require 'spec/spec_helper' require 'taza/page' require 'taza/site' describe Taza::Page do before :each do @page_class = end class ElementAndFilterContextExample < Taza::Page element(:sample_element) {browser} filter:sample_filter, :sample_element def sample_filter browser end end class RecursiveFilterExample < Taza::Page element(:foo) {} filter :sample_filter def sample_filter foo true end end it "should not enter a infinite loop if you call a filtered element inside of a filter" do page = lambda { }.should_not raise_error end it "should execute an element's block with the params provided for its method" do @page_class.element(:boo){|baz| baz}"rofl").should == "rofl" end it "should execute elements and filters in the context of the page instance" do page = page.browser = :something page.sample_element.should eql(:something) end it "should add a filter to the classes filters" do ElementAndFilterContextExample.filters.size.should eql(1) end it "should store the block given to the element method in a method with the name of the parameter" do @page_class.element(:foo) do "bar" end == "bar" end class FilterAllElements < Taza::Page element(:foo) {} element(:apple) {} filter :false_filter def false_filter false end end it "should filter all elements if element argument is not provided" do lambda { }.should raise_error(Taza::FilterError) lambda { }.should raise_error(Taza::FilterError) end it "should have empty elements on a new class" do foo = @page_class foo.elements.should_not be_nil foo.elements.should be_empty end it "should have empty filters on a new class" do foo = @page_class foo.filters.should_not be_nil foo.filters.should be_empty end class FilterAnElement < Taza::Page attr_accessor :called_element_method element(:false_item) { @called_element_method = true} filter :false_filter, :false_item def false_filter false end end it "should raise a error if an elements is called and its filter returns false" do lambda { }.should raise_error(Taza::FilterError) end it "should not call element block if filters fail" do page = lambda { page.false_item }.should raise_error page.called_element_method.should_not be_true end class CheckOutPage < Taza::Page url 'check_out' end it "should goto the url relative to the site url" do browser = stub browser.expects(:goto).with('') browser.expects(:goto).with('') Taza::Settings.stubs(:config).returns(:url => '') page = = => browser) page.goto end it "should report the full url of the page" do browser = stub browser.stubs(:goto) Taza::Settings.stubs(:config).returns(:url => '') page = = => browser) page.full_url.should == '' page.url.should == page.full_url end it "should create elements for fields" do @page_class.field(:foo) {'element'} == 'element' end it "should allow you to override the suffix for fields" do @page_class.field(:foo, 'link') {'link element'} == 'link element' end it "should return the display_value of the field's element" do element = stub element.stubs(:display_value).with().returns('tomorrow') @page_class.field(:foo) {element} page = page.foo_field.display_value.should == 'tomorrow' == 'tomorrow' end it "should call the set method of the element when the field= method is called" do element = stub element.stubs(:set).with('never').returns(nil) @page_class.field(:end_date) {element} page = page.end_date = 'never' end def uses_soldier_page name_element = stub rank_element = stub serial_no_element = stub @page_class.class_eval do field(:name){name_element} field(:rank){rank_element} field(:serial_no){serial_no_element} end @soldier_page = @soldier_page.name_field.stubs(:display_value).returns('Zachary Taylor') @soldier_page.rank_field.stubs(:display_value).returns('General') @soldier_page.serial_no_field.stubs(:display_value).returns('unknown') end it "should populate the fields corresponding to the keys in the hash" do uses_soldier_page @soldier_page.name_field.expects(:set).with('Zachary Taylor') @soldier_page.rank_field.expects(:set).with('General') @soldier_page.populate :name => 'Zachary Taylor', :rank => 'General' end it "should validate a page" do uses_soldier_page @soldier_page.validate :name => 'Zachary Taylor', :rank => 'General' end it "should allow you to define elements using human-form names" do @page_class.element('User Name'){'Tertulian'} == 'Tertulian' end it "should allow you to define fields using human-form names" do @page_class.field('User Name'){'Tertulian'} == 'Tertulian' end def simple_page @page_class.class_eval do element(:link){} field(:name){} end end it "should list the page's elements" do simple_page.elements.should == ['link', 'name_field'] end it "should list the page's fields" do simple_page.fields.should == ['name'] end it "should list the values of all the fields" do uses_soldier_page @soldier_page.values.should == {:name => 'Zachary Taylor', :rank => 'General', :serial_no => 'unknown'} end it "should list the values of the specified fields" do uses_soldier_page @soldier_page.values(['name', 'rank']).should == {:name => 'Zachary Taylor', :rank => 'General'} end def exists_page link1_element = stub link1_element.stubs(:exist?).returns(true) link2_element = stub link2_element.stubs(:exist?).returns(false) @page_class.class_eval do element(:link1){link1_element} element(:link2){link2_element} end end it "should determine whether an element exists" do page = exists_page page.element_exists?(:link1).should be_true page.element_exist?(:link1).should be_true page.element_exists?(:link2).should be_false end it "should report which defined elements exist" do page = exists_page expectation = {:link1 => true, :link2 => false} page.elements_exist?.should == expectation page.elements_exists?.should == expectation end it "should report whether selected elements exist" do page = exists_page expectation = {:link1 => true} page.elements_exist?([:link1]).should == expectation end it "should report that elements don't exist when not found errors are thrown" do link3_element = stub link3_element.stubs(:exist?).raises(Watir::Exception::UnknownFrameException) link4_element = stub link4_element.stubs(:exist?).raises(Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException) @page_class.class_eval do element(:link3){link3_element} element(:link4){link4_element} end page = page.element_exists?(:link3).should == false page.element_exists?(:link4).should == false end describe "tables" do it "you should be able to create and reference" do @page_class.class_eval do element(:results_table){} table(:results) {} end be_a(WatirCraft::Table) end require 'spec/fake_table' it "should report whether a table has a specified row" do @page_class.class_eval do element(:results_table){ [:name => 'x']} table(:results) do field(:name){@row.element(:name)} end end => 'x').should_not be_nil end def uses_table_page fake_table = [ {:letter => 'x', :number => 1}, {:letter => 'y', :number => 2} ] @page_class.class_eval do element(:results_table) {fake_table} table(:results) do field(:name){row.element(:letter)} field(:phone){row.element(:number)} field(:missing){raise 'not found'} end end @table_page = @fake_table = fake_table end it "should allow you to reference another field in a selected row" do uses_table_page @table_page.results.row(:name => 'x').phone.should == 1 @table_page.results.row(:phone => 2).name.should == 'y' end it "fields should have underlying elements" do uses_table_page @table_page.results.row(:name => 'x').phone_field.should exist end it "should have elements" do @page_class.class_eval do element(:results_table) do [ {:letter => 'x', :number => 1}, {:letter => 'y', :number => 2} ] end table(:results) do field(:name){row.element(:letter)} element(:phone){row.element(:number)} end end @table_page = @table_page.results.row(:name => 'x').phone.should be_a(FakeElement) end it "should allow you to set a field in a row" do uses_table_page @table_page.results.row(:name => 'x').phone = '22' @fake_table.rows[0].element(:number).display_value.should == '22' end it "rows should exist" do uses_table_page @table_page.results.row(:name => 'x').should exist end it "should not raise an exception if a field isn't found" do uses_table_page @table_page.results.row(:missing => 'nada').should be_nil end it "should be able to be listed from the page" do uses_table_page @table_page.tables.should == ['results'] end it "should list its fields" do uses_table_page @table_page.results.fields.should == %w(name phone missing) end it "should list its elements" do @page_class.class_eval do element(:results_table) do [] end table(:results) do field(:name){row.element(:letter)} element(:phone){row.element(:number)} end end @table_page = @table_page.results.elements.should == %w(name_field phone) end end end