# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'test_helper' Java::Monkstone::PicrateLibrary.load(JRuby.runtime) Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) class VecmathTest < Minitest::Test # duck for Vec2D constructor Point = Struct.new(:x, :y) # duck for Vec3D constructor Point3 = Struct.new(:x, :y, :z) # non-duck to test fail Pointless = Struct.new(:a, :b) # non-duck to test fail Pointless3 = Struct.new(:a, :b, :c) def setup; end def test_equals x = 1.0000001 y = 1.01 a = Vec2D.new(x, y) assert_equal(a.to_a, [x, y], 'Failed to return Vec2D as an Array') end def test_not_equals a = Vec2D.new(3, 5) b = Vec2D.new(6, 7) refute_equal(a, b, 'Failed equals false') end def test_copy_equals x = 1.0000001 y = 1.01 a = Vec2D.new(x, y) b = a.copy assert_equal(a.to_a, b.to_a, 'Failed deep copy') end def test_constructor_float val = Point.new(1.0, 8.0) # duck type expected = Vec2D.new(val) assert_equal(expected, Vec2D.new(1.0, 8.0), 'Failed duck type constructor floats') end def test_constructor_fixnum val = Point.new(1, 8) # duck type fixnum expected = Vec2D.new(val) assert_equal(expected, Vec2D.new(1.0, 8.0), 'Failed duck type constructor fixnum') end def test_failed_duck_type val = Pointless.new(1.0, 8.0) # non duck type assert_raises TypeError do Vec2D.new(val) end end def test_copy_not_equals x = 1.0000001 y = 1.01 a = Vec2D.new(x, y) b = a.copy b *= 0 refute_equal(a.to_a, b.to_a, 'Failed deep copy') end def test_equals_when_close a = Vec2D.new(3.0000000, 5.00000) b = Vec2D.new(3.0000000, 5.000001) assert_equal(a, b, 'Failed to return equal when v. close') end def test_sum a = Vec2D.new(3, 5) b = Vec2D.new(6, 7) c = Vec2D.new(9, 12) assert_equal(a + b, c, 'Failed to sum vectors') end def test_subtract a = Vec2D.new(3, 5) b = Vec2D.new(6, 7) c = Vec2D.new(-3, -2) assert_equal(a - b, c, 'Failed to subtract vectors') end def test_multiply a = Vec2D.new(3, 5) b = 2 c = a * b d = Vec2D.new(6, 10) assert_equal(c, d, 'Failed to multiply vector by scalar') end def test_divide a = Vec2D.new(3, 5) b = 2 c = Vec2D.new(1.5, 2.5) d = a / b assert_equal(c, d, 'Failed to divide vector by scalar') end def test_dot a = Vec2D.new(3, 5) b = Vec2D.new(6, 7) assert_in_epsilon(a.dot(b), 53, 0.001, 'Failed to dot product') end def test_self_dot a = Vec2D.new(3, 5) assert_in_epsilon(a.dot(a), 34, 0.001, 'Failed self dot product') end def test_from_angle a = Vec2D.from_angle(Math::PI * 0.75) assert_equal(a, Vec2D.new(-1 * Math.sqrt(0.5), Math.sqrt(0.5)), 'Failed to create vector from angle') end def test_random a = Vec2D.random assert a.is_a? Vec2D assert_in_epsilon(a.mag, 1.0) end def test_assign_value a = Vec2D.new(3, 5) a.x = 23 assert_equal(a.x, 23, 'Failed to assign x value') end def test_mag a = Vec2D.new(-3, -4) assert_in_epsilon(a.mag, 5, 0.001, 'Failed to return magnitude of vector') end def test_mag_variant a = Vec2D.new(3.0, 2) b = Math.sqrt(3.0**2 + 2**2) assert_in_epsilon(a.mag, b, 0.001, 'Failed to return magnitude of vector') end def test_mag_zero_one a = Vec2D.new(-1, 0) assert_in_epsilon(a.mag, 1, 0.001, 'Failed to return magnitude of vector') end def test_dist a = Vec2D.new(3, 5) b = Vec2D.new(6, 7) assert_in_epsilon(a.dist(b), Math.sqrt(3.0**2 + 2**2), 0.001, 'Failed to return distance between two vectors') end def test_lerp a = Vec2D.new(1, 1) b = Vec2D.new(3, 3) assert_equal(a.lerp(b, 0.5), Vec2D.new(2, 2), 'Failed to return lerp between two vectors') end def test_lerp_exception a = Vec2D.new(1, 1) b = Vec2D.new(3, 3) assert_raises SyntaxError do a.lerp(b, 0.5, 0.5) end end def test_lerp_unclamped a = Vec2D.new(1, 1) b = Vec2D.new(3, 3) assert_equal(a.lerp(b, 5), Vec2D.new(11, 11), 'Failed to return lerp between two vectors') end def test_lerp! a = Vec2D.new(1, 1) b = Vec2D.new(3, 3) a.lerp!(b, 0.5) assert_equal(a, Vec2D.new(2, 2), 'Failed to return lerp! between two vectors') end def test_lerp_unclamped! a = Vec2D.new(1, 1) b = Vec2D.new(3, 3) a.lerp!(b, 5) assert_equal(a, Vec2D.new(11, 11), 'Failed to return lerp! between two vectors') end def test_set_mag a = Vec2D.new(1, 1) assert_equal(a.set_mag(Math.sqrt(32)), Vec2D.new(4, 4), 'Failed to set_mag vector') end def test_set_mag_block a = Vec2D.new(1, 1) assert_equal(a.set_mag(Math.sqrt(32)) { true }, Vec2D.new(4, 4), 'Failed to set_mag_block true vector') end def test_set_mag_block_false a = Vec2D.new(1, 1) assert_equal(a.set_mag(Math.sqrt(32)) { false }, Vec2D.new(1, 1), 'Failed to set_mag_block true vector') end def test_plus_assign a = Vec2D.new(3, 5) b = Vec2D.new(6, 7) a += b assert_equal(a, Vec2D.new(9, 12), 'Failed to += assign') end def test_normalize a = Vec2D.new(3, 5) b = a.normalize assert_in_epsilon(b.mag, 1, 0.001, 'Failed to return a normalized vector') end def test_normalize! a = Vec2D.new(3, 5) a.normalize! assert_in_epsilon(a.mag, 1, 0.001, 'Failed to return a normalized! vector') end def test_heading a = Vec2D.new(1, 1) assert_in_epsilon(a.heading, Math::PI / 4.0, 0.001, 'Failed to return heading in radians') end def test_rotate x = 20 y = 10 b = Vec2D.new(x, y) a = b.rotate(Math::PI / 2) assert_equal(a, Vec2D.new(-10, 20), 'Failed to rotate vector by scalar radians') end def test_hash_index x = 10 y = 20 b = Vec2D.new(x, y) assert_equal(b[:x], x, 'Failed to hash index') end def test_hash_set x = 10 b = Vec2D.new b[:x] = x assert_equal(b, Vec2D.new(x, 0), 'Failed to hash assign') end def test_inspect a = Vec2D.new(3, 2.000000000000001) assert_equal(a.inspect, 'Vec2D(x = 3.0000, y = 2.0000)') end def test_array_reduce array = [Vec2D.new(1, 2), Vec2D.new(10, 2), Vec2D.new(1, 2)] sum = array.reduce(Vec2D.new) { |c, d| c + d } assert_equal(sum, Vec2D.new(12, 6)) end def test_array_zip one = [Vec2D.new(1, 2), Vec2D.new(10, 2), Vec2D.new(1, 2)] two = [Vec2D.new(1, 2), Vec2D.new(10, 2), Vec2D.new(1, 2)] zipped = one.zip(two).flatten expected = [Vec2D.new(1, 2), Vec2D.new(1, 2), Vec2D.new(10, 2), Vec2D.new(10, 2), Vec2D.new(1, 2), Vec2D.new(1, 2)] assert_equal(zipped, expected) end def test_cross_area # NB: the sign might be negative a = Vec2D.new(200, 0) b = Vec2D.new(0, 200) # Expected result is an area, twice that of the triangle created by the vectors assert_equal(a.cross(b).abs, 40_000.0, 'Failed area test using 2D vector cross product') end def test_cross_non_zero # Could be used to calculate area of triangle a = Vec2D.new(40, 40) b = Vec2D.new(40, 140) c = Vec2D.new(140, 40) assert_equal((a - b).cross(b - c).abs / 2, 5_000.0, 'Failed area calculation using 2D vector cross product') end def test_cross_zero # where a, b, c are collinear area == 0 a = Vec2D.new(0, 0) b = Vec2D.new(100, 100) c = Vec2D.new(200, 200) # see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Collinear.html for details assert((a - b).cross(b - c).zero?, 'Failed collinearity test using 2D vector cross product') end def test_equals3 x = 1.0000001 y = 1.01 z = 0.0 a = Vec3D.new(x, y) assert_equal(a.to_a, [x, y, z], 'Failed to return Vec3D as an Array') end def test_constructor_float3 val = Point3.new(1.0, 8.0, 7.0) # duck type expected = Vec3D.new(val) assert_equal(expected, Vec3D.new(1.0, 8.0, 7.0), 'Failed duck type constructor floats') end def test_constructor_fixnum3 val = Point3.new(1, 8, 7) # duck type fixnum expected = Vec3D.new(val) assert_equal(expected, Vec3D.new(1.0, 8.0, 7.0), 'Failed duck type constructor fixnum') end def test_failed_duck_type3 val = Pointless3.new(1.0, 8.0, 7.0) # non duck type assert_raises TypeError do Vec3D.new(val) end end def test_not_equals3 a = Vec3D.new(3, 5, 1) b = Vec3D.new(6, 7, 1) refute_equal(a, b, 'Failed equals false') end def test_copy_equals3 x = 1.0000001 y = 1.01 z = 1 a = Vec3D.new(x, y, z) b = a.copy assert_equal(a.to_a, b.to_a, 'Failed deep copy') end def test_copy_not_equals3 x = 1.0000001 y = 1.01 z = 6.0 a = Vec3D.new(x, y, z) b = a.copy b *= 0 refute_equal(a.to_a, b.to_a, 'Failed deep copy') end def test_equals_when_close3 a = Vec3D.new(3.0000000, 5.00000, 2) b = Vec3D.new(3.0000000, 5.000001, 2) assert_equal(a, b, 'Failed to return equal when v. close') end def test_sum3 a = Vec3D.new(3, 5, 1) b = Vec3D.new(6, 7, 1) c = Vec3D.new(9, 12, 2) assert_equal(a + b, c, 'Failed to sum vectors') end def test_subtract3 a = Vec3D.new(3, 5, 0) b = Vec3D.new(6, 7, 1) c = Vec3D.new(-3, -2, -1) assert_equal(a - b, c, 'Failed to subtract vectors') end def test_multiply3 a = Vec3D.new(3, 5, 1) b = 2 c = a * b d = Vec3D.new(6, 10, 2) assert_equal(c, d, 'Failed to multiply vector by scalar') end def test_divide3 a = Vec3D.new(3, 5, 4) b = 2 c = Vec3D.new(1.5, 2.5, 2) d = a / b assert_equal(c, d, 'Failed to divide vector by scalar') end def test_random3 a = Vec3D.random assert a.is_a? Vec3D assert_in_epsilon(a.mag, 1.0) end def test_assign_value3 a = Vec3D.new(3, 5) a.x = 23 assert_equal(a.x, 23, 'Failed to assign x value') end def test_mag3 a = Vec3D.new(-3, -4) assert_equal(a.mag, 5, 'Failed to return magnitude of vector') end def test_mag_variant3 a = Vec3D.new(3.0, 2) b = Math.sqrt(3.0**2 + 2**2) assert_in_epsilon(a.mag, b, 0.001, 'Failed to return magnitude of vector') end def test_mag_zero_one3 a = Vec3D.new(-1, 0) assert_equal(a.mag, 1, 'Failed to return magnitude of vector') end def test_dist3 a = Vec3D.new(3, 5, 2) b = Vec3D.new(6, 7, 1) message = 'Failed to return distance between two vectors' assert_equal(a.dist(b), Math.sqrt(3.0**2 + 2**2 + 1), message) end def test_dist_squared3 a = Vec3D.new(3, 5, 2) b = Vec3D.new(6, 7, 1) message = 'Failed to return distance squared between two vectors' assert_equal(a.dist_squared(b), 3.0**2 + 2**2 + 1, message) end def test_dot3 a = Vec3D.new(10, 20, 0) b = Vec3D.new(60, 80, 0) assert_in_epsilon(a.dot(b), 2200.0, 0.001, 'Failed to dot product') end def test_self_dot3 a = Vec3D.new(10, 20, 4) assert_in_epsilon(a.dot(a), 516.0, 0.001, 'Failed to self dot product') end def test_cross3 a = Vec3D.new(3, 5, 2) b = Vec3D.new(6, 7, 1) c = Vec3D.new(-9.0, 9.0, -9.0) assert_equal(a.cross(b), c, 'Failed cross product') end def test_set_mag3 a = Vec3D.new(1, 1) assert_equal(a.set_mag(Math.sqrt(32)), Vec3D.new(4, 4), 'Failed to set_mag vector') end def test_set_mag_block3 a = Vec3D.new(1, 1) assert_equal(a.set_mag(Math.sqrt(32)) { true }, Vec3D.new(4, 4), 'Failed to set_mag_block true vector') end def test_set_mag_block_false3 a = Vec3D.new(1, 1) assert_equal(a.set_mag(Math.sqrt(32)) { false }, Vec3D.new(1, 1), 'Failed to set_mag_block true vector') end def test_plus_assign3 a = Vec3D.new(3, 5) b = Vec3D.new(6, 7) a += b assert_equal(a, Vec3D.new(9, 12), 'Failed to += assign') end def test_normalize3 a = Vec3D.new(3, 5) b = a.normalize assert_in_epsilon(b.mag, 1, 0.001, 'Failed to return a normalized vector') end def test_normalize3! a = Vec3D.new(3, 5) a.normalize! assert_in_epsilon(a.mag, 1, 0.001, 'Failed to return a normalized! vector') end def test_inspect3 a = Vec3D.new(3, 2.000000000000001, 1) assert_equal(a.inspect, 'Vec3D(x = 3.0000, y = 2.0000, z = 1.0000)') end def test_array_reduce3 array = [Vec3D.new(1, 2), Vec3D.new(10, 2), Vec3D.new(1, 2)] sum = array.reduce(Vec3D.new) { |c, d| c + d } assert_equal(sum, Vec3D.new(12, 6)) end def test_array_zip3 one = [Vec3D.new(1, 2), Vec3D.new(10, 2), Vec3D.new(1, 2)] two = [Vec3D.new(1, 2), Vec3D.new(10, 2), Vec3D.new(1, 2)] zipped = one.zip(two).flatten expected = [Vec3D.new(1, 2), Vec3D.new(1, 2), Vec3D.new(10, 2), Vec3D.new(10, 2), Vec3D.new(1, 2), Vec3D.new(1, 2)] assert_equal(zipped, expected) end def test_eql3? a = Vec3D.new(3.0, 5.0, 0) b = Vec3D.new(3.0, 5.0, 0) assert(a.eql?(b)) end def test_not_eql3? a = Vec3D.new(3.0, 5.0, 0) b = Vec3D.new(3.0, 5.000001, 0) refute(a.eql?(b)) end def test_equal3? a = Vec3D.new(3.0, 5.0, 0) assert(a.equal?(a)) end def test_not_equal3? a = Vec3D.new(3.0, 5.0, 0) b = Vec3D.new(3.0, 5.0, 0) refute(a.equal?(b)) end def test_hash_key3 x = 10 y = 20 z = 50 b = Vec3D.new(x, y, z) assert_equal(b[:x], x, 'Failed hash key access') assert_equal(b[:y], y, 'Failed hash key access') assert_equal(b[:z], z, 'Failed hash key access') end def test_hash_set3 x = 10 b = Vec3D.new b[:x] = x assert_equal(b, Vec3D.new(x, 0, 0), 'Failed to hash assign') end end