# EffectiveOrders Rails Engine EffectiveOrders.setup do |config| # Layout Settings # config.layout = { application: 'application', admin: 'admin' } # Filter the @orders on admin/orders#index screen # config.orders_collection_scope = Proc.new { |scope| scope.where(...) } # Require these addresses when creating a new Order. Works with effective_addresses gem config.billing_address = true config.shipping_address = false # Use effective_obfuscation gem to change order.id into a seemingly random 10-digit number config.obfuscate_order_ids = false # Allow orders to be purchased by organization members # This will fallback to EffectiveMemberships.Organization if you have that gem installed # config.organization_enabled = false # config.organization_class_name = 'Example::Organization' # Synchronize with Quickbooks config.use_effective_qb_sync = false config.use_effective_qb_online = false # If set, the orders#new screen will render effective/orders/_order_note_fields to capture any Note info config.collect_note = false config.collect_note_required = false config.collect_note_message = '' # If true, the orders#new screen will render effective/orders/_terms_and_conditions_fields to require a Terms of Service boolean # config.terms_and_conditions_label can be a String or a Proc # config.terms_and_conditions_label = Proc.new { |order| "Yes, I agree to the #{link_to 'terms and conditions', terms_and_conditions_path}." } config.terms_and_conditions = false config.terms_and_conditions_label = 'I agree to the terms and conditions.' # Tax Calculation Method # The Effective::TaxRateCalculator considers the order.billing_address and assigns a tax based on country & state code # Right now, only Canadian provinces are supported. Sorry. # To always charge 12.5% tax: Proc.new { |order| 12.5 } # To always charge 0% tax: Proc.new { |order| 0 } # If the Proc returns nil, the tax rate will be calculated once again whenever the order is validated # An order must have a tax rate (even if the value is 0) to be purchased config.order_tax_rate_method = Proc.new { |order| Effective::TaxRateCalculator.new(order: order).tax_rate } # Credit Card Surcharge # Will be applied to all orders based off the after-tax total. # Use 2.4 for 2.4% or nil for none config.credit_card_surcharge_percent = nil config.credit_card_surcharge_qb_item_name = 'Credit Card Surcharge' # Minimum Charge # Prevent orders less than this value from being purchased # Stripe doesn't allow orders less than $0.50 # Set to nil for no minimum charge # Default value is 50 cents, or $0.50 config.minimum_charge = 50 # Free Orders # Allow orders with a total of 0.00 to be purchased (regardless of the minimum charge setting) config.free_enabled = true # Mark as Paid # Mark an order as paid without going through a processor # This is accessed via the admin screens only. Must have can?(:admin, :effective_orders) # Should be true when using deferred payment providers config.mark_as_paid_enabled = false # Pretend Purchase # Display a 'Purchase order' button on the Checkout screen allowing the user # to purchase an Order without going through the payment processor. # WARNING: Setting this option to true will allow users to purchase! an Order without entering a credit card # WARNING: When true, users can purchase! anything without paying money config.pretend_enabled = !Rails.env.production? config.pretend_message = '* payment information is not required to process this order at this time.' # Mailer Settings # Please see config/initializers/effective_resources.rb for default effective_* gem mailer settings # # Configure the class responsible to send e-mails. # config.mailer = 'Effective::OrdersMailer' # # Override effective_resource mailer defaults # # config.parent_mailer = nil # The parent class responsible for sending emails # config.deliver_method = nil # The deliver method, deliver_later or deliver_now # config.mailer_layout = nil # Default mailer layout # config.mailer_sender = nil # Default From value # config.mailer_admin = nil # Default To value for Admin correspondence # config.mailer_subject = nil # Proc.new method used to customize Subject config.mailer_layout = 'effective_orders_mailer_layout' # Email settings config.send_order_receipt_to_admin = true config.send_order_receipt_to_buyer = true config.send_order_declined_to_admin = false config.send_order_declined_to_buyer = false config.send_payment_request_to_buyer = true config.send_pending_order_invoice_to_buyer = true config.send_refund_notification_to_admin = true config.send_order_receipts_when_mark_as_paid = true config.send_order_receipts_when_free = true # Stripe Webhooks controller config.send_subscription_events = true # These two only take affect if you schedule the rake task to run config.send_subscription_trialing = true config.send_subscription_trial_expired = true ####################################### ## Payment Provider specific options ## ####################################### # Cheque # This is an deferred payment config.cheque = false # config.cheque = { # confirm: 'Proceed with pay by cheque?', # success: 'Thank you! You have indicated that this order will be purchased by cheque. Please send us a cheque and a copy of this invoice at your earliest convenience.' # } # Deluxe config.deluxe = false # config.deluxe = { # environment: (Rails.env.production? ? 'production' : 'sandbox'), # client_id: '', # client_secret: '', # access_token: '', # currency: 'CAD' # } # Deluxe Delayed # This is a deferred payment config.deluxe_delayed = false # config.deluxe_delayed = { # confirm: 'Save card info for later payment', # success: 'Thank you! You have indicated that this order will be purchased by credit card at a later date. We will save your card information securely and process the payment when the order is ready' # } # E-transfer # This is an deferred payment config.etransfer = false # config.etransfer = { # confirm: 'Proceed with pay by e-transfer?', # success: 'Thank you! You have indicated that this order will be purchased by e-transfer. Please send us an e-transfer to "payments@example.com" with password "example" at your earliest convenience' # } # Moneris config.moneris = false # if Rails.env.production? # config.moneris = { # ps_store_id: '', # hpp_key: '', # hpp_url: 'https://www3.moneris.com/HPPDP/index.php', # verify_url: 'https://www3.moneris.com/HPPDP/verifyTxn.php' # } # else # config.moneris = { # ps_store_id: '', # hpp_key: '', # hpp_url: 'https://esqa.moneris.com/HPPDP/index.php', # verify_url: 'https://esqa.moneris.com/HPPDP/verifyTxn.php' # } # end # Moneris Checkout config.moneris_checkout = false # if Rails.env.production? # config.moneris_checkout = { # environment: 'prod', # store_id: '', # api_token: '', # checkout_id: '', # } # else # config.moneris_checkout = { # environment: 'qa', # store_id: 'store1', # api_token: 'yesguy1', # checkout_id: 'chktJF76Btore1', # } # end # Paypal config.paypal = false # if Rails.env.production? # config.paypal = { # seller_email: '', # secret: '', # cert_id: '', # paypal_url: 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr', # currency: 'CAD', # paypal_cert: "#{Rails.root}/config/paypalcerts/production/paypal_cert.pem", # app_cert: "#{Rails.root}/config/paypalcerts/production/app_cert.pem", # app_key: "#{Rails.root}/config/paypalcerts/production/app_key.pem" # } # else # config.paypal = { # seller_email: '', # secret: '', # cert_id: '', # paypal_url: 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr', # currency: 'CAD', # paypal_cert: "#{Rails.root}/config/paypalcerts/#{Rails.env}/paypal_cert.pem", # app_cert: "#{Rails.root}/config/paypalcerts/#{Rails.env}/app_cert.pem", # app_key: "#{Rails.root}/config/paypalcerts/#{Rails.env}/app_key.pem" # } # end # Phone # This is an deferred payment config.phone = false # config.phone = { # confirm: 'Proceed with pay by phone?', # success: 'Thank you! You have indicated that this order will be purchased by phone. Please give us a call at your earliest convenience.' # } # Refunds # This does not issue a refund with the payment processor at all. # # The historic way of doing refunds was the user would click Accept Refund # Which marks the order as purchased and sends an admin the notification to issue a refund with processor # To support this, set: # config.buyer_purchases_refund = true # config.send_refund_notification_to_admin = true # # The newer way of doing refunds is driven by the admin # The user just sees a pending refund and cannot purchase the order # The admin does the refund with processor, then uses Admin: Mark as Paid to mark order as purchased thereby completing the refund # To support this, set: # config.buyer_purchases_refund = false # config.send_refund_notification_to_admin = false # # You can call order.send_refund_notification! directly or implement a better one in your app config.refund = false # config.refund = { # success: 'Thank you! Your refund will be processed in the next few business days.', # pending: 'Thank you! Your refund will be processed in the next few business days.' # } config.buyer_purchases_refund = true config.send_refund_notification_to_admin = true # On Purchase # Stripe config.stripe = false # if Rails.env.production? # config.stripe = { # secret_key: 'sk_xxx', # publishable_key: 'pk_xxx', # currency: 'usd', # remember_card: true, # site_title: 'My Site', # site_image: 'logo.png' # A relative or absolute URL pointing to a square image of your brand or product. The recommended minimum size is 128x128px. # } # else # config.stripe = { # secret_key: 'sk_test_xxx', # publishable_key: 'pk_test_xxx', # currency: 'usd', # remember_card: true, # site_title: 'My Site', # site_image: 'logo.png' # A relative or absolute URL pointing to a square image of your brand or product. The recommended minimum size is 128x128px. # } # end # Subscriptions (https://stripe.com/docs/subscriptions) config.subscriptions = false # config.subscriptions = { # webhook_secret: 'whsec_xxx', # ignore_livemode: false # Use this to run test mode in production. careful. # } # Trial config.trial = false # config.trial = { # name: 'Free Trial', # description: '45-Day Free Trial', # length: 45.days, # remind_at: [1.day, 3.days, 7.days, 40.days, 44.days], # Send email notification to trialing owners on day 1, 3, 7 40 and 44. false to disable # } end