{ // The LNCS volume number obtained from your Springer editor "volume_number": 7949, // Path to the folder containing all of the (accepted) papers for this volume "sources": "/Users/louis/Downloads/submissions", // Include at least one section "sections": [ { // Section titles are used in the table of contents "title": "Foundations", // The identifiers of the papers to appear in this section "papers": [7,11,14,18,20,24,35,46,63] }, { "title": "Applications", "papers": [2,6,22,29,58,68] } ], // Include the papers key to indicate the location of the PDF file for each submission "papers": { "7" : { "pdf": "7/paper7.pdf", // You can optionally override the title and list of authors for any paper too "title": "MOCQL: A Declarative Language for Ad-Hoc Model Querying", // You can use LaTeX in the names of authors (and titles), but be sure to escape // any backslashes (for the JSON parser) "authors": ["Harald St\\\"orrle"] }, "24" : { "pdf": "ECMFA2013-cameraready.pdf" } } }