require 'spec_helper' describe OpenTok do let(:api_key) { '459782' } let(:api_secret) { 'b44c3baa32b6476d9d88e8194d0eb1c6b777f76b' } let(:api_url) { '' } let(:host) { 'localhost' } subject { api_key, api_secret } describe "test Initializers" do it "should be backwards compatible if user set api URL with no effect" do opentok = api_key, api_secret, {:api_url => "bla bla"} opentok.api_url.should eq api_url end it "should be OpenTok SDK Object" do subject.should be_instance_of OpenTok::OpenTokSDK end its(:api_url) { should == api_url } end describe "Generate Sessions" do use_vcr_cassette "session" let(:opentok) { api_key, api_secret } it "should generate valid session" do session = opentok.create_session host session.to_s.should match(/\A[0-9A-z_-]{40,}\Z/) end it "should generate valid p2p session" do # Creating Session object with p2p enabled sessionProperties = {OpenTok::SessionPropertyConstants::P2P_PREFERENCE => "enabled"} # or disabled session = opentok.createSession( @location, sessionProperties ) session.to_s.should match(/\A[0-9A-z_-]{40,}\Z/) end end describe "invalid Sessions" do use_vcr_cassette "invalidSession" it "should raise an exception with an invalid key and secret" do invalidOT = 0, '' expect{ session = invalidOT.create_session host }.to raise_error OpenTok::OpenTokException end end describe "Generate Tokens" do let(:session) { subject.createSession host } it "should raise error" do expect { subject.generateToken({:role=>OpenTok::RoleConstants::MODERATOR}) }.to raise_error end it "should generate valid token" do token = subject.generate_token({:session_id => session, :role=>OpenTok::RoleConstants::MODERATOR}) token.should match(/(T1==)+[0-9A-z_]+/) end it "should generate valid token camelCase" do token = subject.generateToken({:session_id => session, :role=>OpenTok::RoleConstants::MODERATOR}) token.should match(/(T1==)+[0-9A-z_]+/) end it "should be able to set parameters in token" do token = subject.generate_token :session_id => session, :role=> OpenTok::RoleConstants::PUBLISHER, :connection_data => "username=Bob,level=4" str = token[4..token.length] decoded = Base64.decode64(str) decoded.should match(/.*username%3DBob.*/) decoded.should match(/.*level%3D4.*/) end end describe "Archiving downloads" do use_vcr_cassette "archives" let(:api_key) { '459782' } let(:api_secret) { 'b44c3baa32b6476d9d88e8194d0eb1c6b777f76b' } let(:opentok) { api_key, api_secret, {:api_url=>""} } let(:opts) { {:partner_id => api_key, :location=>host} } let(:session) { '1_MX40NTk3ODJ-MTI3LjAuMC4xflR1ZSBTZXAgMDQgMTQ6NTM6MDIgUERUIDIwMTJ-MC41MjExODEzfg' } let(:token) { opentok.generateToken({:session_id => session, :role=>OpenTok::RoleConstants::MODERATOR}) } let(:archiveId) { "200567af-0726-4e93-883b-fe0426d6310a" } it "should have archive resources" do otArchive = opentok.getArchiveManifest(archiveId, token) otArchiveResource = otArchive.resources[0] vid = otArchiveResource.getId() vid.should match(/[0-9A-z=]+/) end it "should return download url" do otArchive = opentok.get_archive_manifest(archiveId, token) otArchiveResource = otArchive.resources[0] vid = otArchiveResource.getId() url = otArchive.downloadArchiveURL(vid, token) url.start_with?('http').should eq true end end describe "Delete Archives" do use_vcr_cassette "deleteArchive" let(:api_key) { '459782' } let(:api_secret) { 'b44c3baa32b6476d9d88e8194d0eb1c6b777f76b' } let(:opentok) { api_key, api_secret, {:api_url => ""} } let(:session) { '1_MX40NTk3ODJ-MTI3LjAuMC4xflR1ZSBTZXAgMDQgMTQ6NTM6MDIgUERUIDIwMTJ-MC41MjExODEzfg' } let(:token) { opentok.generateToken({:session_id => session, :role=>OpenTok::RoleConstants::PUBLISHER}) } let(:archiveId) { "200567af-0726-4e93-883b-fe0426d6310a" } it "should raise an Exception on item not found" do expect{ opentok.deleteArchive archiveId, token }.to raise_error OpenTok::OpenTokException end end describe "stitch api" do use_vcr_cassette "stitchArchive" let(:api_key) { '459782' } let(:api_secret) { 'b44c3baa32b6476d9d88e8194d0eb1c6b777f76b' } let(:opentok) { api_key, api_secret } let(:archiveId) { "200567af-0726-4e93-883b-fe0426d6310a" } it "should return stitch url" do a = opentok.stitchArchive archiveId a[:code].should eq 201 a[:location].start_with?('http').should be_true end end end