/* Enum: Level Levels of messages. ALL - Used to mark of as ones allowing all messages. DEBUG - Minimal priority for message. This one is used for least valuable, and massive messages. INFO - Used to trace the system status. These messages are less aggressive then . WARN - Something could be better at this time. ERROR - Same as , but brakes some part of the system. Has to be fixed. FATAL - Same as , but brakes all the system. If not fixed - nothing will work at all. NONE - Used to mark of as ones blocking all the messages. */ JLog.Level = (function() { function Level(priority, name) { this.priority = priority; this.name = name; } Level.prototype = { isGreaterOrEqual: function(otherLevel) { return this.priority >= otherLevel.priority; } }; Level.ALL = new Level(0, "ALL"); Level.DEBUG = new Level(1, "DEBUG"); Level.INFO = new Level(2, "INFO"); Level.WARN = new Level(3, "WARN"); Level.ERROR = new Level(4, "ERROR"); Level.FATAL = new Level(5, "FATAL"); Level.NONE = new Level(6, "NONE"); return Level; })();