.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .TH "SUP-IMPORT-DUMP" "1" "April 9, 2012" "Sup User Manual" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP sup-import-dump - import message state dump to Sup index .SH SYNOPSIS .PP sup-import-dump [\f[I]options\f[R]] dumpfile .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Imports message state previously exported by sup-dump into the index. sup-import-dump operates on the index only, so the messages must have already been added using sup-sync. If you need to recreate the index, see sup-sync --restore instead. .PP Messages not mentioned in the dump file will not be modified. .SH OPTIONS .TP -v, --verbose Print message ids as they\[cq]re processed .TP -i, --ignore-missing Silently skip over messages that are not in the index .TP -w, --warn-missing Warn about messages that are not in the index, but continue .TP -a, --abort-missing Abort on encountering messages that are not in the index (default) .TP -t, --atomic Use transaction to apply all changes atomically .TP -n, --dry-run Don\[cq]t actually modify the index. Probably only useful with --verbose .TP --version Show version information .TP -h, --help Show help message .SH SEE ALSO .PP sup(1), sup-sync(1), sup-dump(1) .SH REPORTING BUGS .PP You are welcome to submit bug reports to the Sup issue tracker, located at .PP .SH CONTACT INFORMATION .TP The Sup web page: .TP Code repository: .TP Sup Wiki: .TP Sup IRC channel: #sup \[at] freenode.net .TP Mailing list: supmua\[at]googlegroups.com .RS .PP supmua+subscribe\[at]googlegroups.com .PP Archives: .RE .SH COPYRIGHT .PP Copyright \[co] 2006-2009 William Morgan .PP Copyright \[at] 2013-2014 Sup developers .PP Permission is granted to copy and distribute this manual under the terms of the GNU General Public License; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version. .SH AUTHORS Sup was originally written by William Morgan and is now developed and maintained by the Sup developers.