### Site Configuration ### # 1. Files excluded from Jekyll builds exclude: - README.md - LICENSE - CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md - CNAME - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - inkstream.gemspec - .jekyll-cache - demo # 2. Installed Gems plugins: - jekyll-paginate - jekyll-seo-tag # - rouge does not work # - kramdown # 3. Gem settings paginate: 5 # jekyll-paginate > items per page paginate_path: blog/:num # jekyll-paginate > blog page pinned: false # jekyll-seo-tag > pin the post to the top of the list author: MohdIrfan # jekyll-seo-tag > default author twitter: username: mohdirfan57 # jekyll-seo-tag > Owners twitter username social: # jekyll-seo-tag > social overrides name: Mohd Irfan # jekyll-seo-tag > real name links: # jekyll-seo-tag > social aliases (sameAs) - https://twitter.com/mohdirfan57 # Add your Twitter URL - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mdirfan57 # Add your LinkedIn URL - https://github.com/dev-mdirfan # Add your GitHub URL # 4. Jekyll settings # sass: # style: compressed # Style compression # permalink: pretty # Permalink style (/YYYY/MM/DD/page-name/) # excerpt_separator: # Marks end of excerpt in posts # timezone: Europe/London # Timezone for blog posts and alike # 5. Jekyll collections settings collections: posts: title: Posts # Needed for Siteleaf output: true description: 'My thoughts and ideas' # The post list page content pin: true # Pin the post to the top of the list image: 'https://picsum.photos/2560/600?image=866' # 6. Jekyll defaults defaults: - scope: path: '' values: image: '/assets/images/posts/default-post-img.jpg' # Default image for sharing - scope: path: '' type: 'posts' values: layout: post # Set the default layout for posts - scope: path: '' type: 'pages' values: layout: page # Set the default layout for pages # 7. Site settings encoding: utf-8 # Make sure the encoding is right lang: en # Set the site language title: 'Inkstream' # Site name or title, also used in jekyll-seo-tag logo: '/assets/logo/logo.jpg' # Site logo, also used in jekyll-seo-tag home-bg: '/assets/images/home-bg.jpg' # Home background image description: 'Inkstream is a sleek and modern Jekyll theme tailored for bloggers seeking a seamless platform to express their ideas and stories. With its elegant design and intuitive features, Inkstream facilitates the continuous flow of content creation, empowering users to share their thoughts effortlessly.' # Site description and default description, also used in jekyll-seo-tag url: 'https://inkstream.netlify.app' # Site url, also used in jekyll-seo-tag baseurl: '' repo: 'https://github.com/dev-mdirfan/inkstream' # Site repository, also used in jekyll-seo-tag email: 'mdirfan5702@gmail.com' # short_name: "Al" # The web application short name, defaults to the site title css_inline: false # Will insert all styles into a single