# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe Faraday::Request::Authorization do let(:conn) do Faraday.new do |b| b.request :authorization, auth_type, *auth_config b.adapter :test do |stub| stub.get('/auth-echo') do |env| [200, {}, env[:request_headers]['Authorization']] end end end end shared_examples 'does not interfere with existing authentication' do context 'and request already has an authentication header' do let(:response) { conn.get('/auth-echo', nil, authorization: 'OAuth oauth_token') } it 'does not interfere with existing authorization' do expect(response.body).to eq('OAuth oauth_token') end end end let(:response) { conn.get('/auth-echo') } describe 'basic_auth' do let(:auth_type) { :basic } context 'when passed correct params' do let(:auth_config) { %w[aladdin opensesame] } it { expect(response.body).to eq('Basic YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l') } include_examples 'does not interfere with existing authentication' end context 'when passed very long values' do let(:auth_config) { ['A' * 255, ''] } it { expect(response.body).to eq("Basic #{'QUFB' * 85}Og==") } include_examples 'does not interfere with existing authentication' end end describe 'authorization' do let(:auth_type) { :Bearer } context 'when passed a string' do let(:auth_config) { ['custom'] } it { expect(response.body).to eq('Bearer custom') } include_examples 'does not interfere with existing authentication' end context 'when passed a proc' do let(:auth_config) { [-> { 'custom_from_proc' }] } it { expect(response.body).to eq('Bearer custom_from_proc') } include_examples 'does not interfere with existing authentication' end context 'when passed a callable' do let(:callable) { double('Callable Authorizer', call: 'custom_from_callable') } let(:auth_config) { [callable] } it { expect(response.body).to eq('Bearer custom_from_callable') } include_examples 'does not interfere with existing authentication' end context 'with an argument' do let(:response) { conn.get('/auth-echo', nil, 'middle' => 'crunchy surprise') } context 'when passed a proc' do let(:auth_config) { [proc { |env| "proc #{env.request_headers['middle']}" }] } it { expect(response.body).to eq('Bearer proc crunchy surprise') } include_examples 'does not interfere with existing authentication' end context 'when passed a lambda' do let(:auth_config) { [->(env) { "lambda #{env.request_headers['middle']}" }] } it { expect(response.body).to eq('Bearer lambda crunchy surprise') } include_examples 'does not interfere with existing authentication' end context 'when passed a callable with an argument' do let(:callable) do Class.new do def call(env) "callable #{env.request_headers['middle']}" end end.new end let(:auth_config) { [callable] } it { expect(response.body).to eq('Bearer callable crunchy surprise') } include_examples 'does not interfere with existing authentication' end end context 'when passed too many arguments' do let(:auth_config) { %w[baz foo] } it { expect { response }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) } include_examples 'does not interfere with existing authentication' end end end