# frozen_string_literal: true require "decidim/gem_manager" namespace :decidim do namespace :webpacker do desc "Installs Decidim webpacker files in Rails instance application" task install: :environment do raise "Decidim gem is not installed" if decidim_path.nil? # Remove yarn.lock (because bin/rails webpacker:install has been executed) remove_file_from_application "yarn.lock" # Removing bin/yarn makes assets:precompile task to don't execute `yarn install` remove_file_from_application "bin/yarn" # Babel config copy_file_to_application "babel.config.json" # PostCSS configuration copy_file_to_application "decidim-core/lib/decidim/webpacker/postcss.config.js", "postcss.config.js" # Webpacker configuration copy_file_to_application "decidim-core/lib/decidim/webpacker/webpacker.yml", "config/webpacker.yml" # Webpack JS config files copy_folder_to_application "decidim-core/lib/decidim/webpacker/webpack", "config" # Modify the webpack binstubs add_binstub_load_path "bin/webpack" add_binstub_load_path "bin/webpack-dev-server" # Install JS dependencies install_decidim_npm # Remove the webpacker dependencies as they come through Decidim dependencies. # This ensures we can control their versions from Decidim dependencies to avoid version conflicts. webpacker_packages = %w( @rails/actioncable @rails/activestorage @rails/ujs @rails/webpacker turbolinks webpack webpack-cli @webpack-cli/serve webpack-dev-server ) system! "npm uninstall #{webpacker_packages.join(" ")}" # Add the Browserslist configuration to the project add_decidim_browserslist_configuration end desc "Upgrade Decidim dependencies in Rails instance application" task upgrade: :environment do raise "Decidim gem is not installed" if decidim_path.nil? # Update JS dependencies install_decidim_npm end def install_decidim_npm decidim_npm_packages.each do |type, packages| system! "npm i --save-#{type} #{packages.join(" ")}" end end def add_decidim_browserslist_configuration package = JSON.parse(File.read(rails_app_path.join("package.json"))) return if package["browserslist"].is_a?(Array) && package["browserslist"].include?("extends @decidim/browserslist-config") package["browserslist"] = ["extends @decidim/browserslist-config"] File.write(rails_app_path.join("package.json"), JSON.pretty_generate(package)) end def decidim_npm_packages gem_path = unreleased_gem_path if gem_path package_spec = "./packages/%s" # The packages folder needs to be copied to the application folder # because the linked dependencies are not installed when packages # are installed using file references outside the application root # where the `package.json` is located at. For more information, see: # https://github.com/npm/cli/issues/2339 FileUtils.rm_rf(rails_app_path.join("packages")) FileUtils.cp_r(gem_path.join("packages"), rails_app_path) else package_spec = "@decidim/%s@~#{Decidim::GemManager.semver_friendly_version(decidim_gemspec.version.to_s)}" end local_npm_dependencies.transform_values { |names| names.map { |name| format(package_spec, name) } } end def unreleased_gem_path if decidim_gemspec.source.is_a?(Bundler::Source::Rubygems) return if released_version? gem_path = Pathname(decidim_gemspec.full_gem_path) else gem_path = decidim_gemspec.source.path gem_path = Pathname(ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"]).dirname.join(gem_path) if gem_path.relative? end gem_path end def local_npm_dependencies @local_npm_dependencies ||= begin package_json = JSON.parse(File.read(decidim_path.join("package.json"))) { prod: local_npm_dependencies_list(package_json["dependencies"]), dev: local_npm_dependencies_list(package_json["devDependencies"]) }.freeze end end def local_npm_dependencies_list(deps) return [] unless deps deps.values .select { |ref| ref.starts_with?("file:packages/") } .map { |ref| ref.delete_prefix("file:packages/") } end def decidim_path @decidim_path ||= Pathname.new(decidim_gemspec.full_gem_path) if Gem.loaded_specs.has_key?("decidim") end def decidim_gemspec @decidim_gemspec ||= Gem.loaded_specs["decidim"] end def released_version? decidim_gemspec.version.segments.last != "dev" end def rails_app_path @rails_app_path ||= Rails.root end def copy_file_to_application(origin_path, destination_path = origin_path) FileUtils.cp(decidim_path.join(origin_path), rails_app_path.join(destination_path)) end def copy_folder_to_application(origin_path, destination_path = origin_path) FileUtils.cp_r(decidim_path.join(origin_path), rails_app_path.join(destination_path)) end def remove_file_from_application(path) FileUtils.rm(path, force: true) end def add_binstub_load_path(binstub_path) file = rails_app_path.join(binstub_path) lines = File.readlines(file) # Skip if the load path is already added return if lines.grep( %r{^\$LOAD_PATH.unshift "#\{Gem.loaded_specs\["decidim-core"\].full_gem_path\}/lib/gem_overrides"$} ).size.positive? contents = "" lines.each do |line| contents += line next unless line =~ %r{^require "bundler/setup"$} contents += "\n" contents += "# Add the Decidim override load path to override webpacker functionality\n" contents += "$LOAD_PATH.unshift \"\#{Gem.loaded_specs[\"decidim-core\"].full_gem_path}/lib/gem_overrides\"\n" end File.write(file, contents) end def system!(command) system("cd #{rails_app_path} && #{command}") || abort("\n== Command #{command} failed ==") end end end # Override the Webpacker instance for the rake tasks to correctly assign the # configuration file path. This is needed e.g. when `rails assets:precompile` is # being run. Otherwise webpacker might not recognize if the assets need to be # compiled again (i.e. if the asset hash has been changed). if (config_path = Decidim::Webpacker.configuration.configuration_file) Webpacker.instance = Webpacker::Instance.new( config_path: Pathname.new(config_path) ) end # Remove the yarn install prerequisity from assets:precompile Rake::Task["assets:precompile"].prerequisites.delete("webpacker:yarn_install") # Add gem overrides path to the beginning in order to override rake tasks # Needed because of a bug in Rails 6.0 (see the overridden task for details) $LOAD_PATH.unshift "#{Gem.loaded_specs["decidim-core"].full_gem_path}/lib/gem_overrides"