%% name = ReVIEW::Compiler %% { class Error; end class Position attr_accessor :pos, :line, :col def initialize(compiler) @pos = compiler.pos @line = compiler.current_line @col = compiler.current_column end end require 'review/location' require 'review/extentions' require 'review/preprocessor' require 'review/exception' require 'review/node' require 'lineinput' if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9' then require 'review/compiler/literals_1_9' else require 'review/compiler/literals_1_8' end ## redifine Compiler.new def initialize(strategy) @strategy = strategy @current_column = nil @chapter = nil end attr_accessor :strategy def compile(chap) @chapter = chap do_compile @strategy.result end def do_compile @strategy.bind self, @chapter, ReVIEW::Location.new(@chapter.basename, self) setup_parser(@chapter.content) parse() convert_ast end def convert_ast ast = @strategy.ast convert_column(ast) if $DEBUG File.open("review-dump.json","w") do |f| f.write(ast.to_json) end end @strategy.output << ast.to_doc end def flush_column(new_content) if @current_column new_content << @current_column @current_column = nil end end def convert_column(ast) @column_stack = [] content = ast.content new_content = [] @current_content = new_content content.each do |elem| if elem.kind_of?(ReVIEW::HeadlineNode) && elem.cmd && elem.cmd.to_doc == "column" flush_column(new_content) @current_content = [] @current_column = ReVIEW::ColumnNode.new(elem.compiler, elem.position, elem.level, elem.label, elem.content, @current_content) next elsif elem.kind_of?(ReVIEW::HeadlineNode) && elem.cmd && elem.cmd.to_doc =~ %r|^/| cmd_name = elem.cmd.to_doc[1..-1] if cmd_name != "column" raise ReVIEW::CompileError, "#{cmd_name} is not opened." end flush_column(new_content) @current_content = new_content next elsif elem.kind_of?(ReVIEW::HeadlineNode) && @current_column && elem.level <= @current_column.level flush_column(new_content) @current_content = new_content end @current_content << elem end flush_column(new_content) ast.content = new_content ast end def compile_text(text) @strategy.nofunc_text(text) end class SyntaxElement def initialize(name, type, argc, esc, &block) @name = name @type = type @argc_spec = argc @esc_patterns = esc @checker = block end attr_reader :name def check_args(args) unless @argc_spec === args.size raise ReVIEW::CompileError, "wrong # of parameters (block command //#{@name}, expect #{@argc_spec} but #{args.size})" end @checker.call(*args) if @checker end def min_argc case @argc_spec when Range then @argc_spec.begin when Integer then @argc_spec else raise TypeError, "argc_spec is not Range/Integer: #{inspect()}" end end def parse_args(args) if @esc_patterns args.map.with_index do |pattern, i| if @esc_patterns[i] args[i].__send__("to_#{@esc_patterns[i]}") else args[i].to_doc end end else args.map(&:to_doc) end end def block_required? @type == :block or @type == :code_block end def block_allowed? @type == :block or @type == :code_block or @type == :optional or @type == :optional_code_block end def code_block? @type == :code_block or @type == :optional_code_block end end SYNTAX = {} def self.defblock(name, argc, optional = false, esc = nil, &block) defsyntax(name, (optional ? :optional : :block), argc, esc, &block) end def self.defcodeblock(name, argc, optional = false, esc = nil, &block) defsyntax(name, (optional ? :optional_code_block : :code_block), argc, esc, &block) end def self.defsingle(name, argc, esc = nil, &block) defsyntax name, :line, argc, esc, &block end def self.defsyntax(name, type, argc, esc = nil, &block) SYNTAX[name] = SyntaxElement.new(name, type, argc, esc, &block) end def syntax_defined?(name) SYNTAX.key?(name.to_sym) end def syntax_descriptor(name) SYNTAX[name.to_sym] end class InlineSyntaxElement def initialize(name) @name = name end attr_reader :name end INLINE = {} def self.definline(name) INLINE[name] = InlineSyntaxElement.new(name) end def inline_defined?(name) INLINE.key?(name.to_sym) end defblock :read, 0 defblock :lead, 0 defblock :quote, 0 defblock :bibpaper, 2..3, true, [:raw, :doc, :doc] defblock :doorquote, 1, false, [:doc] defblock :talk, 0 defblock :graph, 1..3, false, [:raw, :raw, :doc] defcodeblock :emlist, 0..2, false, [:doc, :raw] defcodeblock :cmd, 0..1, false, [:doc] defcodeblock :source, 0..1, false, [:doc] defcodeblock :list, 2..3, false, [:raw, :doc, :raw] defcodeblock :listnum, 2..3, false, [:raw, :doc, :raw] defcodeblock :emlistnum, 0..2, false, [:doc, :raw] defcodeblock :texequation, 0, false defcodeblock :table, 0..2, [:raw, :doc] defcodeblock :image, 2..3, true, [:raw,:doc,:raw] defcodeblock :box, 0..1, false, [:doc] defblock :address, 0 defblock :blockquote, 0 defblock :bpo, 0 defblock :flushright, 0 defblock :centering, 0 defblock :note, 0..1 defblock :comment, 0..1, true defsingle :footnote, 2, [:raw, :doc] defsingle :noindent, 0 defsingle :linebreak, 0 defsingle :pagebreak, 0 defsingle :indepimage, 1..3, [:raw, :doc, :raw] defsingle :numberlessimage, 1..3, [:raw, :doc, :raw] defsingle :hr, 0 defsingle :parasep, 0 defsingle :label, 1, [:raw] defsingle :raw, 1, [:raw] defsingle :tsize, 1, [:raw] defsingle :include, 1, [:raw] defsingle :olnum, 1, [:raw] definline :chapref definline :chap definline :title definline :img definline :imgref definline :icon definline :list definline :table definline :fn definline :kw definline :ruby definline :bou definline :ami definline :b definline :dtp definline :code definline :bib definline :hd definline :href definline :recipe definline :column definline :abbr definline :acronym definline :cite definline :dfn definline :em definline :kbd definline :q definline :samp definline :strong definline :var definline :big definline :small definline :del definline :ins definline :sup definline :sub definline :tt definline :i definline :tti definline :ttb definline :u definline :raw definline :br definline :m definline :uchar definline :idx definline :hidx definline :comment definline :include def compile_column(level, label, caption, content) buf = "" buf << @strategy.__send__("column_begin", level, label, caption) buf << content.to_doc buf << @strategy.__send__("column_end", level) buf end def compile_command(name, args, lines, node) syntax = syntax_descriptor(name) if !syntax || (!@strategy.respond_to?(syntax.name) && !@strategy.respond_to?("node_#{syntax.name}")) error "strategy does not support command: //#{name}" compile_unknown_command args, lines return end begin syntax.check_args args rescue ReVIEW::CompileError => err error err.message args = ['(NoArgument)'] * syntax.min_argc end if syntax.block_allowed? compile_block(syntax, args, lines, node) else if lines error "block is not allowed for command //#{syntax.name}; ignore" end compile_single(syntax, args, node) end end def compile_headline(level, tag, label, caption) buf = "" @headline_indexs ||= [0] ## XXX caption ||= "" caption.strip! index = level - 1 if @headline_indexs.size > (index + 1) @headline_indexs = @headline_indexs[0..index] end @headline_indexs[index] = 0 if @headline_indexs[index].nil? @headline_indexs[index] += 1 buf << @strategy.headline(level, label, caption) buf end def comment(text) @strategy.comment(text) end def compile_ulist(content) buf0 = "" level = 0 content.each do |element| current_level, buf = element.level, element.to_doc if level == current_level buf0 << @strategy.ul_item_end # body buf0 << @strategy.ul_item_begin([buf]) elsif level < current_level # down level_diff = current_level - level level = current_level (1..(level_diff - 1)).to_a.reverse.each do |i| buf0 << @strategy.ul_begin{i} buf0 << @strategy.ul_item_begin([]) end buf0 << @strategy.ul_begin{level} buf0 << @strategy.ul_item_begin([buf]) elsif level > current_level # up level_diff = level - current_level level = current_level (1..level_diff).to_a.reverse.each do |i| buf0 << @strategy.ul_item_end buf0 << @strategy.ul_end{level + i} end buf0 << @strategy.ul_item_end # body buf0 <<@strategy.ul_item_begin([buf]) end end (1..level).to_a.reverse.each do |i| buf0 << @strategy.ul_item_end buf0 << @strategy.ul_end{i} end buf0 end def compile_olist(content) buf0 = "" buf0 << @strategy.ol_begin content.each do |element| ## XXX 1st arg should be String, not Array buf0 << @strategy.ol_item(element.to_doc.split(/\n/), element.num) end buf0 << @strategy.ol_end buf0 end def compile_dlist(content) buf = "" buf << @strategy.dl_begin content.each do |element| buf << @strategy.dt(element.text.to_doc) buf << @strategy.dd(element.content.map{|s| s.to_doc}) end buf << @strategy.dl_end buf end def compile_unknown_command(args, lines) @strategy.unknown_command(args, lines) end def compile_block(syntax, args, lines, node) node_name = "node_#{syntax.name}".to_sym if @strategy.respond_to?(node_name) @strategy.__send__(node_name, node) else args_conv = syntax.parse_args(args) @strategy.__send__(syntax.name, (lines || default_block(syntax)), *args_conv) end end def default_block(syntax) if syntax.block_required? error "block is required for //#{syntax.name}; use empty block" end [] end def compile_single(syntax, args, node) node_name = "node_#{syntax.name}".to_sym if @strategy.respond_to?(node_name) @strategy.__send__(node_name, node) else args_conv = syntax.parse_args(args) @strategy.__send__(syntax.name, *args_conv) end end def compile_inline(op, args) unless inline_defined?(op) raise ReVIEW::CompileError, "no such inline op: #{op}" end if @strategy.respond_to?("node_inline_#{op}") return @strategy.__send__("node_inline_#{op}", args) end unless @strategy.respond_to?("inline_#{op}") raise "strategy does not support inline op: @<#{op}>" end if !args @strategy.__send__("inline_#{op}", "") else @strategy.__send__("inline_#{op}", *(args.map(&:to_doc))) end rescue => err error err.message end def compile_paragraph(buf) @strategy.paragraph buf end def compile_raw(builders, content) c = @strategy.class.to_s.gsub(/ReVIEW::/, '').gsub(/Builder/, '').downcase if !builders || builders.include?(c) content.gsub("\\n", "\n") else "" end end def warn(msg) @strategy.warn msg end def error(msg) @strategy.error msg end def check_indent(s) s.size >= @list_stack.last.size end def check_nested_indent(s) s.size >= @list_stack.last.size + 2 end def position Position.new(self) end } %% ast-location = ::ReVIEW %% headline = ast HeadlineNode(compiler, position, level, cmd, label, content) %% paragraph = ast ParagraphNode(compiler, position, content) %% block_element = ast BlockElementNode(compiler, position, name, args, content) %% code_block_element = ast CodeBlockElementNode(compiler, position, name, args, content) %% inline_element = ast InlineElementNode(compiler, position, symbol, content) %% inline_element_content = ast InlineElementContentNode(compiler, position, content) %% text = ast TextNode(compiler, position, content) %% raw = ast RawNode(compiler, builder, position, content) %% brace = ast BraceNode(compiler, position, content) %% singleline_content = ast SinglelineContentNode(compiler, position, content) %% singleline_comment = ast SinglelineCommentNode(compiler, position, content) %% ulist = ast UlistNode(compiler, position, content) %% ulist_element = ast UlistElementNode(compiler, position, level, content) %% olist = ast OlistNode(compiler, position, content) %% olist_element = ast OlistElementNode(compiler, position, num, content) %% dlist = ast DlistNode(compiler, position, content) %% dlist_element = ast DlistElementNode(compiler, position, text, content) %% bracket_arg = ast BracketArgNode(compiler, position, content) %% document = ast DocumentNode(compiler, position, content) %% column = ast ColumnNode(compiler, position, level, label, caption, content) %% newline = ast NewLineNode(compiler, position, content) # %% dummy root = Start Start = &. { @list_stack = Array.new } Document:c { @strategy.ast = c } ## a Document is a set of Blocks Document = BOM? Block*:c ~document(self, position, c) ## ignore leading blank lines Block = BlankLine*:c { c } ( SinglelineComment:c | Headline:c | BlockElement:c | Ulist:c | Olist:c | Dlist:c | Paragraph:c ) { c } BlankLine = Newline SinglelineComment = ("#@" < NonNewline+ > EOL) ~singleline_comment(self, position, text) Headline = HeadlinePrefix:level BracketArg?:cmd BraceArg?:label Space* SinglelineContent?:caption EOL ~headline(self, position, level, cmd, label, caption) HeadlinePrefix = < /={1,5}/ > { text.length } Paragraph = ParagraphLine+:c ~paragraph(self, position, c.flatten) ParagraphLine = !Headline !SinglelineComment !BlockElement !Ulist !Olist !Dlist SinglelineContent:c Newline { c } # There are 3 types of Block Element: raw Block, Code Block, and Normal Block BlockElement = ( "//raw[" RawBlockBuilderSelect?:b RawBlockElementArg*:r1 "]" Space* EOL ~raw(self, position, b, r1) | !"//raw" "//" ElementName:symbol &{ syntax = syntax_descriptor(symbol); syntax && syntax.code_block? } BracketArg*:args "{" Space* Newline CodeBlockElementContents?:contents "//}" Space* EOL ~code_block_element(self, position, symbol, args, contents) | !"//raw" "//" ElementName:symbol BracketArg*:args "{" Space* Newline BlockElementContents?:contents "//}" Space* EOL ~block_element(self, position, symbol, args, contents) | !"//raw" "//" ElementName:symbol BracketArg*:args Space* EOL ~block_element(self, position, symbol, args, nil) ) RawBlockBuilderSelect = "|" Space* RawBlockBuilderSelectSub:c Space* "|" { c } RawBlockBuilderSelectSub = ( < AlphanumericAscii+ >:c1 Space* "," Space* RawBlockBuilderSelectSub:c2 { [text] + c2 } | < AlphanumericAscii+ >:c1 { [text] } ) RawBlockElementArg = !"]" ( "\\]" { "]" } | "\\n" { "\n" } | < NonNewline > { text } ) BracketArg = "[" BracketArgInline*:content "]" ~bracket_arg(self, position, content) ## XXX '\' (excpet '\]' and '\\' ) => '\' is ??? BracketArgInline = ( InlineElement:c { c } | "\\]" ~text(self, position, "]") | "\\\\" ~text(self, position, "\\") | < /[^\r\n\]]/ > ~text(self, position, text) ) BraceArg = "{" < /([^\r\n}\\]|\\[^\r\n])*/ > "}" { text } ## Standard BlockElement has nested blocks. Texts in content of block are parsed as Paragraph. BlockElementContents = BlockElementContent+:c { c } ### Headline is prohibited. ### Note: do not allow "//}" at front of Paragraph. BlockElementContent = ( SinglelineComment:c { c } | BlockElement:c { c } | Ulist:c | Dlist:c | Olist:c | BlankLine:c { c } | BlockElementParagraph:c { c } ) ## it's like Paragraph, but it's in a block, so do not allow '//}\n' BlockElementParagraph = BlockElementParagraphLine+:c ~paragraph(self, position, c.flatten) BlockElementParagraphLine = !"//}" !BlankLine !SinglelineComment !BlockElement !Ulist !Olist !Dlist SinglelineContent:c Newline { c } ## In CodeBlockElementContents, newline should no be ingored. So we use TextNode instead of NewLineNode. CodeBlockElementContents = CodeBlockElementContent+:c { c } CodeBlockElementContent = ( SinglelineComment:c { c } | BlankLine:c { ::ReVIEW::TextNode.new(self, position, "\n") } | !"//}" SinglelineContent:c Newline { [c, ::ReVIEW::TextNode.new(self, position, "\n")] } ) ## Ulist and Olist Bullet = "*" Enumerator = < /[0-9]+/ > { num = text } "." { num.to_i } Ulist = Indent+:s Bullet+:b Space+ { @list_stack.push(s) } UlistItemBlock:item { if b.size > 1 then item.level = b.size end } (UlistItem | UlistItemMore | NestedList)*:items &{ s == @list_stack.pop } ~ulist(self, position, items.unshift(item)) Olist = Indent+:s Enumerator:e Space+ { @list_stack.push(s) } OlistItemBlock:item { item.num = e } (OlistItem | NestedList)*:items &{ s == @list_stack.pop } ~olist(self, position, items.unshift(item)) UlistItemBlock = ListItemFirstLine:c ListItemLine*:d ~ulist_element(self, position, @list_stack.size, d.unshift(c)) OlistItemBlock = ListItemFirstLine:c ListItemLine*:d ~olist_element(self, position, 0, d.unshift(c)) ListItemFirstLine = SinglelineContent:c Newline { c } ListItemLine = Indent+:s !Bullet !Enumerator !Space SinglelineContent:c &{ check_indent(s) } Newline { c } UlistItemMore = Indent+:s Bullet Bullet+:b Space+ &{ check_indent(s) } UlistItemBlock:item { item.level = b.size+1; item } UlistItem = Indent+:s Bullet Space+ &{ check_indent(s) } UlistItemBlock:item { item } OlistItem = Indent+:s Enumerator:e Space+ &{ check_indent(s) } OlistItemBlock:item { item.num = e; item } ## NestedList is markdown-like indented syntax. ## You can write nested Ulist and Olist with this syntax. NestedList = (NestedUlist | NestedOlist) NestedUlist = Indent+:s Bullet Space+ &{ check_nested_indent(s) } { @list_stack.push(s) } UlistItemBlock:item (UlistItem | NestedList)*:items &{ s == @list_stack.pop } ~ulist(self, position, items.unshift(item)) NestedOlist = Indent+:s Enumerator:e Space+ &{ check_nested_indent(s) } { @list_stack.push(s) } OlistItemBlock:item { item.num = e } (OlistItem | NestedList)*:items &{ s == @list_stack.pop } ~olist(self, position, items.unshift(item)) # Dlist Dlist = (DlistElement | SinglelineComment)+:content ~dlist(self, position, content) DlistElement = Indent* ":" Space+ SinglelineContent:text Newline DlistElementContent+:content ~dlist_element(self, position, text, content) DlistElementContent = (SinglelineComment:c { c } |Space+ SinglelineContent:c Newline { c } ) SinglelineContent = Inline+:c ~singleline_content(self, position, c) # Inline Element and Non Inline Element Inline = ( InlineElement | NonInlineElement) NonInlineElement = !InlineElement < NonNewline > ~text(self, position, text) InlineElement = ( RawInlineElement:c { c } | !RawInlineElement "@<" InlineElementSymbol:symbol ">" "{" InlineElementContents?:contents "}" ~inline_element(self, position, symbol,contents) ) RawInlineElement = "@{" RawBlockBuilderSelect?:builders RawInlineElementContent+:c "}" ~raw(self, position, builders,c) RawInlineElementContent = ( "\\}" { "}" } | < /[^\r\n\}]/ > { text } ) InlineElementSymbol = < AlphanumericAscii+ > { text } InlineElementContents = !"}" InlineElementContentsSub:c { c } InlineElementContentsSub = !"}" ( Space* InlineElementContent:c1 Space* "," InlineElementContentsSub:c2 { [c1]+c2 } | Space* InlineElementContent:c1 Space* { [c1] } ) InlineElementContent = InlineElementContentSub+:d { d } InlineElementContentSub = ( InlineElement:c { c } | !InlineElement QuotedInlineText:content ~inline_element_content(self, position, content) | !InlineElement InlineElementContentText+:content ~inline_element_content(self, position, content) ) ## Quoted Inline Text is "..." ## In Quoted Inline Text, "\\" is "\", "\'" is "'", other characters are kept as is. QuotedInlineText = "\"" ( "\\\"" { "\"" } | "\\\\" { "\\" } | < /[^"\r\n\\]/ > { text } )+:str "\"" ~text(self, position, str.join("")) ## XXX '\' (excpet '\}' and '\,' and '\\' ) => '\' is OK? InlineElementContentText = ( "\\}" ~text(self, position, "}") | "\\," ~text(self, position, ",") | "\\\\" ~text(self, position, "\\" ) | "\\" ~text(self, position, "\\" ) | !InlineElement < /[^\r\n\\},]/> ~text(self, position, text) ) NonNewline = /[^\r\n]/ Space = /[ \t]/ Indent = " " EOL = (Newline|EOF) EOF = !. ElementName = < LowerAlphabetAscii+ > { text } %literals = ReVIEW::Compiler::Literals Alphanumeric = %literals.Alphanumeric AlphanumericAscii = %literals.AlphanumericAscii LowerAlphabetAscii = %literals.LowerAlphabetAscii Digit = %literals.Digit BOM = %literals.BOM Newline = %literals.Newline:n ~newline(self, position, "\n") NonAlphanumeric = %literals.NonAlphanumeric Spacechar = %literals.Spacechar