require "spec_helper" describe HTML::Proofer do describe '#failed_tests' do it 'is a list of the formatted errors' do brokenLinkInternalFilepath = "#{FIXTURES_DIR}/links/brokenLinkInternal.html" proofer = run_proofer(brokenLinkInternalFilepath) expect(proofer.failed_tests).to eq(["spec/html/proofer/fixtures/links/brokenLinkInternal.html: internally linking to ./notreal.html, which does not exist (line 5)", "spec/html/proofer/fixtures/links/brokenLinkInternal.html: internally linking to ./missingImageAlt.html, which does not exist (line 6)"]) end end describe '#files' do it 'works for directory that ends with .html' do folder = "#{FIXTURES_DIR}/links/_site/folder.html" proofer = folder expect(proofer.files).to eq(["#{folder}/index.html"]) end end describe '#options' do it 'strips out undesired Typhoeus options' do folder = "#{FIXTURES_DIR}/links/_site/folder.html" proofer = folder, :verbose => true expect(proofer.options[:verbose]).to eq(true) expect(proofer.typhoeus_opts[:verbose]).to eq(nil) end it 'takes options for Parallel' do folder = "#{FIXTURES_DIR}/links/_site/folder.html" proofer = folder, :parallel => { :in_processes => 3 } expect(proofer.parallel_opts[:in_processes]).to eq(3) expect(proofer.typhoeus_opts[:in_processes]).to eq(nil) expect(proofer.options[:parallel]).to eq(nil) end describe 'sorting' do it 'understands sorting by path' do output = send_proofer_output("#{FIXTURES_DIR}/sorting/path") expect(output.strip).to eq(''' - spec/html/proofer/fixtures/sorting/path/multiple_issues.html * image gpl.png does not have an alt attribute (line 7) * internal image gpl.png does not exist (line 7) * tel: contains no phone number (line 5) - spec/html/proofer/fixtures/sorting/path/single_issue.html * image has a terrible filename (./Screen Shot 2012-08-09 at 7.51.18 AM.png) (line 1) '''.strip) end it 'understands sorting by issue' do output = send_proofer_output("#{FIXTURES_DIR}/sorting/issue", :error_sort => :desc) expect(output.strip).to eq(''' - image ./gpl.png does not have an alt attribute * spec/html/proofer/fixtures/sorting/issue/broken_image_one.html (line 1) * spec/html/proofer/fixtures/sorting/issue/broken_image_two.html (line 1) - internal image ./gpl.png does not exist * spec/html/proofer/fixtures/sorting/issue/broken_image_one.html (line 1) * spec/html/proofer/fixtures/sorting/issue/broken_image_two.html (line 1) - internal image NOT_AN_IMAGE does not exist * spec/html/proofer/fixtures/sorting/issue/broken_image_two.html (line 4) '''.strip) end it 'understands sorting by status' do output = send_proofer_output("#{FIXTURES_DIR}/sorting/status", :typhoeus => { :followlocation => false }, :error_sort => :status) expect(output.strip).to eq(''' - -1 * spec/html/proofer/fixtures/sorting/status/broken_link.html: internally linking to nowhere.fooof, which does not exist (line 3) - 404 * spec/html/proofer/fixtures/sorting/status/a_404.html: External link failed: 404 No error * spec/html/proofer/fixtures/sorting/status/broken_link.html: External link failed: 404 No error '''.strip) end end describe 'file ignores' do it 'knows how to ignore a file by string' do options = { :file_ignore => ["#{FIXTURES_DIR}/links/brokenHashInternal.html"] } brokenHashInternalFilepath = "#{FIXTURES_DIR}/links/brokenHashInternal.html" proofer = run_proofer(brokenHashInternalFilepath, options) expect(proofer.failed_tests).to eq [] end it 'knows how to ignore a file by regexp' do options = { :file_ignore => [/brokenHash/] } brokenHashInternalFilepath = "#{FIXTURES_DIR}/links/brokenHashInternal.html" proofer = run_proofer(brokenHashInternalFilepath, options) expect(proofer.failed_tests).to eq [] end it 'knows how to ignore multiple files by regexp' do options = { :file_ignore => [%r{.*/javadoc/.*}, %r{.*/catalog/.*}] } brokenFolders = "#{FIXTURES_DIR}/links/folder/multiples" proofer = run_proofer(brokenFolders, options) expect(proofer.failed_tests).to eq [] end it 'knows how to ignore a directory by regexp' do options = { :file_ignore => [/\S\.html/] } linksDir = "#{FIXTURES_DIR}/links" proofer = run_proofer(linksDir, options) expect(proofer.failed_tests).to eq [] end end end describe 'ignored checks' do it 'knows how to ignore checks' do options = { :checks_to_ignore => ['ImageRunner'] } proofer = make_proofer('', options) expect(proofer.checks).to_not include 'ImageRunner' end it 'does not care about phoney ignored checks' do options = { :checks_to_ignore => ['This is nothing.'] } proofer = make_proofer('', options) expect(proofer.checks.length).to eq 3 end end end