import { symbol } from 'ember-utils';
The `{{#each}}` helper loops over elements in a collection. It is an extension
of the base Handlebars `{{#each}}` helper.
The default behavior of `{{#each}}` is to yield its inner block once for every
item in an array passing the item as the first block parameter.
var developers = [{ name: 'Yehuda' },{ name: 'Tom' }, { name: 'Paul' }];
{{#each developers key="name" as |person|}}
{{! `this` is whatever it was outside the #each }}
The same rules apply to arrays of primitives.
var developerNames = ['Yehuda', 'Tom', 'Paul']
{{#each developerNames key="@index" as |name|}}
During iteration, the index of each item in the array is provided as a second block parameter.
{{#each people as |person index|}}
- Hello, {{}}! You're number {{index}} in line
### Specifying Keys
The `key` option is used to tell Ember how to determine if the array being
iterated over with `{{#each}}` has changed between renders. By helping Ember
detect that some elements in the array are the same, DOM elements can be
re-used, significantly improving rendering speed.
For example, here's the `{{#each}}` helper with its `key` set to `id`:
{{#each model key="id" as |item|}}
When this `{{#each}}` re-renders, Ember will match up the previously rendered
items (and reorder the generated DOM elements) based on each item's `id`
By default the item's own reference is used.
### {{else}} condition
`{{#each}}` can have a matching `{{else}}`. The contents of this block will render
if the collection is empty.
{{#each developers as |person|}}
Sorry, nobody is available for this task.
@method each
@for Ember.Templates.helpers
The `{{each-in}}` helper loops over properties on an object.
For example, given a `user` object that looks like:
"name": "Shelly Sails",
"age": 42
This template would display all properties on the `user`
object in a list:
{{#each-in user as |key value|}}
- {{key}}: {{value}}
Outputting their name and age.
@method each-in
@for Ember.Templates.helpers
@since 2.1.0
const EACH_IN_REFERENCE = symbol('EACH_IN');
class EachInReference {
constructor(inner) {
this.inner = inner;
this.tag = inner.tag;
this[EACH_IN_REFERENCE] = true;
value() {
return this.inner.value();
get(key) {
return this.inner.get(key);
export function isEachIn(ref) {
return ref !== null && typeof ref === 'object' && ref[EACH_IN_REFERENCE];
export default function (_vm, args) {
return new EachInReference(;