# UltracartClient::IntegrationLogApi All URIs are relative to *https://secure.ultracart.com/rest/v2* Method | HTTP request | Description ------------- | ------------- | ------------- [**get_integration_log**](IntegrationLogApi.md#get_integration_log) | **GET** /integration_log/query/{pk}/{sk} | Retrieve an integration log [**get_integration_logs_query**](IntegrationLogApi.md#get_integration_logs_query) | **POST** /integration_log/query | Retrieve integration logs # **get_integration_log** > IntegrationLogResponse get_integration_log(pk, sk) Retrieve an integration log Retrieve an integration logs from the account based identifiers ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'ultracart_api' # Create a Simple Key: https://ultracart.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ucdoc/pages/38688545/API+Simple+Key simple_key = '109ee846ee69f50177018ab12f008a00748a25aa28dbdc0177018ab12f008a00' api_instance = UltracartClient::IntegrationLogApi.new_using_api_key(simple_key, false, false) pk = 'pk_example' # String | sk = 'sk_example' # String | begin #Retrieve an integration log result = api_instance.get_integration_log(pk, sk) p result rescue UltracartClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationLogApi->get_integration_log: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **pk** | **String**| | **sk** | **String**| | ### Return type [**IntegrationLogResponse**](IntegrationLogResponse.md) ### Authorization [ultraCartOauth](../README.md#ultraCartOauth), [ultraCartSimpleApiKey](../README.md#ultraCartSimpleApiKey) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json # **get_integration_logs_query** > IntegrationLogQueryResponse get_integration_logs_query(integration_log_query, opts) Retrieve integration logs Retrieves a set of integration logs from the account based on a query object. ### Example ```ruby # load the gem require 'ultracart_api' # Create a Simple Key: https://ultracart.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ucdoc/pages/38688545/API+Simple+Key simple_key = '109ee846ee69f50177018ab12f008a00748a25aa28dbdc0177018ab12f008a00' api_instance = UltracartClient::IntegrationLogApi.new_using_api_key(simple_key, false, false) integration_log_query = UltracartClient::IntegrationLogQueryRequest.new # IntegrationLogQueryRequest | Integration log query opts = { _limit: 100, # Integer | The maximum number of records to return on this one API call. (Default 100, Max 500) _offset: 0, # Integer | Pagination of the record set. Offset is a zero based index. _sort: '_sort_example' # String | The sort order of the items. See Sorting documentation for examples of using multiple values and sorting by ascending and descending. } begin #Retrieve integration logs result = api_instance.get_integration_logs_query(integration_log_query, opts) p result rescue UltracartClient::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling IntegrationLogApi->get_integration_logs_query: #{e}" end ``` ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **integration_log_query** | [**IntegrationLogQueryRequest**](IntegrationLogQueryRequest.md)| Integration log query | **_limit** | **Integer**| The maximum number of records to return on this one API call. (Default 100, Max 500) | [optional] [default to 100] **_offset** | **Integer**| Pagination of the record set. Offset is a zero based index. | [optional] [default to 0] **_sort** | **String**| The sort order of the items. See Sorting documentation for examples of using multiple values and sorting by ascending and descending. | [optional] ### Return type [**IntegrationLogQueryResponse**](IntegrationLogQueryResponse.md) ### Authorization [ultraCartOauth](../README.md#ultraCartOauth), [ultraCartSimpleApiKey](../README.md#ultraCartSimpleApiKey) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json