version: 2 jobs: build: docker: - image: circleci/ruby:2.6.1-node-browsers working_directory: ~/repo steps: - checkout - setup_remote_docker: reusable: true - run: name: Install dependencies command: | .circleci/ - run: name: Builder command: | rake build -t -v cp -R pkg /tmp - persist_to_workspace: root: /tmp paths: - pkg test: docker: - image: circleci/ruby:2.6.1-node-browsers working_directory: ~/repo steps: - attach_workspace: at: /tmp - checkout - setup_remote_docker: reusable: true - run: name: Install dependencies command: | .circleci/ - run: name: Run unit tests command: | rake test -t -v push: docker: - image: circleci/ruby:2.6.1-node-browsers working_directory: ~/repo steps: - attach_workspace: at: /tmp - checkout - setup_remote_docker: reusable: true - run: name: Push rubygem to s3 command: | .circleci/ - run: name: Build and push docker image to ecr command: | .circleci/ release: docker: - image: circleci/ruby:2.6.1-node-browsers working_directory: ~/repo steps: - attach_workspace: at: /tmp - checkout - setup_remote_docker: reusable: true - run: name: Install dependencies command: | .circleci/ - run: name: Build and push docker image to dockerhub command: | .circleci/ - run: name: Upload gem to Github command: | .circleci/ - run: name: Upload gem to Ruby Gem command: | .circleci/ check_version: docker: - image: circleci/ruby:2.6.1-node-browsers working_directory: ~/repo steps: - attach_workspace: at: /tmp - checkout - setup_remote_docker: reusable: true - run: name: Check VERSION file for change command: | .circleci/ workflows: version: 2 build_test_push: jobs: - build: filters: branches: ignore: /^release\/.*/ - test: requires: - build - push: requires: - test filters: branches: only: develop - check_version: requires: - push release: jobs: - build: filters: branches: only: master - release: requires: - build