# frozen_string_literal: true ## # Usage: # # ConvenientService::Examples::Standard::Gemfile::Services::StripComments.result(content: "abc") # module ConvenientService module Examples module Standard class Gemfile module Services class StripComments include ConvenientService::Standard::Config attr_reader :content alias_method :content_with_comments, :content step Services::AssertNpmPackageAvailable, in: {name: -> { "strip-comments" }} step Services::RunShellCommand, in: {command: -> { "node -e '#{js_script}' #{file_with_comments.path} #{file_without_comments.path}" }} step :result, in: :file_without_comments, out: :content_without_comments def initialize(content:) @content = content end def result success(content_without_comments: file_without_comments.read) end private ## # NOTE: When you have no time to do something well, delegate that task to someone who already works with it all the time. # That is why `strip-comments` npm package is used to remove comments. # def js_script ## # NOTE: `main` function is created in order to have an ability to use early returns. # # IMPORTANT: Use only double quotes inside this JS script, since it is later consumed by `node -e` option wrapped by single quoutes. # # TODO: Consider to use WeakRef if memory is a concern. # https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.5.1/libdoc/weakref/rdoc/WeakRef.html # # TODO: Jest tests for JS script. # @js_script ||= <<~JAVASCRIPT.gsub(/\n\s*/, " ") const main = () => { const process = require("process"); const fs = require("fs"); /** * TODO: try/catch when "strip-comments" is not available. */ const strip = require("strip-comments"); const fileWithCommentsPath = process.argv[1]; const fileWithoutCommentsPath = process.argv[2]; const language = process.argv[3] || "ruby"; if (!fileWithCommentsPath) { console.log("Error: Input file path is NOT passed."); process.exit(1); } if (!fileWithoutCommentsPath) { console.log("Error: Output file path is NOT passed."); process.exit(1); } if (!["ruby", "javascript"].includes(language)) { console.log("Error: Language " + language + " is NOT supported."); process.exit(1); } const fileWithCommentsContent = fs.readFileSync(fileWithCommentsPath, { encoding: "utf8" }); const fileWithoutCommentsContent = strip(fileWithCommentsContent, { language }); fs.writeFileSync(fileWithoutCommentsPath, fileWithoutCommentsContent, { encoding: "utf8" }); process.exit(0); }; main(); JAVASCRIPT end def file_with_comments ## # NOTE: Tempfile is used to avoid issues with escaping of quotes inside JS script. # @file_with_comments ||= ::Tempfile.new.tap { |tempfile| tempfile.write(content_with_comments) }.tap(&:close) end def file_without_comments ## # NOTE: JS script tries to fill content of the file without comments. # @file_without_comments ||= ::Tempfile.new end end end end end end end