--- en: activemodel: attributes: category: valuator_ids: Automatic valuators proposal: has_no_address: Has no address decidim: application: geocoding: unconfigured: Geocoding is not configured! components: proposals: settings: global: evaluating_proposals_overdue: After how many days a proposal in its evaluating state is considered overdue evaluating_proposals_overdue_help: This adds a visual alert to the list of proposals. Leave it to zero to disable this feature. geocoding_comparison_enabled: Compare proposals by distance proximity geocoding_comparison_enabled_help: This settings allows to compare proposals by distance proximity instead of text similarity. This feature requires a geocoding service to be configured and enabled in the component (otherwise defaults to text similarity comparison). geocoding_comparison_newer_than: Compare only proposal made in the last X days geocoding_comparison_newer_than_help: This setting only applies when comparing proposals by distance proximity. Proposals older than the specified number of days will be ignored. Leave at zero to compare all proposals. geocoding_comparison_radius: Maximum radius (in meters) for considering proposals similar (will be ordered by proximity) by distance proximity proposal_photo_editing_enabled: Allow admins and valuators to edit photos when answering proposals unanswered_proposals_overdue: After how many days a not-answered proposal is considered overdue unanswered_proposals_overdue_help: This adds a visual alert to the list of proposals. Leave it to zero to disable this feature. reporting_proposals: name: Reporting proposals settings: global: additional_button_for_show_proposal_link: Additional action button after the "back to list" link when visiting a particular proposal (link) additional_button_for_show_proposal_text: Additional action button after the "back to list" link when visiting a particular proposal (text) additional_button_link: Additional action button next to new proposal (link) additional_button_text: Additional action button next to new proposal (text) additional_buttons_for_show_proposal_show: Display an additional button in the show public view additional_buttons_show: Display an additional button in the index public view additional_buttons_show_help: Add the text and link bellow amendments_enabled: Amendments enabled amendments_enabled_help: If active, configure Amendment features for each step. amendments_wizard_help_text: Amendments Wizard help text announcement: Announcement attachments_allowed: Allow attachments can_accumulate_supports_beyond_threshold: Can accumulate supports beyond threshold collaborative_drafts_enabled: Collaborative drafts enabled comments_enabled: Comments enabled comments_max_length: Comments max length (Leave 0 for default value) default_sort_order: Default proposal sorting default_sort_order_help: Default means that if the supports are enabled, the proposals will be shown sorted by random, and if the supports are blocked, then they will be sorted by the most supported. default_sort_order_options: default: Default most_commented: Most commented most_endorsed: Most endorsed most_followed: Most followed most_voted: Most supported random: Random recent: Recent with_more_authors: With more authors evaluating_proposals_overdue: After how many days a proposal in its evaluating state is considered overdue evaluating_proposals_overdue_help: This adds a visual alert to the list of proposals. Leave it to zero to disable this feature. geocoding_comparison_enabled: Compare proposals by distance proximity geocoding_comparison_enabled_help: This settings allows to compare proposals by distance proximity instead of text similarity. This feature requires a geocoding service to be configured and enabled in the component (otherwise defaults to text similarity comparison). geocoding_comparison_newer_than: Compare only proposal made in the last X days geocoding_comparison_newer_than_help: This setting only applies when comparing proposals by distance proximity. Proposals older than the specified number of days will be ignored. Leave at zero to compare all proposals. geocoding_comparison_radius: Maximum radius (in meters) for considering proposals similar (will be ordered by proximity) by distance proximity geocoding_enabled: Geocoding enabled minimum_votes_per_user: Minimum supports per user new_proposal_body_template: New proposal body template new_proposal_body_template_help: You can define prefilled text that the new Proposals will have new_proposal_help_text: New proposal help text official_proposals_enabled: Official proposals enabled only_photo_attachments: Use only photo attachments participatory_texts_enabled: Participatory texts enabled participatory_texts_enabled_readonly: Cannot interact with this setting if there are existing proposals. Please, create a new `Proposals component` if you want to enable this feature or discard all imported proposals in the `Participatory Texts` menu if you want to disable it. proposal_answering_enabled: Proposal answering enabled proposal_edit_before_minutes: Proposals can be edited by authors before this many minutes passes proposal_edit_time: Proposal editing proposal_edit_time_choices: infinite: Allow editing proposals for an infinite amount of time limited: Allow editing of proposals within a specific timeframe proposal_length: Maximum proposal body length proposal_limit: Proposal limit per participant proposal_photo_editing_enabled: Allow admins and valuators to edit photos when answering proposals proposal_wizard_step_1_help_text: Proposal wizard "Create" step help text proposal_wizard_step_2_help_text: Proposal wizard "Compare" step help text proposal_wizard_step_3_help_text: Proposal wizard "Complete" step help text proposal_wizard_step_4_help_text: Proposal wizard "Publish" step help text resources_permissions_enabled: Actions permissions can be set for each proposal scope_id: Scope scopes_enabled: Scopes enabled threshold_per_proposal: Threshold per proposal unanswered_proposals_overdue: After how many days a not-answered proposal is considered overdue unanswered_proposals_overdue_help: This adds a visual alert to the list of proposals. Leave it to zero to disable this feature. vote_limit: Support limit per participant step: amendment_creation_enabled: Amendment creation enabled amendment_creation_enabled_help: Participant can amend proposals. amendment_promotion_enabled: Amendment promotion enabled amendment_promotion_enabled_help: Emandation authors will be able to promote to Proposal the rejected emendation. amendment_reaction_enabled: Amendment reaction enabled amendment_reaction_enabled_help: Proposal's authors will be able to accept or reject Participant's emendations. amendments_visibility: Amendments visibility amendments_visibility_choices: all: Amendments are visible to all participants: Amendments are visible only to their authors amendments_visibility_help: If the option "Amendments are visible only to their authors" is selected, participant must be logged in to see the amendments made. announcement: Announcement answers_with_costs: Enable costs on proposal answers automatic_hashtags: Hashtags added to all proposals comments_blocked: Comments blocked creation_enabled: Participants can create proposals creation_enabled_readonly: This setting is disabled when you activate the Participatory Texts functionality. To upload proposals as participatory text click on the Participatory Texts button and follow the instructions. default_sort_order: Default proposal sorting default_sort_order_help: Default it means that if the supports are enabled, the proposals will be shown sorted by random, and if the supports are blocked, then they will be sorted by the most supported. default_sort_order_options: default: Default most_commented: Most commented most_endorsed: Most endorsed most_followed: Most followed most_voted: Most supported random: Random recent: Recent with_more_authors: With more authors endorsements_blocked: Endorsements blocked endorsements_enabled: Endorsements enabled proposal_answering_enabled: Proposal answering enabled publish_answers_immediately: Publish proposal answers immediately publish_answers_immediately_help_html: Mind that if you answer any proposal without this enabled, you'll need to publish them manually by selecting them and using the action for publication. For more info on how this works, see proposals' answers documentation page. suggested_hashtags: Hashtags suggested to participants for new proposals votes_blocked: Supports blocked votes_enabled: Supports enabled votes_hidden: Supports hidden (if supports are enabled, checking this will hide the number of supports) moderations: actions: hide: Hide admin: reportable: hide: invalid: There was a problem hiding the resource. success: Resource successfully hidden. proposals: admin: proposals: send_email_button: send_mail: Send an email to user reporting_proposals: actions: answer_proposal: Answer proposal edit_proposal: Edit proposal import: Import proposals from another component new: New proposal participatory_texts: Participatory texts show: Show proposal title: Actions admin: actions: edit_valuators: Edit valuators preview: Preview answer_overdue: datetime: distance_in_words: about_x_hours: one: about 1 hour overdue other: about %{count} hours overdue about_x_months: one: about 1 month overdue other: about %{count} months overdue about_x_years: one: about 1 year overdue other: about %{count} years overdue almost_x_years: one: almost 1 year overdue other: almost %{count} years overdue half_a_minute: half a minute overdue less_than_x_minutes: one: less than a minute overdue other: less than %{count} minutes overdue less_than_x_seconds: one: less than 1 second overdue other: less than %{count} seconds overdue over_x_years: one: over 1 year overdue other: over %{count} years overdue x_days: one: 1 day overdue other: "%{count} days overdue" x_minutes: one: 1 minute overdue other: "%{count} minutes overdue" x_months: one: 1 month overdue other: "%{count} months overdue" x_seconds: one: 1 second overdue other: "%{count} seconds overdue" x_years: one: 1 year overdue other: "%{count} years overdue" answer_pending: datetime: distance_in_words: about_x_hours: one: about 1 hour to answer other: about %{count} hours to answer about_x_months: one: about 1 month to answer other: about %{count} months to answer about_x_years: one: about 1 year to answer other: about %{count} years to answer almost_x_years: one: almost 1 year to answer other: almost %{count} years to answer half_a_minute: half a minute to answer less_than_x_minutes: one: less than a minute to answer other: less than %{count} minutes to answer less_than_x_seconds: one: less than 1 second to answer other: less than %{count} seconds to answer over_x_years: one: over 1 year to answer other: over %{count} years to answer x_days: one: 1 day to answer other: "%{count} days to answer" x_minutes: one: 1 minute to answer other: "%{count} minutes to answer" x_months: one: 1 month to answer other: "%{count} months to answer" x_seconds: one: 1 second to answer other: "%{count} seconds to answer" x_years: one: 1 year to answer other: "%{count} years to answer" categories: form: valuators_help: Select valuators that will be assigned automatically when a proposal is published in this category (they will receive a notification). index: valuators_column: Automatic valuators evaluate_pending: datetime: distance_in_words: about_x_hours: one: about 1 hour to evaluate other: about %{count} hours to evaluate about_x_months: one: about 1 month to evaluate other: about %{count} months to evaluate about_x_years: one: about 1 year to evaluate other: about %{count} years to evaluate almost_x_years: one: almost 1 year to evaluate other: almost %{count} years to evaluate half_a_minute: half a minute to evaluate less_than_x_minutes: one: less than a minute to evaluate other: less than %{count} minutes to evaluate less_than_x_seconds: one: less than 1 second to evaluate other: less than %{count} seconds to evaluate over_x_years: one: over 1 year to evaluate other: over %{count} years to evaluate x_days: one: 1 day to evaluate other: "%{count} days to evaluate" x_minutes: one: 1 minute to evaluate other: "%{count} minutes to evaluate" x_months: one: 1 month to evaluate other: "%{count} months to evaluate" x_seconds: one: 1 second to evaluate other: "%{count} seconds to evaluate" x_years: one: 1 year to evaluate other: "%{count} years to evaluate" exports: proposal_comments: Comments proposals: Reporting proposals proposal_notes: modal: body: Note title: Edit note update: Update update: edited: Edited invalid: There was a problem updating the proposal note. success: Proposal note successfully updated. proposals: photo_form: action: Add image add_images: Add images gallery_legend: Add images title: Photos upload_msg: No files selected photo_gallery: delete_image: Delete image photos: Photos photos: title: Photos valuators_list: assigned_valuators: Assigned valuators remove_assignment: remove assignment remove_assignment_confirmation: remove assignment confirmation valuators: Valuators resolution_time: Resolution time time_elapsed: datetime: distance_in_words: about_x_hours: one: about 1 hour other: about %{count} hours about_x_months: one: about 1 month other: about %{count} months about_x_years: one: about 1 year other: about %{count} years almost_x_years: one: almost 1 year other: almost %{count} years half_a_minute: half a minute less_than_x_minutes: one: less than a minute other: less than %{count} minutes less_than_x_seconds: one: less than 1 second other: less than %{count} seconds over_x_years: one: over 1 year other: over %{count} years x_days: one: 1 day other: "%{count} days" x_minutes: one: 1 minute other: "%{count} minutes" x_months: one: 1 month other: "%{count} months" x_seconds: one: 1 second other: "%{count} seconds" x_years: one: 1 year other: "%{count} years" forms: errors: device_not_supported: Geolocation is not supported by your browser. no_device_location: Sorry, we couldn't detect your location. use_my_camera: Use my camera use_my_location: Use my location proposals: compare: geocoding: away: "%{meters} away" description: These are proposals that are in a radius of %{meters} to the one you are creating. In case you find another one reporting the same situation, you can choose to support it instead of creating a new one. title: Nearby proposals form: image: Image/photo