Class RubyProf::GraphHtmlPrinter
In: lib/ruby-prof/graph_html_printer.rb
Parent: Object

Generates graph profile reports as html. To use the grap html printer:

     result = RubyProf.profile do
                    [code to profile]

    printer =, 5)
    printer.print(STDOUT, 0)

The constructor takes two arguments. The first is a RubyProf::Result object generated from a profiling run. The second is the minimum %total (the methods total time divided by the overall total time) that a method must take for it to be printed out in the report. Use this parameter to eliminate methods that are not important to the overall profiling results.




Public Class methods

Create a GraphPrinter. Result is a RubyProf::Result object generated from a profiling run.


    # File lib/ruby-prof/graph_html_printer.rb, line 29
29:     def initialize(result)
30:           @result = result
31:           end

Public Instance methods

Creates a link to a method. Note that we do not create links to methods which are under the min_perecent specified by the user, since they will not be printed out.


    # File lib/ruby-prof/graph_html_printer.rb, line 75
75:                 def create_link(thread_id, name)
76:       # Get method
77:       method = @result.threads[thread_id][name]
79:       if self.total_percent(method) < @min_percent
80:         # Just return name
81:         name
82:       else
83:         # Create link
84:         "<a href=\"##{link_name(thread_id, name)}\">#{name}</a>" 
85:                         end
86:         end


    # File lib/ruby-prof/graph_html_printer.rb, line 88
88:                 def link_name(thread_id, name)\
89:         name.gsub(/[><#\.\?=:]/,"_") + "_" + thread_id.to_s
90:         end

Print a graph html report to the provided output.

output - Any IO oject, including STDOUT or a file. The default value is STDOUT.

min_percent - The minimum %total (the methods total time divided by the overall total time) that a method must take for it to be printed out in the report. Default value is 0.


    # File lib/ruby-prof/graph_html_printer.rb, line 42
42:           def print(output = STDOUT, min_percent = 0)
43:       @output = output
44:       @min_percent = min_percent
46:       _erbout = @output
47:       erb =, nil, nil)
48:       @output << erb.result(binding)
49:     end


    # File lib/ruby-prof/graph_html_printer.rb, line 66
66:     def self_percent(method)
67:       overall_time = self.total_time(method.thread_id)
68:                         (method.self_time/overall_time) * 100
69:     end


     # File lib/ruby-prof/graph_html_printer.rb, line 92
 92:           def template
 93: '
 94: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
 95: <html>
 96: <head>
 97:   <style media="all" type="text/css">
 98:     table {
 99:             border-collapse: collapse;
100:             border: 1px solid #CCC;
101:             font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
102:             font-size: 9pt;
103:             line-height: normal;
104:     }
106:     th {
107:             text-align: center;
108:             border-top: 1px solid #FB7A31;
109:             border-bottom: 1px solid #FB7A31;
110:             background: #FFC;
111:             padding: 0.3em;
112:             border-left: 1px solid silver;
113:     }
115:                 tr.break td {
116:                   border: 0;
117:             border-top: 1px solid #FB7A31;
118:                         padding: 0;
119:                         margin: 0;
120:                 }
122:     tr.method td {
123:                         font-weight: bold;
124:     }
126:     td {
127:             padding: 0.3em;
128:     }
130:     td:first-child {
131:             width: 190px;
132:             }
134:     td {
135:             border-left: 1px solid #CCC;
136:             text-align: center;
137:     }   
138:   </style>
139:         </head>
140:         <body>
141:                 <h1>Profile Report</h1>
142:                 <!-- Threads Table -->
143:                 <table>
144:                         <tr>
145:                                 <th>Thread ID</th>
146:                                 <th>Total Time</th>
147:                         </tr>
148:                         <% for thread_id, methods in @result.threads %>
149:                         <tr>
150:                                 <td><a href="#<%= thread_id %>"><%= thread_id %></a></td>
151:                                 <td><%= @result.toplevel(thread_id).total_time %></td>
152:                         </tr>
153:                         <% end %>
154:                 </table>
156:                 <!-- Methods Tables -->
157:                 <% for thread_id, methods in @result.threads %>
158:                         <h2><a name="<%= thread_id %>">Thread <%= thread_id %></a></h2>
160:                         <table>
161:                                 <tr>
162:                                         <th><%= sprintf("%#{PERCENTAGE_WIDTH}s", "%Total") %></th>
163:                                         <th><%= sprintf("%#{PERCENTAGE_WIDTH}s", "%Self") %></th>
164:                                         <th><%= sprintf("%#{TIME_WIDTH}s", "Total") %></th>
165:                                         <th><%= sprintf("%#{TIME_WIDTH}s", "Self") %></th>
166:                                         <th><%= sprintf("%#{TIME_WIDTH+2}s", "Children") %></th>
167:                                         <th><%= sprintf("%#{CALL_WIDTH}s", "Calls") %></th>
168:                                         <th>Name</th>
169:                                 </tr>
171:                                 <% methods = methods.values.sort.reverse %>
172:                                 <% for method in methods %>
173:                                         <% method_total_percent = self.total_percent(method) %>
174:                                         <% next if method_total_percent < @min_percent %>
175:                                         <% method_self_percent = self.self_percent(method) %>
177:                                                 <!-- Parents -->
178:                                                 <% for name, call_info in method.parents %> 
179:                                                         <tr>
180:                                                                 <td>&nbsp;</td>
181:                                                                 <td>&nbsp;</td>
182:                                                                 <td><%= sprintf("%#{TIME_WIDTH}.2f", call_info.total_time) %></td>
183:                                                                 <td><%= sprintf("%#{TIME_WIDTH}.2f", call_info.self_time) %></td>
184:                                                                 <td><%= sprintf("%#{TIME_WIDTH}.2f", call_info.children_time) %></td>
185:                                                                 <% called = "#{call_info.called}/#{method.called}" %>
186:                                                                 <td><%= sprintf("%#{CALL_WIDTH}s", called) %></td>
187:                                                                 <td><%= create_link(thread_id, name) %></td>
188:                                                         </tr>
189:                                                 <% end %>
191:                                                 <tr class="method">
192:                                                         <td><%= sprintf("%#{PERCENTAGE_WIDTH-1}.2f\%", method_total_percent) %></td>
193:                                                         <td><%= sprintf("%#{PERCENTAGE_WIDTH-1}.2f\%", method_self_percent) %></td>
194:                                                         <td><%= sprintf("%#{TIME_WIDTH}.2f", method.total_time) %></td>
195:                                                         <td><%= sprintf("%#{TIME_WIDTH}.2f", method.self_time) %></td>
196:                                                         <td><%= sprintf("%#{TIME_WIDTH}.2f", method.children_time) %></td>
197:                                                         <td><%= sprintf("%#{CALL_WIDTH}i", method.called) %></td>
198:                                                         <td><a name="<%= link_name(thread_id, %>"><%= %></a></td>
199:                                                 </tr>
201:                                                 <!-- Children -->
202:                                                 <% for name, call_info in method.children %> 
203:                                                         <% methods = @result.threads[thread_id] %>
204:                                                         <% child = methods[name] %>
206:                                                         <tr>
207:                                                                 <td>&nbsp;</td>
208:                                                                 <td>&nbsp;</td>
209:                                                                 <td><%= sprintf("%#{TIME_WIDTH}.2f", call_info.total_time) %></td>
210:                                                                 <td><%= sprintf("%#{TIME_WIDTH}.2f", call_info.self_time) %></td>
211:                                                                 <td><%= sprintf("%#{TIME_WIDTH}.2f", call_info.children_time) %></td>
212:                                                                 <% called = "#{call_info.called}/#{child.called}" %>
213:                                                                 <td><%= sprintf("%#{CALL_WIDTH}s", called) %></td>
214:                                                                 <td><%= create_link(thread_id, name) %></td>
215:                                                         </tr>
216:                                                 <% end %>
217:                                                 <!-- Create divider row -->
218:                                                 <tr class="break"><td colspan="7"></td></tr>
219:                                 <% end %>
220:                         </table>
221:                 <% end %>
222:         </body>
223: </html>'
224:                 end


    # File lib/ruby-prof/graph_html_printer.rb, line 61
61:     def total_percent(method)
62:       overall_time = self.total_time(method.thread_id)
63:       (method.total_time/overall_time) * 100
64:     end

These methods should be private but then ERB doesn’t work. Turn off RDOC though


    # File lib/ruby-prof/graph_html_printer.rb, line 54
54:     def total_time(thread_id)
55:                         toplevel = @result.toplevel(thread_id)
56:                         total_time = toplevel.total_time
57:                         total_time = 0.01 if total_time == 0
58:                         return total_time
59:     end
