Feature: filters `before`, `after`, and `around` hooks defined in the block passed to `RSpec.configure` can be constrained to specific examples and/or groups using metadata as a filter. RSpec.configure do |c| c.before(:each, :type => :model) do end end describe "something", :type => :model do end You can specify metadata using only symbols if you set the `treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values` config option to `true`. Scenario: filter `before(:each)` hooks using arbitrary metadata Given a file named "filter_before_each_hooks_spec.rb" with: """ RSpec.configure do |config| config.before(:each, :foo => :bar) do invoked_hooks << :before_each_foo_bar end end describe "a filtered before :each hook" do let(:invoked_hooks) { [] } describe "group without matching metadata" do it "does not run the hook" do invoked_hooks.should be_empty end it "runs the hook for an example with matching metadata", :foo => :bar do invoked_hooks.should == [:before_each_foo_bar] end end describe "group with matching metadata", :foo => :bar do it "runs the hook" do invoked_hooks.should == [:before_each_foo_bar] end end end """ When I run `rspec filter_before_each_hooks_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass Scenario: filter `after(:each)` hooks using arbitrary metadata Given a file named "filter_after_each_hooks_spec.rb" with: """ RSpec.configure do |config| config.after(:each, :foo => :bar) do raise "boom!" end end describe "a filtered after :each hook" do describe "group without matching metadata" do it "does not run the hook" do # should pass end it "runs the hook for an example with matching metadata", :foo => :bar do # should fail end end describe "group with matching metadata", :foo => :bar do it "runs the hook" do # should fail end end end """ When I run `rspec filter_after_each_hooks_spec.rb` Then the output should contain "3 examples, 2 failures" Scenario: filter around(:each) hooks using arbitrary metadata Given a file named "filter_around_each_hooks_spec.rb" with: """ RSpec.configure do |config| config.around(:each, :foo => :bar) do |example| order << :before_around_each_foo_bar example.run order.should == [:before_around_each_foo_bar, :example] end end describe "a filtered around(:each) hook" do let(:order) { [] } describe "a group without matching metadata" do it "does not run the hook" do order.should be_empty end it "runs the hook for an example with matching metadata", :foo => :bar do order.should == [:before_around_each_foo_bar] order << :example end end describe "a group with matching metadata", :foo => :bar do it "runs the hook for an example with matching metadata", :foo => :bar do order.should == [:before_around_each_foo_bar] order << :example end end end """ When I run `rspec filter_around_each_hooks_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass Scenario: filter before(:all) hooks using arbitrary metadata Given a file named "filter_before_all_hooks_spec.rb" with: """ RSpec.configure do |config| config.before(:all, :foo => :bar) { @hook = :before_all_foo_bar } end describe "a filtered before(:all) hook" do describe "a group without matching metadata" do it "does not run the hook" do @hook.should be_nil end describe "a nested subgroup with matching metadata", :foo => :bar do it "runs the hook" do @hook.should == :before_all_foo_bar end end end describe "a group with matching metadata", :foo => :bar do it "runs the hook" do @hook.should == :before_all_foo_bar end describe "a nested subgroup" do it "runs the hook" do @hook.should == :before_all_foo_bar end end end end """ When I run `rspec filter_before_all_hooks_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass Scenario: filter after(:all) hooks using arbitrary metadata Given a file named "filter_after_all_hooks_spec.rb" with: """ example_msgs = [] RSpec.configure do |config| config.after(:all, :foo => :bar) do puts "after :all" end end describe "a filtered after(:all) hook" do describe "a group without matching metadata" do it "does not run the hook" do puts "unfiltered" end end describe "a group with matching metadata", :foo => :bar do it "runs the hook" do puts "filtered 1" end end describe "another group without matching metadata" do describe "a nested subgroup with matching metadata", :foo => :bar do it "runs the hook" do puts "filtered 2" end end end end """ When I run `rspec --format progress filter_after_all_hooks_spec.rb` Then the examples should all pass And the output should contain: """ unfiltered .filtered 1 .after :all filtered 2 .after :all """ Scenario: Use symbols as metadata Given a file named "less_verbose_metadata_filter.rb" with: """ RSpec.configure do |c| c.treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values = true c.before(:each, :before_each) { puts "before each" } c.after(:each, :after_each) { puts "after each" } c.around(:each, :around_each) do |example| puts "around each (before)" example.run puts "around each (after)" end c.before(:all, :before_all) { puts "before all" } c.after(:all, :after_all) { puts "after all" } end describe "group 1", :before_all, :after_all do it("") { puts "example 1" } it("", :before_each) { puts "example 2" } it("", :after_each) { puts "example 3" } it("", :around_each) { puts "example 4" } end """ When I run `rspec --format progress less_verbose_metadata_filter.rb` Then the examples should all pass And the output should contain: """ before all example 1 .before each example 2 .example 3 after each .around each (before) example 4 around each (after) .after all """