require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper.rb' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_credentials.rb' class TestSdb < Test::Unit::TestCase DOMAIN_NAME = 'right_sdb_awesome_test_domain' DASH_DOMAIN_NAME = 'right_sdb-awesome_test_domain' class Client < Aws::ActiveSdb::Base set_domain_name DOMAIN_NAME end class DashClient < RightAws::ActiveSdb::Base set_domain_name DASH_DOMAIN_NAME end def setup TestCredentials.get_credentials STDOUT.sync = true @clients = [ { 'name' => 'Bush', 'country' => 'USA', 'gender' => 'male', 'expiration' => '2009', 'post' => 'president' }, { 'name' => 'Putin', 'country' => 'Russia', 'gender' => 'male', 'expiration' => '2008', 'post' => 'president' }, { 'name' => 'Medvedev', 'country' => 'Russia', 'gender' => 'male', 'expiration' => '2012', 'post' => 'president' }, { 'name' => 'Mary', 'country' => 'USA', 'gender' => 'female', 'hobby' => ['patchwork', 'bundle jumping'] }, { 'name' => 'Sandy', 'country' => 'Russia', 'gender' => 'female', 'hobby' => ['flowers', 'cats', 'cooking'] }, { 'name' => 'Mary', 'country' => 'Russia', 'gender' => 'female', 'hobby' => ['flowers', 'cats', 'cooking'] } ] Aws::ActiveSdb.establish_connection(TestCredentials.aws_access_key_id, TestCredentials.aws_secret_access_key) end SDB_DELAY = 3 def wait(delay, msg='') print " waiting #{delay} seconds: #{msg}" while delay>0 do delay -= 1 print '.' sleep 1 end puts end #--------------------------- # Aws::SdbInterface #--------------------------- def test_00_delete_domain assert Aws::ActiveSdb.delete_domain(DOMAIN_NAME) wait SDB_DELAY, 'test 00: after domain deletion' end def test_01_create_domain # check that domain does not exist assert ! # create domain assert Client.create_domain wait SDB_DELAY, 'test 01: after domain creation' # check that we have received new domain from Amazin assert end def test_02_create_items # check that DB is empty clients = Client.find(:all) assert clients.blank? # put some clients there @clients.each do |client| Client.create client end wait SDB_DELAY, 'test 02: after clients creation' # check that DB has all the clients we just putted clients = Client.find(:all) assert_equal @clients.size, clients.size end def test_03_create_and_save_new_item # get the db old_clients = Client.find(:all) # create new client new_client ='country' => 'unknown', 'dummy' => 'yes') wait SDB_DELAY, 'test 03: after in-memory client creation' # get the db and ensure we created the client in-memory only assert_equal old_clients.size, Client.find(:all).size # put the client to DB wait SDB_DELAY, 'test 03: after in-memory client saving' # get all db again and compare to original list assert_equal old_clients.size+1, Client.find(:all).size end def test_04_find_all # retrieve all the DB, make sure all are in place clients = Client.find(:all) ids ={|client| }[0..1] assert_equal @clients.size + 1, clients.size # retrieve all presidents (must find: Bush, Putin, Medvedev) assert_equal 3, Client.find(:all, :conditions => ["post=?",'president']).size # retrieve all russian presidents (must find: Putin, Medvedev) assert_equal 2, Client.find(:all, :conditions => ["post=? and country=?",'president', 'Russia']).size # retrieve all russian presidents and all women (must find: Putin, Medvedev, 2 Maries and Sandy) assert_equal 5, Client.find(:all, :conditions => ["post=? and country=? or gender=?",'president', 'Russia','female']).size # find all rissian presidents Bushes assert_equal 0, Client.find(:all, :conditions => ["post=? and country=? and name=?",'president', 'Russia','Bush']).size # --- find by ids # must find 1 rec (by rec id) and return it assert_equal ids.first, Client.find(ids.first).id # must find 1 rec (by one item array) and return an array assert_equal ids.first, Client.find([ids.first]) # must find 2 recs (by a list of comma separated ids) and return an array assert_equal ids.size, Client.find(*ids).size # must find 2 recs (by an array of ids) and return an array assert_equal ids.size, Client.find(ids).size ids << 'dummy_id' # must raise an error when getting unexistent record assert_raise(Aws::ActiveSdb::ActiveSdbError) do Client.find(ids) end # find one record by unknown id assert_raise(Aws::ActiveSdb::ActiveSdbError) do Client.find('dummy_id') end end def test_04b_find_all_dashed # retrieve all the DB, make sure all are in place clients = DashClient.find(:all) ids ={|client| }[0..1] assert_equal @clients.size + 1, clients.size # retrieve all presidents (must find: Bush, Putin, Medvedev) assert_equal 3, DashedClient.find(:all, :conditions => ["[?=?]",'post','president']).size # retrieve all russian presidents (must find: Putin, Medvedev) assert_equal 2, DashedClient.find(:all, :conditions => ["['post'=?] intersection ['country'=?]",'president', 'Russia']).size # retrieve all russian presidents and all women (must find: Putin, Medvedev, 2 Maries and Sandy) assert_equal 5, DashedClient.find(:all, :conditions => ["['post'=?] intersection ['country'=?] union ['gender'=?]",'president', 'Russia','female']).size # find all rissian presidents Bushes assert_equal 0, DashedClient.find(:all, :conditions => ["['post'=?] intersection ['country'=?] intersection ['name'=?]",'president', 'Russia','Bush']).size # --- find by ids # must find 1 rec (by rec id) and return it assert_equal ids.first, DashedClient.find(ids.first).id # must find 1 rec (by one item array) and return an array assert_equal ids.first, DashedClient.find([ids.first]) # must find 2 recs (by a list of comma separated ids) and return an array assert_equal ids.size, DashedClient.find(*ids).size # must find 2 recs (by an array of ids) and return an array assert_equal ids.size, DashedClient.find(ids).size ids << 'dummy_id' # must raise an error when getting unexistent record assert_raise(RightAws::ActiveSdb::ActiveSdbError) do DashedClient.find(ids) end # find one record by unknown id assert_raise(RightAws::ActiveSdb::ActiveSdbError) do DashedClient.find('dummy_id') end end def test_05_find_first # find any record assert Client.find(:first) # find any president assert Client.find(:first, :conditions => ["post=? and country=?",'president','Russia']) # find any rissian president assert_nil Client.find(:first, :conditions => ["post=? and country=?",'president','Rwanda']) # find any unexistent record assert Client.find(:first, :conditions => ["?=?",'post','president']) end def test_06_find_all_by_helpers # find all Bushes assert_equal 1, Client.find_all_by_name('Bush').size # find all russian presidents assert_equal 2, Client.find_all_by_post_and_country('president','Russia').size # find all women in USA that love flowers assert_equal 2, Client.find_all_by_gender_and_country_and_hobby('female','Russia','flowers').size # order and auto_load: clients = Client.find_all_by_post('president', :order => 'name', :auto_load => true) assert_equal [['Bush'], ['Medvedev'], ['Putin']],{|c| c['name']} clients = Client.find_all_by_post('president', :order => 'name desc', :auto_load => true) assert_equal [['Putin'], ['Medvedev'], ['Bush']],{|c| c['name']} end def test_07_find_by_helpers # find mr Bush assert Client.find_by_name('Bush') # find any russian president assert Client.find_by_post_and_country('president','Russia') # find Mary in Russia that loves flowers # order and auto_load: assert_equal ['Bush'], Client.find_by_post('president', :order => 'name', :auto_load => true)['name'] assert_equal ['Putin'], Client.find_by_post('president', :order => 'name desc', :auto_load => true)['name'] end def test_08_reload putin = Client.find_by_name('Putin') # attributes must be empty until reload (except 'id' field) assert_nil putin['name'] assert_nil putin['country'] assert_nil putin['gender'] assert_nil putin['expiration'] assert_nil putin['post'] # reloaded attributes must have 5 items + id putin.reload assert_equal 6, putin.attributes.size # check all attributes assert_equal ['Putin'], putin['name'] assert_equal ['Russia'], putin['country'] assert_equal ['male'], putin['gender'] assert_equal ['2008'], putin['expiration'] assert_equal ['president'], putin['post'] end def test_09_select # select all records assert_equal 7, # LIMIT # 1 record assert # select 2 recs assert_equal 2,, :limit => 2).size # ORDER # select all recs ordered by 'expration' (must find only recs where 'expration' attribute presents) result =, :order => 'expiration') assert_equal 3, result.size assert_equal ['2008', '2009', '2012'],{ |c| c['expiration'] }.flatten # desc order result =, :order => 'expiration desc') assert_equal ['2012', '2009', '2008'],{ |c| c['expiration'] }.flatten # CONDITIONS result =, :conditions => ["expiration >= ?", 2009], :order => 'name') assert_equal ['Bush', 'Medvedev'],{ |c| c['name'] }.flatten result =, :conditions => "hobby='flowers' AND gender='female'", :order => 'name') assert_equal ['Mary', 'Sandy'],{ |c| c['name'] }.flatten # SELECT result =, :select => 'hobby', :conditions => "gender IS NOT NULL", :order => 'name') hobbies ={|c| c['hobby']} # must return all recs assert_equal 6, result.size # but anly 3 of them have this field set assert_equal 3, hobbies.compact.size end def test_10_select_by assert_equal 2, Client.select_all_by_hobby('flowers').size assert_equal 2, Client.select_all_by_hobby_and_country('flowers', 'Russia').size assert_equal ['Putin'], Client.select_by_post_and_expiration('president','2008')['name'] end def test_11_save_and_put putin = Client.find_by_name('Putin') putin.reload putin['hobby'] = 'ski' # SAVE method (replace values) wait SDB_DELAY, 'test 09: after saving' # check that DB was updated with 'ski' new_putin = Client.find_by_name('Putin') new_putin.reload assert ['ski'], new_putin['hobby'] # replace hobby putin['hobby'] = 'dogs' wait SDB_DELAY, 'test 09: after saving' # check that 'ski' in DB was replaced by 'dogs' new_putin = Client.find_by_name('Putin') new_putin.reload assert ['dogs'], new_putin['hobby'] # PUT method (add values) putin['hobby'] = 'ski' putin.put wait SDB_DELAY, 'test 09: after putting' # check that 'ski' was added to 'dogs' new_putin = Client.find_by_name('Putin') new_putin.reload assert ['dogs', 'ski'], new_putin['hobby'].sort end def test_12_save_and_put_attributes putin = Client.find_by_name('Putin') putin.reload # SAVE method (replace values) putin.save_attributes('language' => 'russian') wait SDB_DELAY, 'test 10: after save_attributes' # check that DB was updated with 'ski' new_putin = Client.find_by_name('Putin') new_putin.reload assert ['russian'], new_putin['language'] # replace 'russian' by 'german' putin.save_attributes('language' => 'german') wait SDB_DELAY, 'test 10: after save_attributes' # check that 'russian' in DB was replaced by 'german' new_putin = Client.find_by_name('Putin') new_putin.reload assert ['german'], new_putin['language'] # PUT method (add values) putin.put_attributes('language' => ['russian', 'english']) wait SDB_DELAY, 'test 10: after put_attributes' # now Putin must know all the languages new_putin = Client.find_by_name('Putin') new_putin.reload assert ['english', 'german', 'russian'], new_putin['language'].sort end def test_13_delete putin = Client.find_by_name('Putin') putin.reload # --- delete_values # remove an unknown attribute # should return an empty hash assert_equal( {}, putin.delete_values('undefined_attribute' => 'ohoho')) # remove 2 languages lang_hash = {'language' => ['english', 'german']} assert_equal lang_hash, putin.delete_values(lang_hash) wait SDB_DELAY, 'test 11: after put_attributes' # now Putin must know only russian lang new_putin = Client.find_by_name('Putin') new_putin.reload assert ['russian'], new_putin['language'].sort # --- delete_attributes putin.delete_attributes('language', 'hobby') wait SDB_DELAY, 'test 11: after delete_attributes' # trash hoddy and langs new_putin = Client.find_by_name('Putin') new_putin.reload assert_nil new_putin['language'] assert_nil new_putin['hobby'] # --- delete item putin.delete wait SDB_DELAY, 'test 11: after delete item' assert_nil Client.find_by_name('Putin') end def test_14_delete_domain assert Client.delete_domain wait SDB_DELAY, 'test 12: after delete domain' assert_raise(Aws::AwsError) do Client.find :all end end end