# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative("bootsnap/version") require_relative("bootsnap/bundler") require_relative("bootsnap/load_path_cache") require_relative("bootsnap/compile_cache") module Bootsnap InvalidConfiguration = Class.new(StandardError) class << self attr_reader :logger def log! self.logger = $stderr.method(:puts) end def logger=(logger) @logger = logger self.instrumentation = if logger.respond_to?(:debug) ->(event, path) { @logger.debug("[Bootsnap] #{event} #{path}") } else ->(event, path) { @logger.call("[Bootsnap] #{event} #{path}") } end end def instrumentation=(callback) @instrumentation = callback if respond_to?(:instrumentation_enabled=, true) self.instrumentation_enabled = !!callback end end def _instrument(event, path) @instrumentation.call(event, path) end def setup( cache_dir:, development_mode: true, load_path_cache: true, autoload_paths_cache: nil, disable_trace: nil, compile_cache_iseq: true, compile_cache_yaml: true, compile_cache_json: true ) unless autoload_paths_cache.nil? warn "[DEPRECATED] Bootsnap's `autoload_paths_cache:` option is deprecated and will be removed. " \ "If you use Zeitwerk this option is useless, and if you are still using the classic autoloader " \ "upgrading is recommended." end unless disable_trace.nil? warn "[DEPRECATED] Bootsnap's `disable_trace:` option is deprecated and will be removed. " \ "If you use Ruby 2.5 or newer this option is useless, if not upgrading is recommended." end if compile_cache_iseq && !iseq_cache_supported? warn "Ruby 2.5 has a bug that break code tracing when code is loaded from cache. It is recommened " \ "to turn `compile_cache_iseq` off on Ruby 2.5" end if load_path_cache Bootsnap::LoadPathCache.setup( cache_path: cache_dir + "/bootsnap/load-path-cache", development_mode: development_mode, ) end Bootsnap::CompileCache.setup( cache_dir: cache_dir + "/bootsnap/compile-cache", iseq: compile_cache_iseq, yaml: compile_cache_yaml, json: compile_cache_json, ) end def iseq_cache_supported? return @iseq_cache_supported if defined? @iseq_cache_supported ruby_version = Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) @iseq_cache_supported = ruby_version < Gem::Version.new("2.5.0") || ruby_version >= Gem::Version.new("2.6.0") end def default_setup env = ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || ENV["RACK_ENV"] || ENV["ENV"] development_mode = ["", nil, "development"].include?(env) unless ENV["DISABLE_BOOTSNAP"] cache_dir = ENV["BOOTSNAP_CACHE_DIR"] unless cache_dir config_dir_frame = caller.detect do |line| line.include?("/config/") end unless config_dir_frame $stderr.puts("[bootsnap/setup] couldn't infer cache directory! Either:") $stderr.puts("[bootsnap/setup] 1. require bootsnap/setup from your application's config directory; or") $stderr.puts("[bootsnap/setup] 2. Define the environment variable BOOTSNAP_CACHE_DIR") raise("couldn't infer bootsnap cache directory") end path = config_dir_frame.split(/:\d+:/).first path = File.dirname(path) until File.basename(path) == "config" app_root = File.dirname(path) cache_dir = File.join(app_root, "tmp", "cache") end setup( cache_dir: cache_dir, development_mode: development_mode, load_path_cache: !ENV["DISABLE_BOOTSNAP_LOAD_PATH_CACHE"], compile_cache_iseq: !ENV["DISABLE_BOOTSNAP_COMPILE_CACHE"] && iseq_cache_supported?, compile_cache_yaml: !ENV["DISABLE_BOOTSNAP_COMPILE_CACHE"], compile_cache_json: !ENV["DISABLE_BOOTSNAP_COMPILE_CACHE"], ) if ENV["BOOTSNAP_LOG"] log! end end end if RbConfig::CONFIG["host_os"] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/ def absolute_path?(path) path[1] == ":" end else def absolute_path?(path) path.start_with?("/") end end # This is a semi-accurate ruby implementation of the native `rb_get_path(VALUE)` function. # The native version is very intricate and may behave differently on windows etc. # But we only use it for non-MRI platform. def rb_get_path(fname) path_path = fname.respond_to?(:to_path) ? fname.to_path : fname String.try_convert(path_path) || raise(TypeError, "no implicit conversion of #{path_path.class} into String") end # Allow the C extension to redefine `rb_get_path` without warning. alias_method :rb_get_path, :rb_get_path # rubocop:disable Lint/DuplicateMethods end end