Given(/^(\d+) ([\w\s]+)$/) do |count, kind| klass = kind.gsub(/\s+/, '_').singularize.classify.gsub(/^/, 'Landable::').constantize klass.destroy_all result = Integer(count) do create kind.gsub(/\s+/, '_').singularize.to_sym end instance_variable_set :"@#{kind}", result end Given 'there are 3 templates' do number_needed = 3 - Landable::Template.count FactoryGirl.create_list(:template, number_needed) end Given(/^an author "([^"]+)"$/) do |username| create :author, username: username end Given(/^an author "([^"]+)" without access tokens$/) do |username| create :author_without_access_tokens, username: username end Given '"$username" has an unexpired access token' do |username| create :access_token, author: Landable::Author.where(username: username).first! end Given 'I also have an older, expired access token' do @expired_access_token = create :access_token, author: @current_author, expires_at: 2.minutes.ago end Given "there is another author's access token in the database" do @foreign_access_token = create :access_token, author: create(:author) end Given(/^an? (page|theme|asset|template)$/) do |model| instance_variable_set :"@#{model}", create(model.to_sym) end Given(/^a (page|theme) with an asset attached$/) do |model| record = create model.to_sym @asset = create :asset record.assets.push @asset instance_variable_set :"@#{model}", record end Given(/^a page "([^"]+)"$/) do |path| create :page, path: path, body: 'BODY' end Given(/^a page "([^"]+)" with title "(.+)"$/) do |path, title| create :page, path: path, title: title, body: 'BODY' end Given(/^a "(\w+)" page with title "(.+)" and category "(.+)"$/) do |published, title, category| category_obj = Landable::Category.where('lower(name) = ?', category.downcase).first @page = create :page, title: title, category: category_obj @page.publish! author: create(:author) if published == 'published' end Given 'page "$path" redirects to "$url" with status $code' do |path, url, code| page = create :page, :redirect, path: path, redirect_url: url, status_code: code, body: 'BODY' page.publish! author: create(:author) end Given 'a published page "$path"' do |path| @page = create :page, path: path @page.publish! author: create(:author) end Given 'a published page "$path" with status $code' do |path, code| code = Integer(code) page = case code when 301, 302 then create :page, :redirect, path: path, status_code: code, body: 'BODY' when 410 then create :page, :gone, path: path, body: 'BODY' else create :page, path: path, body: 'BODY' end page.publish! author: create(:author) end Given 'a published page "$path" titled "$title" with theme "$name"' do |path, title, theme| page = create :page, path: path, title: title, theme: create(:theme, name: theme) page.publish! author: create(:author) end Given 'the body of theme "$name" is "$body"' do |name, body| theme = Landable::Theme.where(name: name).first! theme.update_attributes! body: body end Given 'the $tag meta tag of "$path" is "$value"' do |tag, path, value| page = Landable::Page.by_path!(path) page.meta_tags ||= {} page.meta_tags.merge! tag => value! end Given 'the body of page "$path" is:' do |path, body| Landable::Page.by_path!(path).update_attributes(body: body) end When 'I publish the page "$path"' do |path| Landable::Page.by_path!(path).publish! author: create(:author) end When(/^I change the page to a (\d+)$/) do |code| @page.status_code = code! end Then(/^there should be (\d+) ([\w\s]+) in the database$/) do |count, kind| name = kind.gsub(/\s+/, '_').classify klass = "Landable::#{name}".constantize klass.count.should eql(Integer(count)) end Then 'an author "$username" should exist' do |username| Landable::Author.where(username: username).first! end Given 'an author "$username" does not exist' do |username| Landable::Author.where(username: username).present?.should be_false end Then(/^the author "(.+?)" should have (\d+) access tokens?$/) do |username, n| author = Landable::Author.where(username: username).first! author.access_tokens.count.should eq Integer(n) end Then 'the response body should include the body of page "$path"' do |path| last_response.body.should include(Landable::Page.by_path!(path).body) end