# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- # SolrHelper is a controller layer mixin. It is in the controller scope: request params, session etc. # # NOTE: Be careful when creating variables here as they may be overriding something that already exists. # The ActionController docs: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionController/Base.html # # Override these methods in your own controller for customizations: # # class CatalogController < ActionController::Base # # include Blacklight::Catalog # # def solr_search_params # super.merge :per_page=>10 # end # end # # Or by including in local extensions: # module LocalSolrHelperExtension # [ local overrides ] # end # # class CatalogController < ActionController::Base # # include Blacklight::Catalog # include LocalSolrHelperExtension # # def solr_search_params # super.merge :per_page=>10 # end # end # # Or by using ActiveSupport::Concern: # # module LocalSolrHelperExtension # extend ActiveSupport::Concern # include Blacklight::SolrHelper # # [ local overrides ] # end # # class CatalogController < ApplicationController # include LocalSolrHelperExtension # include Blacklight::Catalog # end module Blacklight::SolrHelper extend ActiveSupport::Concern MaxPerPage = 100 included do if self.respond_to?(:helper_method) helper_method(:facet_limit_hash) helper_method(:facet_limit_for) end # We want to install a class-level place to keep # solr_search_params_logic method names. Compare to before_filter, # similar design. Since we're a module, we have to add it in here. # There are too many different semantic choices in ruby 'class variables', # we choose this one for now, supplied by Rails. class_inheritable_accessor :solr_search_params_logic # Set defaults. Each symbol identifies a _method_ that must be in # this class, taking two parameters (solr_parameters, user_parameters) # Can be changed in local apps or by plugins, eg: # CatalogController.include ModuleDefiningNewMethod # CatalogController.solr_search_params_logic << :new_method # CatalogController.solr_search_params_logic.delete(:we_dont_want) self.solr_search_params_logic = [:default_solr_parameters , :add_query_to_solr, :add_facet_fq_to_solr, :add_facetting_to_solr, :add_sorting_paging_to_solr ] end def force_to_utf8(value) case value when Hash value.each { |k, v| value[k] = force_to_utf8(v) } when Array value.each { |v| force_to_utf8(v) } when String value.force_encoding("utf-8") if value.respond_to?(:force_encoding) end value end def find(params) response = force_to_utf8(Blacklight.solr.find(params)) end # A helper method used for generating solr LocalParams, put quotes # around the term unless it's a bare-word. Escape internal quotes # if needed. def solr_param_quote(val, options = {}) options[:quote] ||= '"' unless val =~ /^[a-zA-Z$_\-\^]+$/ val = options[:quote] + # Yes, we need crazy escaping here, to deal with regexp esc too! val.gsub("'", "\\\\\'").gsub('"', "\\\\\"") + options[:quote] end return val end # returns a params hash for searching solr. # The CatalogController #index action uses this. # Solr parameters can come from a number of places. From lowest # precedence to highest: # 1. General defaults in blacklight config (are trumped by) # 2. defaults for the particular search field identified by params[:search_field] (are trumped by) # 3. certain parameters directly on input HTTP query params # * not just any parameter is grabbed willy nilly, only certain ones are allowed by HTTP input) # * for legacy reasons, qt in http query does not over-ride qt in search field definition default. # 4. extra parameters passed in as argument. # # spellcheck.q will be supplied with the [:q] value unless specifically # specified otherwise. # # Incoming parameter :f is mapped to :fq solr parameter. def solr_search_params(user_params = params || {}) solr_parameters = {} solr_search_params_logic.each do |method_name| send(method_name, solr_parameters, user_params) end return solr_parameters end #### # Start with general defaults from BL config. Need to use custom # merge to dup values, to avoid later mutating the original by mistake. def default_solr_parameters(solr_parameters, user_params) if Blacklight.config[:default_solr_params] Blacklight.config[:default_solr_params].each_pair do |key, value| solr_parameters[key] = value.dup rescue value end end end ### # copy paging and sorting params from BL app over to solr, with # fairly little transformation. def add_sorting_paging_to_solr(solr_parameters, user_params) # Omit empty strings and nil values. # Apparently RSolr takes :per_page and converts it to Solr :rows, # so we let it. [:page, :per_page, :sort].each do |key| solr_parameters[key] = user_params[key] unless user_params[key].blank? end if solr_parameters[:sort].blank? default_sort_field = Blacklight.config[:sort_fields].first || [nil, nil] solr_parameters[:sort] = default_sort_field.last unless default_sort_field.last.blank? end # limit to MaxPerPage (100). Tests want this to be a string not an integer, # not sure why. solr_parameters[:per_page] = solr_parameters[:per_page].to_i > self.max_per_page ? self.max_per_page.to_s : solr_parameters[:per_page] end ## # Take the user-entered query, and put it in the solr params, # including config's "search field" params for current search field. # also include setting spellcheck.q. def add_query_to_solr(solr_parameters, user_parameters) ### # Merge in search field configured values, if present, over-writing general # defaults ### # legacy behavior of user param :qt is passed through, but over-ridden # by actual search field config if present. We might want to remove # this legacy behavior at some point. It does not seem to be currently # rspec'd. solr_parameters[:qt] = user_parameters[:qt] if user_parameters[:qt] search_field_def = Blacklight.search_field_def_for_key(user_parameters[:search_field]) if (search_field_def) solr_parameters[:qt] = search_field_def[:qt] if search_field_def[:qt] solr_parameters.merge!( search_field_def[:solr_parameters]) if search_field_def[:solr_parameters] end ## # Create Solr 'q' including the user-entered q, prefixed by any # solr LocalParams in config, using solr LocalParams syntax. # http://wiki.apache.org/solr/LocalParams ## if (search_field_def && hash = search_field_def[:solr_local_parameters]) local_params = hash.collect do |key, val| key.to_s + "=" + solr_param_quote(val, :quote => "'") end.join(" ") solr_parameters[:q] = "{!#{local_params}}#{user_parameters[:q]}" else solr_parameters[:q] = user_parameters[:q] if user_parameters[:q] end ## # Set Solr spellcheck.q to be original user-entered query, without # our local params, otherwise it'll try and spellcheck the local # params! Unless spellcheck.q has already been set by someone, # respect that. # # TODO: Change calling code to expect this as a symbol instead of # a string, for consistency? :'spellcheck.q' is a symbol. Right now # rspec tests for a string, and can't tell if other code may # insist on a string. solr_parameters["spellcheck.q"] = user_parameters[:q] unless solr_parameters["spellcheck.q"] end ## # Add any existing facet limits, stored in app-level HTTP query # as :f, to solr as appropriate :fq query. def add_facet_fq_to_solr(solr_parameters, user_params) # :fq, map from :f. if ( user_params[:f]) f_request_params = user_params[:f] solr_parameters[:fq] ||= [] f_request_params.each_pair do |facet_field, value_list| value_list ||= [] value_list = [value_list] unless value_list.respond_to? :each value_list.each do |value| solr_parameters[:fq] << "{!raw f=#{facet_field}}#{value}" end end end end ## # Add appropriate Solr facetting directives in, including # taking account of our facet paging/'more'. This is not # about solr 'fq', this is about solr facet.* params. def add_facetting_to_solr(solr_parameters, user_params) # While not used by BL core behavior, legacy behavior seemed to be # to accept incoming params as "facet.field" or "facets", and add them # on to any existing facet.field sent to Solr. Legacy behavior seemed # to be accepting these incoming params as arrays (in Rails URL with [] # on end), or single values. At least one of these is used by # Stanford for "faux hieararchial facets". if user_params.has_key?("facet.field") || user_params.has_key?("facets") solr_parameters[:"facet.field"] ||= [] solr_parameters[:"facet.field"].concat( [user_params["facet.field"], user_params["facets"]].flatten.compact ).uniq! end # Support facet paging and 'more' # links, by sending a facet.limit one more than what we # want to page at, according to configured facet limits. facet_limit_hash.each_key do |field_name| next if field_name.nil? # skip the 'default' key next unless (limit = facet_limit_for(field_name)) solr_parameters[:"f.#{field_name}.facet.limit"] = (limit + 1) end end # a solr query method # given a user query, return a solr response containing both result docs and facets # - mixes in the Blacklight::Solr::SpellingSuggestions module # - the response will have a spelling_suggestions method # Returns a two-element array (aka duple) with first the solr response object, # and second an array of SolrDocuments representing the response.docs def get_search_results(user_params = params || {}, extra_controller_params = {}) # In later versions of Rails, the #benchmark method can do timing # better for us. bench_start = Time.now solr_response = find(self.solr_search_params(user_params).merge(extra_controller_params)) document_list = solr_response.docs.collect {|doc| SolrDocument.new(doc, solr_response)} Rails.logger.debug("Solr fetch: #{self.class}#get_search_results (#{'%.1f' % ((Time.now.to_f - bench_start.to_f)*1000)}ms)") return [solr_response, document_list] end # returns a params hash for finding a single solr document (CatalogController #show action) # If the id arg is nil, then the value is fetched from params[:id] # This method is primary called by the get_solr_response_for_doc_id method. def solr_doc_params(id=nil) id ||= params[:id] # just to be consistent with the other solr param methods: { :qt => :document, :id => id # this assumes the document request handler will map the 'id' param to the unique key field } end # a solr query method # retrieve a solr document, given the doc id def get_solr_response_for_doc_id(id=nil, extra_controller_params={}) solr_response = find solr_doc_params(id).merge(extra_controller_params) raise Blacklight::Exceptions::InvalidSolrID.new if solr_response.docs.empty? document = SolrDocument.new(solr_response.docs.first, solr_response) [solr_response, document] end # given a field name and array of values, get the matching SOLR documents def get_solr_response_for_field_values(field, values, extra_solr_params = {}) values ||= [] values = [values] unless values.respond_to? :each value_str = "(\"" + values.to_a.join("\" OR \"") + "\")" solr_params = { :defType => "lucene", # need boolean for OR :q => "#{field}:#{value_str}", # not sure why fl * is neccesary, why isn't default solr_search_params # sufficient, like it is for any other search results solr request? # But tests fail without this. I think because some functionality requires # this to actually get solr_doc_params, not solr_search_params. Confused # semantics again. :fl => "*", :facet => 'false', :spellcheck => 'false' }.merge(extra_solr_params) solr_response = find( self.solr_search_params().merge(solr_params) ) document_list = solr_response.docs.collect{|doc| SolrDocument.new(doc, solr_response) } [solr_response,document_list] end # returns a params hash for a single facet field solr query. # used primary by the get_facet_pagination method. # Looks up Facet Paginator request params from current request # params to figure out sort and offset. # Default limit for facet list can be specified by defining a controller # method facet_list_limit, otherwise 20. def solr_facet_params(facet_field, user_params=params || {}, extra_controller_params={}) input = user_params.deep_merge(extra_controller_params) # First start with a standard solr search params calculations, # for any search context in our request params. solr_params = solr_search_params(user_params).merge(extra_controller_params) # Now override with our specific things for fetching facet values solr_params[:"facet.field"] = facet_field # Need to set as f.facet_field.facet.limit to make sure we # override any field-specific default in the solr request handler. solr_params[:"f.#{facet_field}.facet.limit"] = if solr_params["facet.limit"] solr_params["facet.limit"].to_i + 1 elsif respond_to?(:facet_list_limit) facet_list_limit.to_s.to_i + 1 else 20 + 1 end solr_params['facet.offset'] = input[ Blacklight::Solr::FacetPaginator.request_keys[:offset] ].to_i # will default to 0 if nil solr_params['facet.sort'] = input[ Blacklight::Solr::FacetPaginator.request_keys[:sort] ] solr_params[:rows] = 0 return solr_params end # a solr query method # used to paginate through a single facet field's values # /catalog/facet/language_facet def get_facet_pagination(facet_field, extra_controller_params={}) solr_params = solr_facet_params(facet_field, params, extra_controller_params) # Make the solr call response =find(solr_params) limit = if respond_to?(:facet_list_limit) facet_list_limit.to_s.to_i elsif solr_params[:"f.#{facet_field}.facet.limit"] solr_params[:"f.#{facet_field}.facet.limit"] - 1 else nil end # Actually create the paginator! # NOTE: The sniffing of the proper sort from the solr response is not # currently tested for, tricky to figure out how to test, since the # default setup we test against doesn't use this feature. return Blacklight::Solr::FacetPaginator.new(response.facets.first.items, :offset => solr_params['facet.offset'], :limit => limit, :sort => response["responseHeader"]["params"]["f.#{facet_field}.facet.sort"] || response["responseHeader"]["params"]["facet.sort"] ) end # a solr query method # this is used when selecting a search result: we have a query and a # position in the search results and possibly some facets # Pass in an index where 1 is the first document in the list, and # the Blacklight app-level request params that define the search. def get_single_doc_via_search(index, request_params) solr_params = solr_search_params(request_params) # solr_params[:start] = index - 1 # start at 0 to get 1st doc, 1 to get 2nd. # FIXME: we must set page because of a bug posted here: https://github.com/mwmitchell/rsolr-ext/issues/16 solr_params[:page] = index # start at 1 to get 1st 1-doc page with RSolr::Ext :page solr_params[:per_page] = 1 solr_params[:rows] = 1 solr_params[:fl] = '*' solr_response = find(solr_params) SolrDocument.new(solr_response.docs.first, solr_response) unless solr_response.docs.empty? end # returns a solr params hash # if field is nil, the value is fetched from Blacklight.config[:index][:show_link] # the :fl (solr param) is set to the "field" value. # per_page is set to 10 def solr_opensearch_params(field=nil) solr_params = solr_search_params solr_params[:per_page] = 10 solr_params[:fl] = Blacklight.config[:index][:show_link] solr_params end # a solr query method # does a standard search but returns a simplified object. # an array is returned, the first item is the query string, # the second item is an other array. This second array contains # all of the field values for each of the documents... # where the field is the "field" argument passed in. def get_opensearch_response(field=nil, extra_controller_params={}) solr_params = solr_opensearch_params().merge(extra_controller_params) response = find(solr_params) a = [solr_params[:q]] a << response.docs.map {|doc| doc[solr_params[:fl]].to_s } end # Look up facet limit for given facet_field. Will look at config, and # if config is 'true' will look up from Solr @response if available. If # no limit is avaialble, returns nil. Used from #solr_search_params # to supply f.fieldname.facet.limit values in solr request (no @response # available), and used in display (with @response available) to create # a facet paginator with the right limit. def facet_limit_for(facet_field) limits_hash = facet_limit_hash return nil if limits_hash.blank? limit = limits_hash[facet_field] if ( limit == true && @response && @response["responseHeader"] && @response["responseHeader"]["params"]) limit = @response["responseHeader"]["params"]["f.#{facet_field}.facet.limit"] || @response["responseHeader"]["params"]["facet.limit"] limit = (limit.to_i() -1) if limit limit = nil if limit == -2 # -1-1==-2, unlimited. elsif limit == true limit = nil end return limit end # Returns complete hash of key=facet_field, value=limit. # Used by SolrHelper#solr_search_params to add limits to solr # request for all configured facet limits. def facet_limit_hash Blacklight.config[:facet][:limits] || {} end def max_per_page MaxPerPage end end