module Aptible module CLI module Subcommands module Deploy DOCKER_IMAGE_DEPLOY_ARGS = Hash[%w( APTIBLE_DOCKER_IMAGE APTIBLE_PRIVATE_REGISTRY_EMAIL APTIBLE_PRIVATE_REGISTRY_USERNAME APTIBLE_PRIVATE_REGISTRY_PASSWORD ).map do |var| opt = var.gsub(/^APTIBLE_/, '').downcase.to_sym [opt, var] end] NULL_SHA1 = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'.freeze def self.included(thor) thor.class_eval do include Helpers::Operation include Helpers::App desc 'deploy [OPTIONS] [VAR1=VAL1] [VAR2=VAL2] [...]', 'Deploy an app' option :git_commitish, desc: 'Deploy a specific git commit or branch: the ' \ 'commitish must have been pushed to Aptible beforehand' option :git_detach, type: :boolean, default: false, desc: 'Detach this app from its git repository: ' \ 'its Procfile, Dockerfile, and .aptible.yml will be ' \ 'ignored until you deploy again with git' option :container_count, type: :numeric, desc: 'This option only affects new ' \ 'services, not existing ones.' option :container_size, type: :numeric, desc: 'This option only affects new ' \ 'services, not existing ones.' option :container_profile, type: :string, desc: 'This option only affects new ' \ 'services, not existing ones. ' \ 'Examples: m c r' DOCKER_IMAGE_DEPLOY_ARGS.each_pair do |opt, var| option opt, type: :string, banner: var, desc: "Shorthand for #{var}=..." end app_options def deploy(*args) app = ensure_app(options) git_ref = options[:git_commitish] if options[:git_detach] if git_ref raise Thor::Error, 'The options --git-commitish and ' \ '--git-detach are incompatible' end git_ref = NULL_SHA1 end env = extract_env(args) DOCKER_IMAGE_DEPLOY_ARGS.each_pair do |opt, var| val = options[opt] next unless val if env[var] && env[var] != val dasherized = "--#{'_', '-')}" raise Thor::Error, "The options #{dasherized} and #{var} " \ 'cannot be set to different values' end env[var] = val end opts = { type: 'deploy', env: env, git_ref: git_ref, container_count: options[:container_count], container_size: options[:container_size], instance_profile: options[:container_profile] }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? || v.try(:empty?) } allow_it = [ opts[:git_ref], opts[:env].try(:[], 'APTIBLE_DOCKER_IMAGE'), app.status == 'provisioned' ].any? { |x| x } unless allow_it m = 'You need to deploy either from git or a Docker image' raise Thor::Error, m end operation = app.create_operation!(opts) 'Deploying app...' attach_to_operation_logs(operation) end end end end end end end