"use strict"; const cssom = require("cssom"); const cssstyle = require("cssstyle"); exports.addToCore = core => { // What works now: // - Accessing the rules defined in individual stylesheets // - Modifications to style content attribute are reflected in style property // - Modifications to style property are reflected in style content attribute // TODO // - Modifications to style element's textContent are reflected in sheet property. // - Modifications to style element's sheet property are reflected in textContent. // - Modifications to link.href property are reflected in sheet property. // - Less-used features of link: disabled // - Less-used features of style: disabled, scoped, title // - CSSOM-View // - getComputedStyle(): requires default stylesheet, cascading, inheritance, // filtering by @media (screen? print?), layout for widths/heights // - Load events are not in the specs, but apparently some browsers // implement something. Should onload only fire after all @imports have been // loaded, or only the primary sheet? core.StyleSheet = cssom.StyleSheet; core.MediaList = cssom.MediaList; core.CSSStyleSheet = cssom.CSSStyleSheet; core.CSSRule = cssom.CSSRule; core.CSSStyleRule = cssom.CSSStyleRule; core.CSSMediaRule = cssom.CSSMediaRule; core.CSSImportRule = cssom.CSSImportRule; core.CSSStyleDeclaration = cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration; // Relavant specs // http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style (2000) // http://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-view/ (2008) // http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/ (2010) Meant to replace DOM Level 2 Style // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/ HTML5, of course // http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-style-attr/ not sure what's new here // Objects that aren't in cssom library but should be: // CSSRuleList (cssom just uses array) // CSSFontFaceRule // CSSPageRule // These rules don't really make sense to implement, so CSSOM draft makes them // obsolete. // CSSCharsetRule // CSSUnknownRule // These objects are considered obsolete by CSSOM draft, although modern // browsers implement them. // CSSValue // CSSPrimitiveValue // CSSValueList // RGBColor // Rect // Counter };