# coding: utf-8 require 'rexml/document' module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: # = Ogone DirectLink Gateway # # DirectLink is the API version of the Ogone Payment Platform. It allows server to server # communication between Ogone systems and your e-commerce website. # # This implementation follows the specification provided in the DirectLink integration # guide version 4.3.0 (25 April 2012), available here: # https://secure.ogone.com/ncol/Ogone_DirectLink_EN.pdf # # It also features aliases, which allow to store/unstore credit cards, as specified in # the Alias Manager Option guide version 3.2.1 (25 April 2012) available here: # https://secure.ogone.com/ncol/Ogone_Alias_EN.pdf # # It also implements the 3-D Secure feature, as specified in the DirectLink with # 3-D Secure guide version 3.0 (25 April 2012) available here: # https://secure.ogone.com/ncol/Ogone_DirectLink-3-D_EN.pdf # # It was last tested on Release 4.92 of Ogone DirectLink + AliasManager + Direct Link 3D # (25 April 2012). # # For any questions or comments, please contact one of the following: # - Joel Cogen (joel.cogen@belighted.com) # - Nicolas Jacobeus (nicolas.jacobeus@belighted.com), # - Sébastien Grosjean (public@zencocoon.com), # - Rémy Coutable (remy@jilion.com). # # == Usage # # gateway = ActiveMerchant::Billing::OgoneGateway.new( # :login => "my_ogone_psp_id", # :user => "my_ogone_user_id", # :password => "my_ogone_pswd", # :signature => "my_ogone_sha_signature", # Only if you configured your Ogone environment so. # :signature_encryptor => "sha512" # Can be "none" (default), "sha1", "sha256" or "sha512". # # Must be the same as the one configured in your Ogone account. # ) # # # set up credit card object as in main ActiveMerchant example # creditcard = ActiveMerchant::Billing::CreditCard.new( # :type => 'visa', # :number => '4242424242424242', # :month => 8, # :year => 2009, # :first_name => 'Bob', # :last_name => 'Bobsen' # ) # # # run request # response = gateway.purchase(1000, creditcard, :order_id => "1") # charge 10 EUR # # If you don't provide an :order_id, the gateway will generate a random one for you. # # puts response.success? # Check whether the transaction was successful # puts response.message # Retrieve the message returned by Ogone # puts response.authorization # Retrieve the unique transaction ID returned by Ogone # puts response.order_id # Retrieve the order ID # # == Alias feature # # To use the alias feature, simply add :billing_id in the options hash: # # # Associate the alias to that credit card # gateway.purchase(1000, creditcard, :order_id => "1", :billing_id => "myawesomecustomer") # # # You can use the alias instead of the credit card for subsequent orders # gateway.purchase(2000, "myawesomecustomer", :order_id => "2") # # # You can also create an alias without making a purchase using store # gateway.store(creditcard, :billing_id => "myawesomecustomer") # # # When using store, you can also let Ogone generate the alias for you # response = gateway.store(creditcard) # puts response.billing_id # Retrieve the generated alias # # # By default, Ogone tries to authorize 0.01 EUR but you can change this # # amount using the :store_amount option when creating the gateway object: # gateway = ActiveMerchant::Billing::OgoneGateway.new( # :login => "my_ogone_psp_id", # :user => "my_ogone_user_id", # :password => "my_ogone_pswd", # :signature => "my_ogone_sha_signature", # :signature_encryptor => "sha512", # :store_amount => 100 # The store method will try to authorize 1 EUR instead of 0.01 EUR # ) # response = gateway.store(creditcard) # authorize 1 EUR and void the authorization right away # # == 3-D Secure feature # # To use the 3-D Secure feature, simply add :d3d => true in the options hash: # gateway.purchase(2000, "myawesomecustomer", :order_id => "2", :d3d => true) # # Specific 3-D Secure request options are (please refer to the documentation for more infos about these options): # :win_3ds => :main_window (default), :pop_up or :pop_ix. # :http_accept => "*/*" (default), or any other HTTP_ACCEPT header value. # :http_user_agent => The cardholder's User-Agent string # :accept_url => URL of the web page to show the customer when the payment is authorized. # (or waiting to be authorized). # :decline_url => URL of the web page to show the customer when the acquirer rejects the authorization # more than the maximum permitted number of authorization attempts (10 by default, but can # be changed in the "Global transaction parameters" tab, "Payment retry" section of the # Technical Information page). # :exception_url => URL of the web page to show the customer when the payment result is uncertain. # :paramplus => Field to submit the miscellaneous parameters and their values that you wish to be # returned in the post sale request or final redirection. # :complus => Field to submit a value you wish to be returned in the post sale request or output. # :language => Customer's language, for example: "en_EN" # class OgoneGateway < Gateway CVV_MAPPING = { 'OK' => 'M', 'KO' => 'N', 'NO' => 'P' } AVS_MAPPING = { 'OK' => 'M', 'KO' => 'N', 'NO' => 'R' } SUCCESS_MESSAGE = "The transaction was successful" THREE_D_SECURE_DISPLAY_WAYS = { :main_window => 'MAINW', # display the identification page in the main window # (default value). :pop_up => 'POPUP', # display the identification page in a pop-up window # and return to the main window at the end. :pop_ix => 'POPIX' } # display the identification page in a pop-up window # and remain in the pop-up window. OGONE_NO_SIGNATURE_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE = "Signature usage will be the default for a future release of ActiveMerchant. You should either begin using it, or update your configuration to explicitly disable it (signature_encryptor: none)" OGONE_STORE_OPTION_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE = "The 'store' option has been renamed to 'billing_id', and its usage is deprecated." self.test_url = "https://secure.ogone.com/ncol/test/" self.live_url = "https://secure.ogone.com/ncol/prod/" self.supported_countries = ['BE', 'DE', 'FR', 'NL', 'AT', 'CH'] # also supports Airplus and UATP self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :diners_club, :discover, :jcb, :maestro] self.homepage_url = 'http://www.ogone.com/' self.display_name = 'Ogone' self.default_currency = 'EUR' self.money_format = :cents self.ssl_version = :TLSv1 def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :user, :password) super end # Verify and reserve the specified amount on the account, without actually doing the transaction. def authorize(money, payment_source, options = {}) post = {} add_invoice(post, options) add_payment_source(post, payment_source, options) add_address(post, payment_source, options) add_customer_data(post, options) add_money(post, money, options) commit('RES', post) end # Verify and transfer the specified amount. def purchase(money, payment_source, options = {}) post = {} action = options[:action] || 'SAL' add_invoice(post, options) add_payment_source(post, payment_source, options) add_address(post, payment_source, options) add_customer_data(post, options) add_money(post, money, options) commit(action, post) end # Complete a previously authorized transaction. def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) post = {} action = options[:action] || 'SAL' add_authorization(post, reference_from(authorization)) add_invoice(post, options) add_customer_data(post, options) add_money(post, money, options) commit(action, post) end # Cancels a previously authorized transaction. def void(identification, options = {}) post = {} add_authorization(post, reference_from(identification)) commit('DES', post) end # Credit the specified account by a specific amount. def credit(money, identification_or_credit_card, options = {}) if reference_transaction?(identification_or_credit_card) ActiveMerchant.deprecated CREDIT_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE # Referenced credit: refund of a settled transaction refund(money, identification_or_credit_card, options) else # must be a credit card or card reference perform_non_referenced_credit(money, identification_or_credit_card, options) end end # Refund of a settled transaction def refund(money, reference, options = {}) perform_reference_credit(money, reference, options) end # Store a credit card by creating an Ogone Alias def store(payment_source, options = {}) options.merge!(:alias_operation => 'BYPSP') unless(options.has_key?(:billing_id) || options.has_key?(:store)) response = authorize(@options[:store_amount] || 1, payment_source, options) void(response.authorization) if response.success? response end private def reference_from(authorization) authorization.split(";").first end def reference_transaction?(identifier) return false unless identifier.is_a?(String) _, action = identifier.split(";") !action.nil? end def perform_reference_credit(money, payment_target, options = {}) post = {} add_authorization(post, reference_from(payment_target)) add_money(post, money, options) commit('RFD', post) end def perform_non_referenced_credit(money, payment_target, options = {}) # Non-referenced credit: acts like a reverse purchase post = {} add_invoice(post, options) add_payment_source(post, payment_target, options) add_address(post, payment_target, options) add_customer_data(post, options) add_money(post, money, options) commit('RFD', post) end def add_payment_source(post, payment_source, options) add_d3d(post, options) if options[:d3d] if payment_source.is_a?(String) add_alias(post, payment_source, options[:alias_operation]) add_eci(post, options[:eci] || '9') else if options.has_key?(:store) ActiveMerchant.deprecated OGONE_STORE_OPTION_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE options[:billing_id] ||= options[:store] end add_alias(post, options[:billing_id], options[:alias_operation]) add_eci(post, options[:eci] || '7') add_creditcard(post, payment_source) end end def add_d3d(post, options) add_pair post, 'FLAG3D', 'Y' win_3ds = THREE_D_SECURE_DISPLAY_WAYS.key?(options[:win_3ds]) ? THREE_D_SECURE_DISPLAY_WAYS[options[:win_3ds]] : THREE_D_SECURE_DISPLAY_WAYS[:main_window] add_pair post, 'WIN3DS', win_3ds add_pair post, 'HTTP_ACCEPT', options[:http_accept] || "*/*" add_pair post, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', options[:http_user_agent] if options[:http_user_agent] add_pair post, 'ACCEPTURL', options[:accept_url] if options[:accept_url] add_pair post, 'DECLINEURL', options[:decline_url] if options[:decline_url] add_pair post, 'EXCEPTIONURL', options[:exception_url] if options[:exception_url] add_pair post, 'PARAMPLUS', options[:paramplus] if options[:paramplus] add_pair post, 'COMPLUS', options[:complus] if options[:complus] add_pair post, 'LANGUAGE', options[:language] if options[:language] end def add_eci(post, eci) add_pair post, 'ECI', eci.to_s end def add_alias(post, _alias, alias_operation = nil) add_pair post, 'ALIAS', _alias add_pair post, 'ALIASOPERATION', alias_operation unless alias_operation.nil? end def add_authorization(post, authorization) add_pair post, 'PAYID', authorization end def add_money(post, money, options) add_pair post, 'currency', options[:currency] || @options[:currency] || currency(money) add_pair post, 'amount', amount(money) end def add_customer_data(post, options) add_pair post, 'EMAIL', options[:email] add_pair post, 'REMOTE_ADDR', options[:ip] end def add_address(post, creditcard, options) return unless options[:billing_address] add_pair post, 'Owneraddress', options[:billing_address][:address1] add_pair post, 'OwnerZip', options[:billing_address][:zip] add_pair post, 'ownertown', options[:billing_address][:city] add_pair post, 'ownercty', options[:billing_address][:country] add_pair post, 'ownertelno', options[:billing_address][:phone] end def add_invoice(post, options) add_pair post, 'orderID', options[:order_id] || generate_unique_id[0...30] add_pair post, 'COM', options[:description] end def add_creditcard(post, creditcard) add_pair post, 'CN', creditcard.name add_pair post, 'CARDNO', creditcard.number add_pair post, 'ED', "%02d%02s" % [creditcard.month, creditcard.year.to_s[-2..-1]] add_pair post, 'CVC', creditcard.verification_value end def parse(body) xml_root = REXML::Document.new(body).root response = convert_attributes_to_hash(xml_root.attributes) # Add HTML_ANSWER element (3-D Secure specific to the response's params) # Note: HTML_ANSWER is not an attribute so we add it "by hand" to the response if html_answer = REXML::XPath.first(xml_root, "//HTML_ANSWER") response["HTML_ANSWER"] = html_answer.text end response end def commit(action, parameters) add_pair parameters, 'PSPID', @options[:login] add_pair parameters, 'USERID', @options[:user] add_pair parameters, 'PSWD', @options[:password] response = parse(ssl_post(url(parameters['PAYID']), post_data(action, parameters))) options = { :authorization => [response["PAYID"], action].join(";"), :test => test?, :avs_result => { :code => AVS_MAPPING[response["AAVCheck"]] }, :cvv_result => CVV_MAPPING[response["CVCCheck"]] } OgoneResponse.new(successful?(response), message_from(response), response, options) end def url(payid) (test? ? test_url : live_url) + (payid ? "maintenancedirect.asp" : "orderdirect.asp") end def successful?(response) response["NCERROR"] == "0" end def message_from(response) if successful?(response) SUCCESS_MESSAGE else format_error_message(response["NCERRORPLUS"]) end end def format_error_message(message) raw_message = message.to_s.strip case raw_message when /\|/ raw_message.split("|").join(", ").capitalize when /\// raw_message.split("/").first.to_s.capitalize else raw_message.to_s.capitalize end end def post_data(action, parameters = {}) add_pair parameters, 'Operation', action add_signature(parameters) parameters.to_query end def add_signature(parameters) if @options[:signature].blank? ActiveMerchant.deprecated(OGONE_NO_SIGNATURE_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE) unless(@options[:signature_encryptor] == "none") return end sha_encryptor = case @options[:signature_encryptor] when 'sha256' Digest::SHA256 when 'sha512' Digest::SHA512 else Digest::SHA1 end string_to_digest = if @options[:signature_encryptor] parameters.sort { |a, b| a[0].upcase <=> b[0].upcase }.map { |k, v| "#{k.upcase}=#{v}" }.join(@options[:signature]) else %w[orderID amount currency CARDNO PSPID Operation ALIAS].map { |key| parameters[key] }.join end string_to_digest << @options[:signature] add_pair parameters, 'SHASign', sha_encryptor.hexdigest(string_to_digest).upcase end def add_pair(post, key, value) post[key] = value if !value.blank? end def convert_attributes_to_hash(rexml_attributes) response_hash = {} rexml_attributes.each do |key, value| response_hash[key] = value end response_hash end end class OgoneResponse < Response def order_id @params['orderID'] end def billing_id @params['ALIAS'] end end end end