? %(#{char}) else %(#{char}) end %(#{char}) else char end end ## # ABNF Formatters ## # Format the expression part of a rule def format_abnf(expr, sep: nil, embedded: false, sensitive: true) return (@options[:html] ? %(#{@coder.encode expr}) : expr.to_s) if expr.is_a?(Symbol) if expr.is_a?(String) if expr.length == 1 return format_abnf_char(expr) elsif expr.start_with?('%') # Already encoded return expr elsif expr =~ /"/ # Split into segments segments = expr.split('"') return format_abnf_char(expr) if segments.empty? seq = segments.inject([]) {|memo, s| memo.concat([[:hex, "#x22"], s])}[1..-1] seq.unshift(:seq) return format_abnf(seq, sep: nil, embedded: false) else return (@options[:html] ? %("#{@coder.encode expr}") : %("#{expr}")) end end parts = { alt: (@options[:html] ? %(/) : "/ "), star: (@options[:html] ? %(*) : "*"), plus: (@options[:html] ? %(+) : "1*"), opt: (@options[:html] ? %(?) : "?") } lbrac = (@options[:html] ? %([) : "[") rbrac = (@options[:html] ? %(]) : "]") lparen = (@options[:html] ? %[(] : "(") rparen = (@options[:html] ? %[)] : ")") case expr.first when :istr # FIXME: if string part is segmented, need to do something different format_abnf(expr.last, embedded: true, sensitive: false) when :alt this_sep = (sep ? sep : " ") + parts[expr.first.to_sym] res = expr[1..-1].map {|e| format_abnf(e, embedded: true)}.join(this_sep) embedded ? (lparen + res + rparen) : res when :diff raise RangeError, "ABNF does not support the diff operator" when :opt char = parts[expr.first.to_sym] r = format_abnf(expr[1], embedded: true) "#{lbrac}#{r}#{rbrac}" when :plus, :star char = parts[expr.first.to_sym] r = format_abnf(expr[1], embedded: true) "#{char}#{r}" when :hex escape_abnf_hex(expr.last[2..-1].hex.chr) when :range # Returns an [:alt] or [:not [:alt]] if composed of multiple sequences # Note: ABNF does not support the `not` operator res = format_abnf_range(expr.last) res.is_a?(Array) ? format_abnf(res, embedded: true) : res when :seq this_sep = (sep ? sep : " ") res = expr[1..-1].map do |e| format_abnf(e, embedded: true) end.join(this_sep) embedded ? (lparen + res + rparen) : res when :rept # Expand repetition min, max, value = expr[1..-1] r = format_abnf(value, embedded: true) if min == max "#{min}#{r}" elsif min == 0 && max == '*' "#{parts[:star]}#{r}" elsif min > 0 && max == '*' "#{min}#{parts[:star]}#{r}" elsif min == 0 "#{parts[:star]}#{max}#{r}" else "#{min}#{parts[:star]}#{max}#{r}" end else raise "Unknown operator: #{expr.first}" end end # Format a single-character string, prefering hex for non-main ASCII def format_abnf_char(c) if /[\x20-\x21\x23-\x7E]/.match?(c) @options[:html] ? %("#{@coder.encode c}") : c.inspect else escape_abnf_hex(c) end end # Format a range # # Presumes range has already been validated def format_abnf_range(string) alt, o_dash = [:alt], false raise RangeError, "cannot format #{string.inspect} an ABNF range" if string.start_with?('^') if string.end_with?('-') o_dash = true string = string[0..-2] end scanner = StringScanner.new(string) hexes, deces = [], [] in_range = false # Build op (alt) from different ranges/enums while !scanner.eos? if hex = scanner.scan(Terminals::HEX) # Append any decimal values alt << "%d" + deces.join(".") unless deces.empty? deces = [] hex = hex.upcase if in_range # Add "." sequences for any previous hexes alt << "%x" + hexes[0..-2].join(".") if hexes.length > 1 alt << "%x#{hexes.last}-#{hex[2..-1]}" in_range, hexes = false, [] else hexes << hex[2..-1] end elsif dec = scanner.scan(Terminals::R_CHAR) # Append any hexadecimal values alt << "%x" + hexes.join(".") unless hexes.empty? hexes = [] if in_range # Add "." sequences for any previous hexes alt << "%d" + deces[0..-2].join(".") if deces.length > 1 alt << "%d#{deces.last}-#{dec.codepoints.first}" in_range, deces = false, [] else deces << dec.codepoints.first.to_s end end in_range = true if scanner.scan(/\-/) end deces << '45' if o_dash # Append hexes and deces as "." sequences (should be only one) alt << "%d" + deces.join(".") unless deces.empty? alt << "%x" + hexes.join(".") unless hexes.empty? # FIXME: HTML abbreviations? if alt.length == 2 # Just return the range or enum alt.last else # Return the alt, which will be further formatted alt end end def escape_abnf_hex(u) fmt = case u.ord when 0x0000..0x00ff then "%02X" when 0x0100..0xffff then "%04X" else "%08X" end char = "%x" + (fmt % u.ord).upcase if @options[:html] if u.ord <= 0x20 char = %(#{@coder.encode char}) elsif u.ord == 0x22 %(>") elsif u.ord < 0x7F char = %(#{@coder.encode char}) elsif u.ord == 0x7F char = %(#{@coder.encode char}) elsif u.ord <= 0xFF char = %(#{char}) else char = %(#{char}) end %(#{char}) else char end end ## # ISO EBNF Formatters ## # Format the expression part of a rule def format_isoebnf(expr, sep: nil, embedded: false) return (@options[:html] ? %(#{@coder.encode expr}) : expr.to_s) if expr.is_a?(Symbol) if expr.is_a?(String) expr = expr[2..-1].hex.chr if expr =~ /\A#x\h+/ expr.chars.each do |c| raise RangeError, "cannot format #{expr.inspect} as an ISO EBNF String: #{c.inspect} is out of range" unless ISOEBNF::TERMINAL_CHARACTER.match?(c) end if expr =~ /"/ return (@options[:html] ? %('#{@coder.encode expr}') : %('#{expr}')) else return (@options[:html] ? %("#{@coder.encode expr}") : %("#{expr}")) end end parts = { alt: (@options[:html] ? %(| ) : "| "), diff: (@options[:html] ? %(- ) : "- "), } lparen = (@options[:html] ? %[(] : "(") rparen = (@options[:html] ? %[)] : ")") case expr.first when :istr # Looses fidelity, but, oh well ... format_isoebnf(expr.last, embedded: true) when :alt, :diff this_sep = (sep ? sep : " ") + parts[expr.first.to_sym] res = expr[1..-1].map {|e| format_isoebnf(e, embedded: true)}.join(this_sep) embedded ? (lparen + res + rparen) : res when :opt r = format_isoebnf(expr[1], embedded: true) "[#{r}]" when :star r = format_isoebnf(expr[1], embedded: true) "{#{r}}" when :plus r = format_isoebnf(expr[1], embedded: true) "#{r}, {#{r}}" when :hex format_isoebnf(expr[1], embedded: true) when :range res = format_isoebnf_range(expr.last) res.is_a?(Array) ? format_isoebnf(res, embedded: true) : res when :seq this_sep = "," + (sep ? sep : " ") res = expr[1..-1].map do |e| format_isoebnf(e, embedded: true) end.join(this_sep) embedded ? (lparen + res + rparen) : res when :rept # Expand repetition min, max, value = expr[1..-1] if min == 0 && max == 1 format_isoebnf([:opt, value], sep: sep, embedded: embedded) elsif min == 0 && max == '*' format_isoebnf([:star, value], sep: sep, embedded: embedded) elsif min == 1 && max == '*' format_isoebnf([:plus, value], sep: sep, embedded: embedded) else val2 = [:seq] while min > 0 val2 << value min -= 1 max -= 1 unless max == '*' end if max == '*' val2 << [:star, value] else opt = nil while max > 0 opt = [:opt, opt ? [:seq, value, opt] : value] max -= 1 end val2 << opt if opt end format_isoebnf(val2, sep: sep, embedded: embedded) end else raise "Unknown operator: #{expr.first}" end end # Format a range # Range is formatted as a aliteration of characters def format_isoebnf_range(string) chars = [] o_dash = false raise RangeError, "cannot format #{string.inspect} an ABNF range" if string.start_with?('^') if string.end_with?('-') o_dash = true string = string[0..-2] end scanner = StringScanner.new(string) in_range = false # Build chars from different ranges/enums while !scanner.eos? char = if hex = scanner.scan(Terminals::HEX) hex[2..-1].hex.ord.char(Encoding::UTF_8) else scanner.scan(Terminals::R_CHAR) end raise RangeError, "cannot format #{string.inspect} as an ISO EBNF Aliteration: #{char.inspect} is out of range" unless char && ISOEBNF::TERMINAL_CHARACTER.match?(char) if in_range # calculate characters from chars.last to this char raise RangeError, "cannot format #{string.inspect} as an ISO EBNF Aliteration" unless chars.last < char chars.concat (chars.last..char).to_a[1..-1] in_range = false else chars << char end in_range = true if scanner.scan(/\-/) end chars << '-' if o_dash # Possibly only a single character (no character?) chars.length == 1 ? chars.last.inspect : chars.unshift(:alt) end ERB_DESC = %(\n) + %q( <% for rule in @rules %> > <% if rule.id %> ><%= rule.id %> <% end %> <% if rule.sym %> <% end %> <% end %>
<%== (rule.sym unless rule.class == :declaration) %><%= rule.assign %> <%= rule.formatted %>
).gsub(/^ /, '') end end