require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../../spec_helper" require 'kajam/extension/script' describe "Kajam::Extension::Script" do it "should determine which subscript to run" do Kajam::Extension::Script::Install.should_receive(:new) Kajam::Extension::Script.execute ['install'] Kajam::Extension::Script::Uninstall.should_receive(:new) Kajam::Extension::Script.execute ['uninstall'] end it "should pass the command-line args to the subscript" do Kajam::Extension::Script::Install.should_receive(:new).with(['page_attachments']) Kajam::Extension::Script.execute ['install', 'page_attachments'] end it "should run the help command when no arguments are given" do Kajam::Extension::Script::Help.should_receive(:new) Kajam::Extension::Script.execute [] end it "should run the help for a given command when it fails" do error_message = "You must specify an extension to install." Kajam::Extension::Script::Install.should_receive(:new).and_raise( Kajam::Extension::Script.should_receive(:puts).with(error_message) Kajam::Extension::Script::Help.should_receive(:new).with(['install']) Kajam::Extension::Script.execute ['install'] end end describe "Kajam::Extension::Script::Util" do include Kajam::Extension::Script::Util it "should determine an extension name from a camelized string" do to_extension_name("PageAttachments").should == 'page_attachments' end it "should determine an extension name from a hyphened name" do to_extension_name("page-attachments").should == 'page_attachments' end it "should determine an extension name from an underscored name" do to_extension_name("page_attachments").should == 'page_attachments' end it "should determine extension paths" do # Bad coupling, but will work by default extension_paths.should be_kind_of(Array) extension_paths.should include("#{KAJAM_ROOT}/vendor/extensions/archive") end it "should determine whether an extension is installed" do # Bad coupling, but will work by default @script = mock('script action') @script.extend Kajam::Extension::Script::Util @script.extension_name = 'archive' @script.should be_installed end it "should load all extensions from the web service" do Registry::Extension.should_receive(:find).with(:all).and_return([1,2,3]) load_extensions.should == [1,2,3] end it "should find an extension of the given name from the web service" do @ext_mock = mock("Extension", :name => 'page_attachments') should_receive(:load_extensions).and_return([@ext_mock]) self.extension_name = 'page_attachments' find_extension.should == @ext_mock end end describe "Kajam::Extension::Script::Install" do before :each do @extension = mock('Extension', :install => true, :name => 'page_attachments') Registry::Extension.stub!(:find).and_return([@extension]) end it "should read the extension name from the command line" do @install = ['page_attachments'] @install.extension_name.should == 'page_attachments' end it "should attempt to find the extension and install it" do @extension.should_receive(:install).and_return(true) @install = ['page_attachments'] end it "should fail if the extension is not found" do lambda { ['non_existent_extension'] }.should raise_error end it "should fail if an extension name is not given" do lambda { []}.should raise_error end end describe "Kajam::Extension::Script::Uninstall" do before :each do @extension = mock('Extension', :uninstall => true, :name => 'archive') Registry::Extension.stub!(:find).and_return([@extension]) end it "should read the extension name from the command line" do @uninstall = ['archive'] @uninstall.extension_name.should == 'archive' end it "should attempt to find the extension and uninstall it" do @extension.should_receive(:uninstall).and_return(true) @uninstall = ['archive'] end it "should fail if an extension name is not given" do lambda { []}.should raise_error end end describe "Kajam::Extension::Script::Info" do before :each do @extension = mock('Extension', :uninstall => true, :name => 'archive', :inspect => '') Registry::Extension.stub!(:find).and_return([@extension]) end it "should read the extension name from the command line" do @info = ['archive'] @info.extension_name.should == 'archive' end it "should attempt to find the extension and display its info" do @extension.should_receive(:inspect).and_return('') @info = ['archive'] end it "should fail if an extension name is not given" do lambda { []}.should raise_error end end describe "Kajam::Extension::Script::Help" do it "should display the general help message when no arguments are given" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(%r{Usage: script/extension command \[arguments\]}) end it "should display the general help message when the 'help' command is specified" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(%r{Usage: script/extension command \[arguments\]}) ['help'] end it "should display the general help message when an invalid command is given" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(%r{Usage: script/extension command \[arguments\]}) ['foo'] end it "should display the install help message" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(%r{Usage: script/extension install extension_name}) ['install'] end it "should display the uninstall help message" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(%r{Usage: script/extension uninstall extension_name}) ['uninstall'] end it "should display the info help message" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(%r{Usage: script/extension info extension_name}) ['info'] end end describe "Registry::Action" do before :each do @action = end it "should shell out with the specified rake task if it exists" do rake_file = File.join(KAJAM_ROOT, 'vendor', 'rails', 'railties', 'lib', 'tasks', 'misc.rake') load rake_file @action.should_receive(:`).with("rake secret RAILS_ENV=#{RAILS_ENV}") @action.rake('secret') end it "should not shell out with the specified rake task if it does not exist" do @action.should_not_receive(:`).with("rake non_existant_task RAILS_ENV=#{RAILS_ENV}") @action.rake('non_existant_task') end end describe "Registry::Installer" do before :each do @installer ='http://localhost/', 'example') end it "should set the name and url of the extension" do @installer.url.should == 'http://localhost/' == 'example' end it "should install by copying, migrating and updating" do @installer.should_receive(:copy_to_vendor_extensions) @installer.should_receive(:migrate) @installer.should_receive(:update) @installer.install end it "should copy the extension to vendor/extensions" do @installer.path = "/tmp" FileUtils.should_receive(:cp_r).with('/tmp', "#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/extensions/example") FileUtils.should_receive(:rm_r).with('/tmp') @installer.copy_to_vendor_extensions end it "should run the rake migrate task" do @installer.should_receive(:rake).with('kajam:extensions:example:migrate') @installer.migrate end it "should run the rake update task" do @installer.should_receive(:rake).with('kajam:extensions:example:update') @installer.update end end describe "Registry::Uninstaller" do before :each do @extension = mock('Extension', :name => 'example') @uninstaller = end it "should migrate down" do @uninstaller.should_receive(:rake).with("kajam:extensions:example:migrate VERSION=0") @uninstaller.migrate_down end it "should remove the extension directory" do FileUtils.should_receive(:rm_r).with("#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/extensions/example") @uninstaller.remove_extension_directory end it "should uninstall by migrating down and removing the directory" do @uninstaller.should_receive(:migrate_down) @uninstaller.should_receive(:remove_extension_directory) @uninstaller.uninstall end end describe "Registry::Checkout" do before :each do @extension = mock("Extension", :name => 'example', :repository_url => 'http://localhost/') @checkout = @methods = [:copy_to_vendor_extensions, :migrate, :update].each do |method| @checkout.stub!(method).and_return(true) end @checkout.stub!(:cd).and_yield end it "should set the name and url" do == 'example' @checkout.url.should == 'http://localhost/' end it "should defer the checkout command to concrete subclasses" do lambda { @checkout.checkout_command }.should raise_error end it "should install by checking out the source and then proceeding with the normal installation" do @methods.each { |method| @checkout.should_receive(method) } @checkout.should_receive(:checkout) @checkout.install end it "should checkout the source" do @checkout.stub!(:checkout_command).and_return('echo') @checkout.should_receive(:cd) @checkout.should_receive(:system).with('echo') @checkout.checkout @checkout.path.should_not be_nil @checkout.path.should =~ /example/ end end describe "Registry::Download" do before :each do @extension = mock("Extension", :name => 'example', :download_url => 'http://localhost/example.pkg') @download = @methods = [:copy_to_vendor_extensions, :migrate, :update].each do |method| @download.stub!(method).and_return(true) end end it "should set the name and url" do == 'example' @download.url.should == 'http://localhost/example.pkg' end it "should defer the unpack command to concrete subclasses" do lambda { @download.unpack }.should raise_error end it "should install by downloading and unpacking and then proceeding with the normal installation" do @methods.each { |method| @download.should_receive(method) } @download.should_receive(:download) @download.should_receive(:unpack) @download.install end it "should determine the filename" do @download.filename.should == 'example.pkg' end it "should download the file" do @file = mock('file') File.should_receive(:open).with(/example\.pkg/, 'w').and_yield(@file) @download.should_receive(:open).and_return('test')) @file.should_receive(:write).with('test') end end describe "Registry::Git" do before :each do @extension = mock("Extension", :name => 'example', :repository_url => 'http://localhost/') @git = @git.stub!(:system) @git.stub!(:cd).and_yield end describe "when the Kajam project is not stored in git" do before :each do File.stub!(:directory?).with(".git").and_return(false) end it "should use git to clone the repository" do @git.checkout_command.should == 'git clone http://localhost/ example' end it "should initialize and update submodules" do Dir.stub!(:tmpdir).and_return('/tmp') @git.should_receive(:cd).with("/tmp").ordered @git.should_receive(:system).with("git clone http://localhost/ example").ordered @git.should_receive(:cd).with("/tmp/example").ordered @git.should_receive(:system).with("git submodule init && git submodule update").ordered @git.checkout end it "should copy the extension to vendor/extensions" do @git.path = "/tmp" @git.should_receive(:cp_r).with('/tmp', "#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/extensions/example") @git.should_receive(:rm_r).with('/tmp') @git.copy_to_vendor_extensions end end describe "when the Kajam project is stored in git" do before :each do File.stub!(:directory?).with(".git").and_return(true) end it "should add the extension as a submodule and initialize and update its submodules" do @git.should_receive(:system).with("git submodule add http://localhost/ vendor/extensions/example").ordered @git.should_receive(:cd).with("vendor/extensions/example").ordered @git.should_receive(:system).with("git submodule init && git submodule update").ordered @git.checkout end it "should not copy the extension" do @git.should_not_receive(:cp_r) @git.should_not_receive(:rm_r) @git.copy_to_vendor_extensions end end end describe "Registry::Subversion" do before :each do @extension = mock("Extension", :name => 'example', :repository_url => 'http://localhost/') @svn = end it "should use svn to checkout the repository" do @svn.checkout_command.should == 'svn checkout http://localhost/ example' end end describe "Registry::Gem" do before :each do @extension = mock("Extension", :name => 'example', :download_url => 'http://localhost/example-1.0.0.gem') @gem = end it "should download the gem and install it if it is not already installed" do @gem.should_receive(:gem).and_raise( @file = mock('file') File.should_receive(:open).with(/example-1.0.0\.gem/, 'w').and_yield(@file) @gem.should_receive(:open).and_return('test')) @file.should_receive(:write).with('test') @gem.should_receive(:`).with("gem install example") end it "should not download the gem if it is already installed" do @gem.should_receive(:gem).and_return(true) File.should_not_receive(:open) @gem.should_not_receive(:open) @gem.should_not_receive(:`) end it "should unpack the gem and capture the path" do @gem.should_receive(:`).with(/gem unpack example/).and_return("Unpacked gem: '/tmp/example-1.0.0'") @gem.unpack @gem.path.should == '/tmp/example-1.0.0' end end describe "Registry::Tarball" do before :each do @extension = mock("Extension", :name => 'example', :download_url => 'http://localhost/example-1.0.0.tar') @tar = end it "should unpack the tarball without compression" do @tar.should_receive(:`).with(/tar xvf example.tar/).and_return('example-1.0.0/example_extension.rb\n') @tar.unpack @tar.path.should =~ /example-1\.0\.0$/ end end describe "Registry::Gzip" do before :each do @extension = mock("Extension", :name => 'example', :download_url => 'http://localhost/example-1.0.0.tar.gz') @gzip = end it "should unpack the archive with compression" do @gzip.should_receive(:system).with(/gunzip example.tar.gz/) @gzip.should_receive(:`).with(/tar xvf example.tar/).and_return('example-1.0.0/example_extension.rb\n') @gzip.unpack @gzip.path.should =~ /example-1\.0\.0$/ end end describe "Registry::Bzip2" do before :each do @extension = mock("Extension", :name => 'example', :download_url => 'http://localhost/example-1.0.0.tar.bz2') @gzip = end it "should unpack the archive with compression" do @gzip.should_receive(:system).with(/bunzip2 example.tar.bz2/) @gzip.should_receive(:`).with(/tar xvf example.tar/).and_return('example-1.0.0/example_extension.rb\n') @gzip.unpack @gzip.path.should =~ /example-1\.0\.0$/ end end describe "Registry::Zip" do before :each do @extension = mock("Extension", :name => 'example', :download_url => 'http://localhost/') @zip = end it "should unpack the zip" do @zip.should_receive(:`).with(/unzip -d example/).and_return('') @zip.unpack @zip.path.should =~ /example$/ end end