#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'test/unit' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' require 'sass/script' module Sass::Script::Functions def no_kw_args Sass::Script::String.new("no-kw-args") end def only_var_args(*args) Sass::Script::String.new("only-var-args("+args.map{|a| a.plus(Sass::Script::Number.new(1)).to_s }.join(", ")+")") end declare :only_var_args, [], :var_args => true def only_kw_args(kwargs) Sass::Script::String.new("only-kw-args(" + kwargs.keys.map {|a| a.to_s}.sort.join(", ") + ")") end declare :only_kw_args, [], :var_kwargs => true end module Sass::Script::Functions::UserFunctions def call_options_on_new_literal str = Sass::Script::String.new("foo") str.options[:foo] str end def user_defined Sass::Script::String.new("I'm a user-defined string!") end def _preceding_underscore Sass::Script::String.new("I'm another user-defined string!") end end module Sass::Script::Functions include Sass::Script::Functions::UserFunctions end class SassFunctionTest < Test::Unit::TestCase # Tests taken from: # http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS3/Color/20070927/html4/t040204-hsl-h-rotating-b.htm # http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS3/Color/20070927/html4/t040204-hsl-values-b.htm File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/data/hsl-rgb.txt").split("\n\n").each do |chunk| hsls, rgbs = chunk.strip.split("====") hsls.strip.split("\n").zip(rgbs.strip.split("\n")) do |hsl, rgb| hsl_method = "test_hsl: #{hsl} = #{rgb}" define_method(hsl_method) do assert_equal(evaluate(rgb), evaluate(hsl)) end rgb_to_hsl_method = "test_rgb_to_hsl: #{rgb} = #{hsl}" define_method(rgb_to_hsl_method) do rgb_color = perform(rgb) hsl_color = perform(hsl) white = hsl_color.lightness == 100 black = hsl_color.lightness == 0 grayscale = white || black || hsl_color.saturation == 0 assert_in_delta(hsl_color.hue, rgb_color.hue, 0.0001, "Hues should be equal") unless grayscale assert_in_delta(hsl_color.saturation, rgb_color.saturation, 0.0001, "Saturations should be equal") unless white || black assert_in_delta(hsl_color.lightness, rgb_color.lightness, 0.0001, "Lightnesses should be equal") end end end def test_hsl_kwargs assert_equal "#33cccc", evaluate("hsl($hue: 180, $saturation: 60%, $lightness: 50%)") end def test_hsl_checks_bounds assert_error_message("Saturation -114 must be between 0% and 100% for `hsl'", "hsl(10, -114, 12)"); assert_error_message("Lightness 256 must be between 0% and 100% for `hsl'", "hsl(10, 10, 256%)"); end def test_hsl_checks_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `hsl'", "hsl(\"foo\", 10, 12)"); assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `hsl'", "hsl(10, \"foo\", 12)"); assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `hsl'", "hsl(10, 10, \"foo\")"); end def test_hsla assert_equal "rgba(51, 204, 204, 0.4)", evaluate("hsla(180, 60%, 50%, 0.4)") assert_equal "#33cccc", evaluate("hsla(180, 60%, 50%, 1)") assert_equal "rgba(51, 204, 204, 0)", evaluate("hsla(180, 60%, 50%, 0)") assert_equal "rgba(51, 204, 204, 0.4)", evaluate("hsla($hue: 180, $saturation: 60%, $lightness: 50%, $alpha: 0.4)") end def test_hsla_checks_bounds assert_error_message("Saturation -114 must be between 0% and 100% for `hsla'", "hsla(10, -114, 12, 1)"); assert_error_message("Lightness 256 must be between 0% and 100% for `hsla'", "hsla(10, 10, 256%, 0)"); assert_error_message("Alpha channel -0.1 must be between 0 and 1 for `hsla'", "hsla(10, 10, 10, -0.1)"); assert_error_message("Alpha channel 1.1 must be between 0 and 1 for `hsla'", "hsla(10, 10, 10, 1.1)"); end def test_hsla_checks_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `hsla'", "hsla(\"foo\", 10, 12, 0.3)"); assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `hsla'", "hsla(10, \"foo\", 12, 0)"); assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `hsla'", "hsla(10, 10, \"foo\", 1)"); assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `hsla'", "hsla(10, 10, 10, \"foo\")"); end def test_percentage assert_equal("50%", evaluate("percentage(.5)")) assert_equal("100%", evaluate("percentage(1)")) assert_equal("25%", evaluate("percentage(25px / 100px)")) assert_equal("50%", evaluate("percentage($value: 0.5)")) end def test_percentage_checks_types assert_error_message("25px is not a unitless number for `percentage'", "percentage(25px)") assert_error_message("#cccccc is not a unitless number for `percentage'", "percentage(#ccc)") assert_error_message("\"string\" is not a unitless number for `percentage'", %Q{percentage("string")}) end def test_round assert_equal("5", evaluate("round(4.8)")) assert_equal("5px", evaluate("round(4.8px)")) assert_equal("5px", evaluate("round(5.49px)")) assert_equal("5px", evaluate("round($value: 5.49px)")) assert_error_message("#cccccc is not a number for `round'", "round(#ccc)") end def test_floor assert_equal("4", evaluate("floor(4.8)")) assert_equal("4px", evaluate("floor(4.8px)")) assert_equal("4px", evaluate("floor($value: 4.8px)")) assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `floor'", "floor(\"foo\")") end def test_ceil assert_equal("5", evaluate("ceil(4.1)")) assert_equal("5px", evaluate("ceil(4.8px)")) assert_equal("5px", evaluate("ceil($value: 4.8px)")) assert_error_message("\"a\" is not a number for `ceil'", "ceil(\"a\")") end def test_abs assert_equal("5", evaluate("abs(-5)")) assert_equal("5px", evaluate("abs(-5px)")) assert_equal("5", evaluate("abs(5)")) assert_equal("5px", evaluate("abs(5px)")) assert_equal("5px", evaluate("abs($value: 5px)")) assert_error_message("#aaaaaa is not a number for `abs'", "abs(#aaa)") end def test_rgb assert_equal("#123456", evaluate("rgb(18, 52, 86)")) assert_equal("#beaded", evaluate("rgb(190, 173, 237)")) assert_equal("#00ff7f", evaluate("rgb(0, 255, 127)")) assert_equal("#00ff7f", evaluate("rgb($red: 0, $green: 255, $blue: 127)")) end def test_rgb_percent assert_equal("#123456", evaluate("rgb(7.1%, 20.4%, 34%)")) assert_equal("#beaded", evaluate("rgb(74.7%, 173, 93%)")) assert_equal("#beaded", evaluate("rgb(190, 68%, 237)")) assert_equal("#00ff7f", evaluate("rgb(0%, 100%, 50%)")) end def test_rgb_tests_bounds assert_error_message("Color value 256 must be between 0 and 255 inclusive for `rgb'", "rgb(256, 1, 1)") assert_error_message("Color value 256 must be between 0 and 255 inclusive for `rgb'", "rgb(1, 256, 1)") assert_error_message("Color value 256 must be between 0 and 255 inclusive for `rgb'", "rgb(1, 1, 256)") assert_error_message("Color value 256 must be between 0 and 255 inclusive for `rgb'", "rgb(1, 256, 257)") assert_error_message("Color value -1 must be between 0 and 255 inclusive for `rgb'", "rgb(-1, 1, 1)") end def test_rgb_test_percent_bounds assert_error_message("Color value 100.1% must be between 0% and 100% inclusive for `rgb'", "rgb(100.1%, 0, 0)") assert_error_message("Color value -0.1% must be between 0% and 100% inclusive for `rgb'", "rgb(0, -0.1%, 0)") assert_error_message("Color value 101% must be between 0% and 100% inclusive for `rgb'", "rgb(0, 0, 101%)") end def test_rgb_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `rgb'", "rgb(\"foo\", 10, 12)"); assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `rgb'", "rgb(10, \"foo\", 12)"); assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `rgb'", "rgb(10, 10, \"foo\")"); end def test_rgba assert_equal("rgba(18, 52, 86, 0.5)", evaluate("rgba(18, 52, 86, 0.5)")) assert_equal("#beaded", evaluate("rgba(190, 173, 237, 1)")) assert_equal("rgba(0, 255, 127, 0)", evaluate("rgba(0, 255, 127, 0)")) assert_equal("rgba(0, 255, 127, 0)", evaluate("rgba($red: 0, $green: 255, $blue: 127, $alpha: 0)")) end def test_rgb_tests_bounds assert_error_message("Color value 256 must be between 0 and 255 inclusive for `rgba'", "rgba(256, 1, 1, 0.3)") assert_error_message("Color value 256 must be between 0 and 255 inclusive for `rgba'", "rgba(1, 256, 1, 0.3)") assert_error_message("Color value 256 must be between 0 and 255 inclusive for `rgba'", "rgba(1, 1, 256, 0.3)") assert_error_message("Color value 256 must be between 0 and 255 inclusive for `rgba'", "rgba(1, 256, 257, 0.3)") assert_error_message("Color value -1 must be between 0 and 255 inclusive for `rgba'", "rgba(-1, 1, 1, 0.3)") assert_error_message("Alpha channel -0.2 must be between 0 and 1 inclusive for `rgba'", "rgba(1, 1, 1, -0.2)") assert_error_message("Alpha channel 1.2 must be between 0 and 1 inclusive for `rgba'", "rgba(1, 1, 1, 1.2)") end def test_rgba_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `rgba'", "rgba(\"foo\", 10, 12, 0.2)"); assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `rgba'", "rgba(10, \"foo\", 12, 0.1)"); assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `rgba'", "rgba(10, 10, \"foo\", 0)"); assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `rgba'", "rgba(10, 10, 10, \"foo\")"); end def test_rgba_with_color assert_equal "rgba(16, 32, 48, 0.5)", evaluate("rgba(#102030, 0.5)") assert_equal "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5)", evaluate("rgba(blue, 0.5)") assert_equal "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5)", evaluate("rgba($color: blue, $alpha: 0.5)") end def test_rgba_with_color_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a color for `rgba'", "rgba(\"foo\", 0.2)"); assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `rgba'", "rgba(blue, \"foo\")"); end def test_rgba_tests_num_args assert_error_message("wrong number of arguments (0 for 4) for `rgba'", "rgba()"); assert_error_message("wrong number of arguments (1 for 4) for `rgba'", "rgba(blue)"); assert_error_message("wrong number of arguments (3 for 4) for `rgba'", "rgba(1, 2, 3)"); assert_error_message("wrong number of arguments (5 for 4) for `rgba'", "rgba(1, 2, 3, 0.4, 5)"); end def test_red assert_equal("18", evaluate("red(#123456)")) assert_equal("18", evaluate("red($color: #123456)")) end def test_red_exception assert_error_message("12 is not a color for `red'", "red(12)") end def test_green assert_equal("52", evaluate("green(#123456)")) assert_equal("52", evaluate("green($color: #123456)")) end def test_green_exception assert_error_message("12 is not a color for `green'", "green(12)") end def test_blue assert_equal("86", evaluate("blue(#123456)")) assert_equal("86", evaluate("blue($color: #123456)")) end def test_blue_exception assert_error_message("12 is not a color for `blue'", "blue(12)") end def test_hue assert_equal("18deg", evaluate("hue(hsl(18, 50%, 20%))")) assert_equal("18deg", evaluate("hue($color: hsl(18, 50%, 20%))")) end def test_hue_exception assert_error_message("12 is not a color for `hue'", "hue(12)") end def test_saturation assert_equal("52%", evaluate("saturation(hsl(20, 52%, 20%))")) assert_equal("52%", evaluate("saturation(hsl(20, 52, 20%))")) assert_equal("52%", evaluate("saturation($color: hsl(20, 52, 20%))")) end def test_saturation_exception assert_error_message("12 is not a color for `saturation'", "saturation(12)") end def test_lightness assert_equal("86%", evaluate("lightness(hsl(120, 50%, 86%))")) assert_equal("86%", evaluate("lightness(hsl(120, 50%, 86))")) assert_equal("86%", evaluate("lightness($color: hsl(120, 50%, 86))")) end def test_lightness_exception assert_error_message("12 is not a color for `lightness'", "lightness(12)") end def test_alpha assert_equal("1", evaluate("alpha(#123456)")) assert_equal("0.34", evaluate("alpha(rgba(0, 1, 2, 0.34))")) assert_equal("0", evaluate("alpha(hsla(0, 1, 2, 0))")) assert_equal("0", evaluate("alpha($color: hsla(0, 1, 2, 0))")) end def test_alpha_exception assert_error_message("12 is not a color for `alpha'", "alpha(12)") end def test_opacify assert_equal("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)", evaluate("opacify(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), 0.25)")) assert_equal("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)", evaluate("opacify(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0.1)")) assert_equal("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)", evaluate("fade-in(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0.5px)")) assert_equal("black", evaluate("fade_in(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0.8)")) assert_equal("black", evaluate("opacify(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 1)")) assert_equal("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)", evaluate("opacify(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0%)")) assert_equal("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)", evaluate("opacify($color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), $amount: 0%)")) assert_equal("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)", evaluate("fade-in($color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), $amount: 0%)")) end def test_opacify_tests_bounds assert_error_message("Amount -0.001 must be between 0 and 1 for `opacify'", "opacify(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), -0.001)") assert_error_message("Amount 1.001 must be between 0 and 1 for `opacify'", "opacify(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 1.001)") end def test_opacify_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a color for `opacify'", "opacify(\"foo\", 10%)") assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `opacify'", "opacify(#fff, \"foo\")") end def test_transparentize assert_equal("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)", evaluate("transparentize(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), 0.2)")) assert_equal("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)", evaluate("transparentize(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0.1)")) assert_equal("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)", evaluate("fade-out(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), 0.3px)")) assert_equal("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", evaluate("fade_out(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0.2)")) assert_equal("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", evaluate("transparentize(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 1)")) assert_equal("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)", evaluate("transparentize(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0)")) assert_equal("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)", evaluate("transparentize($color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), $amount: 0)")) assert_equal("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)", evaluate("fade-out($color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), $amount: 0)")) end def test_transparentize_tests_bounds assert_error_message("Amount -0.001 must be between 0 and 1 for `transparentize'", "transparentize(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), -0.001)") assert_error_message("Amount 1.001 must be between 0 and 1 for `transparentize'", "transparentize(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 1.001)") end def test_transparentize_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a color for `transparentize'", "transparentize(\"foo\", 10%)") assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `transparentize'", "transparentize(#fff, \"foo\")") end def test_lighten assert_equal("#4d4d4d", evaluate("lighten(hsl(0, 0, 0), 30%)")) assert_equal("#ee0000", evaluate("lighten(#800, 20%)")) assert_equal("white", evaluate("lighten(#fff, 20%)")) assert_equal("white", evaluate("lighten(#800, 100%)")) assert_equal("#880000", evaluate("lighten(#800, 0%)")) assert_equal("rgba(238, 0, 0, 0.5)", evaluate("lighten(rgba(136, 0, 0, 0.5), 20%)")) assert_equal("rgba(238, 0, 0, 0.5)", evaluate("lighten($color: rgba(136, 0, 0, 0.5), $amount: 20%)")) end def test_lighten_tests_bounds assert_error_message("Amount -0.001 must be between 0% and 100% for `lighten'", "lighten(#123, -0.001)") assert_error_message("Amount 100.001 must be between 0% and 100% for `lighten'", "lighten(#123, 100.001)") end def test_lighten_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a color for `lighten'", "lighten(\"foo\", 10%)") assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `lighten'", "lighten(#fff, \"foo\")") end def test_darken assert_equal("#ff6a00", evaluate("darken(hsl(25, 100, 80), 30%)")) assert_equal("#220000", evaluate("darken(#800, 20%)")) assert_equal("black", evaluate("darken(#000, 20%)")) assert_equal("black", evaluate("darken(#800, 100%)")) assert_equal("#880000", evaluate("darken(#800, 0%)")) assert_equal("rgba(34, 0, 0, 0.5)", evaluate("darken(rgba(136, 0, 0, 0.5), 20%)")) assert_equal("rgba(34, 0, 0, 0.5)", evaluate("darken($color: rgba(136, 0, 0, 0.5), $amount: 20%)")) end def test_darken_tests_bounds assert_error_message("Amount -0.001 must be between 0% and 100% for `darken'", "darken(#123, -0.001)") assert_error_message("Amount 100.001 must be between 0% and 100% for `darken'", "darken(#123, 100.001)") end def test_darken_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a color for `darken'", "darken(\"foo\", 10%)") assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `darken'", "darken(#fff, \"foo\")") end def test_saturate assert_equal("#d9f2d9", evaluate("saturate(hsl(120, 30, 90), 20%)")) assert_equal("#9e3f3f", evaluate("saturate(#855, 20%)")) assert_equal("black", evaluate("saturate(#000, 20%)")) assert_equal("white", evaluate("saturate(#fff, 20%)")) assert_equal("#33ff33", evaluate("saturate(#8a8, 100%)")) assert_equal("#88aa88", evaluate("saturate(#8a8, 0%)")) assert_equal("rgba(158, 63, 63, 0.5)", evaluate("saturate(rgba(136, 85, 85, 0.5), 20%)")) assert_equal("rgba(158, 63, 63, 0.5)", evaluate("saturate($color: rgba(136, 85, 85, 0.5), $amount: 20%)")) end def test_saturate_tests_bounds assert_error_message("Amount -0.001 must be between 0% and 100% for `saturate'", "saturate(#123, -0.001)") assert_error_message("Amount 100.001 must be between 0% and 100% for `saturate'", "saturate(#123, 100.001)") end def test_saturate_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a color for `saturate'", "saturate(\"foo\", 10%)") assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `saturate'", "saturate(#fff, \"foo\")") end def test_desaturate assert_equal("#e3e8e3", evaluate("desaturate(hsl(120, 30, 90), 20%)")) assert_equal("#726b6b", evaluate("desaturate(#855, 20%)")) assert_equal("black", evaluate("desaturate(#000, 20%)")) assert_equal("white", evaluate("desaturate(#fff, 20%)")) assert_equal("#999999", evaluate("desaturate(#8a8, 100%)")) assert_equal("#88aa88", evaluate("desaturate(#8a8, 0%)")) assert_equal("rgba(114, 107, 107, 0.5)", evaluate("desaturate(rgba(136, 85, 85, 0.5), 20%)")) assert_equal("rgba(114, 107, 107, 0.5)", evaluate("desaturate($color: rgba(136, 85, 85, 0.5), $amount: 20%)")) end def test_desaturate_tests_bounds assert_error_message("Amount -0.001 must be between 0% and 100% for `desaturate'", "desaturate(#123, -0.001)") assert_error_message("Amount 100.001 must be between 0% and 100% for `desaturate'", "desaturate(#123, 100.001)") end def test_desaturate_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a color for `desaturate'", "desaturate(\"foo\", 10%)") assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `desaturate'", "desaturate(#fff, \"foo\")") end def test_adjust_hue assert_equal("#deeded", evaluate("adjust-hue(hsl(120, 30, 90), 60deg)")) assert_equal("#ededde", evaluate("adjust-hue(hsl(120, 30, 90), -60deg)")) assert_equal("#886a11", evaluate("adjust-hue(#811, 45deg)")) assert_equal("black", evaluate("adjust-hue(#000, 45deg)")) assert_equal("white", evaluate("adjust-hue(#fff, 45deg)")) assert_equal("#88aa88", evaluate("adjust-hue(#8a8, 360deg)")) assert_equal("#88aa88", evaluate("adjust-hue(#8a8, 0deg)")) assert_equal("rgba(136, 106, 17, 0.5)", evaluate("adjust-hue(rgba(136, 17, 17, 0.5), 45deg)")) assert_equal("rgba(136, 106, 17, 0.5)", evaluate("adjust-hue($color: rgba(136, 17, 17, 0.5), $degrees: 45deg)")) end def test_adjust_hue_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a color for `adjust-hue'", "adjust-hue(\"foo\", 10%)") assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `adjust-hue'", "adjust-hue(#fff, \"foo\")") end def test_adjust_color # HSL assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(180, 30, 90)"), evaluate("adjust-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $hue: 60deg)")) assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(120, 50, 90)"), evaluate("adjust-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $saturation: 20%)")) assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(120, 30, 60)"), evaluate("adjust-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $lightness: -30%)")) # RGB assert_equal(evaluate("rgb(15, 20, 30)"), evaluate("adjust-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $red: 5)")) assert_equal(evaluate("rgb(10, 15, 30)"), evaluate("adjust-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $green: -5)")) assert_equal(evaluate("rgb(10, 20, 40)"), evaluate("adjust-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $blue: 10)")) # Alpha assert_equal(evaluate("hsla(120, 30, 90, 0.65)"), evaluate("adjust-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $alpha: -0.35)")) assert_equal(evaluate("rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.9)"), evaluate("adjust-color(rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.4), $alpha: 0.5)")) # HSL composability assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(180, 20, 90)"), evaluate("adjust-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $hue: 60deg, $saturation: -10%)")) assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(180, 20, 95)"), evaluate("adjust-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $hue: 60deg, $saturation: -10%, $lightness: 5%)")) assert_equal(evaluate("hsla(120, 20, 95, 0.3)"), evaluate("adjust-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $saturation: -10%, $lightness: 5%, $alpha: -0.7)")) # RGB composability assert_equal(evaluate("rgb(15, 20, 29)"), evaluate("adjust-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $red: 5, $blue: -1)")) assert_equal(evaluate("rgb(15, 45, 29)"), evaluate("adjust-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $red: 5, $green: 25, $blue: -1)")) assert_equal(evaluate("rgba(10, 25, 29, 0.7)"), evaluate("adjust-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $green: 5, $blue: -1, $alpha: -0.3)")) # HSL range restriction assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(120, 30, 90)"), evaluate("adjust-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $hue: 720deg)")) assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(120, 0, 90)"), evaluate("adjust-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $saturation: -90%)")) assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(120, 30, 100)"), evaluate("adjust-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $lightness: 30%)")) # RGB range restriction assert_equal(evaluate("rgb(255, 20, 30)"), evaluate("adjust-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $red: 250)")) assert_equal(evaluate("rgb(10, 0, 30)"), evaluate("adjust-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $green: -30)")) assert_equal(evaluate("rgb(10, 20, 0)"), evaluate("adjust-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $blue: -40)")) end def test_adjust_color_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a color for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(foo, $hue: 10)") # HSL assert_error_message("$hue: \"foo\" is not a number for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $hue: foo)") assert_error_message("$saturation: \"foo\" is not a number for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $saturation: foo)") assert_error_message("$lightness: \"foo\" is not a number for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $lightness: foo)") # RGB assert_error_message("$red: \"foo\" is not a number for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $red: foo)") assert_error_message("$green: \"foo\" is not a number for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $green: foo)") assert_error_message("$blue: \"foo\" is not a number for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $blue: foo)") # Alpha assert_error_message("$alpha: \"foo\" is not a number for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $alpha: foo)") end def test_adjust_color_tests_arg_range # HSL assert_error_message("$saturation: Amount 101% must be between -100% and 100% for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $saturation: 101%)") assert_error_message("$saturation: Amount -101% must be between -100% and 100% for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $saturation: -101%)") assert_error_message("$lightness: Amount 101% must be between -100% and 100% for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $lightness: 101%)") assert_error_message("$lightness: Amount -101% must be between -100% and 100% for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $lightness: -101%)") # RGB assert_error_message("$red: Amount 256 must be between -255 and 255 for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $red: 256)") assert_error_message("$red: Amount -256 must be between -255 and 255 for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $red: -256)") assert_error_message("$green: Amount 256 must be between -255 and 255 for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $green: 256)") assert_error_message("$green: Amount -256 must be between -255 and 255 for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $green: -256)") assert_error_message("$blue: Amount 256 must be between -255 and 255 for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $blue: 256)") assert_error_message("$blue: Amount -256 must be between -255 and 255 for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $blue: -256)") # Alpha assert_error_message("$alpha: Amount 1.1 must be between -1 and 1 for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $alpha: 1.1)") assert_error_message("$alpha: Amount -1.1 must be between -1 and 1 for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $alpha: -1.1)") end def test_adjust_color_argument_errors assert_error_message("Unknown argument $hoo (260deg) for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $hoo: 260deg)") assert_error_message("Cannot specify HSL and RGB values for a color at the same time for `adjust-color'", "adjust-color(blue, $hue: 120deg, $red: 10)"); assert_error_message("10px is not a keyword argument for `adjust_color'", "adjust-color(blue, 10px)") assert_error_message("10px is not a keyword argument for `adjust_color'", "adjust-color(blue, 10px, 20px)") assert_error_message("10px is not a keyword argument for `adjust_color'", "adjust-color(blue, 10px, $hue: 180deg)") end def test_scale_color # HSL assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(120, 51, 90)"), evaluate("scale-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $saturation: 30%)")) assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(120, 30, 76.5)"), evaluate("scale-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $lightness: -15%)")) # RGB assert_equal(evaluate("rgb(157, 20, 30)"), evaluate("scale-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $red: 60%)")) assert_equal(evaluate("rgb(10, 38.8, 30)"), evaluate("scale-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $green: 8%)")) assert_equal(evaluate("rgb(10, 20, 20)"), evaluate("scale-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $blue: -(1/3)*100%)")) # Alpha assert_equal(evaluate("hsla(120, 30, 90, 0.86)"), evaluate("scale-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $alpha: -14%)")) assert_equal(evaluate("rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.82)"), evaluate("scale-color(rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.8), $alpha: 10%)")) # HSL composability assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(120, 51, 76.5)"), evaluate("scale-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $saturation: 30%, $lightness: -15%)")) assert_equal(evaluate("hsla(120, 51, 90, 0.2)"), evaluate("scale-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $saturation: 30%, $alpha: -80%)")) # RGB composability assert_equal(evaluate("rgb(157, 38.8, 30)"), evaluate("scale-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $red: 60%, $green: 8%)")) assert_equal(evaluate("rgb(157, 38.8, 20)"), evaluate("scale-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $red: 60%, $green: 8%, $blue: -(1/3)*100%)")) assert_equal(evaluate("rgba(10, 38.8, 20, 0.55)"), evaluate("scale-color(rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.5), $green: 8%, $blue: -(1/3)*100%, $alpha: 10%)")) # Extremes assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(120, 100, 90)"), evaluate("scale-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $saturation: 100%)")) assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(120, 30, 90)"), evaluate("scale-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $saturation: 0%)")) assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(120, 0, 90)"), evaluate("scale-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $saturation: -100%)")) end def test_scale_color_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a color for `scale-color'", "scale-color(foo, $red: 10%)") # HSL assert_error_message("$saturation: \"foo\" is not a number for `scale-color'", "scale-color(blue, $saturation: foo)") assert_error_message("$lightness: \"foo\" is not a number for `scale-color'", "scale-color(blue, $lightness: foo)") # RGB assert_error_message("$red: \"foo\" is not a number for `scale-color'", "scale-color(blue, $red: foo)") assert_error_message("$green: \"foo\" is not a number for `scale-color'", "scale-color(blue, $green: foo)") assert_error_message("$blue: \"foo\" is not a number for `scale-color'", "scale-color(blue, $blue: foo)") # Alpha assert_error_message("$alpha: \"foo\" is not a number for `scale-color'", "scale-color(blue, $alpha: foo)") end def test_scale_color_argument_errors # Range assert_error_message("$saturation: Amount 101% must be between -100% and 100% for `scale-color'", "scale-color(blue, $saturation: 101%)") assert_error_message("$red: Amount -101% must be between -100% and 100% for `scale-color'", "scale-color(blue, $red: -101%)") assert_error_message("$alpha: Amount -101% must be between -100% and 100% for `scale-color'", "scale-color(blue, $alpha: -101%)") # Unit assert_error_message("$saturation: Amount 80 must be a % (e.g. 80%) for `scale-color'", "scale-color(blue, $saturation: 80)") assert_error_message("$alpha: Amount 0.5 must be a % (e.g. 0.5%) for `scale-color'", "scale-color(blue, $alpha: 0.5)") # Unknown argument assert_error_message("Unknown argument $hue (80%) for `scale-color'", "scale-color(blue, $hue: 80%)") # Non-keyword arg assert_error_message("10px is not a keyword argument for `scale_color'", "scale-color(blue, 10px)") # HSL/RGB assert_error_message("Cannot specify HSL and RGB values for a color at the same time for `scale-color'", "scale-color(blue, $lightness: 10%, $red: 20%)"); end def test_change_color # HSL assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(195, 30, 90)"), evaluate("change-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $hue: 195deg)")) assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(120, 50, 90)"), evaluate("change-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $saturation: 50%)")) assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(120, 30, 40)"), evaluate("change-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $lightness: 40%)")) # RGB assert_equal(evaluate("rgb(123, 20, 30)"), evaluate("change-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $red: 123)")) assert_equal(evaluate("rgb(10, 234, 30)"), evaluate("change-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $green: 234)")) assert_equal(evaluate("rgb(10, 20, 198)"), evaluate("change-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $blue: 198)")) # Alpha assert_equal(evaluate("rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.76)"), evaluate("change-color(rgb(10, 20, 30), $alpha: 0.76)")) # HSL composability assert_equal(evaluate("hsl(56, 30, 47)"), evaluate("change-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $hue: 56deg, $lightness: 47%)")) assert_equal(evaluate("hsla(56, 30, 47, 0.9)"), evaluate("change-color(hsl(120, 30, 90), $hue: 56deg, $lightness: 47%, $alpha: 0.9)")) end def test_change_color_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a color for `change-color'", "change-color(foo, $red: 10%)") # HSL assert_error_message("$saturation: \"foo\" is not a number for `change-color'", "change-color(blue, $saturation: foo)") assert_error_message("$lightness: \"foo\" is not a number for `change-color'", "change-color(blue, $lightness: foo)") # RGB assert_error_message("$red: \"foo\" is not a number for `change-color'", "change-color(blue, $red: foo)") assert_error_message("$green: \"foo\" is not a number for `change-color'", "change-color(blue, $green: foo)") assert_error_message("$blue: \"foo\" is not a number for `change-color'", "change-color(blue, $blue: foo)") # Alpha assert_error_message("$alpha: \"foo\" is not a number for `change-color'", "change-color(blue, $alpha: foo)") end def test_change_color_argument_errors # Range assert_error_message("Saturation must be between 0 and 100 for `change-color'", "change-color(blue, $saturation: 101%)") assert_error_message("Lightness must be between 0 and 100 for `change-color'", "change-color(blue, $lightness: 101%)") assert_error_message("Red value must be between 0 and 255 for `change-color'", "change-color(blue, $red: -1)") assert_error_message("Green value must be between 0 and 255 for `change-color'", "change-color(blue, $green: 256)") assert_error_message("Blue value must be between 0 and 255 for `change-color'", "change-color(blue, $blue: 500)") # Unknown argument assert_error_message("Unknown argument $hoo (80%) for `change-color'", "change-color(blue, $hoo: 80%)") # Non-keyword arg assert_error_message("10px is not a keyword argument for `change_color'", "change-color(blue, 10px)") # HSL/RGB assert_error_message("Cannot specify HSL and RGB values for a color at the same time for `change-color'", "change-color(blue, $lightness: 10%, $red: 120)"); end def test_mix assert_equal("#7f007f", evaluate("mix(#f00, #00f)")) assert_equal("#7f7f7f", evaluate("mix(#f00, #0ff)")) assert_equal("#7f9055", evaluate("mix(#f70, #0aa)")) assert_equal("#3f00bf", evaluate("mix(#f00, #00f, 25%)")) assert_equal("rgba(63, 0, 191, 0.75)", evaluate("mix(rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5), #00f)")) assert_equal("red", evaluate("mix(#f00, #00f, 100%)")) assert_equal("blue", evaluate("mix(#f00, #00f, 0%)")) assert_equal("rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)", evaluate("mix(#f00, transparentize(#00f, 1))")) assert_equal("rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5)", evaluate("mix(transparentize(#f00, 1), #00f)")) assert_equal("red", evaluate("mix(#f00, transparentize(#00f, 1), 100%)")) assert_equal("blue", evaluate("mix(transparentize(#f00, 1), #00f, 0%)")) assert_equal("rgba(0, 0, 255, 0)", evaluate("mix(#f00, transparentize(#00f, 1), 0%)")) assert_equal("rgba(255, 0, 0, 0)", evaluate("mix(transparentize(#f00, 1), #00f, 100%)")) assert_equal("rgba(255, 0, 0, 0)", evaluate("mix($color-1: transparentize(#f00, 1), $color-2: #00f, $weight: 100%)")) end def test_mix_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a color for `mix'", "mix(\"foo\", #f00, 10%)") assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a color for `mix'", "mix(#f00, \"foo\", 10%)") assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a number for `mix'", "mix(#f00, #baf, \"foo\")") end def test_mix_tests_bounds assert_error_message("Weight -0.001 must be between 0% and 100% for `mix'", "mix(#123, #456, -0.001)") assert_error_message("Weight 100.001 must be between 0% and 100% for `mix'", "mix(#123, #456, 100.001)") end def test_grayscale assert_equal("#bbbbbb", evaluate("grayscale(#abc)")) assert_equal("gray", evaluate("grayscale(#f00)")) assert_equal("gray", evaluate("grayscale(#00f)")) assert_equal("white", evaluate("grayscale(white)")) assert_equal("black", evaluate("grayscale(black)")) assert_equal("black", evaluate("grayscale($color: black)")) end def tets_grayscale_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a color for `grayscale'", "grayscale(\"foo\")") end def test_complement assert_equal("#ccbbaa", evaluate("complement(#abc)")) assert_equal("aqua", evaluate("complement(red)")) assert_equal("red", evaluate("complement(aqua)")) assert_equal("white", evaluate("complement(white)")) assert_equal("black", evaluate("complement(black)")) assert_equal("black", evaluate("complement($color: black)")) end def tets_complement_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a color for `complement'", "complement(\"foo\")") end def test_invert assert_equal("#112233", evaluate("invert(#edc)")) assert_equal("rgba(245, 235, 225, 0.5)", evaluate("invert(rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.5))")) end def test_invert_tests_types assert_error_message("\"foo\" is not a color for `invert'", "invert(\"foo\")") end def test_unquote assert_equal('foo', evaluate('unquote("foo")')) assert_equal('foo', evaluate('unquote(foo)')) assert_equal('foo', evaluate('unquote($string: foo)')) end def test_quote assert_equal('"foo"', evaluate('quote(foo)')) assert_equal('"foo"', evaluate('quote("foo")')) assert_equal('"foo"', evaluate('quote($string: "foo")')) end def test_quote_tests_type assert_error_message("#ff0000 is not a string for `quote'", "quote(#f00)") end def test_user_defined_function assert_equal("I'm a user-defined string!", evaluate("user_defined()")) end def test_user_defined_function_with_preceding_underscore assert_equal("I'm another user-defined string!", evaluate("_preceding_underscore()")) assert_equal("I'm another user-defined string!", evaluate("-preceding-underscore()")) end def test_options_on_new_literals_fails assert_error_message(< e assert_equal("Function rgba doesn't take an argument named $extra", e.message) end def test_keyword_args_must_have_signature evaluate("no-kw-args($fake: value)") rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e assert_equal("Function no_kw_args doesn't support keyword arguments", e.message) end def test_keyword_args_with_missing_argument evaluate("rgb($red: 255, $green: 255)") rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e assert_equal("Function rgb requires an argument named $blue", e.message) end def test_only_var_args assert_equal "only-var-args(2px, 3px, 4px)", evaluate("only-var-args(1px, 2px, 3px)") end def test_only_kw_args assert_equal "only-kw-args(a, b, c)", evaluate("only-kw-args($a: 1, $b: 2, $c: 3)") end private def evaluate(value) Sass::Script::Parser.parse(value, 0, 0).perform(Sass::Environment.new).to_s end def perform(value) Sass::Script::Parser.parse(value, 0, 0).perform(Sass::Environment.new) end def assert_error_message(message, value) evaluate(value) flunk("Error message expected but not raised: #{message}") rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e assert_equal(message, e.message) end end