module Berkshelf module RSpec module ChefAPI # Return an array of Hashes containing cookbooks and their information # # @return [Array] def get_cookbooks ridley.cookbook.all end def upload_cookbook(path, options = {}) cached = CachedCookbook.from_store_path(path) options = { force: false, freeze: false, name: cached.cookbook_name, }.merge(options) ridley.cookbook.upload(cached.path, options) end # Remove the version of the given cookbook from the Chef Server defined # in your Knife config. # # @param [#to_s] name # @param [#to_s] version def purge_cookbook(name, version = nil) if version.nil? ridley.cookbook.delete_all(name) else ridley.cookbook.delete(name, version) end rescue Ridley::Errors::HTTPNotFound, Ridley::Errors::ResourceNotFound true end def server_has_cookbook?(name, version = nil) versions = ridley.cookbook.versions(name) if version.nil? !versions.empty? else !versions.find { |ver| ver == version }.nil? end rescue Ridley::Errors::HTTPNotFound, Ridley::Errors::ResourceNotFound false end def generate_cookbook(path, name, version, options = {}) path = cookbook_path = path.join("#{name}-#{version}") directories = [ "recipes", "templates/default", "files/default", "attributes", "providers", "resources" ] files = [ "recipes/default.rb", "templates/default/template.erb", "files/default/file.h", "attributes/default.rb" ] directories.each do |directory| FileUtils.mkdir_p(cookbook_path.join(directory)) end files.each do |file| FileUtils.touch(cookbook_path.join(file)) end metadata = [].tap do |a| a << "name '#{name}'" unless options[:without_name] a << "version '#{version}'" a << "license '#{options[:license]}'" if options[:license] a << "" # ensure newline end.join("\n") if options[:dependencies] options[:dependencies].each do |name, constraint| metadata << "depends '#{name}', '#{constraint}'\n" end end if options[:recommendations] options[:recommendations].each do |name, constraint| metadata << "recommends '#{name}', '#{constraint}'\n" end end"metadata.rb"), 'w+') do |f| f.write metadata end cookbook_path end def create_environment(environment_name) ridley.environment.create(name: environment_name) end def delete_environment(environment_name) ridley.environment.delete(environment_name) end def environment(environment_name) ridley.environment.find(environment_name) end def environment_exists?(environment_name) !environment(environment_name).nil? end private def ridley @ridley ||= server_url: Berkshelf::RSpec::ChefServer.server_url, client_name: Berkshelf.chef_config[:node_name], client_key: Berkshelf.chef_config[:client_key], ssl: { verify: false } ) end end end end