class Section < ActiveRecord::Base include Ticket::Foundry attr_accessor :skip_create_first_ticket_type foundry :with => lambda { { :section_id => id, :count => capacity } } attr_accessible :name, :capacity, :price, :chart_id, :old_mongo_id, :description, :ticket_types_attributes, :members delegate :show, :to => :chart has_many :ticket_types, :order => 'price DESC' accepts_nested_attributes_for :ticket_types, :allow_destroy => true belongs_to :chart has_many :tickets validates :name, :presence => true validates :capacity, :presence => true, :numericality => { :less_than_or_equal_to => 2000 } validates :description, :length => { :maximum => 500 } after_create :create_first_ticket_type, :unless => lambda { @skip_create_first_ticket_type == true } # Each channel needs its own boolean column in the sections table. # @@channels = { :storefront => "S", :box_office => "B", :members => "M"} @@channels = { :storefront => "S", :box_office => "B"} @@channels.each do |channel_name, icon| attr_accessible channel_name self.class.send(:define_method, channel_name) do where(channel_name => true) end end def channels @@channels end def summarize tickets = Ticket.where(:section_id => id) @summary = SectionSummary.for_tickets(tickets) end def summary @summary || summarize end def create_first_ticket_type if self.ticket_types.empty?{ :name => "General Admission", :price => 0, :limit => nil}, :without_protection => true).save end end def ticket_types_for(member = nil) types = [] # Add storefront types regardless of anything types << ticket_types.storefront unless member.nil? #Add "unrestricted member" ticket_types that aren't tied to a particular membership type types <<{|ticket_type| !ticket_type.member_ticket?} unless member.nil? #Now add member ticket_types that apply to this particular member membership_type_ids = member.nil? ? [] : member.current_membership_types.collect(&:id) types <<{|ticket_type| ticket_type.members && membership_type_ids.include?(ticket_type.membership_type_id) } end types.flatten.uniq end def dup! attrs = self.attributes.reject { |key, value| key == 'id' } do |copy| copy.ticket_types = self.ticket_types.collect { |ticket_type| ticket_type.dup! } end end def put_on_sale(qty = 0) tickets.off_sale.limit(qty).each do |t| t.put_on_sale end show.refresh_stats end def take_off_sale(qty = 0) tickets.on_sale.limit(qty).each do |t| t.take_off_sale end show.refresh_stats end def available Ticket.on_sale.where(:section_id => => nil).count end def as_json(options = {}) options ||= {} super(:methods => [:summary, :ticket_types]).merge(options) end end