module IsoDoc module HtmlFunction module Footnotes def footnotes(div) return if @footnotes.empty? @footnotes.each { |fn| div.parent << fn } end def make_table_footnote_link(out, fnid, fnref) attrs = { href: "##{fnid}", class: "TableFootnoteRef" } out.a **attrs do |a| a << fnref end end def make_table_footnote_target(out, fnid, fnref) attrs = { id: fnid, class: "TableFootnoteRef" } out.span do |s| out.span **attrs do |a| a << fnref end insert_tab(s, 1) end end # Move to Presentation XML, as : it's a footnote body def make_table_footnote_text(node, fnid, fnref) attrs = { id: "fn:#{fnid}" } noko do |xml| xml.div **attr_code(attrs) do |div| make_table_footnote_target(div, fnid, fnref) node.children.each { |n| parse(n, div) } end end.join("\n") end def make_generic_footnote_text(node, fnid) noko do |xml| xml.aside id: "fn:#{fnid}", class: "footnote" do |div| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, div) } end end.join("\n") end def get_table_ancestor_id(node) table = node.ancestors("table") || node.ancestors("figure") return UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s if table.empty? table.last["id"] end # @seen_footnote: # do not output footnote text if we have already seen it for this table def table_footnote_parse(node, out) fn = node["reference"] || UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s tid = get_table_ancestor_id(node) make_table_footnote_link(out, tid + fn, fn) return if @seen_footnote.include?(tid + fn) @in_footnote = true out.aside class: "footnote" do |a| a << make_table_footnote_text(node, tid + fn, fn) end @in_footnote = false @seen_footnote << (tid + fn) end def footnote_parse(node, out) return table_footnote_parse(node, out) if (@in_table || @in_figure) && !"fmt-name") fn = node["reference"] || UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s attrs = { class: "FootnoteRef", href: "#fn:#{fn}" } out.a **attrs do |a| a.sup { |sup| sup << fn } end make_footnote(node, fn) end def make_footnote(node, fnote) return if @seen_footnote.include?(fnote) @in_footnote = true @footnotes << make_generic_footnote_text(node, fnote) @in_footnote = false @seen_footnote << fnote end end end end