--- :is: :units: :durationUnit: :hm: "h:mm" :hms: "h:mm:ss" :ms: "m:ss" :unitLength: :long: :acceleration-g-force: :one: "{0} þyngdarhröðunar" :other: "{0} þyngdarhröðunar" :acceleration-meter-per-square-second: :one: "{0} metri á sekúndu, á sekúndu" :other: "{0} metrar á sekúndu, á sekúndu" :angle-arc-minute: :one: "{0} bogamínútu" :other: "{0} bogamínútna" :angle-arc-second: :one: "{0} bogasekúndu" :other: "{0} bogasekúndna" :angle-degree: :one: "{0} gráða" :other: "{0} gráður" :angle-radian: :one: "{0} radíans" :other: "{0} radíans" :angle-revolution: :one: "{0} snúnings" :other: "{0} snúninga" :area-acre: :one: "{0} ekra" :other: "{0} ekrur" :area-dunam: :one: "{0} dúnam" :other: "{0} dúnöm" :area-hectare: :one: "{0} hektara" :other: "{0} hektara" :area-square-centimeter: :one: "{0} fersentimetri" :other: "{0} fersentimetrar" :area-square-foot: :one: "{0} ferfet" :other: "{0} ferfet" :area-square-inch: :one: "{0} fertomma" :other: "{0} fertommur" :area-square-kilometer: :one: "{0} ferkílómetri" :other: "{0} ferkílómetrar" :area-square-meter: :one: "{0} fermetri" :other: "{0} fermetrar" :area-square-mile: :one: "{0} fermíla" :other: "{0} fermílur" :area-square-yard: :one: "{0} feryard" :other: "{0} feryardar" :concentr-item: :one: "{0} atriði" :other: "{0} atriði" :concentr-karat: :one: "{0} karats" :other: "{0} karata" :concentr-milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter: :one: "{0} milligramm á desílítra" :other: "{0} milligrömm á desílítra" :concentr-millimole-per-liter: :one: "{0} millimól á lítra" :other: "{0} millimól á lítra" :concentr-mole: :one: "{0} móls" :other: "{0} móla" :concentr-percent: :one: "{0} prósents" :other: "{0} prósenta" :concentr-permille: :one: "{0} prómills" :other: "{0} prómilla" :concentr-permillion: :one: "{0} milljónarhluta" :other: "{0} milljónarhluta" :concentr-permyriad: :one: "{0} permyriad" :other: "{0} permyriad" :consumption-liter-per-100-kilometer: :one: "{0} lítri á 100 kílómetra" :other: "{0} lítrar á 100 kílómetra" :consumption-liter-per-kilometer: :one: "{0} lítri á kílómetra" :other: "{0} lítrar á kílómetra" :consumption-mile-per-gallon: :one: "{0} míla á gallon" :other: "{0} mílur á gallon" :consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial: :one: "{0} míla á breskt gallon" :other: "{0} mílur á breskt gallon" :digital-bit: :one: "{0} bita" :other: "{0} bita" :digital-byte: :one: "{0} bætis" :other: "{0} bæta" :digital-gigabit: :one: "{0} gígabiti" :other: "{0} gígabitar" :digital-gigabyte: :one: "{0} gígabæti" :other: "{0} gígabæti" :digital-kilobit: :one: "{0} kílóbiti" :other: "{0} kílóbitar" :digital-kilobyte: :one: "{0} kílóbæti" :other: "{0} kílóbæti" :digital-megabit: :one: "{0} megabiti" :other: "{0} megabitar" :digital-megabyte: :one: "{0} megabæti" :other: "{0} megabæti" :digital-petabyte: :one: "{0} petabæt" :other: "{0} petabæt" :digital-terabit: :one: "{0} terabiti" :other: "{0} terabitar" :digital-terabyte: :one: "{0} terabæti" :other: "{0} terabæti" :duration-century: :one: "{0} aldar" :other: "{0} alda" :duration-day: :one: "{0} dags" :other: "{0} daga" :duration-day-person: :one: "{0} dags" :other: "{0} daga" :duration-decade: :one: "{0} áratugs" :other: "{0} áratuga" :duration-hour: :one: "{0} klukkustundar" :other: "{0} klukkustunda" :duration-microsecond: :one: "{0} míkrósekúnda" :other: "{0} míkrósekúndur" :duration-millisecond: :one: "{0} millisekúnda" :other: "{0} millisekúndur" :duration-minute: :one: "{0} mínútu" :other: "{0} mínútna" :duration-month: :one: "{0} mánaðar" :other: "{0} mánaða" :duration-nanosecond: :one: "{0} nanósekúnda" :other: "{0} nanósekúndur" :duration-second: :one: "{0} sekúndu" :other: "{0} sekúndna" :duration-week: :one: "{0} viku" :other: "{0} vikna" :duration-year: :one: "{0} árs" :other: "{0} ára" :electric-ampere: :one: "{0} ampers" :other: "{0} ampera" :electric-milliampere: :one: "{0} milliamper" :other: "{0} milliamper" :electric-ohm: :one: "{0} óms" :other: "{0} óma" :electric-volt: :one: "{0} volts" :other: "{0} volta" :energy-british-thermal-unit: :one: "{0} Bresk varmaeining" :other: "{0} Breskar varmaeiningar" :energy-calorie: :one: "{0} kaloríu" :other: "{0} kaloría" :energy-electronvolt: :one: "{0} rafeindarvolt" :other: "{0} rafeindarvolt" :energy-foodcalorie: :one: "{0} hitaeining" :other: "{0} hitaeiningar" :energy-joule: :one: "{0} júls" :other: "{0} júla" :energy-kilocalorie: :one: "{0} kílókaloría" :other: "{0} kílókaloríur" :energy-kilojoule: :one: "{0} kílójúl" :other: "{0} kílójúl" :energy-kilowatt-hour: :one: "{0} kílóvattstund" :other: "{0} kílóvattstundir" :energy-therm-us: :one: "{0} bandarísk varmaeining" :other: "{0} bandarískar varmaeiningar" :force-kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer: :one: "{0} kílóvatt á 100 kílómetra" :other: "{0} kílóvött á 100 kílómetra" :force-newton: :one: "{0} njútons" :other: "{0} njútons" :force-pound-force: :one: "{0} kraftur punds" :other: "{0} kraftar punds" :frequency-gigahertz: :one: "{0} gígahertz" :other: "{0} gígahertz" :frequency-hertz: :one: "{0} hertz" :other: "{0} hertza" :frequency-kilohertz: :one: "{0} kílóhertz" :other: "{0} kílóhertz" :frequency-megahertz: :one: "{0} megahertz" :other: "{0} megahertz" :graphics-dot: :one: "{0} punktur" :other: "{0} punktur" :graphics-dot-per-centimeter: :one: "{0} punktur á sentimetra" :other: "{0} punktar á sentimetra" :graphics-dot-per-inch: :one: "{0} punktur á tommu" :other: "{0} punktar á tommu" :graphics-megapixel: :one: "{0} megapixill" :other: "{0} megapixlar" :graphics-pixel: :one: "{0} pixils" :other: "{0} pixla" :graphics-pixel-per-centimeter: :one: "{0} pixill á sentimetra" :other: "{0} pixlar á sentimetra" :graphics-pixel-per-inch: :one: "{0} pixill á tommu" :other: "{0} pixlar á tommu" :length-astronomical-unit: :one: "{0} stjarnfræðieining" :other: "{0} stjarnfræðieiningar" :length-centimeter: :one: "{0} sentimetri" :other: "{0} sentimetrar" :length-decimeter: :one: "{0} desimetri" :other: "{0} desimetrar" :length-earth-radius: :one: "{0} geisli jarðar" :other: "{0} geisli jarðar" :length-fathom: :one: "{0} faðmur" :other: "{0} faðmar" :length-foot: :one: "{0} fet" :other: "{0} fet" :length-furlong: :one: "{0} furlong" :other: "{0} furlong" :length-inch: :one: "{0} tomma" :other: "{0} tommur" :length-kilometer: :one: "{0} kílómetri" :other: "{0} kílómetrar" :length-light-year: :one: "{0} ljósár" :other: "{0} ljósár" :length-meter: :one: "{0} metra" :other: "{0} metra" :length-micrometer: :one: "{0} míkrómetri" :other: "{0} míkrómetrar" :length-mile: :one: "{0} míla" :other: "{0} mílur" :length-mile-scandinavian: :one: "{0} sænskrar mílu" :other: "{0} sænskra mílna" :length-millimeter: :one: "{0} millimetri" :other: "{0} millimetrar" :length-nanometer: :one: "{0} nanómetri" :other: "{0} nanómetrar" :length-nautical-mile: :one: "{0} sjómíla" :other: "{0} sjómílur" :length-parsec: :one: "{0} parsek" :other: "{0} parsek" :length-picometer: :one: "{0} píkómetri" :other: "{0} píkómetrar" :length-point: :one: "{0} stig" :other: "{0} stig" :length-solar-radius: :one: "{0} sólarradíus" :other: "{0} sólarradíusar" :length-yard: :one: "{0} yard" :other: "{0} yardar" :light-candela: :one: "{0} kertis" :other: "{0} kerta" :light-lumen: :one: "{0} lúmens" :other: "{0} lúmena" :light-lux: :one: "{0} lúx" :other: "{0} lúxa" :light-solar-luminosity: :one: "{0} ljósafl sólar" :other: "{0} ljósafl sólar" :mass-carat: :one: "{0} karat" :other: "{0} karöt" :mass-dalton: :one: "{0} dalton" :other: "{0} dalton" :mass-earth-mass: :one: "{0} jarðmassi" :other: "{0} jarðmassar" :mass-grain: :one: "{0} ögn" :other: "{0} agnir" :mass-gram: :one: "{0} gramms" :other: "{0} gramma" :mass-kilogram: :one: "{0} kílógramms" :other: "{0} kílógramma" :mass-metric-ton: :one: "{0} tonns" :other: "{0} tonna" :mass-microgram: :one: "{0} míkrógramm" :other: "{0} míkrógrömm" :mass-milligram: :one: "{0} milligramm" :other: "{0} milligrömm" :mass-ounce: :one: "{0} únsa" :other: "{0} únsur" :mass-ounce-troy: :one: "{0} troyesúnsa" :other: "{0} troyesúnsur" :mass-pound: :one: "{0} pund" :other: "{0} pund" :mass-solar-mass: :one: "{0} sólmassi" :other: "{0} sólmassar" :mass-stone: :one: "{0} stone" :other: "{0} stones" :mass-ton: :one: "{0} bandarískt tonn" :other: "{0} bandarísk tonn" :power-gigawatt: :one: "{0} gígavatt" :other: "{0} gígavött" :power-horsepower: :one: "{0} hestafl" :other: "{0} hestöfl" :power-kilowatt: :one: "{0} kílóvatt" :other: "{0} kílóvött" :power-megawatt: :one: "{0} megavatt" :other: "{0} megavött" :power-milliwatt: :one: "{0} millivatt" :other: "{0} millivött" :power-watt: :one: "{0} vatts" :other: "{0} vatta" :pressure-atmosphere: :one: "{0} loftþyngdar" :other: "{0} loftþyngda" :pressure-bar: :one: "{0} bars" :other: "{0} bara" :pressure-hectopascal: :one: "{0} hektópaskal" :other: "{0} hektópasköl" :pressure-inch-ofhg: :one: "{0} tomma af kvikasilfri" :other: "{0} tommur af kvikasilfri" :pressure-kilopascal: :one: "{0} kílópaskal" :other: "{0} kílópasköl" :pressure-megapascal: :one: "{0} megapaskal" :other: "{0} megapasköl" :pressure-millibar: :one: "{0} millibar" :other: "{0} millibör" :pressure-millimeter-ofhg: :one: "{0} millimetrar af kvikasilfri" :other: "{0} millimetrar af kvikasilfri" :pressure-pascal: :one: "{0} paskals" :other: "{0} paskala" :pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch: :one: "{0} pund á fertommu" :other: "{0} pund á fertommu" :speed-kilometer-per-hour: :one: "{0} kílómetri á klukkustund" :other: "{0} kílómetrar á klukkustund" :speed-knot: :one: "{0} hnútur" :other: "{0} hnútar" :speed-meter-per-second: :one: "{0} metri á sekúndu" :other: "{0} metrar á sekúndu" :speed-mile-per-hour: :one: "{0} míla á klukkustund" :other: "{0} mílur á klukkustund" :temperature-celsius: :one: "{0} gráðu á Celsíus" :other: "{0} gráða á Celsíus" :temperature-fahrenheit: :one: "{0} gráða á Fahrenheit" :other: "{0} gráður á Fahrenheit" :temperature-generic: :one: "{0} gráðu" :other: "{0} gráða" :temperature-kelvin: :one: "{0} kelvins" :other: "{0} kelvina" :torque-newton-meter: :one: "{0} njútonmetri" :other: "{0} njútonmetrar" :torque-pound-force-foot: :one: "{0} pund-kraftur-fet" :other: "{0} pundfet" :volume-acre-foot: :one: "{0} ekrufet" :other: "{0} ekrufet" :volume-barrel: :one: "{0} tunna" :other: "{0} tunnur" :volume-bushel: :one: "{0} skeppa" :other: "{0} skeppur" :volume-centiliter: :one: "{0} sentilítri" :other: "{0} sentilítrar" :volume-cubic-centimeter: :one: "{0} rúmsentimetri" :other: "{0} rúmsentimetrar" :volume-cubic-foot: :one: "{0} rúmfet" :other: "{0} rúmfet" :volume-cubic-inch: :one: "{0} rúmtomma" :other: "{0} rúmtommur" :volume-cubic-kilometer: :one: "{0} rúmkílómetri" :other: "{0} rúmkílómetrar" :volume-cubic-meter: :one: "{0} rúmmetri" :other: "{0} rúmmetrar" :volume-cubic-mile: :one: "{0} rúmmíla" :other: "{0} rúmmílur" :volume-cubic-yard: :one: "{0} rúmyard" :other: "{0} rúmyardar" :volume-cup: :one: "{0} bolli" :other: "{0} bollar" :volume-cup-metric: :one: "{0} ástralsks bolla" :other: "{0} ástralskra bolla" :volume-deciliter: :one: "{0} desilítri" :other: "{0} desilítrar" :volume-dessert-spoon: :one: "{0} ábætisskeið" :other: "{0} ábætisskeið" :volume-dessert-spoon-imperial: :one: "{0} bresk ábætisskeið" :other: "{0} bresk ábætisskeið" :volume-dram: :one: "{0} dramm" :other: "{0} drömm" :volume-drop: :one: "{0} dropi" :other: "{0} dropar" :volume-fluid-ounce: :one: "{0} vökvaúnsa" :other: "{0} vökvaúnsur" :volume-fluid-ounce-imperial: :one: "{0} bresk vökvaúnsa" :other: "{0} breskar vökvaúnsur" :volume-gallon: :one: "{0} gallon" :other: "{0} gallon" :volume-gallon-imperial: :one: "{0} breskt gallon" :other: "{0} breskt gallon" :volume-hectoliter: :one: "{0} hektólítri" :other: "{0} hektólítrar" :volume-jigger: :one: "{0} sjúss" :other: "{0} sjússar" :volume-liter: :one: "{0} lítri" :other: "{0} lítrar" :volume-megaliter: :one: "{0} megalítri" :other: "{0} megalítrar" :volume-milliliter: :one: "{0} millilítri" :other: "{0} millilítrar" :volume-pinch: :one: "{0} klípa" :other: "{0} klípur" :volume-pint: :one: "{0} hálfpottur" :other: "{0} hálfpottar" :volume-pint-metric: :one: "{0} mpt" :other: "{0} mpt" :volume-quart: :one: "{0} kvart" :other: "{0} kvartar" :volume-quart-imperial: :one: "{0} lagarmál" :other: "{0} lagarmál" :volume-tablespoon: :one: "{0} matskeið" :other: "{0} matskeiðar" :volume-teaspoon: :one: "{0} teskeið" :other: "{0} teskeiðar" :narrow: :acceleration-g-force: :one: "{0}G" :other: "{0}G" :acceleration-meter-per-square-second: :one: "{0}m/s²" :other: "{0}m/s²" :angle-arc-minute: :one: "{0}′" :other: "{0}′" :angle-arc-second: :one: "{0}″" :other: "{0}″" :angle-degree: :one: "{0}°" :other: "{0}°" :area-acre: :one: "{0} ek." :other: "{0} ek." :area-hectare: :one: "{0} ha" :other: "{0} ha" :area-square-foot: :one: "{0}ft²" :other: "{0}ft²" :area-square-kilometer: :one: "{0} km²" :other: "{0} km²" :area-square-meter: :one: "{0} m²" :other: "{0} m²" :area-square-mile: :one: "{0}mí²" :other: "{0}mí²" :concentr-item: :one: "{0} atriði" :other: "{0} atriði" :concentr-milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter: :one: "{0}mg/dL" :other: "{0}mg/dL" :concentr-millimole-per-liter: :one: "{0}mmol/L" :other: "{0}mmol/L" :concentr-percent: :one: "{0}%" :other: "{0}%" :concentr-permillion: :one: "{0}ppm" :other: "{0}ppm" :consumption-liter-per-100-kilometer: :one: "{0}l/100km" :other: "{0}l/100km" :duration-century: :one: "{0}árh" :other: "{0}árh" :duration-day: :one: "{0} d." :other: "{0} d." :duration-hour: :one: "{0} klst." :other: "{0} klst." :duration-microsecond: :one: "{0} μs" :other: "{0} μs" :duration-millisecond: :one: "{0}ms" :other: "{0}ms" :duration-minute: :one: "{0} mín." :other: "{0} mín." :duration-month: :one: "{0} mán." :other: "{0} mán." :duration-nanosecond: :one: "{0} ns" :other: "{0} ns" :duration-second: :one: "{0} sek." :other: "{0} sek." :duration-week: :one: "{0} v." :other: "{0} v." :duration-year: :one: "{0}á" :other: "{0}á" :force-kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer: :one: "{0} kWh/100km" :other: "{0}kWh/100km" :length-astronomical-unit: :one: "{0} se" :other: "{0} se" :length-centimeter: :one: "{0}cm" :other: "{0}cm" :length-decimeter: :one: "{0} dm" :other: "{0} dm" :length-fathom: :one: "{0}fth" :other: "{0}fth" :length-foot: :one: "{0} fet" :other: "{0} fet" :length-furlong: :one: "{0}fur" :other: "{0}fur" :length-inch: :one: "{0}″" :other: "{0}″" :length-kilometer: :one: "{0} km" :other: "{0} km" :length-light-year: :one: "{0} lj." :other: "{0} lj." :length-meter: :one: "{0}m" :other: "{0}m" :length-micrometer: :one: "{0} μm" :other: "{0} μm" :length-mile: :one: "{0} mí" :other: "{0} mí" :length-mile-scandinavian: :one: "{0} sæ. míl" :other: "{0} sæ. míl" :length-millimeter: :one: "{0}mm" :other: "{0}mm" :length-nanometer: :one: "{0} nm" :other: "{0} nm" :length-nautical-mile: :one: "{0} sml" :other: "{0} sml" :length-parsec: :one: "{0} pc" :other: "{0} pc" :length-picometer: :one: "{0} pm" :other: "{0} pm" :length-point: :one: "{0} stig" :other: "{0} stig" :length-yard: :one: "{0} yd" :other: "{0} yd" :mass-carat: :one: "{0} kt." :other: "{0} kt." :mass-gram: :one: "{0} g" :other: "{0} g" :mass-kilogram: :one: "{0} kg" :other: "{0} kg" :mass-metric-ton: :one: "{0} t" :other: "{0} t" :mass-microgram: :one: "{0} μg" :other: "{0} μg" :mass-milligram: :one: "{0} mg" :other: "{0} mg" :mass-ounce: :one: "{0} únsa" :other: "{0} únsur" :mass-ounce-troy: :one: "{0} oz t" :other: "{0} oz t" :mass-pound: :one: "{0} p." :other: "{0} p." :mass-stone: :one: "{0}st" :other: "{0}st" :mass-ton: :one: "{0}tn" :other: "{0}tn" :power-kilowatt: :one: "{0} kW" :other: "{0} kW" :power-watt: :one: "{0} W" :other: "{0} W" :pressure-bar: :one: "{0} bar" :other: "{0} bör" :pressure-hectopascal: :one: "{0} hPa" :other: "{0} hPa" :pressure-inch-ofhg: :one: "{0}\" Hg" :other: "{0}\" Hg" :pressure-millibar: :one: "{0} mbar" :other: "{0} mbör" :pressure-millimeter-ofhg: :one: "{0} mm Hg" :other: "{0} mm Hg" :pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch: :one: "{0} psi" :other: "{0} psi" :speed-kilometer-per-hour: :one: "{0} km/klst." :other: "{0} km/klst." :speed-knot: :one: "{0} kn" :other: "{0} kn" :speed-meter-per-second: :one: "{0} m/s" :other: "{0} m/s" :speed-mile-per-hour: :one: "{0} míla/klst." :other: "{0} míl./klst." :temperature-celsius: :one: "{0}°C" :other: "{0}°C" :temperature-fahrenheit: :one: "{0}°F" :other: "{0}°F" :temperature-generic: :one: "{0}°" :other: "{0}°" :temperature-kelvin: :one: "{0} K" :other: "{0} K" :volume-cubic-kilometer: :one: "{0} km³" :other: "{0} km³" :volume-cubic-mile: :one: "{0}mi³" :other: "{0}mi³" :volume-dessert-spoon: :one: "{0} áb.skeið" :other: "{0} áb.skeið" :volume-dessert-spoon-imperial: :one: "{0} br áb.sk" :other: "{0} br áb.sk" :volume-liter: :one: "{0} l" :other: "{0} l" :volume-quart-imperial: :one: "{0} l.mál" :other: "{0} l.mál" :short: :acceleration-g-force: :one: "{0} G" :other: "{0} G" :acceleration-meter-per-square-second: :one: "{0} m/s²" :other: "{0} m/s²" :angle-arc-minute: :one: "{0} bogamín." :other: "{0} bogamín." :angle-arc-second: :one: "{0} bogasek." :other: "{0} bogasek." :angle-degree: :one: "{0}°" :other: "{0}°" :angle-radian: :one: "{0} rad" :other: "{0} rad" :angle-revolution: :one: "{0} sn." :other: "{0} sn." :area-acre: :one: "{0} ek." :other: "{0} ek." :area-dunam: :one: "{0} dúnam" :other: "{0} dúnam" :area-hectare: :one: "{0} ha" :other: "{0} ha" :area-square-centimeter: :one: "{0} cm²" :other: "{0} cm²" :area-square-foot: :one: "{0} ferfet" :other: "{0} ferfet" :area-square-inch: :one: "{0} t²" :other: "{0} t²" :area-square-kilometer: :one: "{0} km²" :other: "{0} km²" :area-square-meter: :one: "{0} m²" :other: "{0} m²" :area-square-mile: :one: "{0} fermíla" :other: "{0} fermílur" :area-square-yard: :one: "{0} yd²" :other: "{0} yd²" :concentr-item: :one: "{0} atriði" :other: "{0} atriði" :concentr-karat: :one: "{0} kt" :other: "{0} kt" :concentr-milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter: :one: "{0} mg/dl" :other: "{0} mg/dl" :concentr-millimole-per-liter: :one: "{0} m.mól/l" :other: "{0} m.mól/l" :concentr-mole: :one: "{0} mól" :other: "{0} mól" :concentr-percent: :one: "{0}%" :other: "{0} %" :concentr-permille: :one: "{0}‰" :other: "{0}‰" :concentr-permillion: :one: "{0} ppm" :other: "{0} ppm" :concentr-permyriad: :other: "{0}‱" :consumption-liter-per-100-kilometer: :one: "{0} l/100 km" :other: "{0} l/100 km" :consumption-liter-per-kilometer: :one: "{0} l/km" :other: "{0} l/km" :consumption-mile-per-gallon: :one: "{0} mí./gal." :other: "{0} mí./gal." :consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial: :one: "{0} mí./br.g." :other: "{0} mí./br.g." :digital-bit: :one: "{0} biti" :other: "{0} bitar" :digital-byte: :one: "{0} bæti" :other: "{0} bæti" :digital-gigabit: :one: "{0} Gb" :other: "{0} Gb" :digital-gigabyte: :one: "{0} GB" :other: "{0} GB" :digital-kilobit: :one: "{0} kb" :other: "{0} kb" :digital-kilobyte: :one: "{0} kB" :other: "{0} kB" :digital-megabit: :one: "{0} Mb" :other: "{0} Mb" :digital-megabyte: :one: "{0} MB" :other: "{0} MB" :digital-petabyte: :one: "{0} PB" :other: "{0} PB" :digital-terabit: :one: "{0} Tb" :other: "{0} Tb" :digital-terabyte: :one: "{0} TB" :other: "{0} TB" :duration-century: :one: "{0} árh" :other: "{0} árh" :duration-day: :one: "{0} dagur" :other: "{0} dagar" :duration-decade: :one: "{0} árat." :other: "{0} árat." :duration-hour: :one: "{0} klst." :other: "{0} klst." :duration-microsecond: :one: "{0} μs" :other: "{0} μs" :duration-millisecond: :one: "{0} ms" :other: "{0} ms" :duration-minute: :one: "{0} mín." :other: "{0} mín." :duration-month: :one: "{0} mán." :other: "{0} mán." :duration-nanosecond: :one: "{0} ns" :other: "{0} ns" :duration-second: :one: "{0} sek." :other: "{0} sek." :duration-week: :one: "{0} vika" :other: "{0} vikur" :duration-year: :one: "{0} ár" :other: "{0} ár" :electric-ampere: :one: "{0} A" :other: "{0} A" :electric-milliampere: :one: "{0} mA" :other: "{0} mA" :electric-ohm: :one: "{0} Ω" :other: "{0} Ω" :electric-volt: :one: "{0} V" :other: "{0} V" :energy-british-thermal-unit: :other: "{0} Btu" :energy-calorie: :one: "{0} cal" :other: "{0} cal" :energy-electronvolt: :other: "{0} eV" :energy-foodcalorie: :one: "{0} kal" :other: "{0} kal" :energy-joule: :one: "{0} J" :other: "{0} J" :energy-kilocalorie: :one: "{0} kcal" :other: "{0} kcal" :energy-kilojoule: :one: "{0} kJ" :other: "{0} kJ" :energy-kilowatt-hour: :one: "{0} kWh" :other: "{0} kWh" :energy-therm-us: :one: "{0} bna varmaeining" :other: "{0} bna varmaeiningar" :force-kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer: :other: "{0} kWh/100km" :force-newton: :other: "{0} N" :force-pound-force: :other: "{0} lbf" :frequency-gigahertz: :one: "{0} GHz" :other: "{0} GHz" :frequency-hertz: :one: "{0} Hz" :other: "{0} Hz" :frequency-kilohertz: :one: "{0} kHz" :other: "{0} kHz" :frequency-megahertz: :one: "{0} MHz" :other: "{0} MHz" :graphics-dot: :one: "{0} punktur" :other: "{0} punktur" :graphics-dot-per-centimeter: :one: "{0} dpcm" :other: "{0} dpcm" :graphics-dot-per-inch: :one: "{0} dpi" :other: "{0} dpi" :graphics-em: :other: "{0} em" :graphics-megapixel: :one: "{0} MP" :other: "{0} MP" :graphics-pixel: :one: "{0} px" :other: "{0} px" :graphics-pixel-per-centimeter: :one: "{0} ppcm" :other: "{0} ppcm" :graphics-pixel-per-inch: :one: "{0} ppi" :other: "{0} ppi" :length-astronomical-unit: :one: "{0} se" :other: "{0} se" :length-centimeter: :one: "{0} cm" :other: "{0} cm" :length-decimeter: :one: "{0} dm" :other: "{0} dm" :length-earth-radius: :other: "{0} R⊕" :length-fathom: :one: "{0} fth" :other: "{0} fth" :length-foot: :one: "{0} fet" :other: "{0} fet" :length-furlong: :one: "{0} fur" :other: "{0} fur" :length-inch: :one: "{0} t." :other: "{0} t." :length-kilometer: :one: "{0} km" :other: "{0} km" :length-light-year: :one: "{0} ljósár" :other: "{0} ljósár" :length-meter: :one: "{0} m" :other: "{0} m" :length-micrometer: :one: "{0} μm" :other: "{0} μm" :length-mile: :one: "{0} mí" :other: "{0} mí" :length-mile-scandinavian: :one: "{0} sæ. míl." :other: "{0} sæ. míl." :length-millimeter: :one: "{0} mm" :other: "{0} mm" :length-nanometer: :one: "{0} nm" :other: "{0} nm" :length-nautical-mile: :one: "{0} sml" :other: "{0} sml" :length-parsec: :one: "{0} pc" :other: "{0} pc" :length-picometer: :one: "{0} pm" :other: "{0} pm" :length-point: :one: "{0} stig" :other: "{0} stig" :length-solar-radius: :one: "{0} Rsól" :other: "{0} Rsól" :length-yard: :one: "{0} yd" :other: "{0} yd" :light-candela: :one: "{0} kerti" :other: "{0} kerti" :light-lumen: :other: "{0} lm" :light-lux: :one: "{0} lx" :other: "{0} lx" :light-solar-luminosity: :one: "{0} Lsól" :other: "{0} Lsól" :mass-carat: :one: "{0} kt." :other: "{0} kt." :mass-dalton: :other: "{0} Da" :mass-earth-mass: :other: "{0} M⊕" :mass-grain: :one: "{0} ögn" :other: "{0} agnir" :mass-gram: :one: "{0} g" :other: "{0} g" :mass-kilogram: :one: "{0} kg" :other: "{0} kg" :mass-metric-ton: :one: "{0} tn" :other: "{0} tn" :mass-microgram: :one: "{0} μg" :other: "{0} μg" :mass-milligram: :one: "{0} mg" :other: "{0} mg" :mass-ounce: :one: "{0} oz" :other: "{0} oz" :mass-ounce-troy: :one: "{0} oz t" :other: "{0} oz t" :mass-pound: :one: "{0} lb" :other: "{0} lb" :mass-solar-mass: :one: "{0} Msól" :other: "{0} Msól" :mass-stone: :one: "{0} st" :other: "{0} st" :mass-ton: :one: "{0} BNA tn" :other: "{0} BNA tn" :power-gigawatt: :one: "{0} GW" :other: "{0} GW" :power-horsepower: :one: "{0} hö" :other: "{0} hö" :power-kilowatt: :one: "{0} kW" :other: "{0} kW" :power-megawatt: :one: "{0} MW" :other: "{0} MW" :power-milliwatt: :one: "{0} mW" :other: "{0} mW" :power-watt: :one: "{0} W" :other: "{0} W" :pressure-atmosphere: :one: "{0} atm" :other: "{0} atm" :pressure-bar: :one: "{0} bar" :other: "{0} bör" :pressure-hectopascal: :one: "{0} hPa" :other: "{0} hPa" :pressure-inch-ofhg: :one: "{0} to Hg" :other: "{0} to Hg" :pressure-kilopascal: :other: "{0} kPa" :pressure-megapascal: :other: "{0} MPa" :pressure-millibar: :one: "{0} mbar" :other: "{0} mbör" :pressure-millimeter-ofhg: :one: "{0} mm Hg" :other: "{0} mm Hg" :pressure-pascal: :one: "{0} Pa" :other: "{0} Pa" :pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch: :one: "{0} psi" :other: "{0} psi" :speed-kilometer-per-hour: :one: "{0} km/klst." :other: "{0} km/klst." :speed-knot: :one: "{0} kn" :other: "{0} kn" :speed-meter-per-second: :one: "{0} m/s" :other: "{0} m/s" :speed-mile-per-hour: :one: "{0} míla/klst." :other: "{0} mílur/klst." :temperature-celsius: :one: "{0}°C" :other: "{0}°C" :temperature-fahrenheit: :one: "{0}°F" :other: "{0}°F" :temperature-generic: :one: "{0}°" :other: "{0}°" :temperature-kelvin: :one: "{0} K" :other: "{0} K" :torque-newton-meter: :other: "{0} N⋅m" :torque-pound-force-foot: :other: "{0} lbf⋅ft" :volume-acre-foot: :one: "{0} ekrufet" :other: "{0} ekrufet" :volume-barrel: :one: "{0} tunna" :other: "{0} tunnur" :volume-bushel: :one: "{0} skeppa" :other: "{0} skeppur" :volume-centiliter: :one: "{0} cl" :other: "{0} cl" :volume-cubic-centimeter: :one: "{0} cm³" :other: "{0} cm³" :volume-cubic-foot: :one: "{0} fet³" :other: "{0} fet³" :volume-cubic-inch: :one: "{0} t³" :other: "{0} t³" :volume-cubic-kilometer: :one: "{0} km³" :other: "{0} km³" :volume-cubic-meter: :one: "{0} m³" :other: "{0} m³" :volume-cubic-mile: :one: "{0} mí³" :other: "{0} mí³" :volume-cubic-yard: :one: "{0} yd³" :other: "{0} yd³" :volume-cup: :one: "{0} bolli" :other: "{0} bollar" :volume-cup-metric: :one: "{0} ástr. bolli" :other: "{0} ástr. bollar" :volume-deciliter: :one: "{0} dl" :other: "{0} dl" :volume-dessert-spoon: :one: "{0} ábætissk." :other: "{0} ábætissk." :volume-dessert-spoon-imperial: :one: "{0} bresk ábætissk." :other: "{0} bresk ábætissk." :volume-dram: :one: "{0} dramm" :other: "{0} drömm" :volume-drop: :one: "{0} dropi" :other: "{0} dropar" :volume-fluid-ounce: :one: "{0} fl oz" :other: "{0} fl oz" :volume-fluid-ounce-imperial: :one: "{0} bresk fl oz" :other: "{0} bresk fl oz" :volume-gallon: :one: "{0} gal" :other: "{0} gal" :volume-gallon-imperial: :one: "{0} breskt gal." :other: "{0} breskt gal." :volume-hectoliter: :one: "{0} hl" :other: "{0} hl" :volume-jigger: :one: "{0} sjúss" :other: "{0} sjússar" :volume-liter: :one: "{0} l" :other: "{0} l" :volume-megaliter: :one: "{0} Ml" :other: "{0} Ml" :volume-milliliter: :one: "{0} ml" :other: "{0} ml" :volume-pinch: :one: "{0} klípa" :other: "{0} klípur" :volume-pint: :one: "{0} hálfp." :other: "{0} hálfp." :volume-pint-metric: :one: "{0} mpt" :other: "{0} mpt" :volume-quart: :one: "{0} qt" :other: "{0} qt" :volume-quart-imperial: :one: "{0} lagarmál" :other: "{0} lagarmál" :volume-tablespoon: :one: "{0} msk" :other: "{0} msk" :volume-teaspoon: :one: "{0} tsk" :other: "{0} tsk"