#------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (c) Microsoft and contributors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- require 'test_helper' require 'azure/service/storage_service' require 'azure/core/http/http_request' require 'azure/core/http/signer_filter' require 'azure/service/storage_service_properties' describe Azure::Service::StorageService do let(:uri) { URI.parse 'http://dummy.uri/resource' } let(:verb) { :get } let(:x_ms_version) {'2014-02-14'} subject do storage_service = Azure::Service::StorageService.new storage_service.host = 'http://dumyhost.uri' storage_service end describe '#call' do let(:mock_request) { mock() } let(:mock_signer_filter) { mock() } let(:mock_headers) { { 'Other-Header' => 'SomeValue', 'Custom-Header' => 'PreviousValue', 'connection' => 'PreviousValue' } } before do Azure::Core::Http::HttpRequest.stubs(:new).with(verb, uri, anything).returns(mock_request) Azure::Core::Http::SignerFilter.stubs(:new).returns(mock_signer_filter) mock_request.expects(:call) end it 'adds a SignerFilter to the HTTP pipeline' do mock_request.expects(:with_filter).with(mock_signer_filter) subject.call(verb, uri) end describe 'when passed the optional headers arguement' do before do Azure::Core::Http::HttpRequest.stubs(:new).with(verb, uri, { body: nil, headers: {'Custom-Header' => 'CustomValue'}, client: nil }).returns(mock_request) mock_request.expects(:with_filter).with(mock_signer_filter) end it 'passes the custom headers into the request initializer' do subject.call(verb, uri, nil, {'Custom-Header' => 'CustomValue'}) end end describe 'when passed the optional body arguement' do before do mock_request.expects(:with_filter).with(mock_signer_filter) end it 'passes the body to the to HttpRequest' do Azure::Core::Http::HttpRequest.stubs(:new).with(verb, uri, 'body').returns(mock_request) subject.call(verb, uri, 'body') end end describe 'when with_filter was called' do before do mock_request.expects(:with_filter).with(mock_signer_filter) end it 'builds the HTTP pipeline by passing the filters to the HTTPRequest' do filter = mock() filter1 = mock() subject.with_filter filter subject.with_filter filter1 mock_request.expects(:with_filter).with(filter) mock_request.expects(:with_filter).with(filter1) subject.call(verb, uri) end end end describe '#with_filter' do it 'appends filters to a list of filters that will be used in the #call method' do initial_length = subject.filters.length filter = mock() subject.with_filter filter subject.filters.length.must_equal initial_length + 1 end it 'accepts object instances as filters' do filter = mock() subject.with_filter filter subject.filters.last.must_equal filter end it 'accepts blocks as filters' do subject.with_filter do |a, b| end subject.filters.last.class.must_equal Proc end it 'preserves the order of the filters' do subject.filters = [] filter = mock() filter1 = mock() subject.with_filter filter subject.with_filter filter1 subject.with_filter do |a, b| end subject.filters.first.must_equal filter subject.filters[1].must_equal filter1 subject.filters.last.class.must_equal Proc end end describe '#get_service_properties' do let(:service_properties_xml) { Fixtures['storage_service_properties'] } let(:service_properties) { Azure::Service::StorageServiceProperties.new } let(:response) { response = mock() response.stubs(:body).returns(service_properties_xml) response } let(:service_properties_uri) { URI.parse 'http://dummy.uri/service/properties' } let(:service_properties_headers) { {'x-ms-version' => x_ms_version} } before do Azure::Service::Serialization.stubs(:service_properties_from_xml).with(service_properties_xml).returns(service_properties) subject.stubs(:service_properties_uri).returns(service_properties_uri) subject.stubs(:call).with(:get, service_properties_uri, nil, service_properties_headers).returns(response) end it 'calls the service_properties_uri method to determine the correct uri' do subject.expects(:service_properties_uri).returns(service_properties_uri) subject.get_service_properties end it 'gets the response from the HTTP API' do subject.expects(:call).with(:get, service_properties_uri, nil, service_properties_headers).returns(response) subject.get_service_properties end it 'deserializes the response from xml' do Azure::Service::Serialization.expects(:service_properties_from_xml).with(service_properties_xml).returns(service_properties) subject.get_service_properties end it 'returns a StorageServiceProperties instance' do result = subject.get_service_properties result.must_be_kind_of Azure::Service::StorageServiceProperties end end describe '#set_service_properties' do let(:service_properties_xml) { Fixtures['storage_service_properties'] } let(:service_properties) { Azure::Service::StorageServiceProperties.new } let(:response) { response = mock() response.stubs(:success?).returns(true) response } let(:service_properties_uri) { URI.parse 'http://dummy.uri/service/properties' } let(:service_properties_headers) { {'x-ms-version' => x_ms_version} } before do Azure::Service::Serialization.stubs(:service_properties_to_xml).with(service_properties).returns(service_properties_xml) subject.stubs(:service_properties_uri).returns(service_properties_uri) subject.stubs(:call).with(:put, service_properties_uri, service_properties_xml, service_properties_headers).returns(response) end it 'calls the service_properties_uri method to determine the correct uri' do subject.expects(:service_properties_uri).returns(service_properties_uri) subject.set_service_properties service_properties end it 'posts to the HTTP API' do subject.expects(:call).with(:put, service_properties_uri, service_properties_xml, service_properties_headers).returns(response) subject.set_service_properties service_properties end it 'serializes the StorageServiceProperties object to xml' do Azure::Service::Serialization.expects(:service_properties_to_xml).with(service_properties).returns(service_properties_xml) subject.set_service_properties service_properties end it 'returns nil on success' do result = subject.set_service_properties service_properties result.must_equal nil end end describe 'service_properties_uri' do it 'returns an instance of URI' do subject.service_properties_uri.must_be_kind_of URI end it 'uses the value of the host property as the base of the url' do subject.service_properties_uri.to_s.must_include subject.host subject.host = 'http://something.else' subject.service_properties_uri.to_s.must_include subject.host end it 'sets a query string that specifies the storage service properties endpoint' do subject.service_properties_uri.query.must_include 'restype=service&comp=properties' end end describe '#add_metadata_to_headers' do it 'prefixes header names with x-ms-meta- but does not modify the values' do headers = {} subject.add_metadata_to_headers({'Foo' => 'Bar'}, headers) headers.keys.must_include 'x-ms-meta-Foo' headers['x-ms-meta-Foo'].must_equal 'Bar' end it 'updates any existing x-ms-meta-* headers with the new values' do headers = {'x-ms-meta-Foo' => 'Foo'} subject.add_metadata_to_headers({'Foo' => 'Bar'}, headers) headers['x-ms-meta-Foo'].must_equal 'Bar' end end describe '#generate_uri' do it 'returns a URI instance' do subject.generate_uri.must_be_kind_of ::URI end describe 'when called with no arguments' do it 'returns the StorageService host URL' do subject.generate_uri.to_s.must_equal 'http://dumyhost.uri/' end end describe 'when passed an optional path' do it 'adds the path to the host url' do subject.generate_uri('resource/entity/').path.must_equal '/resource/entity/' end it 'correctly joins the path if the host url contained a path' do subject.host = 'http://dummy.uri/host/path' subject.generate_uri('resource/entity/').path.must_equal '/host/path/resource/entity/' end end describe 'when passed an Hash of query parameters' do it 'encodes the keys' do subject.generate_uri('', {'key !' => 'value'}).query.must_include 'key+%21=value' end it 'encodes the values' do subject.generate_uri('', {'key' => 'value !'}).query.must_include 'key=value+%21' end it 'sets the query string to the encoded result' do subject.generate_uri('', {'key' => 'value !', 'key !' => 'value'}).query.must_equal 'key=value+%21&key+%21=value' end describe 'when the query parameters include a timeout key' do it 'overrides the default timeout' do subject.generate_uri('', {'timeout' => 45}).query.must_equal 'timeout=45' end end describe 'when the query parameters are nil' do it 'does not include any query parameters' do subject.generate_uri('', nil).query.must_equal nil end end end end end