# Copyright 2011-2013 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. module AWS module Record # Base class for all validators # @api private class Validator # these should be defined in subclasses ACCEPTED_OPTIONS = [] def initialize record_class, *attribute_names, &block @options = attribute_names.last.is_a?(Hash) ? attribute_names.pop : {} @attribute_names = attribute_names reject_unknown_options ensure_type([Symbol, Proc], :if, :unless) ensure_is([:save, :create, :update], :on) setup(record_class) end # @return [String] Returns the name of the attribute this validator # will check on the record during validation. attr_reader :attribute_names # @return [Hash] Returns the hash of options for this validator. attr_reader :options def validate record if passes_on_condition?(record) and passes_if_condition?(record) and passes_unless_condition?(record) then validate_attributes(record) end end # @api private protected def setup klass end # @api private protected def each_value value, &block case value when Array, Set then value.each{|v| yield(v) } else yield(value) end end # @api private protected def add_accessors klass, *accessors methods = klass.instance_methods.collect{|m| m.to_s } accessors.each do |attr| setter = "#{attr}=" getter = attr.to_s unless methods.include?(getter) klass.send(:attr_reader, attr) klass.send(:public, getter) end unless methods.include?(setter) klass.send(:attr_writer, attr) klass.send(:public, setter) end end end # @api private protected def validate_attributes record attribute_names.each do |attribute_name| value = read_attribute_for_validation(record, attribute_name) next if (value.nil? && options[:allow_nil]) || (blank?(value) && options[:allow_blank]) validate_attribute(record, attribute_name, value) end end def blank? value case value when nil then true when String then value !~ /\S/ else !value end end # @api private protected def read_attribute_for_validation(record, attribute_name) record.send(attribute_name) end # @api private def reject_unknown_options invalid_keys = options.keys - self.class::ACCEPTED_OPTIONS if invalid_keys.length == 1 raise ArgumentError, "unknown option :#{invalid_keys.first}" elsif invalid_keys.length > 1 bad = invalid_keys.collect{|k| ":#{k}" }.join(', ') raise ArgumentError, "unknown options #{bad}" end end # @api private private def passes_if_condition? record case options[:if] when nil then true when Proc then options[:if].call(record) when String, Symbol then record.send(options[:if]) else raise 'invalid :if option, must be nil, a method name or a Proc' end end # @api private private def passes_unless_condition? record case options[:unless] when nil then true when Proc then !options[:unless].call(record) when String, Symbol then !record.send(options[:unless]) else raise 'invalid :unless option, must be nil, a method name or a Proc' end end # @api private private def passes_on_condition? record case options[:on] when nil then true when :save then true when :create then record.new_record? when :update then record.persisted? else raise 'invalid :on option, must be nil, :save, :create or :update' end end # @api private protected def ensure_type type_or_types, *keys types = Array(type_or_types) keys.each do |key| next unless options.has_key?(key) next unless types.none?{|type| options[key].is_a?(type) } expected = types.map{|type| type.to_s } if expected.count == 1 raise ArgumentError, "expected option :#{key} to be a #{expected}" else msg = "expected :#{key} to be one of #{expected.join(', ')}" raise ArgumentError, msg end end end def ensure_is value_or_values, *keys values = Array(value_or_values) keys.each do |key| next unless options.has_key?(key) unless values.include?(options[key]) valid = values.map{|v| v.is_a?(Symbol) ? ":#{v}" : v.to_s }.join(', ') raise ArgumentError, "expected :#{key} to be one of #{valid}" end end end # @api private protected def ensure_exclusive *key_groups key_groups.each do |key_group| others = key_groups - [key_group] Array(key_group).each do |key| next unless options.has_key?(key) conflicts = others.flatten.select{|other| options.has_key?(other) } unless conflicts.empty? msg = ":#{key} may not be used with :#{conflicts.first}" raise ArgumentError, msg end end end end # @api private protected def ensure_present *keys keys.each do |k| unless options.has_key?(k) raise ArgumentError, "missing required option :#{k}" end end end # @api private protected def ensure_at_least_one *keys found = keys.select{|k| options.has_key?(k) } unless found.count >= 1 opts = keys.collect{|k| ":#{k}" }.join(', ') msg = "must provide at least one of the following options: #{opts}" raise ArgumentError, msg end end protected def set_default key, value options[key] = value unless options.has_key?(key) end end end end