module CucumberRailsHelper def rails_new(options={}) options[:name] ||= 'test_app' run_simple "rails new #{options[:name]} --skip-bundle --skip-test-unit #{options[:args]}" assert_passing_with('README') cd options[:name] end def install_cucumber_rails(*options) if options.include?(:not_in_test_group) gem "cucumber-rails", :path => "#{File.expand_path('.')}" else gem "cucumber-rails", :group => :test, :path => "#{File.expand_path('.')}" end gem "capybara", :group => :test gem "rspec-rails", :group => :test gem "database_cleaner", :group => :test unless options.include?(:no_database_cleaner) gem 'factory_girl', :group => :test unless options.include?(:no_factory_girl) run_simple 'bundle exec rails generate cucumber:install' end def gem(name, options) line = %{gem "#{name}", #{options.inspect}\n} append_to_file('Gemfile', line) end def prepare_aruba_report if(ENV['ARUBA_REPORT_DIR']) @aruba_report_start = sleep(1) end end def fixture(path) File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "./../support/fixtures/#{path}") end end World(CucumberRailsHelper) Given /^I have created a new Rails 3 app and installed cucumber\-rails, accidentally outside of the test group in my Gemfile$/ do rails_new install_cucumber_rails :not_in_test_group create_web_steps prepare_aruba_report end Given /^I have created a new Rails 3 app "([^"]*)" and installed cucumber\-rails$/ do |app_name| rails_new :name => app_name install_cucumber_rails create_web_steps prepare_aruba_report end Given /^I have created a new Rails 3 app and installed cucumber\-rails$/ do rails_new install_cucumber_rails create_web_steps prepare_aruba_report end Given /^I have created a new Rails 3 app with no database and installed cucumber-rails$/ do rails_new :args => '--skip-active-record' install_cucumber_rails :no_database_cleaner, :no_factory_girl overwrite_file('features/support/env.rb', "require 'cucumber/rails'\n") create_web_steps end Given /^I have a "([^"]*)" ActiveRecord model object$/ do |name| run_simple("bundle exec rails g model #{name}") run_simple("bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test") end When /^I run the cukes$/ do run_simple('bundle exec cucumber') end