--- en: activemodel: attributes: attachment: description: Description file: File title: Title category: description: Description name: Name parent: Parent feature: name: Name weight: Weight organization: default_locale: Default locale description: Description favicon: Icon homepage_image: Homepage image logo: Logo name: Name show_statistics: Show statistics welcome_text: Welcome text participatory_process: banner_image: Banner image description: Description hashtag: Hashtag hero_image: Home image promoted: Promoted short_description: Short description slug: URL slug subtitle: Subtitle title: Title participatory_process_step: description: Description end_date: End date short_description: Short description start_date: Start date title: Title participatory_process_user_role: email: Email scope: name: Name organization: Organization static_page: content: Content organization: Organization slug: URL slug title: Title activerecord: attributes: decidim/participatory_process: promoted: Highlighted decidim: admin: actions: activate: Activate configure: Configure confirm_destroy: Are you sure you want to delete this? create: Create destroy: Destroy edit: Edit manage: Manage new: New %{name} preview: Preview publish: Publish resend_invitation: Resend invitation title: Actions unpublish: Unpublish verify: Verify attachments: create: error: There was an error creating a new attachment. success: Attachment created successfully. destroy: success: Attachment destroyed successfully. edit: title: Edit attachment update: Update attachment new: create: Create attachment title: New attachment update: error: There was an error when updating this attachment. success: Attachment updated successfully. categories: create: error: There was an error creating this category. success: Category created successfully. destroy: error: There was an error deleting this category. Please delete any subcategory first, make sure no other entity belongs to this category and try again. success: Category deleted successfully. edit: title: Edit category update: Update category new: create: Create category title: New category update: error: There was an error updating this category. success: Category updated successfully. decidim: admin: attachments: index: attachments_title: Attachments categories: index: categories_title: Categories participatory_process_steps: index: steps_hint: You can drag the rows of the table in order to reorder the process steps. steps_title: Steps participatory_process_user_roles: index: process_admins_title: Participatory process admins features: create: error: There was an error creating this feature. success: Feature created successfully. destroy: error: There has been an error destroying this feature. success: Feature deleted successfully. edit: title: Edit feature update: Update form: global_settings: Global settings step_settings: Step settings index: add: Add feature headers: actions: Actions name: Feature name type: Feature type new: add: Add feature title: 'Add feature: %{name}' title: Features update: error: There has been an error updating this feature. success: The feature was updated successfully. menu: dashboard: Dashboard participatory_processes: Participatory processes participatory_processes_submenu: attachments: Attachments categories: Categories features: Features info: Info process_admins: Process admins settings: Settings steps: Steps scopes: Scopes settings: Settings static_pages: Pages user_groups: User groups users: Admin users models: attachment: fields: content_type: Type title: Title name: Attachment category: fields: name: Name name: Category participatory_process: fields: created_at: Created at promoted: Highlighted published: Published title: Title name: Participatory process participatory_process_step: fields: active: Active end_date: End date start_date: Start date title: Title name: Participatory process step participatory_process_user_role: fields: email: Email scope: fields: created_at: Created at name: Name name: Scope static_page: fields: created_at: Created at title: Title name: Page user: fields: created_at: Creation date email: Email invitation_accepted_at: Invitation accepted date invitation_sent_at: Invitation sent date last_sign_in_at: Last sign in date name: Name name: User user_group: fields: created_at: Created at document_number: Document number name: Name phone: Phone users_count: Users count organization: edit: title: Edit organization update: Update organization update: error: There was an error when updating this organization. success: Organization updated successfully. participatory_process_publications: create: error: There was an error publishing this participatory process. success: Participatory process published successfully. destroy: error: There was an error unpublishing this participatory process. success: Participatory process unpublished successfully. participatory_process_step_activations: create: error: There was an error activating this participatory process step. success: Participatory process step activated successfully. participatory_process_steps: create: error: There was an error creating a new participatory process step. success: Participatory process step created successfully. default_title: Introduction destroy: error: active_step: Can't delete the active step. last_step: Can't delete the last step of a process. success: Participatory process step destroyed successfully. edit: title: Edit participatory process step update: Update participatory process step new: create: Create participatory process step title: New participatory process step ordering: error: There was an error when reordering this participatory process steps. update: error: There was an error when updating this participatory process step. success: Participatory process step updated successfully. participatory_process_user_roles: create: error: There was an error adding an admin for this participatory process. success: Admin created successfully for this participatory process. destroy: success: Admin destroyed successfully for this participatory process. participatory_processes: create: error: There was an error creating a new participatory process. success: Participatory process created successfully. Configure now its steps. destroy: success: Participatory process destroyed successfully. edit: update: Update participatory process new: create: Create participatory process title: New participatory process update: error: There was an error when updating this participatory process. success: Participatory process updated successfully. scopes: create: error: There was an error creating a new scope. success: Scope created successfully. destroy: success: Scope successfully destroyed edit: title: Edit scope update: Update scope new: create: Create scope title: New scope update: error: There was an error when updating this scope. success: Scope updated successfully static_pages: actions: view: View public page create: error: There was an error creating a new page. success: Page created successfully. destroy: success: Page successfully destroyed edit: title: Edit page update: Update page new: create: Create page title: New page update: error: There was an error when updating this page. success: Page updated successfully titles: dashboard: Dashboard participatory_processes: Participatory processes scopes: Scopes static_pages: Pages user_groups: User groups users: Users user_groups: verify: success: The user group was verified successfully. users: create: error: There was an error when inviting this user. success: User invited successfully. destroy: error: There was an error when trying to delete this user. success: User is no longer an administrator. new: create: Invite title: Invite user as administrator resend_invitation: error: There was an error when trying to send the invitation email. success: Invitation email sent successfully.