require 'spec_helper' describe HammerStore do describe '#new' do it 'creates store objects' do test = file: 'teststore' expect(test).to be_an_instance_of HammerStore::Store end end describe HammerStore::Store do let(:store) do store = file: 'teststore' store.clear! (1..5).each { |i| store[i] = i + 5 } store[:foo] = :bar store['foo'] = 'bar' store end describe '#initialize' do it 'creates a new store raw object' do expect(store.raw).to be_an_instance_of Hammerspace::Hash end end describe '#clear!' do describe 'when given no argument' do it 'empties the store' do expect(store.clear!).to eql end end describe 'when given an argument' do it 'removes a key from the store' do old_size = store.size store.clear! 1 expect(store.size).to eql old_size - 1 end end end describe '#[]' do it 'retrieves a key' do expect(store[1]).to eql 6 expect(store[:foo]).to eql :bar expect(store['foo']).to eql 'bar' end end describe '#[]=' do it 'sets a key' do expect(store[6] = 10).to eql 10 end end describe '#size' do it 'returns the size of the store' do expect(store.size).to eql 7 end end describe '#include?' do it 'checks for a key in the store' do expect(store.include? :fish).to be_falsey expect(store.include? 1).to be_truthy end end describe '#keys' do it 'lists the keys in the store' do expect(store.keys).to match_array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, :foo, 'foo'] end end end end