var Ai = Object.create; var nn = Object.defineProperty; var Ti = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var Ci = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var Mi = Object.getPrototypeOf, ki = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var ee = (t, e) => () => (e || t((e = { exports: {} }).exports, e), e.exports), nr = (t, e) => { for (var n in e) nn(t, n, { get: e[n], enumerable: !0 }); }, vi = (t, e, n, r) => { if ((e && typeof e == "object") || typeof e == "function") for (let s of Ci(e)) !, s) && s !== n && nn(t, s, { get: () => e[s], enumerable: !(r = Ti(e, s)) || r.enumerable, }); return t; }; var rr = (t, e, n) => ( (n = t != null ? Ai(Mi(t)) : {}), vi( e || !t || !t.__esModule ? nn(n, "default", { value: t, enumerable: !0 }) : n, t, ) ); var le = ee((U) => { "use strict"; var re = { ANCHOR: "&", COMMENT: "#", TAG: "!", DIRECTIVES_END: "-", DOCUMENT_END: ".", }, lt = { ALIAS: "ALIAS", BLANK_LINE: "BLANK_LINE", BLOCK_FOLDED: "BLOCK_FOLDED", BLOCK_LITERAL: "BLOCK_LITERAL", COMMENT: "COMMENT", DIRECTIVE: "DIRECTIVE", DOCUMENT: "DOCUMENT", FLOW_MAP: "FLOW_MAP", FLOW_SEQ: "FLOW_SEQ", MAP: "MAP", MAP_KEY: "MAP_KEY", MAP_VALUE: "MAP_VALUE", PLAIN: "PLAIN", QUOTE_DOUBLE: "QUOTE_DOUBLE", QUOTE_SINGLE: "QUOTE_SINGLE", SEQ: "SEQ", SEQ_ITEM: "SEQ_ITEM", }, Oo = ",2002:", Lo = { MAP: ",2002:map", SEQ: ",2002:seq", STR: ",2002:str", }; function Is(t) { let e = [0], n = t.indexOf(` `); for (; n !== -1; ) (n += 1), e.push(n), (n = t.indexOf( ` `, n, )); return e; } function Ps(t) { let e, n; return ( typeof t == "string" ? ((e = Is(t)), (n = t)) : (Array.isArray(t) && (t = t[0]), t && t.context && (t.lineStarts || (t.lineStarts = Is(t.context.src)), (e = t.lineStarts), (n = t.context.src))), { lineStarts: e, src: n } ); } function An(t, e) { if (typeof t != "number" || t < 0) return null; let { lineStarts: n, src: r } = Ps(e); if (!n || !r || t > r.length) return null; for (let i = 0; i < n.length; ++i) { let o = n[i]; if (t < o) return { line: i, col: t - n[i - 1] + 1 }; if (t === o) return { line: i + 1, col: 1 }; } let s = n.length; return { line: s, col: t - n[s - 1] + 1 }; } function Ao(t, e) { let { lineStarts: n, src: r } = Ps(e); if (!n || !(t >= 1) || t > n.length) return null; let s = n[t - 1], i = n[t]; for ( ; i && i > s && r[i - 1] === ` `; ) --i; return r.slice(s, i); } function To({ start: t, end: e }, n, r = 80) { let s = Ao(t.line, n); if (!s) return null; let { col: i } = t; if (s.length > r) if (i <= r - 10) s = s.substr(0, r - 1) + "\u2026"; else { let f = Math.round(r / 2); s.length > i + f && (s = s.substr(0, i + f - 1) + "\u2026"), (i -= s.length - r), (s = "\u2026" + s.substr(1 - r)); } let o = 1, a = ""; e && (e.line === t.line && i + (e.col - t.col) <= r + 1 ? (o = e.col - t.col) : ((o = Math.min(s.length + 1, r) - i), (a = "\u2026"))); let c = i > 1 ? " ".repeat(i - 1) : "", l = "^".repeat(o); return `${s} ${c}${l}${a}`; } var Ye = class t { static copy(e) { return new t(e.start, e.end); } constructor(e, n) { (this.start = e), (this.end = n || e); } isEmpty() { return ( typeof this.start != "number" || !this.end || this.end <= this.start ); } setOrigRange(e, n) { let { start: r, end: s } = this; if (e.length === 0 || s <= e[0]) return (this.origStart = r), (this.origEnd = s), n; let i = n; for (; i < e.length && !(e[i] > r); ) ++i; this.origStart = r + i; let o = i; for (; i < e.length && !(e[i] >= s); ) ++i; return (this.origEnd = s + i), o; } }, se = class t { static addStringTerminator(e, n, r) { if ( r[r.length - 1] === ` ` ) return r; let s = t.endOfWhiteSpace(e, n); return s >= e.length || e[s] === ` ` ? r + ` ` : r; } static atDocumentBoundary(e, n, r) { let s = e[n]; if (!s) return !0; let i = e[n - 1]; if ( i && i !== ` ` ) return !1; if (r) { if (s !== r) return !1; } else if (s !== re.DIRECTIVES_END && s !== re.DOCUMENT_END) return !1; let o = e[n + 1], a = e[n + 2]; if (o !== s || a !== s) return !1; let c = e[n + 3]; return ( !c || c === ` ` || c === " " || c === " " ); } static endOfIdentifier(e, n) { let r = e[n], s = r === "<", i = s ? [ ` `, " ", " ", ">", ] : [ ` `, " ", " ", "[", "]", "{", "}", ",", ]; for (; r && i.indexOf(r) === -1; ) r = e[(n += 1)]; return s && r === ">" && (n += 1), n; } static endOfIndent(e, n) { let r = e[n]; for (; r === " "; ) r = e[(n += 1)]; return n; } static endOfLine(e, n) { let r = e[n]; for ( ; r && r !== ` `; ) r = e[(n += 1)]; return n; } static endOfWhiteSpace(e, n) { let r = e[n]; for (; r === " " || r === " "; ) r = e[(n += 1)]; return n; } static startOfLine(e, n) { let r = e[n - 1]; if ( r === ` ` ) return n; for ( ; r && r !== ` `; ) r = e[(n -= 1)]; return n + 1; } static endOfBlockIndent(e, n, r) { let s = t.endOfIndent(e, r); if (s > r + n) return s; { let i = t.endOfWhiteSpace(e, s), o = e[i]; if ( !o || o === ` ` ) return i; } return null; } static atBlank(e, n, r) { let s = e[n]; return ( s === ` ` || s === " " || s === " " || (r && !s) ); } static nextNodeIsIndented(e, n, r) { return !e || n < 0 ? !1 : n > 0 ? !0 : r && e === "-"; } static normalizeOffset(e, n) { let r = e[n]; return r ? r !== ` ` && e[n - 1] === ` ` ? n - 1 : t.endOfWhiteSpace(e, n) : n; } static foldNewline(e, n, r) { let s = 0, i = !1, o = "", a = e[n + 1]; for ( ; a === " " || a === " " || a === ` `; ) { switch (a) { case ` `: (s = 0), (n += 1), (o += ` `); break; case " ": s <= r && (i = !0), (n = t.endOfWhiteSpace(e, n + 2) - 1); break; case " ": (s += 1), (n += 1); break; } a = e[n + 1]; } return ( o || (o = " "), a && s <= r && (i = !0), { fold: o, offset: n, error: i } ); } constructor(e, n, r) { Object.defineProperty(this, "context", { value: r || null, writable: !0, }), (this.error = null), (this.range = null), (this.valueRange = null), (this.props = n || []), (this.type = e), (this.value = null); } getPropValue(e, n, r) { if (!this.context) return null; let { src: s } = this.context, i = this.props[e]; return i && s[i.start] === n ? s.slice(i.start + (r ? 1 : 0), i.end) : null; } get anchor() { for (let e = 0; e < this.props.length; ++e) { let n = this.getPropValue(e, re.ANCHOR, !0); if (n != null) return n; } return null; } get comment() { let e = []; for (let n = 0; n < this.props.length; ++n) { let r = this.getPropValue(n, re.COMMENT, !0); r != null && e.push(r); } return e.length > 0 ? e.join(` `) : null; } commentHasRequiredWhitespace(e) { let { src: n } = this.context; if ((this.header && e === this.header.end) || !this.valueRange) return !1; let { end: r } = this.valueRange; return e !== r || t.atBlank(n, r - 1); } get hasComment() { if (this.context) { let { src: e } = this.context; for (let n = 0; n < this.props.length; ++n) if (e[this.props[n].start] === re.COMMENT) return !0; } return !1; } get hasProps() { if (this.context) { let { src: e } = this.context; for (let n = 0; n < this.props.length; ++n) if (e[this.props[n].start] !== re.COMMENT) return !0; } return !1; } get includesTrailingLines() { return !1; } get jsonLike() { return ( [lt.FLOW_MAP, lt.FLOW_SEQ, lt.QUOTE_DOUBLE, lt.QUOTE_SINGLE].indexOf( this.type, ) !== -1 ); } get rangeAsLinePos() { if (!this.range || !this.context) return; let e = An(this.range.start, this.context.root); if (!e) return; let n = An(this.range.end, this.context.root); return { start: e, end: n }; } get rawValue() { if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return null; let { start: e, end: n } = this.valueRange; return this.context.src.slice(e, n); } get tag() { for (let e = 0; e < this.props.length; ++e) { let n = this.getPropValue(e, re.TAG, !1); if (n != null) { if (n[1] === "<") return { verbatim: n.slice(2, -1) }; { let [r, s, i] = n.match(/^(.*!)([^!]*)$/); return { handle: s, suffix: i }; } } } return null; } get valueRangeContainsNewline() { if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return !1; let { start: e, end: n } = this.valueRange, { src: r } = this.context; for (let s = e; s < n; ++s) if ( r[s] === ` ` ) return !0; return !1; } parseComment(e) { let { src: n } = this.context; if (n[e] === re.COMMENT) { let r = t.endOfLine(n, e + 1), s = new Ye(e, r); return this.props.push(s), r; } return e; } setOrigRanges(e, n) { return ( this.range && (n = this.range.setOrigRange(e, n)), this.valueRange && this.valueRange.setOrigRange(e, n), this.props.forEach((r) => r.setOrigRange(e, n)), n ); } toString() { let { context: { src: e }, range: n, value: r, } = this; if (r != null) return r; let s = e.slice(n.start, n.end); return t.addStringTerminator(e, n.end, s); } }, de = class extends Error { constructor(e, n, r) { if (!r || !(n instanceof se)) throw new Error(`Invalid arguments for new ${e}`); super(), ( = e), (this.message = r), (this.source = n); } makePretty() { if (!this.source) return; this.nodeType = this.source.type; let e = this.source.context && this.source.context.root; if (typeof this.offset == "number") { this.range = new Ye(this.offset, this.offset + 1); let n = e && An(this.offset, e); if (n) { let r = { line: n.line, col: n.col + 1 }; this.linePos = { start: n, end: r }; } delete this.offset; } else (this.range = this.source.range), (this.linePos = this.source.rangeAsLinePos); if (this.linePos) { let { line: n, col: r } = this.linePos.start; this.message += ` at line ${n}, column ${r}`; let s = e && To(this.linePos, e); s && (this.message += `: ${s} `); } delete this.source; } }, Tn = class extends de { constructor(e, n) { super("YAMLReferenceError", e, n); } }, ft = class extends de { constructor(e, n) { super("YAMLSemanticError", e, n); } }, Cn = class extends de { constructor(e, n) { super("YAMLSyntaxError", e, n); } }, Mn = class extends de { constructor(e, n) { super("YAMLWarning", e, n); } }; function Co(t, e, n) { return ( e in t ? Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, }) : (t[e] = n), t ); } var kn = class t extends se { static endOfLine(e, n, r) { let s = e[n], i = n; for ( ; s && s !== ` ` && !(r && (s === "[" || s === "]" || s === "{" || s === "}" || s === ",")); ) { let o = e[i + 1]; if ( (s === ":" && (!o || o === ` ` || o === " " || o === " " || (r && o === ","))) || ((s === " " || s === " ") && o === "#") ) break; (i += 1), (s = o); } return i; } get strValue() { if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return null; let { start: e, end: n } = this.valueRange, { src: r } = this.context, s = r[n - 1]; for ( ; e < n && (s === ` ` || s === " " || s === " "); ) s = r[--n - 1]; let i = ""; for (let a = e; a < n; ++a) { let c = r[a]; if ( c === ` ` ) { let { fold: l, offset: f } = se.foldNewline(r, a, -1); (i += l), (a = f); } else if (c === " " || c === " ") { let l = a, f = r[a + 1]; for (; a < n && (f === " " || f === " "); ) (a += 1), (f = r[a + 1]); f !== ` ` && (i += a > l ? r.slice(l, a + 1) : c); } else i += c; } let o = r[e]; switch (o) { case " ": { let a = "Plain value cannot start with a tab character"; return { errors: [new ft(this, a)], str: i }; } case "@": case "`": { let a = `Plain value cannot start with reserved character ${o}`; return { errors: [new ft(this, a)], str: i }; } default: return i; } } parseBlockValue(e) { let { indent: n, inFlow: r, src: s } = this.context, i = e, o = e; for ( let a = s[i]; a === ` ` && !se.atDocumentBoundary(s, i + 1); a = s[i] ) { let c = se.endOfBlockIndent(s, n, i + 1); if (c === null || s[c] === "#") break; s[c] === ` ` ? (i = c) : ((o = t.endOfLine(s, c, r)), (i = o)); } return ( this.valueRange.isEmpty() && (this.valueRange.start = e), (this.valueRange.end = o), o ); } parse(e, n) { this.context = e; let { inFlow: r, src: s } = e, i = n, o = s[i]; return ( o && o !== "#" && o !== ` ` && (i = t.endOfLine(s, n, r)), (this.valueRange = new Ye(n, i)), (i = se.endOfWhiteSpace(s, i)), (i = this.parseComment(i)), (!this.hasComment || this.valueRange.isEmpty()) && (i = this.parseBlockValue(i)), i ); } }; U.Char = re; U.Node = se; U.PlainValue = kn; U.Range = Ye; U.Type = lt; U.YAMLError = de; U.YAMLReferenceError = Tn; U.YAMLSemanticError = ft; U.YAMLSyntaxError = Cn; U.YAMLWarning = Mn; U._defineProperty = Co; U.defaultTagPrefix = Oo; U.defaultTags = Lo; }); var xs = ee((_s) => { "use strict"; var u = le(), Ee = class extends u.Node { constructor() { super(u.Type.BLANK_LINE); } get includesTrailingLines() { return !0; } parse(e, n) { return (this.context = e), (this.range = new u.Range(n, n + 1)), n + 1; } }, ut = class extends u.Node { constructor(e, n) { super(e, n), (this.node = null); } get includesTrailingLines() { return !!this.node && this.node.includesTrailingLines; } parse(e, n) { this.context = e; let { parseNode: r, src: s } = e, { atLineStart: i, lineStart: o } = e; !i && this.type === u.Type.SEQ_ITEM && (this.error = new u.YAMLSemanticError( this, "Sequence items must not have preceding content on the same line", )); let a = i ? n - o : e.indent, c = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(s, n + 1), l = s[c], f = l === "#", m = [], d = null; for ( ; l === ` ` || l === "#"; ) { if (l === "#") { let h = u.Node.endOfLine(s, c + 1); m.push(new u.Range(c, h)), (c = h); } else { (i = !0), (o = c + 1); let h = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(s, o); s[h] === ` ` && m.length === 0 && ((d = new Ee()), (o = d.parse({ src: s }, o))), (c = u.Node.endOfIndent(s, o)); } l = s[c]; } if ( (u.Node.nextNodeIsIndented( l, c - (o + a), this.type !== u.Type.SEQ_ITEM, ) ? (this.node = r( { atLineStart: i, inCollection: !1, indent: a, lineStart: o, parent: this, }, c, )) : l && o > n + 1 && (c = o - 1), this.node) ) { if (d) { let h = e.parent.items || e.parent.contents; h && h.push(d); } m.length && Array.prototype.push.apply(this.props, m), (c = this.node.range.end); } else if (f) { let h = m[0]; this.props.push(h), (c = h.end); } else c = u.Node.endOfLine(s, n + 1); let y = this.node ? this.node.valueRange.end : c; return (this.valueRange = new u.Range(n, y)), c; } setOrigRanges(e, n) { return ( (n = super.setOrigRanges(e, n)), this.node ? this.node.setOrigRanges(e, n) : n ); } toString() { let { context: { src: e }, node: n, range: r, value: s, } = this; if (s != null) return s; let i = n ? e.slice(r.start, n.range.start) + String(n) : e.slice(r.start, r.end); return u.Node.addStringTerminator(e, r.end, i); } }, ye = class extends u.Node { constructor() { super(u.Type.COMMENT); } parse(e, n) { this.context = e; let r = this.parseComment(n); return (this.range = new u.Range(n, r)), r; } }; function vn(t) { let e = t; for (; e instanceof ut; ) e = e.node; if (!(e instanceof $t)) return null; let n = e.items.length, r = -1; for (let o = n - 1; o >= 0; --o) { let a = e.items[o]; if (a.type === u.Type.COMMENT) { let { indent: c, lineStart: l } = a.context; if (c > 0 && a.range.start >= l + c) break; r = o; } else if (a.type === u.Type.BLANK_LINE) r = o; else break; } if (r === -1) return null; let s = e.items.splice(r, n - r), i = s[0].range.start; for ( ; (e.range.end = i), e.valueRange && e.valueRange.end > i && (e.valueRange.end = i), e !== t; ) e = e.context.parent; return s; } var $t = class t extends u.Node { static nextContentHasIndent(e, n, r) { let s = u.Node.endOfLine(e, n) + 1; n = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(e, s); let i = e[n]; return i ? n >= s + r ? !0 : i !== "#" && i !== ` ` ? !1 : t.nextContentHasIndent(e, n, r) : !1; } constructor(e) { super(e.type === u.Type.SEQ_ITEM ? u.Type.SEQ : u.Type.MAP); for (let r = e.props.length - 1; r >= 0; --r) if (e.props[r].start < e.context.lineStart) { (this.props = e.props.slice(0, r + 1)), (e.props = e.props.slice(r + 1)); let s = e.props[0] || e.valueRange; e.range.start = s.start; break; } this.items = [e]; let n = vn(e); n && Array.prototype.push.apply(this.items, n); } get includesTrailingLines() { return this.items.length > 0; } parse(e, n) { this.context = e; let { parseNode: r, src: s } = e, i = u.Node.startOfLine(s, n), o = this.items[0]; (o.context.parent = this), (this.valueRange = u.Range.copy(o.valueRange)); let a = o.range.start - o.context.lineStart, c = n; c = u.Node.normalizeOffset(s, c); let l = s[c], f = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(s, i) === c, m = !1; for (; l; ) { for ( ; l === ` ` || l === "#"; ) { if ( f && l === ` ` && !m ) { let h = new Ee(); if ( ((c = h.parse({ src: s }, c)), (this.valueRange.end = c), c >= s.length) ) { l = null; break; } this.items.push(h), (c -= 1); } else if (l === "#") { if (c < i + a && !t.nextContentHasIndent(s, c, a)) return c; let h = new ye(); if ( ((c = h.parse({ indent: a, lineStart: i, src: s }, c)), this.items.push(h), (this.valueRange.end = c), c >= s.length) ) { l = null; break; } } if ( ((i = c + 1), (c = u.Node.endOfIndent(s, i)), u.Node.atBlank(s, c)) ) { let h = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(s, c), g = s[h]; (!g || g === ` ` || g === "#") && (c = h); } (l = s[c]), (f = !0); } if (!l) break; if (c !== i + a && (f || l !== ":")) { if (c < i + a) { i > n && (c = i); break; } else if (!this.error) { let h = "All collection items must start at the same column"; this.error = new u.YAMLSyntaxError(this, h); } } if (o.type === u.Type.SEQ_ITEM) { if (l !== "-") { i > n && (c = i); break; } } else if (l === "-" && !this.error) { let h = s[c + 1]; if ( !h || h === ` ` || h === " " || h === " " ) { let g = "A collection cannot be both a mapping and a sequence"; this.error = new u.YAMLSyntaxError(this, g); } } let d = r( { atLineStart: f, inCollection: !0, indent: a, lineStart: i, parent: this, }, c, ); if (!d) return c; if ( (this.items.push(d), (this.valueRange.end = d.valueRange.end), (c = u.Node.normalizeOffset(s, d.range.end)), (l = s[c]), (f = !1), (m = d.includesTrailingLines), l) ) { let h = c - 1, g = s[h]; for (; g === " " || g === " "; ) g = s[--h]; g === ` ` && ((i = h + 1), (f = !0)); } let y = vn(d); y && Array.prototype.push.apply(this.items, y); } return c; } setOrigRanges(e, n) { return ( (n = super.setOrigRanges(e, n)), this.items.forEach((r) => { n = r.setOrigRanges(e, n); }), n ); } toString() { let { context: { src: e }, items: n, range: r, value: s, } = this; if (s != null) return s; let i = e.slice(r.start, n[0].range.start) + String(n[0]); for (let o = 1; o < n.length; ++o) { let a = n[o], { atLineStart: c, indent: l } = a.context; if (c) for (let f = 0; f < l; ++f) i += " "; i += String(a); } return u.Node.addStringTerminator(e, r.end, i); } }, In = class extends u.Node { constructor() { super(u.Type.DIRECTIVE), ( = null); } get parameters() { let e = this.rawValue; return e ? e.trim().split(/[ \t]+/) : []; } parseName(e) { let { src: n } = this.context, r = e, s = n[r]; for ( ; s && s !== ` ` && s !== " " && s !== " "; ) s = n[(r += 1)]; return ( = n.slice(e, r)), r; } parseParameters(e) { let { src: n } = this.context, r = e, s = n[r]; for ( ; s && s !== ` ` && s !== "#"; ) s = n[(r += 1)]; return (this.valueRange = new u.Range(e, r)), r; } parse(e, n) { this.context = e; let r = this.parseName(n + 1); return ( (r = this.parseParameters(r)), (r = this.parseComment(r)), (this.range = new u.Range(n, r)), r ); } }, Pn = class t extends u.Node { static startCommentOrEndBlankLine(e, n) { let r = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(e, n), s = e[r]; return s === "#" || s === ` ` ? r : n; } constructor() { super(u.Type.DOCUMENT), (this.directives = null), (this.contents = null), (this.directivesEndMarker = null), (this.documentEndMarker = null); } parseDirectives(e) { let { src: n } = this.context; this.directives = []; let r = !0, s = !1, i = e; for (; !u.Node.atDocumentBoundary(n, i, u.Char.DIRECTIVES_END); ) switch (((i = t.startCommentOrEndBlankLine(n, i)), n[i])) { case ` `: if (r) { let o = new Ee(); (i = o.parse({ src: n }, i)), i < n.length && this.directives.push(o); } else (i += 1), (r = !0); break; case "#": { let o = new ye(); (i = o.parse({ src: n }, i)), this.directives.push(o), (r = !1); } break; case "%": { let o = new In(); (i = o.parse({ parent: this, src: n }, i)), this.directives.push(o), (s = !0), (r = !1); } break; default: return ( s ? (this.error = new u.YAMLSemanticError( this, "Missing directives-end indicator line", )) : this.directives.length > 0 && ((this.contents = this.directives), (this.directives = [])), i ); } return n[i] ? ((this.directivesEndMarker = new u.Range(i, i + 3)), i + 3) : (s ? (this.error = new u.YAMLSemanticError( this, "Missing directives-end indicator line", )) : this.directives.length > 0 && ((this.contents = this.directives), (this.directives = [])), i); } parseContents(e) { let { parseNode: n, src: r } = this.context; this.contents || (this.contents = []); let s = e; for (; r[s - 1] === "-"; ) s -= 1; let i = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(r, e), o = s === e; for ( this.valueRange = new u.Range(i); !u.Node.atDocumentBoundary(r, i, u.Char.DOCUMENT_END); ) { switch (r[i]) { case ` `: if (o) { let a = new Ee(); (i = a.parse({ src: r }, i)), i < r.length && this.contents.push(a); } else (i += 1), (o = !0); s = i; break; case "#": { let a = new ye(); (i = a.parse({ src: r }, i)), this.contents.push(a), (o = !1); } break; default: { let a = u.Node.endOfIndent(r, i), l = n( { atLineStart: o, indent: -1, inFlow: !1, inCollection: !1, lineStart: s, parent: this, }, a, ); if (!l) return (this.valueRange.end = a); this.contents.push(l), (i = l.range.end), (o = !1); let f = vn(l); f && Array.prototype.push.apply(this.contents, f); } } i = t.startCommentOrEndBlankLine(r, i); } if ( ((this.valueRange.end = i), r[i] && ((this.documentEndMarker = new u.Range(i, i + 3)), (i += 3), r[i])) ) { if (((i = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(r, i)), r[i] === "#")) { let a = new ye(); (i = a.parse({ src: r }, i)), this.contents.push(a); } switch (r[i]) { case ` `: i += 1; break; case void 0: break; default: this.error = new u.YAMLSyntaxError( this, "Document end marker line cannot have a non-comment suffix", ); } } return i; } parse(e, n) { (e.root = this), (this.context = e); let { src: r } = e, s = r.charCodeAt(n) === 65279 ? n + 1 : n; return (s = this.parseDirectives(s)), (s = this.parseContents(s)), s; } setOrigRanges(e, n) { return ( (n = super.setOrigRanges(e, n)), this.directives.forEach((r) => { n = r.setOrigRanges(e, n); }), this.directivesEndMarker && (n = this.directivesEndMarker.setOrigRange(e, n)), this.contents.forEach((r) => { n = r.setOrigRanges(e, n); }), this.documentEndMarker && (n = this.documentEndMarker.setOrigRange(e, n)), n ); } toString() { let { contents: e, directives: n, value: r } = this; if (r != null) return r; let s = n.join(""); return ( e.length > 0 && ((n.length > 0 || e[0].type === u.Type.COMMENT) && (s += `--- `), (s += e.join(""))), s[s.length - 1] !== ` ` && (s += ` `), s ); } }, _n = class extends u.Node { parse(e, n) { this.context = e; let { src: r } = e, s = u.Node.endOfIdentifier(r, n + 1); return ( (this.valueRange = new u.Range(n + 1, s)), (s = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(r, s)), (s = this.parseComment(s)), s ); } }, fe = { CLIP: "CLIP", KEEP: "KEEP", STRIP: "STRIP" }, xn = class extends u.Node { constructor(e, n) { super(e, n), (this.blockIndent = null), (this.chomping = fe.CLIP), (this.header = null); } get includesTrailingLines() { return this.chomping === fe.KEEP; } get strValue() { if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return null; let { start: e, end: n } = this.valueRange, { indent: r, src: s } = this.context; if (this.valueRange.isEmpty()) return ""; let i = null, o = s[n - 1]; for ( ; o === ` ` || o === " " || o === " "; ) { if (((n -= 1), n <= e)) { if (this.chomping === fe.KEEP) break; return ""; } o === ` ` && (i = n), (o = s[n - 1]); } let a = n + 1; i && (this.chomping === fe.KEEP ? ((a = i), (n = this.valueRange.end)) : (n = i)); let c = r + this.blockIndent, l = this.type === u.Type.BLOCK_FOLDED, f = !0, m = "", d = "", y = !1; for (let h = e; h < n; ++h) { for (let w = 0; w < c && s[h] === " "; ++w) h += 1; let g = s[h]; if ( g === ` ` ) d === ` ` ? (m += ` `) : (d = ` `); else { let w = u.Node.endOfLine(s, h), C = s.slice(h, w); (h = w), l && (g === " " || g === " ") && h < a ? (d === " " ? (d = ` `) : !y && !f && d === ` ` && (d = ` `), (m += d + C), (d = (w < n && s[w]) || ""), (y = !0)) : ((m += d + C), (d = l && h < a ? " " : ` `), (y = !1)), f && C !== "" && (f = !1); } } return this.chomping === fe.STRIP ? m : m + ` `; } parseBlockHeader(e) { let { src: n } = this.context, r = e + 1, s = ""; for (;;) { let i = n[r]; switch (i) { case "-": this.chomping = fe.STRIP; break; case "+": this.chomping = fe.KEEP; break; case "0": case "1": case "2": case "3": case "4": case "5": case "6": case "7": case "8": case "9": s += i; break; default: return ( (this.blockIndent = Number(s) || null), (this.header = new u.Range(e, r)), r ); } r += 1; } } parseBlockValue(e) { let { indent: n, src: r } = this.context, s = !!this.blockIndent, i = e, o = e, a = 1; for ( let c = r[i]; c === ` ` && ((i += 1), !u.Node.atDocumentBoundary(r, i)); c = r[i] ) { let l = u.Node.endOfBlockIndent(r, n, i); if (l === null) break; let f = r[l], m = l - (i + n); if (this.blockIndent) { if ( f && f !== ` ` && m < this.blockIndent ) { if (r[l] === "#") break; if (!this.error) { let y = `Block scalars must not be less indented than their ${s ? "explicit indentation indicator" : "first line"}`; this.error = new u.YAMLSemanticError(this, y); } } } else if ( r[l] !== ` ` ) { if (m < a) { let d = "Block scalars with more-indented leading empty lines must use an explicit indentation indicator"; this.error = new u.YAMLSemanticError(this, d); } this.blockIndent = m; } else m > a && (a = m); r[l] === ` ` ? (i = l) : (i = o = u.Node.endOfLine(r, l)); } return ( this.chomping !== fe.KEEP && (i = r[o] ? o + 1 : o), (this.valueRange = new u.Range(e + 1, i)), i ); } parse(e, n) { this.context = e; let { src: r } = e, s = this.parseBlockHeader(n); return ( (s = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(r, s)), (s = this.parseComment(s)), (s = this.parseBlockValue(s)), s ); } setOrigRanges(e, n) { return ( (n = super.setOrigRanges(e, n)), this.header ? this.header.setOrigRange(e, n) : n ); } }, Rn = class extends u.Node { constructor(e, n) { super(e, n), (this.items = null); } prevNodeIsJsonLike(e = this.items.length) { let n = this.items[e - 1]; return ( !!n && (n.jsonLike || (n.type === u.Type.COMMENT && this.prevNodeIsJsonLike(e - 1))) ); } parse(e, n) { this.context = e; let { parseNode: r, src: s } = e, { indent: i, lineStart: o } = e, a = s[n]; this.items = [{ char: a, offset: n }]; let c = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(s, n + 1); for (a = s[c]; a && a !== "]" && a !== "}"; ) { switch (a) { case ` `: { o = c + 1; let l = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(s, o); if ( s[l] === ` ` ) { let f = new Ee(); (o = f.parse({ src: s }, o)), this.items.push(f); } if ( ((c = u.Node.endOfIndent(s, o)), c <= o + i && ((a = s[c]), c < o + i || (a !== "]" && a !== "}"))) ) { let f = "Insufficient indentation in flow collection"; this.error = new u.YAMLSemanticError(this, f); } } break; case ",": this.items.push({ char: a, offset: c }), (c += 1); break; case "#": { let l = new ye(); (c = l.parse({ src: s }, c)), this.items.push(l); } break; case "?": case ":": { let l = s[c + 1]; if ( l === ` ` || l === " " || l === " " || l === "," || (a === ":" && this.prevNodeIsJsonLike()) ) { this.items.push({ char: a, offset: c }), (c += 1); break; } } default: { let l = r( { atLineStart: !1, inCollection: !1, inFlow: !0, indent: -1, lineStart: o, parent: this, }, c, ); if (!l) return (this.valueRange = new u.Range(n, c)), c; this.items.push(l), (c = u.Node.normalizeOffset(s, l.range.end)); } } (c = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(s, c)), (a = s[c]); } return ( (this.valueRange = new u.Range(n, c + 1)), a && (this.items.push({ char: a, offset: c }), (c = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(s, c + 1)), (c = this.parseComment(c))), c ); } setOrigRanges(e, n) { return ( (n = super.setOrigRanges(e, n)), this.items.forEach((r) => { if (r instanceof u.Node) n = r.setOrigRanges(e, n); else if (e.length === 0) r.origOffset = r.offset; else { let s = n; for (; s < e.length && !(e[s] > r.offset); ) ++s; (r.origOffset = r.offset + s), (n = s); } }), n ); } toString() { let { context: { src: e }, items: n, range: r, value: s, } = this; if (s != null) return s; let i = n.filter((c) => c instanceof u.Node), o = "", a = r.start; return ( i.forEach((c) => { let l = e.slice(a, c.range.start); (a = c.range.end), (o += l + String(c)), o[o.length - 1] === ` ` && e[a - 1] !== ` ` && e[a] === ` ` && (a += 1); }), (o += e.slice(a, r.end)), u.Node.addStringTerminator(e, r.end, o) ); } }, Dn = class t extends u.Node { static endOfQuote(e, n) { let r = e[n]; for (; r && r !== '"'; ) (n += r === "\\" ? 2 : 1), (r = e[n]); return n + 1; } get strValue() { if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return null; let e = [], { start: n, end: r } = this.valueRange, { indent: s, src: i } = this.context; i[r - 1] !== '"' && e.push(new u.YAMLSyntaxError(this, 'Missing closing "quote')); let o = ""; for (let a = n + 1; a < r - 1; ++a) { let c = i[a]; if ( c === ` ` ) { u.Node.atDocumentBoundary(i, a + 1) && e.push( new u.YAMLSemanticError( this, "Document boundary indicators are not allowed within string values", ), ); let { fold: l, offset: f, error: m } = u.Node.foldNewline(i, a, s); (o += l), (a = f), m && e.push( new u.YAMLSemanticError( this, "Multi-line double-quoted string needs to be sufficiently indented", ), ); } else if (c === "\\") switch (((a += 1), i[a])) { case "0": o += "\0"; break; case "a": o += "\x07"; break; case "b": o += "\b"; break; case "e": o += "\x1B"; break; case "f": o += "\f"; break; case "n": o += ` `; break; case "r": o += "\r"; break; case "t": o += " "; break; case "v": o += "\v"; break; case "N": o += "\x85"; break; case "_": o += "\xA0"; break; case "L": o += "\u2028"; break; case "P": o += "\u2029"; break; case " ": o += " "; break; case '"': o += '"'; break; case "/": o += "/"; break; case "\\": o += "\\"; break; case " ": o += " "; break; case "x": (o += this.parseCharCode(a + 1, 2, e)), (a += 2); break; case "u": (o += this.parseCharCode(a + 1, 4, e)), (a += 4); break; case "U": (o += this.parseCharCode(a + 1, 8, e)), (a += 8); break; case ` `: for (; i[a + 1] === " " || i[a + 1] === " "; ) a += 1; break; default: e.push( new u.YAMLSyntaxError( this, `Invalid escape sequence ${i.substr(a - 1, 2)}`, ), ), (o += "\\" + i[a]); } else if (c === " " || c === " ") { let l = a, f = i[a + 1]; for (; f === " " || f === " "; ) (a += 1), (f = i[a + 1]); f !== ` ` && (o += a > l ? i.slice(l, a + 1) : c); } else o += c; } return e.length > 0 ? { errors: e, str: o } : o; } parseCharCode(e, n, r) { let { src: s } = this.context, i = s.substr(e, n), a = i.length === n && /^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/.test(i) ? parseInt(i, 16) : NaN; return isNaN(a) ? (r.push( new u.YAMLSyntaxError( this, `Invalid escape sequence ${s.substr(e - 2, n + 2)}`, ), ), s.substr(e - 2, n + 2)) : String.fromCodePoint(a); } parse(e, n) { this.context = e; let { src: r } = e, s = t.endOfQuote(r, n + 1); return ( (this.valueRange = new u.Range(n, s)), (s = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(r, s)), (s = this.parseComment(s)), s ); } }, Yn = class t extends u.Node { static endOfQuote(e, n) { let r = e[n]; for (; r; ) if (r === "'") { if (e[n + 1] !== "'") break; r = e[(n += 2)]; } else r = e[(n += 1)]; return n + 1; } get strValue() { if (!this.valueRange || !this.context) return null; let e = [], { start: n, end: r } = this.valueRange, { indent: s, src: i } = this.context; i[r - 1] !== "'" && e.push(new u.YAMLSyntaxError(this, "Missing closing 'quote")); let o = ""; for (let a = n + 1; a < r - 1; ++a) { let c = i[a]; if ( c === ` ` ) { u.Node.atDocumentBoundary(i, a + 1) && e.push( new u.YAMLSemanticError( this, "Document boundary indicators are not allowed within string values", ), ); let { fold: l, offset: f, error: m } = u.Node.foldNewline(i, a, s); (o += l), (a = f), m && e.push( new u.YAMLSemanticError( this, "Multi-line single-quoted string needs to be sufficiently indented", ), ); } else if (c === "'") (o += c), (a += 1), i[a] !== "'" && e.push( new u.YAMLSyntaxError( this, "Unescaped single quote? This should not happen.", ), ); else if (c === " " || c === " ") { let l = a, f = i[a + 1]; for (; f === " " || f === " "; ) (a += 1), (f = i[a + 1]); f !== ` ` && (o += a > l ? i.slice(l, a + 1) : c); } else o += c; } return e.length > 0 ? { errors: e, str: o } : o; } parse(e, n) { this.context = e; let { src: r } = e, s = t.endOfQuote(r, n + 1); return ( (this.valueRange = new u.Range(n, s)), (s = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(r, s)), (s = this.parseComment(s)), s ); } }; function Mo(t, e) { switch (t) { case u.Type.ALIAS: return new _n(t, e); case u.Type.BLOCK_FOLDED: case u.Type.BLOCK_LITERAL: return new xn(t, e); case u.Type.FLOW_MAP: case u.Type.FLOW_SEQ: return new Rn(t, e); case u.Type.MAP_KEY: case u.Type.MAP_VALUE: case u.Type.SEQ_ITEM: return new ut(t, e); case u.Type.COMMENT: case u.Type.PLAIN: return new u.PlainValue(t, e); case u.Type.QUOTE_DOUBLE: return new Dn(t, e); case u.Type.QUOTE_SINGLE: return new Yn(t, e); default: return null; } } var Bn = class t { static parseType(e, n, r) { switch (e[n]) { case "*": return u.Type.ALIAS; case ">": return u.Type.BLOCK_FOLDED; case "|": return u.Type.BLOCK_LITERAL; case "{": return u.Type.FLOW_MAP; case "[": return u.Type.FLOW_SEQ; case "?": return !r && u.Node.atBlank(e, n + 1, !0) ? u.Type.MAP_KEY : u.Type.PLAIN; case ":": return !r && u.Node.atBlank(e, n + 1, !0) ? u.Type.MAP_VALUE : u.Type.PLAIN; case "-": return !r && u.Node.atBlank(e, n + 1, !0) ? u.Type.SEQ_ITEM : u.Type.PLAIN; case '"': return u.Type.QUOTE_DOUBLE; case "'": return u.Type.QUOTE_SINGLE; default: return u.Type.PLAIN; } } constructor( e = {}, { atLineStart: n, inCollection: r, inFlow: s, indent: i, lineStart: o, parent: a, } = {}, ) { u._defineProperty(this, "parseNode", (c, l) => { if (u.Node.atDocumentBoundary(this.src, l)) return null; let f = new t(this, c), { props: m, type: d, valueStart: y } = f.parseProps(l), h = Mo(d, m), g = h.parse(f, y); if ( ((h.range = new u.Range(l, g)), g <= l && ((h.error = new Error("Node#parse consumed no characters")), (h.error.parseEnd = g), (h.error.source = h), (h.range.end = l + 1)), f.nodeStartsCollection(h)) ) { !h.error && !f.atLineStart && f.parent.type === u.Type.DOCUMENT && (h.error = new u.YAMLSyntaxError( h, "Block collection must not have preceding content here (e.g. directives-end indicator)", )); let w = new $t(h); return (g = w.parse(new t(f), g)), (w.range = new u.Range(l, g)), w; } return h; }), (this.atLineStart = n ?? (e.atLineStart || !1)), (this.inCollection = r ?? (e.inCollection || !1)), (this.inFlow = s ?? (e.inFlow || !1)), (this.indent = i ?? e.indent), (this.lineStart = o ?? e.lineStart), (this.parent = a ?? (e.parent || {})), (this.root = e.root), (this.src = e.src); } nodeStartsCollection(e) { let { inCollection: n, inFlow: r, src: s } = this; if (n || r) return !1; if (e instanceof ut) return !0; let i = e.range.end; return s[i] === ` ` || s[i - 1] === ` ` ? !1 : ((i = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(s, i)), s[i] === ":"); } parseProps(e) { let { inFlow: n, parent: r, src: s } = this, i = [], o = !1; e = this.atLineStart ? u.Node.endOfIndent(s, e) : u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(s, e); let a = s[e]; for ( ; a === u.Char.ANCHOR || a === u.Char.COMMENT || a === u.Char.TAG || a === ` `; ) { if ( a === ` ` ) { let l = e, f; do (f = l + 1), (l = u.Node.endOfIndent(s, f)); while ( s[l] === ` ` ); let m = l - (f + this.indent), d = r.type === u.Type.SEQ_ITEM && r.context.atLineStart; if (s[l] !== "#" && !u.Node.nextNodeIsIndented(s[l], m, !d)) break; (this.atLineStart = !0), (this.lineStart = f), (o = !1), (e = l); } else if (a === u.Char.COMMENT) { let l = u.Node.endOfLine(s, e + 1); i.push(new u.Range(e, l)), (e = l); } else { let l = u.Node.endOfIdentifier(s, e + 1); a === u.Char.TAG && s[l] === "," && /^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+,\d\d\d\d(-\d\d){0,2}\/\S/.test( s.slice(e + 1, l + 13), ) && (l = u.Node.endOfIdentifier(s, l + 5)), i.push(new u.Range(e, l)), (o = !0), (e = u.Node.endOfWhiteSpace(s, l)); } a = s[e]; } o && a === ":" && u.Node.atBlank(s, e + 1, !0) && (e -= 1); let c = t.parseType(s, e, n); return { props: i, type: c, valueStart: e }; } }; function ko(t) { let e = []; t.indexOf("\r") !== -1 && (t = t.replace( /\r\n?/g, (s, i) => ( s.length > 1 && e.push(i), ` ` ), )); let n = [], r = 0; do { let s = new Pn(), i = new Bn({ src: t }); (r = s.parse(i, r)), n.push(s); } while (r < t.length); return ( (n.setOrigRanges = () => { if (e.length === 0) return !1; for (let i = 1; i < e.length; ++i) e[i] -= i; let s = 0; for (let i = 0; i < n.length; ++i) s = n[i].setOrigRanges(e, s); return e.splice(0, e.length), !0; }), (n.toString = () => n.join(`... `)), n ); } _s.parse = ko; }); var $e = ee((k) => { "use strict"; var p = le(); function vo(t, e, n) { return n ? `#${n.replace(/[\s\S]^/gm, `$&${e}#`)} ${e}${t}` : t; } function Be(t, e, n) { return n ? n.indexOf(` `) === -1 ? `${t} #${n}` : `${t} ` + n.replace(/^/gm, `${e || ""}#`) : t; } var V = class {}; function ue(t, e, n) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return, s) => ue(r, String(s), n)); if (t && typeof t.toJSON == "function") { let r = n && n.anchors && n.anchors.get(t); r && (n.onCreate = (i) => { (r.res = i), delete n.onCreate; }); let s = t.toJSON(e, n); return r && n.onCreate && n.onCreate(s), s; } return (!n || !n.keep) && typeof t == "bigint" ? Number(t) : t; } var P = class extends V { constructor(e) { super(), (this.value = e); } toJSON(e, n) { return n && n.keep ? this.value : ue(this.value, e, n); } toString() { return String(this.value); } }; function Rs(t, e, n) { let r = n; for (let s = e.length - 1; s >= 0; --s) { let i = e[s]; if (Number.isInteger(i) && i >= 0) { let o = []; (o[i] = r), (r = o); } else { let o = {}; Object.defineProperty(o, i, { value: r, writable: !0, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, }), (r = o); } } return t.createNode(r, !1); } var Bs = (t) => t == null || (typeof t == "object" && t[Symbol.iterator]().next().done), W = class t extends V { constructor(e) { super(), p._defineProperty(this, "items", []), (this.schema = e); } addIn(e, n) { if (Bs(e)) this.add(n); else { let [r, ...s] = e, i = this.get(r, !0); if (i instanceof t) i.addIn(s, n); else if (i === void 0 && this.schema) this.set(r, Rs(this.schema, s, n)); else throw new Error( `Expected YAML collection at ${r}. Remaining path: ${s}`, ); } } deleteIn([e, ...n]) { if (n.length === 0) return this.delete(e); let r = this.get(e, !0); if (r instanceof t) return r.deleteIn(n); throw new Error( `Expected YAML collection at ${e}. Remaining path: ${n}`, ); } getIn([e, ...n], r) { let s = this.get(e, !0); return n.length === 0 ? !r && s instanceof P ? s.value : s : s instanceof t ? s.getIn(n, r) : void 0; } hasAllNullValues() { return this.items.every((e) => { if (!e || e.type !== "PAIR") return !1; let n = e.value; return ( n == null || (n instanceof P && n.value == null && !n.commentBefore && !n.comment && !n.tag) ); }); } hasIn([e, ...n]) { if (n.length === 0) return this.has(e); let r = this.get(e, !0); return r instanceof t ? r.hasIn(n) : !1; } setIn([e, ...n], r) { if (n.length === 0) this.set(e, r); else { let s = this.get(e, !0); if (s instanceof t) s.setIn(n, r); else if (s === void 0 && this.schema) this.set(e, Rs(this.schema, n, r)); else throw new Error( `Expected YAML collection at ${e}. Remaining path: ${n}`, ); } } toJSON() { return null; } toString( e, { blockItem: n, flowChars: r, isMap: s, itemIndent: i }, o, a, ) { let { indent: c, indentStep: l, stringify: f } = e, m = this.type === p.Type.FLOW_MAP || this.type === p.Type.FLOW_SEQ || e.inFlow; m && (i += l); let d = s && this.hasAllNullValues(); e = Object.assign({}, e, { allNullValues: d, indent: i, inFlow: m, type: null, }); let y = !1, h = !1, g = this.items.reduce((C, L, M) => { let A; L && (!y && L.spaceBefore && C.push({ type: "comment", str: "" }), L.commentBefore && L.commentBefore.match(/^.*$/gm).forEach((Li) => { C.push({ type: "comment", str: `#${Li}` }); }), L.comment && (A = L.comment), m && ((!y && L.spaceBefore) || L.commentBefore || L.comment || (L.key && (L.key.commentBefore || L.key.comment)) || (L.value && (L.value.commentBefore || L.value.comment))) && (h = !0)), (y = !1); let _ = f( L, e, () => (A = null), () => (y = !0), ); return ( m && !h && _.includes(` `) && (h = !0), m && M < this.items.length - 1 && (_ += ","), (_ = Be(_, i, A)), y && (A || m) && (y = !1), C.push({ type: "item", str: _ }), C ); }, []), w; if (g.length === 0) w = r.start + r.end; else if (m) { let { start: C, end: L } = r, M = => A.str); if ( h || M.reduce((A, _) => A + _.length + 2, 2) > t.maxFlowStringSingleLineLength ) { w = C; for (let A of M) w += A ? ` ${l}${c}${A}` : ` `; w += ` ${c}${L}`; } else w = `${C} ${M.join(" ")} ${L}`; } else { let C =; w = C.shift(); for (let L of C) w += L ? ` ${c}${L}` : ` `; } return ( this.comment ? ((w += ` ` + this.comment.replace(/^/gm, `${c}#`)), o && o()) : y && a && a(), w ); } }; p._defineProperty(W, "maxFlowStringSingleLineLength", 60); function Ft(t) { let e = t instanceof P ? t.value : t; return ( e && typeof e == "string" && (e = Number(e)), Number.isInteger(e) && e >= 0 ? e : null ); } var pe = class extends W { add(e) { this.items.push(e); } delete(e) { let n = Ft(e); return typeof n != "number" ? !1 : this.items.splice(n, 1).length > 0; } get(e, n) { let r = Ft(e); if (typeof r != "number") return; let s = this.items[r]; return !n && s instanceof P ? s.value : s; } has(e) { let n = Ft(e); return typeof n == "number" && n < this.items.length; } set(e, n) { let r = Ft(e); if (typeof r != "number") throw new Error(`Expected a valid index, not ${e}.`); this.items[r] = n; } toJSON(e, n) { let r = []; n && n.onCreate && n.onCreate(r); let s = 0; for (let i of this.items) r.push(ue(i, String(s++), n)); return r; } toString(e, n, r) { return e ? super.toString( e, { blockItem: (s) => (s.type === "comment" ? s.str : `- ${s.str}`), flowChars: { start: "[", end: "]" }, isMap: !1, itemIndent: (e.indent || "") + " ", }, n, r, ) : JSON.stringify(this); } }, Io = (t, e, n) => e === null ? "" : typeof e != "object" ? String(e) : t instanceof V && n && n.doc ? t.toString({ anchors: Object.create(null), doc: n.doc, indent: "", indentStep: n.indentStep, inFlow: !0, inStringifyKey: !0, stringify: n.stringify, }) : JSON.stringify(e), T = class t extends V { constructor(e, n = null) { super(), (this.key = e), (this.value = n), (this.type = t.Type.PAIR); } get commentBefore() { return this.key instanceof V ? this.key.commentBefore : void 0; } set commentBefore(e) { if ( (this.key == null && (this.key = new P(null)), this.key instanceof V) ) this.key.commentBefore = e; else { let n = "Pair.commentBefore is an alias for Pair.key.commentBefore. To set it, the key must be a Node."; throw new Error(n); } } addToJSMap(e, n) { let r = ue(this.key, "", e); if (n instanceof Map) { let s = ue(this.value, r, e); n.set(r, s); } else if (n instanceof Set) n.add(r); else { let s = Io(this.key, r, e), i = ue(this.value, s, e); s in n ? Object.defineProperty(n, s, { value: i, writable: !0, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, }) : (n[s] = i); } return n; } toJSON(e, n) { let r = n && n.mapAsMap ? new Map() : {}; return this.addToJSMap(n, r); } toString(e, n, r) { if (!e || !e.doc) return JSON.stringify(this); let { indent: s, indentSeq: i, simpleKeys: o } = e.doc.options, { key: a, value: c } = this, l = a instanceof V && a.comment; if (o) { if (l) throw new Error("With simple keys, key nodes cannot have comments"); if (a instanceof W) { let _ = "With simple keys, collection cannot be used as a key value"; throw new Error(_); } } let f = !o && (!a || l || (a instanceof V ? a instanceof W || a.type === p.Type.BLOCK_FOLDED || a.type === p.Type.BLOCK_LITERAL : typeof a == "object")), { doc: m, indent: d, indentStep: y, stringify: h } = e; e = Object.assign({}, e, { implicitKey: !f, indent: d + y }); let g = !1, w = h( a, e, () => (l = null), () => (g = !0), ); if (((w = Be(w, e.indent, l)), !f && w.length > 1024)) { if (o) throw new Error( "With simple keys, single line scalar must not span more than 1024 characters", ); f = !0; } if (e.allNullValues && !o) return ( this.comment ? ((w = Be(w, e.indent, this.comment)), n && n()) : g && !l && r && r(), e.inFlow && !f ? w : `? ${w}` ); (w = f ? `? ${w} ${d}:` : `${w}:`), this.comment && ((w = Be(w, e.indent, this.comment)), n && n()); let C = "", L = null; if (c instanceof V) { if ( (c.spaceBefore && (C = ` `), c.commentBefore) ) { let _ = c.commentBefore.replace(/^/gm, `${e.indent}#`); C += ` ${_}`; } L = c.comment; } else c && typeof c == "object" && (c = m.schema.createNode(c, !0)); (e.implicitKey = !1), !f && !this.comment && c instanceof P && (e.indentAtStart = w.length + 1), (g = !1), !i && s >= 2 && !e.inFlow && !f && c instanceof pe && c.type !== p.Type.FLOW_SEQ && !c.tag && !m.anchors.getName(c) && (e.indent = e.indent.substr(2)); let M = h( c, e, () => (L = null), () => (g = !0), ), A = " "; return ( C || this.comment ? (A = `${C} ${e.indent}`) : !f && c instanceof W ? (!(M[0] === "[" || M[0] === "{") || M.includes(` `)) && (A = ` ${e.indent}`) : M[0] === ` ` && (A = ""), g && !L && r && r(), Be(w + A + M, e.indent, L) ); } }; p._defineProperty(T, "Type", { PAIR: "PAIR", MERGE_PAIR: "MERGE_PAIR" }); var qt = (t, e) => { if (t instanceof we) { let n = e.get(t.source); return n.count * n.aliasCount; } else if (t instanceof W) { let n = 0; for (let r of t.items) { let s = qt(r, e); s > n && (n = s); } return n; } else if (t instanceof T) { let n = qt(t.key, e), r = qt(t.value, e); return Math.max(n, r); } return 1; }, we = class t extends V { static stringify( { range: e, source: n }, { anchors: r, doc: s, implicitKey: i, inStringifyKey: o }, ) { let a = Object.keys(r).find((l) => r[l] === n); if ((!a && o && (a = s.anchors.getName(n) || s.anchors.newName()), a)) return `*${a}${i ? " " : ""}`; let c = s.anchors.getName(n) ? "Alias node must be after source node" : "Source node not found for alias node"; throw new Error(`${c} [${e}]`); } constructor(e) { super(), (this.source = e), (this.type = p.Type.ALIAS); } set tag(e) { throw new Error("Alias nodes cannot have tags"); } toJSON(e, n) { if (!n) return ue(this.source, e, n); let { anchors: r, maxAliasCount: s } = n, i = r.get(this.source); if (!i || i.res === void 0) { let o = "This should not happen: Alias anchor was not resolved?"; throw this.cstNode ? new p.YAMLReferenceError(this.cstNode, o) : new ReferenceError(o); } if ( s >= 0 && ((i.count += 1), i.aliasCount === 0 && (i.aliasCount = qt(this.source, r)), i.count * i.aliasCount > s) ) { let o = "Excessive alias count indicates a resource exhaustion attack"; throw this.cstNode ? new p.YAMLReferenceError(this.cstNode, o) : new ReferenceError(o); } return i.res; } toString(e) { return t.stringify(this, e); } }; p._defineProperty(we, "default", !0); function pt(t, e) { let n = e instanceof P ? e.value : e; for (let r of t) if ( r instanceof T && (r.key === e || r.key === n || (r.key && r.key.value === n)) ) return r; } var mt = class extends W { add(e, n) { e ? e instanceof T || (e = new T(e.key || e, e.value)) : (e = new T(e)); let r = pt(this.items, e.key), s = this.schema && this.schema.sortMapEntries; if (r) if (n) r.value = e.value; else throw new Error(`Key ${e.key} already set`); else if (s) { let i = this.items.findIndex((o) => s(e, o) < 0); i === -1 ? this.items.push(e) : this.items.splice(i, 0, e); } else this.items.push(e); } delete(e) { let n = pt(this.items, e); return n ? this.items.splice(this.items.indexOf(n), 1).length > 0 : !1; } get(e, n) { let r = pt(this.items, e), s = r && r.value; return !n && s instanceof P ? s.value : s; } has(e) { return !!pt(this.items, e); } set(e, n) { this.add(new T(e, n), !0); } toJSON(e, n, r) { let s = r ? new r() : n && n.mapAsMap ? new Map() : {}; n && n.onCreate && n.onCreate(s); for (let i of this.items) i.addToJSMap(n, s); return s; } toString(e, n, r) { if (!e) return JSON.stringify(this); for (let s of this.items) if (!(s instanceof T)) throw new Error( `Map items must all be pairs; found ${JSON.stringify(s)} instead`, ); return super.toString( e, { blockItem: (s) => s.str, flowChars: { start: "{", end: "}" }, isMap: !0, itemIndent: e.indent || "", }, n, r, ); } }, $s = "<<", Vt = class extends T { constructor(e) { if (e instanceof T) { let n = e.value; n instanceof pe || ((n = new pe()), n.items.push(e.value), (n.range = e.value.range)), super(e.key, n), (this.range = e.range); } else super(new P($s), new pe()); this.type = T.Type.MERGE_PAIR; } addToJSMap(e, n) { for (let { source: r } of this.value.items) { if (!(r instanceof mt)) throw new Error("Merge sources must be maps"); let s = r.toJSON(null, e, Map); for (let [i, o] of s) n instanceof Map ? n.has(i) || n.set(i, o) : n instanceof Set ? n.add(i) :, i) || Object.defineProperty(n, i, { value: o, writable: !0, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, }); } return n; } toString(e, n) { let r = this.value; if (r.items.length > 1) return super.toString(e, n); this.value = r.items[0]; let s = super.toString(e, n); return (this.value = r), s; } }, Po = { defaultType: p.Type.BLOCK_LITERAL, lineWidth: 76 }, _o = { trueStr: "true", falseStr: "false" }, xo = { asBigInt: !1 }, Ro = { nullStr: "null" }, be = { defaultType: p.Type.PLAIN, doubleQuoted: { jsonEncoding: !1, minMultiLineLength: 40 }, fold: { lineWidth: 80, minContentWidth: 20 }, }; function Fn(t, e, n) { for (let { format: r, test: s, resolve: i } of e) if (s) { let o = t.match(s); if (o) { let a = i.apply(null, o); return a instanceof P || (a = new P(a)), r && (a.format = r), a; } } return n && (t = n(t)), new P(t); } var Fs = "flow", $n = "block", Ut = "quoted", Ds = (t, e) => { let n = t[e + 1]; for (; n === " " || n === " "; ) { do n = t[(e += 1)]; while ( n && n !== ` ` ); n = t[e + 1]; } return e; }; function Wt( t, e, n, { indentAtStart: r, lineWidth: s = 80, minContentWidth: i = 20, onFold: o, onOverflow: a, }, ) { if (!s || s < 0) return t; let c = Math.max(1 + i, 1 + s - e.length); if (t.length <= c) return t; let l = [], f = {}, m = s - e.length; typeof r == "number" && (r > s - Math.max(2, i) ? l.push(0) : (m = s - r)); let d, y, h = !1, g = -1, w = -1, C = -1; n === $n && ((g = Ds(t, g)), g !== -1 && (m = g + c)); for (let M; (M = t[(g += 1)]); ) { if (n === Ut && M === "\\") { switch (((w = g), t[g + 1])) { case "x": g += 3; break; case "u": g += 5; break; case "U": g += 9; break; default: g += 1; } C = g; } if ( M === ` ` ) n === $n && (g = Ds(t, g)), (m = g + c), (d = void 0); else { if ( M === " " && y && y !== " " && y !== ` ` && y !== " " ) { let A = t[g + 1]; A && A !== " " && A !== ` ` && A !== " " && (d = g); } if (g >= m) if (d) l.push(d), (m = d + c), (d = void 0); else if (n === Ut) { for (; y === " " || y === " "; ) (y = M), (M = t[(g += 1)]), (h = !0); let A = g > C + 1 ? g - 2 : w - 1; if (f[A]) return t; l.push(A), (f[A] = !0), (m = A + c), (d = void 0); } else h = !0; } y = M; } if ((h && a && a(), l.length === 0)) return t; o && o(); let L = t.slice(0, l[0]); for (let M = 0; M < l.length; ++M) { let A = l[M], _ = l[M + 1] || t.length; A === 0 ? (L = ` ${e}${t.slice(0, _)}`) : (n === Ut && f[A] && (L += `${t[A]}\\`), (L += ` ${e}${t.slice(A + 1, _)}`)); } return L; } var qn = ({ indentAtStart: t }) => t ? Object.assign({ indentAtStart: t }, be.fold) : be.fold, jt = (t) => /^(%|---|\.\.\.)/m.test(t); function Do(t, e, n) { if (!e || e < 0) return !1; let r = e - n, s = t.length; if (s <= r) return !1; for (let i = 0, o = 0; i < s; ++i) if ( t[i] === ` ` ) { if (i - o > r) return !0; if (((o = i + 1), s - o <= r)) return !1; } return !0; } function Se(t, e) { let { implicitKey: n } = e, { jsonEncoding: r, minMultiLineLength: s } = be.doubleQuoted, i = JSON.stringify(t); if (r) return i; let o = e.indent || (jt(t) ? " " : ""), a = "", c = 0; for (let l = 0, f = i[l]; f; f = i[++l]) if ( (f === " " && i[l + 1] === "\\" && i[l + 2] === "n" && ((a += i.slice(c, l) + "\\ "), (l += 1), (c = l), (f = "\\")), f === "\\") ) switch (i[l + 1]) { case "u": { a += i.slice(c, l); let m = i.substr(l + 2, 4); switch (m) { case "0000": a += "\\0"; break; case "0007": a += "\\a"; break; case "000b": a += "\\v"; break; case "001b": a += "\\e"; break; case "0085": a += "\\N"; break; case "00a0": a += "\\_"; break; case "2028": a += "\\L"; break; case "2029": a += "\\P"; break; default: m.substr(0, 2) === "00" ? (a += "\\x" + m.substr(2)) : (a += i.substr(l, 6)); } (l += 5), (c = l + 1); } break; case "n": if (n || i[l + 2] === '"' || i.length < s) l += 1; else { for ( a += i.slice(c, l) + ` `; i[l + 2] === "\\" && i[l + 3] === "n" && i[l + 4] !== '"'; ) (a += ` `), (l += 2); (a += o), i[l + 2] === " " && (a += "\\"), (l += 1), (c = l + 1); } break; default: l += 1; } return (a = c ? a + i.slice(c) : i), n ? a : Wt(a, o, Ut, qn(e)); } function qs(t, e) { if (e.implicitKey) { if (/\n/.test(t)) return Se(t, e); } else if (/[ \t]\n|\n[ \t]/.test(t)) return Se(t, e); let n = e.indent || (jt(t) ? " " : ""), r = "'" + t.replace(/'/g, "''").replace( /\n+/g, `$& ${n}`, ) + "'"; return e.implicitKey ? r : Wt(r, n, Fs, qn(e)); } function Kt({ comment: t, type: e, value: n }, r, s, i) { if (/\n[\t ]+$/.test(n) || /^\s*$/.test(n)) return Se(n, r); let o = r.indent || (r.forceBlockIndent || jt(n) ? " " : ""), a = o ? "2" : "1", c = e === p.Type.BLOCK_FOLDED ? !1 : e === p.Type.BLOCK_LITERAL ? !0 : !Do(n, be.fold.lineWidth, o.length), l = c ? "|" : ">"; if (!n) return ( l + ` ` ); let f = "", m = ""; if ( ((n = n .replace(/[\n\t ]*$/, (y) => { let h = y.indexOf(` `); return ( h === -1 ? (l += "-") : (n === y || h !== y.length - 1) && ((l += "+"), i && i()), (m = y.replace(/\n$/, "")), "" ); }) .replace(/^[\n ]*/, (y) => { y.indexOf(" ") !== -1 && (l += a); let h = y.match(/ +$/); return h ? ((f = y.slice(0, -h[0].length)), h[0]) : ((f = y), ""); })), m && (m = m.replace(/\n+(?!\n|$)/g, `$&${o}`)), f && (f = f.replace(/\n+/g, `$&${o}`)), t && ((l += " #" + t.replace(/ ?[\r\n]+/g, " ")), s && s()), !n) ) return `${l}${a} ${o}${m}`; if (c) return ( (n = n.replace(/\n+/g, `$&${o}`)), `${l} ${o}${f}${n}${m}` ); n = n .replace( /\n+/g, ` $&`, ) .replace(/(?:^|\n)([\t ].*)(?:([\n\t ]*)\n(?![\n\t ]))?/g, "$1$2") .replace(/\n+/g, `$&${o}`); let d = Wt(`${f}${n}${m}`, o, $n, be.fold); return `${l} ${o}${d}`; } function Yo(t, e, n, r) { let { comment: s, type: i, value: o } = t, { actualString: a, implicitKey: c, indent: l, inFlow: f } = e; if ((c && /[\n[\]{},]/.test(o)) || (f && /[[\]{},]/.test(o))) return Se(o, e); if ( !o || /^[\n\t ,[\]{}#&*!|>'"%@`]|^[?-]$|^[?-][ \t]|[\n:][ \t]|[ \t]\n|[\n\t ]#|[\n\t :]$/.test( o, ) ) return c || f || o.indexOf(` `) === -1 ? o.indexOf('"') !== -1 && o.indexOf("'") === -1 ? qs(o, e) : Se(o, e) : Kt(t, e, n, r); if ( !c && !f && i !== p.Type.PLAIN && o.indexOf(` `) !== -1 ) return Kt(t, e, n, r); if (l === "" && jt(o)) return (e.forceBlockIndent = !0), Kt(t, e, n, r); let m = o.replace( /\n+/g, `$& ${l}`, ); if (a) { let { tags: y } = e.doc.schema; if (typeof Fn(m, y, y.scalarFallback).value != "string") return Se(o, e); } let d = c ? m : Wt(m, l, Fs, qn(e)); return s && !f && (d.indexOf(` `) !== -1 || s.indexOf(` `) !== -1) ? (n && n(), vo(d, l, s)) : d; } function Bo(t, e, n, r) { let { defaultType: s } = be, { implicitKey: i, inFlow: o } = e, { type: a, value: c } = t; typeof c != "string" && ((c = String(c)), (t = Object.assign({}, t, { value: c }))); let l = (m) => { switch (m) { case p.Type.BLOCK_FOLDED: case p.Type.BLOCK_LITERAL: return Kt(t, e, n, r); case p.Type.QUOTE_DOUBLE: return Se(c, e); case p.Type.QUOTE_SINGLE: return qs(c, e); case p.Type.PLAIN: return Yo(t, e, n, r); default: return null; } }; ((a !== p.Type.QUOTE_DOUBLE && /[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x1f\x7f-\x9f]/.test(c)) || ((i || o) && (a === p.Type.BLOCK_FOLDED || a === p.Type.BLOCK_LITERAL))) && (a = p.Type.QUOTE_DOUBLE); let f = l(a); if (f === null && ((f = l(s)), f === null)) throw new Error(`Unsupported default string type ${s}`); return f; } function $o({ format: t, minFractionDigits: e, tag: n, value: r }) { if (typeof r == "bigint") return String(r); if (!isFinite(r)) return isNaN(r) ? ".nan" : r < 0 ? "-.inf" : ".inf"; let s = JSON.stringify(r); if (!t && e && (!n || n === ",2002:float") && /^\d/.test(s)) { let i = s.indexOf("."); i < 0 && ((i = s.length), (s += ".")); let o = e - (s.length - i - 1); for (; o-- > 0; ) s += "0"; } return s; } function Us(t, e) { let n, r; switch (e.type) { case p.Type.FLOW_MAP: (n = "}"), (r = "flow map"); break; case p.Type.FLOW_SEQ: (n = "]"), (r = "flow sequence"); break; default: t.push(new p.YAMLSemanticError(e, "Not a flow collection!?")); return; } let s; for (let i = e.items.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { let o = e.items[i]; if (!o || o.type !== p.Type.COMMENT) { s = o; break; } } if (s && s.char !== n) { let i = `Expected ${r} to end with ${n}`, o; typeof s.offset == "number" ? ((o = new p.YAMLSemanticError(e, i)), (o.offset = s.offset + 1)) : ((o = new p.YAMLSemanticError(s, i)), s.range && s.range.end && (o.offset = s.range.end - s.range.start)), t.push(o); } } function Ks(t, e) { let n = e.context.src[e.range.start - 1]; if ( n !== ` ` && n !== " " && n !== " " ) { let r = "Comments must be separated from other tokens by white space characters"; t.push(new p.YAMLSemanticError(e, r)); } } function Vs(t, e) { let n = String(e), r = n.substr(0, 8) + "..." + n.substr(-8); return new p.YAMLSemanticError(t, `The "${r}" key is too long`); } function Ws(t, e) { for (let { afterKey: n, before: r, comment: s } of e) { let i = t.items[r]; i ? (n && i.value && (i = i.value), s === void 0 ? (n || !i.commentBefore) && (i.spaceBefore = !0) : i.commentBefore ? (i.commentBefore += ` ` + s) : (i.commentBefore = s)) : s !== void 0 && (t.comment ? (t.comment += ` ` + s) : (t.comment = s)); } } function Un(t, e) { let n = e.strValue; return n ? typeof n == "string" ? n : (n.errors.forEach((r) => { r.source || (r.source = e), t.errors.push(r); }), n.str) : ""; } function Fo(t, e) { let { handle: n, suffix: r } = e.tag, s = t.tagPrefixes.find((i) => i.handle === n); if (!s) { let i = t.getDefaults().tagPrefixes; if ((i && (s = i.find((o) => o.handle === n)), !s)) throw new p.YAMLSemanticError( e, `The ${n} tag handle is non-default and was not declared.`, ); } if (!r) throw new p.YAMLSemanticError(e, `The ${n} tag has no suffix.`); if (n === "!" && (t.version || t.options.version) === "1.0") { if (r[0] === "^") return ( t.warnings.push( new p.YAMLWarning(e, "YAML 1.0 ^ tag expansion is not supported"), ), r ); if (/[:/]/.test(r)) { let i = r.match(/^([a-z0-9-]+)\/(.*)/i); return i ? `tag:${i[1]},2002:${i[2]}` : `tag:${r}`; } } return s.prefix + decodeURIComponent(r); } function qo(t, e) { let { tag: n, type: r } = e, s = !1; if (n) { let { handle: i, suffix: o, verbatim: a } = n; if (a) { if (a !== "!" && a !== "!!") return a; let c = `Verbatim tags aren't resolved, so ${a} is invalid.`; t.errors.push(new p.YAMLSemanticError(e, c)); } else if (i === "!" && !o) s = !0; else try { return Fo(t, e); } catch (c) { t.errors.push(c); } } switch (r) { case p.Type.BLOCK_FOLDED: case p.Type.BLOCK_LITERAL: case p.Type.QUOTE_DOUBLE: case p.Type.QUOTE_SINGLE: return p.defaultTags.STR; case p.Type.FLOW_MAP: case p.Type.MAP: return p.defaultTags.MAP; case p.Type.FLOW_SEQ: case p.Type.SEQ: return p.defaultTags.SEQ; case p.Type.PLAIN: return s ? p.defaultTags.STR : null; default: return null; } } function Ys(t, e, n) { let { tags: r } = t.schema, s = []; for (let o of r) if (o.tag === n) if (o.test) s.push(o); else { let a = o.resolve(t, e); return a instanceof W ? a : new P(a); } let i = Un(t, e); return typeof i == "string" && s.length > 0 ? Fn(i, s, r.scalarFallback) : null; } function Uo({ type: t }) { switch (t) { case p.Type.FLOW_MAP: case p.Type.MAP: return p.defaultTags.MAP; case p.Type.FLOW_SEQ: case p.Type.SEQ: return p.defaultTags.SEQ; default: return p.defaultTags.STR; } } function Ko(t, e, n) { try { let r = Ys(t, e, n); if (r) return n && e.tag && (r.tag = n), r; } catch (r) { return r.source || (r.source = e), t.errors.push(r), null; } try { let r = Uo(e); if (!r) throw new Error(`The tag ${n} is unavailable`); let s = `The tag ${n} is unavailable, falling back to ${r}`; t.warnings.push(new p.YAMLWarning(e, s)); let i = Ys(t, e, r); return (i.tag = n), i; } catch (r) { let s = new p.YAMLReferenceError(e, r.message); return (s.stack = r.stack), t.errors.push(s), null; } } var Vo = (t) => { if (!t) return !1; let { type: e } = t; return ( e === p.Type.MAP_KEY || e === p.Type.MAP_VALUE || e === p.Type.SEQ_ITEM ); }; function Wo(t, e) { let n = { before: [], after: [] }, r = !1, s = !1, i = Vo(e.context.parent) ? e.context.parent.props.concat(e.props) : e.props; for (let { start: o, end: a } of i) switch (e.context.src[o]) { case p.Char.COMMENT: { if (!e.commentHasRequiredWhitespace(o)) { let m = "Comments must be separated from other tokens by white space characters"; t.push(new p.YAMLSemanticError(e, m)); } let { header: c, valueRange: l } = e; (l && (o > l.start || (c && o > c.start)) ? n.after : n.before).push( e.context.src.slice(o + 1, a), ); break; } case p.Char.ANCHOR: if (r) { let c = "A node can have at most one anchor"; t.push(new p.YAMLSemanticError(e, c)); } r = !0; break; case p.Char.TAG: if (s) { let c = "A node can have at most one tag"; t.push(new p.YAMLSemanticError(e, c)); } s = !0; break; } return { comments: n, hasAnchor: r, hasTag: s }; } function jo(t, e) { let { anchors: n, errors: r, schema: s } = t; if (e.type === p.Type.ALIAS) { let o = e.rawValue, a = n.getNode(o); if (!a) { let l = `Aliased anchor not found: ${o}`; return r.push(new p.YAMLReferenceError(e, l)), null; } let c = new we(a); return n._cstAliases.push(c), c; } let i = qo(t, e); if (i) return Ko(t, e, i); if (e.type !== p.Type.PLAIN) { let o = `Failed to resolve ${e.type} node here`; return r.push(new p.YAMLSyntaxError(e, o)), null; } try { let o = Un(t, e); return Fn(o, s.tags, s.tags.scalarFallback); } catch (o) { return o.source || (o.source = e), r.push(o), null; } } function me(t, e) { if (!e) return null; e.error && t.errors.push(e.error); let { comments: n, hasAnchor: r, hasTag: s } = Wo(t.errors, e); if (r) { let { anchors: o } = t, a = e.anchor, c = o.getNode(a); c && ([o.newName(a)] = c), ([a] = e); } if (e.type === p.Type.ALIAS && (r || s)) { let o = "An alias node must not specify any properties"; t.errors.push(new p.YAMLSemanticError(e, o)); } let i = jo(t, e); if (i) { (i.range = [e.range.start, e.range.end]), t.options.keepCstNodes && (i.cstNode = e), t.options.keepNodeTypes && (i.type = e.type); let o = n.before.join(` `); o && (i.commentBefore = i.commentBefore ? `${i.commentBefore} ${o}` : o); let a = n.after.join(` `); a && (i.comment = i.comment ? `${i.comment} ${a}` : a); } return (e.resolved = i); } function Qo(t, e) { if (e.type !== p.Type.MAP && e.type !== p.Type.FLOW_MAP) { let o = `A ${e.type} node cannot be resolved as a mapping`; return t.errors.push(new p.YAMLSyntaxError(e, o)), null; } let { comments: n, items: r } = e.type === p.Type.FLOW_MAP ? Xo(t, e) : Ho(t, e), s = new mt(); (s.items = r), Ws(s, n); let i = !1; for (let o = 0; o < r.length; ++o) { let { key: a } = r[o]; if ((a instanceof W && (i = !0), t.schema.merge && a && a.value === $s)) { r[o] = new Vt(r[o]); let c = r[o].value.items, l = null; c.some((f) => { if (f instanceof we) { let { type: m } = f.source; return m === p.Type.MAP || m === p.Type.FLOW_MAP ? !1 : (l = "Merge nodes aliases can only point to maps"); } return (l = "Merge nodes can only have Alias nodes as values"); }), l && t.errors.push(new p.YAMLSemanticError(e, l)); } else for (let c = o + 1; c < r.length; ++c) { let { key: l } = r[c]; if ( a === l || (a && l &&, "value") && a.value === l.value) ) { let f = `Map keys must be unique; "${a}" is repeated`; t.errors.push(new p.YAMLSemanticError(e, f)); break; } } } if (i && !t.options.mapAsMap) { let o = "Keys with collection values will be stringified as YAML due to JS Object restrictions. Use mapAsMap: true to avoid this."; t.warnings.push(new p.YAMLWarning(e, o)); } return (e.resolved = s), s; } var Jo = ({ context: { lineStart: t, node: e, src: n }, props: r }) => { if (r.length === 0) return !1; let { start: s } = r[0]; if ((e && s > e.valueRange.start) || n[s] !== p.Char.COMMENT) return !1; for (let i = t; i < s; ++i) if ( n[i] === ` ` ) return !1; return !0; }; function Go(t, e) { if (!Jo(t)) return; let n = t.getPropValue(0, p.Char.COMMENT, !0), r = !1, s = e.value.commentBefore; if (s && s.startsWith(n)) (e.value.commentBefore = s.substr(n.length + 1)), (r = !0); else { let i = e.value.comment; !t.node && i && i.startsWith(n) && ((e.value.comment = i.substr(n.length + 1)), (r = !0)); } r && (e.comment = n); } function Ho(t, e) { let n = [], r = [], s, i = null; for (let o = 0; o < e.items.length; ++o) { let a = e.items[o]; switch (a.type) { case p.Type.BLANK_LINE: n.push({ afterKey: !!s, before: r.length }); break; case p.Type.COMMENT: n.push({ afterKey: !!s, before: r.length, comment: a.comment }); break; case p.Type.MAP_KEY: s !== void 0 && r.push(new T(s)), a.error && t.errors.push(a.error), (s = me(t, a.node)), (i = null); break; case p.Type.MAP_VALUE: { if ( (s === void 0 && (s = null), a.error && t.errors.push(a.error), !a.context.atLineStart && a.node && a.node.type === p.Type.MAP && !a.node.context.atLineStart) ) { let f = "Nested mappings are not allowed in compact mappings"; t.errors.push(new p.YAMLSemanticError(a.node, f)); } let c = a.node; if (!c && a.props.length > 0) { (c = new p.PlainValue(p.Type.PLAIN, [])), (c.context = { parent: a, src: a.context.src }); let f = a.range.start + 1; if ( ((c.range = { start: f, end: f }), (c.valueRange = { start: f, end: f }), typeof a.range.origStart == "number") ) { let m = a.range.origStart + 1; (c.range.origStart = c.range.origEnd = m), (c.valueRange.origStart = c.valueRange.origEnd = m); } } let l = new T(s, me(t, c)); Go(a, l), r.push(l), s && typeof i == "number" && a.range.start > i + 1024 && t.errors.push(Vs(e, s)), (s = void 0), (i = null); } break; default: s !== void 0 && r.push(new T(s)), (s = me(t, a)), (i = a.range.start), a.error && t.errors.push(a.error); e: for (let c = o + 1; ; ++c) { let l = e.items[c]; switch (l && l.type) { case p.Type.BLANK_LINE: case p.Type.COMMENT: continue e; case p.Type.MAP_VALUE: break e; default: { let f = "Implicit map keys need to be followed by map values"; t.errors.push(new p.YAMLSemanticError(a, f)); break e; } } } if (a.valueRangeContainsNewline) { let c = "Implicit map keys need to be on a single line"; t.errors.push(new p.YAMLSemanticError(a, c)); } } } return s !== void 0 && r.push(new T(s)), { comments: n, items: r }; } function Xo(t, e) { let n = [], r = [], s, i = !1, o = "{"; for (let a = 0; a < e.items.length; ++a) { let c = e.items[a]; if (typeof c.char == "string") { let { char: l, offset: f } = c; if (l === "?" && s === void 0 && !i) { (i = !0), (o = ":"); continue; } if (l === ":") { if ((s === void 0 && (s = null), o === ":")) { o = ","; continue; } } else if ( (i && (s === void 0 && l !== "," && (s = null), (i = !1)), s !== void 0 && (r.push(new T(s)), (s = void 0), l === ",")) ) { o = ":"; continue; } if (l === "}") { if (a === e.items.length - 1) continue; } else if (l === o) { o = ":"; continue; } let m = `Flow map contains an unexpected ${l}`, d = new p.YAMLSyntaxError(e, m); (d.offset = f), t.errors.push(d); } else c.type === p.Type.BLANK_LINE ? n.push({ afterKey: !!s, before: r.length }) : c.type === p.Type.COMMENT ? (Ks(t.errors, c), n.push({ afterKey: !!s, before: r.length, comment: c.comment })) : s === void 0 ? (o === "," && t.errors.push( new p.YAMLSemanticError( c, "Separator , missing in flow map", ), ), (s = me(t, c))) : (o !== "," && t.errors.push( new p.YAMLSemanticError( c, "Indicator : missing in flow map entry", ), ), r.push(new T(s, me(t, c))), (s = void 0), (i = !1)); } return ( Us(t.errors, e), s !== void 0 && r.push(new T(s)), { comments: n, items: r } ); } function zo(t, e) { if (e.type !== p.Type.SEQ && e.type !== p.Type.FLOW_SEQ) { let i = `A ${e.type} node cannot be resolved as a sequence`; return t.errors.push(new p.YAMLSyntaxError(e, i)), null; } let { comments: n, items: r } = e.type === p.Type.FLOW_SEQ ? ea(t, e) : Zo(t, e), s = new pe(); if ( ((s.items = r), Ws(s, n), !t.options.mapAsMap && r.some((i) => i instanceof T && i.key instanceof W)) ) { let i = "Keys with collection values will be stringified as YAML due to JS Object restrictions. Use mapAsMap: true to avoid this."; t.warnings.push(new p.YAMLWarning(e, i)); } return (e.resolved = s), s; } function Zo(t, e) { let n = [], r = []; for (let s = 0; s < e.items.length; ++s) { let i = e.items[s]; switch (i.type) { case p.Type.BLANK_LINE: n.push({ before: r.length }); break; case p.Type.COMMENT: n.push({ comment: i.comment, before: r.length }); break; case p.Type.SEQ_ITEM: if ( (i.error && t.errors.push(i.error), r.push(me(t, i.node)), i.hasProps) ) { let o = "Sequence items cannot have tags or anchors before the - indicator"; t.errors.push(new p.YAMLSemanticError(i, o)); } break; default: i.error && t.errors.push(i.error), t.errors.push( new p.YAMLSyntaxError(i, `Unexpected ${i.type} node in sequence`), ); } } return { comments: n, items: r }; } function ea(t, e) { let n = [], r = [], s = !1, i, o = null, a = "[", c = null; for (let l = 0; l < e.items.length; ++l) { let f = e.items[l]; if (typeof f.char == "string") { let { char: m, offset: d } = f; if ( (m !== ":" && (s || i !== void 0) && (s && i === void 0 && (i = a ? r.pop() : null), r.push(new T(i)), (s = !1), (i = void 0), (o = null)), m === a) ) a = null; else if (!a && m === "?") s = !0; else if (a !== "[" && m === ":" && i === void 0) { if (a === ",") { if (((i = r.pop()), i instanceof T)) { let y = "Chaining flow sequence pairs is invalid", h = new p.YAMLSemanticError(e, y); (h.offset = d), t.errors.push(h); } if (!s && typeof o == "number") { let y = f.range ? f.range.start : f.offset; y > o + 1024 && t.errors.push(Vs(e, i)); let { src: h } = c.context; for (let g = o; g < y; ++g) if ( h[g] === ` ` ) { let w = "Implicit keys of flow sequence pairs need to be on a single line"; t.errors.push(new p.YAMLSemanticError(c, w)); break; } } } else i = null; (o = null), (s = !1), (a = null); } else if (a === "[" || m !== "]" || l < e.items.length - 1) { let y = `Flow sequence contains an unexpected ${m}`, h = new p.YAMLSyntaxError(e, y); (h.offset = d), t.errors.push(h); } } else if (f.type === p.Type.BLANK_LINE) n.push({ before: r.length }); else if (f.type === p.Type.COMMENT) Ks(t.errors, f), n.push({ comment: f.comment, before: r.length }); else { if (a) { let d = `Expected a ${a} in flow sequence`; t.errors.push(new p.YAMLSemanticError(f, d)); } let m = me(t, f); i === void 0 ? (r.push(m), (c = f)) : (r.push(new T(i, m)), (i = void 0)), (o = f.range.start), (a = ","); } } return ( Us(t.errors, e), i !== void 0 && r.push(new T(i)), { comments: n, items: r } ); } k.Alias = we; k.Collection = W; k.Merge = Vt; k.Node = V; k.Pair = T; k.Scalar = P; k.YAMLMap = mt; k.YAMLSeq = pe; k.addComment = Be; k.binaryOptions = Po; k.boolOptions = _o; k.findPair = pt; k.intOptions = xo; k.isEmptyPath = Bs; k.nullOptions = Ro; k.resolveMap = Qo; k.resolveNode = me; k.resolveSeq = zo; k.resolveString = Un; k.strOptions = be; k.stringifyNumber = $o; k.stringifyString = Bo; k.toJSON = ue; }); var jn = ee((z) => { "use strict"; var j = le(), O = $e(), ta = { identify: (t) => t instanceof Uint8Array, default: !1, tag: ",2002:binary", resolve: (t, e) => { let n = O.resolveString(t, e); if (typeof Buffer == "function") return Buffer.from(n, "base64"); if (typeof atob == "function") { let r = atob(n.replace(/[\n\r]/g, "")), s = new Uint8Array(r.length); for (let i = 0; i < r.length; ++i) s[i] = r.charCodeAt(i); return s; } else { let r = "This environment does not support reading binary tags; either Buffer or atob is required"; return t.errors.push(new j.YAMLReferenceError(e, r)), null; } }, options: O.binaryOptions, stringify: ({ comment: t, type: e, value: n }, r, s, i) => { let o; if (typeof Buffer == "function") o = n instanceof Buffer ? n.toString("base64") : Buffer.from(n.buffer).toString("base64"); else if (typeof btoa == "function") { let a = ""; for (let c = 0; c < n.length; ++c) a += String.fromCharCode(n[c]); o = btoa(a); } else throw new Error( "This environment does not support writing binary tags; either Buffer or btoa is required", ); if ((e || (e = O.binaryOptions.defaultType), e === j.Type.QUOTE_DOUBLE)) n = o; else { let { lineWidth: a } = O.binaryOptions, c = Math.ceil(o.length / a), l = new Array(c); for (let f = 0, m = 0; f < c; ++f, m += a) l[f] = o.substr(m, a); n = l.join( e === j.Type.BLOCK_LITERAL ? ` ` : " ", ); } return O.stringifyString({ comment: t, type: e, value: n }, r, s, i); }, }; function Qs(t, e) { let n = O.resolveSeq(t, e); for (let r = 0; r < n.items.length; ++r) { let s = n.items[r]; if (!(s instanceof O.Pair)) { if (s instanceof O.YAMLMap) { if (s.items.length > 1) { let o = "Each pair must have its own sequence indicator"; throw new j.YAMLSemanticError(e, o); } let i = s.items[0] || new O.Pair(); s.commentBefore && (i.commentBefore = i.commentBefore ? `${s.commentBefore} ${i.commentBefore}` : s.commentBefore), s.comment && (i.comment = i.comment ? `${s.comment} ${i.comment}` : s.comment), (s = i); } n.items[r] = s instanceof O.Pair ? s : new O.Pair(s); } } return n; } function Js(t, e, n) { let r = new O.YAMLSeq(t); r.tag = ",2002:pairs"; for (let s of e) { let i, o; if (Array.isArray(s)) if (s.length === 2) (i = s[0]), (o = s[1]); else throw new TypeError(`Expected [key, value] tuple: ${s}`); else if (s && s instanceof Object) { let c = Object.keys(s); if (c.length === 1) (i = c[0]), (o = s[i]); else throw new TypeError(`Expected { key: value } tuple: ${s}`); } else i = s; let a = t.createPair(i, o, n); r.items.push(a); } return r; } var na = { default: !1, tag: ",2002:pairs", resolve: Qs, createNode: Js, }, Fe = class t extends O.YAMLSeq { constructor() { super(), j._defineProperty(this, "add", O.YAMLMap.prototype.add.bind(this)), j._defineProperty( this, "delete", O.YAMLMap.prototype.delete.bind(this), ), j._defineProperty(this, "get", O.YAMLMap.prototype.get.bind(this)), j._defineProperty(this, "has", O.YAMLMap.prototype.has.bind(this)), j._defineProperty(this, "set", O.YAMLMap.prototype.set.bind(this)), (this.tag = t.tag); } toJSON(e, n) { let r = new Map(); n && n.onCreate && n.onCreate(r); for (let s of this.items) { let i, o; if ( (s instanceof O.Pair ? ((i = O.toJSON(s.key, "", n)), (o = O.toJSON(s.value, i, n))) : (i = O.toJSON(s, "", n)), r.has(i)) ) throw new Error("Ordered maps must not include duplicate keys"); r.set(i, o); } return r; } }; j._defineProperty(Fe, "tag", ",2002:omap"); function ra(t, e) { let n = Qs(t, e), r = []; for (let { key: s } of n.items) if (s instanceof O.Scalar) if (r.includes(s.value)) { let i = "Ordered maps must not include duplicate keys"; throw new j.YAMLSemanticError(e, i); } else r.push(s.value); return Object.assign(new Fe(), n); } function sa(t, e, n) { let r = Js(t, e, n), s = new Fe(); return (s.items = r.items), s; } var ia = { identify: (t) => t instanceof Map, nodeClass: Fe, default: !1, tag: ",2002:omap", resolve: ra, createNode: sa, }, qe = class t extends O.YAMLMap { constructor() { super(), (this.tag = t.tag); } add(e) { let n = e instanceof O.Pair ? e : new O.Pair(e); O.findPair(this.items, n.key) || this.items.push(n); } get(e, n) { let r = O.findPair(this.items, e); return !n && r instanceof O.Pair ? r.key instanceof O.Scalar ? r.key.value : r.key : r; } set(e, n) { if (typeof n != "boolean") throw new Error( `Expected boolean value for set(key, value) in a YAML set, not ${typeof n}`, ); let r = O.findPair(this.items, e); r && !n ? this.items.splice(this.items.indexOf(r), 1) : !r && n && this.items.push(new O.Pair(e)); } toJSON(e, n) { return super.toJSON(e, n, Set); } toString(e, n, r) { if (!e) return JSON.stringify(this); if (this.hasAllNullValues()) return super.toString(e, n, r); throw new Error("Set items must all have null values"); } }; j._defineProperty(qe, "tag", ",2002:set"); function oa(t, e) { let n = O.resolveMap(t, e); if (!n.hasAllNullValues()) throw new j.YAMLSemanticError(e, "Set items must all have null values"); return Object.assign(new qe(), n); } function aa(t, e, n) { let r = new qe(); for (let s of e) r.items.push(t.createPair(s, null, n)); return r; } var ca = { identify: (t) => t instanceof Set, nodeClass: qe, default: !1, tag: ",2002:set", resolve: oa, createNode: aa, }, Kn = (t, e) => { let n = e.split(":").reduce((r, s) => r * 60 + Number(s), 0); return t === "-" ? -n : n; }, Gs = ({ value: t }) => { if (isNaN(t) || !isFinite(t)) return O.stringifyNumber(t); let e = ""; t < 0 && ((e = "-"), (t = Math.abs(t))); let n = [t % 60]; return ( t < 60 ? n.unshift(0) : ((t = Math.round((t - n[0]) / 60)), n.unshift(t % 60), t >= 60 && ((t = Math.round((t - n[0]) / 60)), n.unshift(t))), e + n .map((r) => (r < 10 ? "0" + String(r) : String(r))) .join(":") .replace(/000000\d*$/, "") ); }, la = { identify: (t) => typeof t == "number", default: !0, tag: ",2002:int", format: "TIME", test: /^([-+]?)([0-9][0-9_]*(?::[0-5]?[0-9])+)$/, resolve: (t, e, n) => Kn(e, n.replace(/_/g, "")), stringify: Gs, }, fa = { identify: (t) => typeof t == "number", default: !0, tag: ",2002:float", format: "TIME", test: /^([-+]?)([0-9][0-9_]*(?::[0-5]?[0-9])+\.[0-9_]*)$/, resolve: (t, e, n) => Kn(e, n.replace(/_/g, "")), stringify: Gs, }, ua = { identify: (t) => t instanceof Date, default: !0, tag: ",2002:timestamp", test: RegExp( "^(?:([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})(?:(?:t|T|[ \\t]+)([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}(\\.[0-9]+)?)(?:[ \\t]*(Z|[-+][012]?[0-9](?::[0-9]{2})?))?)?)$", ), resolve: (t, e, n, r, s, i, o, a, c) => { a && (a = (a + "00").substr(1, 3)); let l = Date.UTC(e, n - 1, r, s || 0, i || 0, o || 0, a || 0); if (c && c !== "Z") { let f = Kn(c[0], c.slice(1)); Math.abs(f) < 30 && (f *= 60), (l -= 6e4 * f); } return new Date(l); }, stringify: ({ value: t }) => t.toISOString().replace(/((T00:00)?:00)?\.000Z$/, ""), }; function Vn(t) { let e = {}; return t ? typeof YAML_SILENCE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS < "u" ? !YAML_SILENCE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS : !e.YAML_SILENCE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS : typeof YAML_SILENCE_WARNINGS < "u" ? !YAML_SILENCE_WARNINGS : !e.YAML_SILENCE_WARNINGS; } function Wn(t, e) { Vn(!1) && console.warn(e ? `${e}: ${t}` : t); } function pa(t) { if (Vn(!0)) { let e = t .replace(/.*yaml[/\\]/i, "") .replace(/\.js$/, "") .replace(/\\/g, "/"); Wn( `The endpoint 'yaml/${e}' will be removed in a future release.`, "DeprecationWarning", ); } } var js = {}; function ma(t, e) { if (!js[t] && Vn(!0)) { js[t] = !0; let n = `The option '${t}' will be removed in a future release`; (n += e ? `, use '${e}' instead.` : "."), Wn(n, "DeprecationWarning"); } } z.binary = ta; z.floatTime = fa; z.intTime = la; z.omap = ia; z.pairs = na; z.set = ca; z.timestamp = ua; z.warn = Wn; z.warnFileDeprecation = pa; z.warnOptionDeprecation = ma; }); var Hn = ee((ci) => { "use strict"; var Gt = le(), E = $e(), D = jn(); function ha(t, e, n) { let r = new E.YAMLMap(t); if (e instanceof Map) for (let [s, i] of e) r.items.push(t.createPair(s, i, n)); else if (e && typeof e == "object") for (let s of Object.keys(e)) r.items.push(t.createPair(s, e[s], n)); return ( typeof t.sortMapEntries == "function" && r.items.sort(t.sortMapEntries), r ); } var gt = { createNode: ha, default: !0, nodeClass: E.YAMLMap, tag: ",2002:map", resolve: E.resolveMap, }; function ga(t, e, n) { let r = new E.YAMLSeq(t); if (e && e[Symbol.iterator]) for (let s of e) { let i = t.createNode(s, n.wrapScalars, null, n); r.items.push(i); } return r; } var Ht = { createNode: ga, default: !0, nodeClass: E.YAMLSeq, tag: ",2002:seq", resolve: E.resolveSeq, }, da = { identify: (t) => typeof t == "string", default: !0, tag: ",2002:str", resolve: E.resolveString, stringify(t, e, n, r) { return ( (e = Object.assign({ actualString: !0 }, e)), E.stringifyString(t, e, n, r) ); }, options: E.strOptions, }, Jn = [gt, Ht, da], Xt = (t) => typeof t == "bigint" || Number.isInteger(t), Gn = (t, e, n) => (E.intOptions.asBigInt ? BigInt(t) : parseInt(e, n)); function zs(t, e, n) { let { value: r } = t; return Xt(r) && r >= 0 ? n + r.toString(e) : E.stringifyNumber(t); } var Zs = { identify: (t) => t == null, createNode: (t, e, n) => (n.wrapScalars ? new E.Scalar(null) : null), default: !0, tag: ",2002:null", test: /^(?:~|[Nn]ull|NULL)?$/, resolve: () => null, options: E.nullOptions, stringify: () => E.nullOptions.nullStr, }, ei = { identify: (t) => typeof t == "boolean", default: !0, tag: ",2002:bool", test: /^(?:[Tt]rue|TRUE|[Ff]alse|FALSE)$/, resolve: (t) => t[0] === "t" || t[0] === "T", options: E.boolOptions, stringify: ({ value: t }) => t ? E.boolOptions.trueStr : E.boolOptions.falseStr, }, ti = { identify: (t) => Xt(t) && t >= 0, default: !0, tag: ",2002:int", format: "OCT", test: /^0o([0-7]+)$/, resolve: (t, e) => Gn(t, e, 8), options: E.intOptions, stringify: (t) => zs(t, 8, "0o"), }, ni = { identify: Xt, default: !0, tag: ",2002:int", test: /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/, resolve: (t) => Gn(t, t, 10), options: E.intOptions, stringify: E.stringifyNumber, }, ri = { identify: (t) => Xt(t) && t >= 0, default: !0, tag: ",2002:int", format: "HEX", test: /^0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)$/, resolve: (t, e) => Gn(t, e, 16), options: E.intOptions, stringify: (t) => zs(t, 16, "0x"), }, si = { identify: (t) => typeof t == "number", default: !0, tag: ",2002:float", test: /^(?:[-+]?\.inf|(\.nan))$/i, resolve: (t, e) => e ? NaN : t[0] === "-" ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, stringify: E.stringifyNumber, }, ii = { identify: (t) => typeof t == "number", default: !0, tag: ",2002:float", format: "EXP", test: /^[-+]?(?:\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?)[eE][-+]?[0-9]+$/, resolve: (t) => parseFloat(t), stringify: ({ value: t }) => Number(t).toExponential(), }, oi = { identify: (t) => typeof t == "number", default: !0, tag: ",2002:float", test: /^[-+]?(?:\.([0-9]+)|[0-9]+\.([0-9]*))$/, resolve(t, e, n) { let r = e || n, s = new E.Scalar(parseFloat(t)); return ( r && r[r.length - 1] === "0" && (s.minFractionDigits = r.length), s ); }, stringify: E.stringifyNumber, }, ya = Jn.concat([Zs, ei, ti, ni, ri, si, ii, oi]), Hs = (t) => typeof t == "bigint" || Number.isInteger(t), Qt = ({ value: t }) => JSON.stringify(t), ai = [ gt, Ht, { identify: (t) => typeof t == "string", default: !0, tag: ",2002:str", resolve: E.resolveString, stringify: Qt, }, { identify: (t) => t == null, createNode: (t, e, n) => (n.wrapScalars ? new E.Scalar(null) : null), default: !0, tag: ",2002:null", test: /^null$/, resolve: () => null, stringify: Qt, }, { identify: (t) => typeof t == "boolean", default: !0, tag: ",2002:bool", test: /^true|false$/, resolve: (t) => t === "true", stringify: Qt, }, { identify: Hs, default: !0, tag: ",2002:int", test: /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/, resolve: (t) => (E.intOptions.asBigInt ? BigInt(t) : parseInt(t, 10)), stringify: ({ value: t }) => (Hs(t) ? t.toString() : JSON.stringify(t)), }, { identify: (t) => typeof t == "number", default: !0, tag: ",2002:float", test: /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$/, resolve: (t) => parseFloat(t), stringify: Qt, }, ]; ai.scalarFallback = (t) => { throw new SyntaxError(`Unresolved plain scalar ${JSON.stringify(t)}`); }; var Xs = ({ value: t }) => t ? E.boolOptions.trueStr : E.boolOptions.falseStr, ht = (t) => typeof t == "bigint" || Number.isInteger(t); function Jt(t, e, n) { let r = e.replace(/_/g, ""); if (E.intOptions.asBigInt) { switch (n) { case 2: r = `0b${r}`; break; case 8: r = `0o${r}`; break; case 16: r = `0x${r}`; break; } let i = BigInt(r); return t === "-" ? BigInt(-1) * i : i; } let s = parseInt(r, n); return t === "-" ? -1 * s : s; } function Qn(t, e, n) { let { value: r } = t; if (ht(r)) { let s = r.toString(e); return r < 0 ? "-" + n + s.substr(1) : n + s; } return E.stringifyNumber(t); } var Ea = Jn.concat( [ { identify: (t) => t == null, createNode: (t, e, n) => (n.wrapScalars ? new E.Scalar(null) : null), default: !0, tag: ",2002:null", test: /^(?:~|[Nn]ull|NULL)?$/, resolve: () => null, options: E.nullOptions, stringify: () => E.nullOptions.nullStr, }, { identify: (t) => typeof t == "boolean", default: !0, tag: ",2002:bool", test: /^(?:Y|y|[Yy]es|YES|[Tt]rue|TRUE|[Oo]n|ON)$/, resolve: () => !0, options: E.boolOptions, stringify: Xs, }, { identify: (t) => typeof t == "boolean", default: !0, tag: ",2002:bool", test: /^(?:N|n|[Nn]o|NO|[Ff]alse|FALSE|[Oo]ff|OFF)$/i, resolve: () => !1, options: E.boolOptions, stringify: Xs, }, { identify: ht, default: !0, tag: ",2002:int", format: "BIN", test: /^([-+]?)0b([0-1_]+)$/, resolve: (t, e, n) => Jt(e, n, 2), stringify: (t) => Qn(t, 2, "0b"), }, { identify: ht, default: !0, tag: ",2002:int", format: "OCT", test: /^([-+]?)0([0-7_]+)$/, resolve: (t, e, n) => Jt(e, n, 8), stringify: (t) => Qn(t, 8, "0"), }, { identify: ht, default: !0, tag: ",2002:int", test: /^([-+]?)([0-9][0-9_]*)$/, resolve: (t, e, n) => Jt(e, n, 10), stringify: E.stringifyNumber, }, { identify: ht, default: !0, tag: ",2002:int", format: "HEX", test: /^([-+]?)0x([0-9a-fA-F_]+)$/, resolve: (t, e, n) => Jt(e, n, 16), stringify: (t) => Qn(t, 16, "0x"), }, { identify: (t) => typeof t == "number", default: !0, tag: ",2002:float", test: /^(?:[-+]?\.inf|(\.nan))$/i, resolve: (t, e) => e ? NaN : t[0] === "-" ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, stringify: E.stringifyNumber, }, { identify: (t) => typeof t == "number", default: !0, tag: ",2002:float", format: "EXP", test: /^[-+]?([0-9][0-9_]*)?(\.[0-9_]*)?[eE][-+]?[0-9]+$/, resolve: (t) => parseFloat(t.replace(/_/g, "")), stringify: ({ value: t }) => Number(t).toExponential(), }, { identify: (t) => typeof t == "number", default: !0, tag: ",2002:float", test: /^[-+]?(?:[0-9][0-9_]*)?\.([0-9_]*)$/, resolve(t, e) { let n = new E.Scalar(parseFloat(t.replace(/_/g, ""))); if (e) { let r = e.replace(/_/g, ""); r[r.length - 1] === "0" && (n.minFractionDigits = r.length); } return n; }, stringify: E.stringifyNumber, }, ], D.binary, D.omap, D.pairs, D.set, D.intTime, D.floatTime, D.timestamp, ), Sa = { core: ya, failsafe: Jn, json: ai, yaml11: Ea }, wa = { binary: D.binary, bool: ei, float: oi, floatExp: ii, floatNaN: si, floatTime: D.floatTime, int: ni, intHex: ri, intOct: ti, intTime: D.intTime, map: gt, null: Zs, omap: D.omap, pairs: D.pairs, seq: Ht, set: D.set, timestamp: D.timestamp, }; function ba(t, e, n) { if (e) { let r = n.filter((i) => i.tag === e), s = r.find((i) => !i.format) || r[0]; if (!s) throw new Error(`Tag ${e} not found`); return s; } return n.find( (r) => ((r.identify && r.identify(t)) || (r.class && t instanceof r.class)) && !r.format, ); } function Na(t, e, n) { if (t instanceof E.Node) return t; let { defaultPrefix: r, onTagObj: s, prevObjects: i, schema: o, wrapScalars: a, } = n; e && e.startsWith("!!") && (e = r + e.slice(2)); let c = ba(t, e, o.tags); if (!c) { if ( (typeof t.toJSON == "function" && (t = t.toJSON()), !t || typeof t != "object") ) return a ? new E.Scalar(t) : t; c = t instanceof Map ? gt : t[Symbol.iterator] ? Ht : gt; } s && (s(c), delete n.onTagObj); let l = { value: void 0, node: void 0 }; if (t && typeof t == "object" && i) { let f = i.get(t); if (f) { let m = new E.Alias(f); return n.aliasNodes.push(m), m; } (l.value = t), i.set(t, l); } return ( (l.node = c.createNode ? c.createNode(n.schema, t, n) : a ? new E.Scalar(t) : t), e && l.node instanceof E.Node && (l.node.tag = e), l.node ); } function Oa(t, e, n, r) { let s = t[r.replace(/\W/g, "")]; if (!s) { let i = Object.keys(t) .map((o) => JSON.stringify(o)) .join(", "); throw new Error(`Unknown schema "${r}"; use one of ${i}`); } if (Array.isArray(n)) for (let i of n) s = s.concat(i); else typeof n == "function" && (s = n(s.slice())); for (let i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) { let o = s[i]; if (typeof o == "string") { let a = e[o]; if (!a) { let c = Object.keys(e) .map((l) => JSON.stringify(l)) .join(", "); throw new Error(`Unknown custom tag "${o}"; use one of ${c}`); } s[i] = a; } } return s; } var La = (t, e) => (t.key < e.key ? -1 : t.key > e.key ? 1 : 0), dt = class t { constructor({ customTags: e, merge: n, schema: r, sortMapEntries: s, tags: i, }) { (this.merge = !!n), ( = r), (this.sortMapEntries = s === !0 ? La : s || null), !e && i && D.warnOptionDeprecation("tags", "customTags"), (this.tags = Oa(Sa, wa, e || i, r)); } createNode(e, n, r, s) { let i = { defaultPrefix: t.defaultPrefix, schema: this, wrapScalars: n, }, o = s ? Object.assign(s, i) : i; return Na(e, r, o); } createPair(e, n, r) { r || (r = { wrapScalars: !0 }); let s = this.createNode(e, r.wrapScalars, null, r), i = this.createNode(n, r.wrapScalars, null, r); return new E.Pair(s, i); } }; Gt._defineProperty(dt, "defaultPrefix", Gt.defaultTagPrefix); Gt._defineProperty(dt, "defaultTags", Gt.defaultTags); ci.Schema = dt; }); var pi = ee((tn) => { "use strict"; var Y = le(), S = $e(), li = Hn(), Aa = { anchorPrefix: "a", customTags: null, indent: 2, indentSeq: !0, keepCstNodes: !1, keepNodeTypes: !0, keepBlobsInJSON: !0, mapAsMap: !1, maxAliasCount: 100, prettyErrors: !1, simpleKeys: !1, version: "1.2", }, Ta = { get binary() { return S.binaryOptions; }, set binary(t) { Object.assign(S.binaryOptions, t); }, get bool() { return S.boolOptions; }, set bool(t) { Object.assign(S.boolOptions, t); }, get int() { return S.intOptions; }, set int(t) { Object.assign(S.intOptions, t); }, get null() { return S.nullOptions; }, set null(t) { Object.assign(S.nullOptions, t); }, get str() { return S.strOptions; }, set str(t) { Object.assign(S.strOptions, t); }, }, ui = { "1.0": { schema: "yaml-1.1", merge: !0, tagPrefixes: [ { handle: "!", prefix: Y.defaultTagPrefix }, { handle: "!!", prefix: ",2002:" }, ], }, 1.1: { schema: "yaml-1.1", merge: !0, tagPrefixes: [ { handle: "!", prefix: "!" }, { handle: "!!", prefix: Y.defaultTagPrefix }, ], }, 1.2: { schema: "core", merge: !1, tagPrefixes: [ { handle: "!", prefix: "!" }, { handle: "!!", prefix: Y.defaultTagPrefix }, ], }, }; function fi(t, e) { if ((t.version || t.options.version) === "1.0") { let s = e.match(/^tag:private\.yaml\.org,2002:([^:/]+)$/); if (s) return "!" + s[1]; let i = e.match(/^tag:([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\.yaml\.org,2002:(.*)/); return i ? `!${i[1]}/${i[2]}` : `!${e.replace(/^tag:/, "")}`; } let n = t.tagPrefixes.find((s) => e.indexOf(s.prefix) === 0); if (!n) { let s = t.getDefaults().tagPrefixes; n = s && s.find((i) => e.indexOf(i.prefix) === 0); } if (!n) return e[0] === "!" ? e : `!<${e}>`; let r = e.substr(n.prefix.length).replace( /[!,[\]{}]/g, (s) => ({ "!": "%21", ",": "%2C", "[": "%5B", "]": "%5D", "{": "%7B", "}": "%7D", })[s], ); return n.handle + r; } function Ca(t, e) { if (e instanceof S.Alias) return S.Alias; if (e.tag) { let s = t.filter((i) => i.tag === e.tag); if (s.length > 0) return s.find((i) => i.format === e.format) || s[0]; } let n, r; if (e instanceof S.Scalar) { r = e.value; let s = t.filter( (i) => (i.identify && i.identify(r)) || (i.class && r instanceof i.class), ); n = s.find((i) => i.format === e.format) || s.find((i) => !i.format); } else (r = e), (n = t.find((s) => s.nodeClass && r instanceof s.nodeClass)); if (!n) { let s = r && r.constructor ? : typeof r; throw new Error(`Tag not resolved for ${s} value`); } return n; } function Ma(t, e, { anchors: n, doc: r }) { let s = [], i = r.anchors.getName(t); return ( i && ((n[i] = t), s.push(`&${i}`)), t.tag ? s.push(fi(r, t.tag)) : e.default || s.push(fi(r, e.tag)), s.join(" ") ); } function zt(t, e, n, r) { let { anchors: s, schema: i } = e.doc, o; if (!(t instanceof S.Node)) { let l = { aliasNodes: [], onTagObj: (f) => (o = f), prevObjects: new Map(), }; t = i.createNode(t, !0, null, l); for (let f of l.aliasNodes) { f.source = f.source.node; let m = s.getName(f.source); m || ((m = s.newName()), ([m] = f.source)); } } if (t instanceof S.Pair) return t.toString(e, n, r); o || (o = Ca(i.tags, t)); let a = Ma(t, o, e); a.length > 0 && (e.indentAtStart = (e.indentAtStart || 0) + a.length + 1); let c = typeof o.stringify == "function" ? o.stringify(t, e, n, r) : t instanceof S.Scalar ? S.stringifyString(t, e, n, r) : t.toString(e, n, r); return a ? t instanceof S.Scalar || c[0] === "{" || c[0] === "[" ? `${a} ${c}` : `${a} ${e.indent}${c}` : c; } var Xn = class t { static validAnchorNode(e) { return ( e instanceof S.Scalar || e instanceof S.YAMLSeq || e instanceof S.YAMLMap ); } constructor(e) { Y._defineProperty(this, "map", Object.create(null)), (this.prefix = e); } createAlias(e, n) { return this.setAnchor(e, n), new S.Alias(e); } createMergePair(...e) { let n = new S.Merge(); return ( (n.value.items = => { if (r instanceof S.Alias) { if (r.source instanceof S.YAMLMap) return r; } else if (r instanceof S.YAMLMap) return this.createAlias(r); throw new Error("Merge sources must be Map nodes or their Aliases"); })), n ); } getName(e) { let { map: n } = this; return Object.keys(n).find((r) => n[r] === e); } getNames() { return Object.keys(; } getNode(e) { return[e]; } newName(e) { e || (e = this.prefix); let n = Object.keys(; for (let r = 1; ; ++r) { let s = `${e}${r}`; if (!n.includes(s)) return s; } } resolveNodes() { let { map: e, _cstAliases: n } = this; Object.keys(e).forEach((r) => { e[r] = e[r].resolved; }), n.forEach((r) => { r.source = r.source.resolved; }), delete this._cstAliases; } setAnchor(e, n) { if (e != null && !t.validAnchorNode(e)) throw new Error( "Anchors may only be set for Scalar, Seq and Map nodes", ); if (n && /[\x00-\x19\s,[\]{}]/.test(n)) throw new Error( "Anchor names must not contain whitespace or control characters", ); let { map: r } = this, s = e && Object.keys(r).find((i) => r[i] === e); if (s) if (n) s !== n && (delete r[s], (r[n] = e)); else return s; else { if (!n) { if (!e) return null; n = this.newName(); } r[n] = e; } return n; } }, Zt = (t, e) => { if (t && typeof t == "object") { let { tag: n } = t; t instanceof S.Collection ? (n && (e[n] = !0), t.items.forEach((r) => Zt(r, e))) : t instanceof S.Pair ? (Zt(t.key, e), Zt(t.value, e)) : t instanceof S.Scalar && n && (e[n] = !0); } return e; }, ka = (t) => Object.keys(Zt(t, {})); function va(t, e) { let n = { before: [], after: [] }, r, s = !1; for (let i of e) if (i.valueRange) { if (r !== void 0) { let a = "Document contains trailing content not separated by a ... or --- line"; t.errors.push(new Y.YAMLSyntaxError(i, a)); break; } let o = S.resolveNode(t, i); s && ((o.spaceBefore = !0), (s = !1)), (r = o); } else i.comment !== null ? (r === void 0 ? n.before : n.after).push(i.comment) : i.type === Y.Type.BLANK_LINE && ((s = !0), r === void 0 && n.before.length > 0 && !t.commentBefore && ((t.commentBefore = n.before.join(` `)), (n.before = []))); if (((t.contents = r || null), !r)) t.comment = n.before.concat(n.after).join(` `) || null; else { let i = n.before.join(` `); if (i) { let o = r instanceof S.Collection && r.items[0] ? r.items[0] : r; o.commentBefore = o.commentBefore ? `${i} ${o.commentBefore}` : i; } t.comment = n.after.join(` `) || null; } } function Ia({ tagPrefixes: t }, e) { let [n, r] = e.parameters; if (!n || !r) { let s = "Insufficient parameters given for %TAG directive"; throw new Y.YAMLSemanticError(e, s); } if (t.some((s) => s.handle === n)) { let s = "The %TAG directive must only be given at most once per handle in the same document."; throw new Y.YAMLSemanticError(e, s); } return { handle: n, prefix: r }; } function Pa(t, e) { let [n] = e.parameters; if (( === "YAML:1.0" && (n = "1.0"), !n)) { let r = "Insufficient parameters given for %YAML directive"; throw new Y.YAMLSemanticError(e, r); } if (!ui[n]) { let s = `Document will be parsed as YAML ${t.version || t.options.version} rather than YAML ${n}`; t.warnings.push(new Y.YAMLWarning(e, s)); } return n; } function _a(t, e, n) { let r = [], s = !1; for (let i of e) { let { comment: o, name: a } = i; switch (a) { case "TAG": try { t.tagPrefixes.push(Ia(t, i)); } catch (c) { t.errors.push(c); } s = !0; break; case "YAML": case "YAML:1.0": if (t.version) { let c = "The %YAML directive must only be given at most once per document."; t.errors.push(new Y.YAMLSemanticError(i, c)); } try { t.version = Pa(t, i); } catch (c) { t.errors.push(c); } s = !0; break; default: if (a) { let c = `YAML only supports %TAG and %YAML directives, and not %${a}`; t.warnings.push(new Y.YAMLWarning(i, c)); } } o && r.push(o); } if (n && !s && (t.version || n.version || t.options.version) === "1.1") { let i = ({ handle: o, prefix: a }) => ({ handle: o, prefix: a }); (t.tagPrefixes =, (t.version = n.version); } t.commentBefore = r.join(` `) || null; } function Ue(t) { if (t instanceof S.Collection) return !0; throw new Error("Expected a YAML collection as document contents"); } var en = class t { constructor(e) { (this.anchors = new Xn(e.anchorPrefix)), (this.commentBefore = null), (this.comment = null), (this.contents = null), (this.directivesEndMarker = null), (this.errors = []), (this.options = e), (this.schema = null), (this.tagPrefixes = []), (this.version = null), (this.warnings = []); } add(e) { return Ue(this.contents), this.contents.add(e); } addIn(e, n) { Ue(this.contents), this.contents.addIn(e, n); } delete(e) { return Ue(this.contents), this.contents.delete(e); } deleteIn(e) { return S.isEmptyPath(e) ? this.contents == null ? !1 : ((this.contents = null), !0) : (Ue(this.contents), this.contents.deleteIn(e)); } getDefaults() { return t.defaults[this.version] || t.defaults[this.options.version] || {}; } get(e, n) { return this.contents instanceof S.Collection ? this.contents.get(e, n) : void 0; } getIn(e, n) { return S.isEmptyPath(e) ? !n && this.contents instanceof S.Scalar ? this.contents.value : this.contents : this.contents instanceof S.Collection ? this.contents.getIn(e, n) : void 0; } has(e) { return this.contents instanceof S.Collection ? this.contents.has(e) : !1; } hasIn(e) { return S.isEmptyPath(e) ? this.contents !== void 0 : this.contents instanceof S.Collection ? this.contents.hasIn(e) : !1; } set(e, n) { Ue(this.contents), this.contents.set(e, n); } setIn(e, n) { S.isEmptyPath(e) ? (this.contents = n) : (Ue(this.contents), this.contents.setIn(e, n)); } setSchema(e, n) { if (!e && !n && this.schema) return; typeof e == "number" && (e = e.toFixed(1)), e === "1.0" || e === "1.1" || e === "1.2" ? (this.version ? (this.version = e) : (this.options.version = e), delete this.options.schema) : e && typeof e == "string" && (this.options.schema = e), Array.isArray(n) && (this.options.customTags = n); let r = Object.assign({}, this.getDefaults(), this.options); this.schema = new li.Schema(r); } parse(e, n) { this.options.keepCstNodes && (this.cstNode = e), this.options.keepNodeTypes && (this.type = "DOCUMENT"); let { directives: r = [], contents: s = [], directivesEndMarker: i, error: o, valueRange: a, } = e; if ( (o && (o.source || (o.source = this), this.errors.push(o)), _a(this, r, n), i && (this.directivesEndMarker = !0), (this.range = a ? [a.start, a.end] : null), this.setSchema(), (this.anchors._cstAliases = []), va(this, s), this.anchors.resolveNodes(), this.options.prettyErrors) ) { for (let c of this.errors) c instanceof Y.YAMLError && c.makePretty(); for (let c of this.warnings) c instanceof Y.YAMLError && c.makePretty(); } return this; } listNonDefaultTags() { return ka(this.contents).filter( (e) => e.indexOf(li.Schema.defaultPrefix) !== 0, ); } setTagPrefix(e, n) { if (e[0] !== "!" || e[e.length - 1] !== "!") throw new Error("Handle must start and end with !"); if (n) { let r = this.tagPrefixes.find((s) => s.handle === e); r ? (r.prefix = n) : this.tagPrefixes.push({ handle: e, prefix: n }); } else this.tagPrefixes = this.tagPrefixes.filter((r) => r.handle !== e); } toJSON(e, n) { let { keepBlobsInJSON: r, mapAsMap: s, maxAliasCount: i } = this.options, o = r && (typeof e != "string" || !(this.contents instanceof S.Scalar)), a = { doc: this, indentStep: " ", keep: o, mapAsMap: o && !!s, maxAliasCount: i, stringify: zt, }, c = Object.keys(; c.length > 0 && (a.anchors = new Map( => [[f], { alias: [], aliasCount: 0, count: 1 }, ]), )); let l = S.toJSON(this.contents, e, a); if (typeof n == "function" && a.anchors) for (let { count: f, res: m } of a.anchors.values()) n(m, f); return l; } toString() { if (this.errors.length > 0) throw new Error("Document with errors cannot be stringified"); let e = this.options.indent; if (!Number.isInteger(e) || e <= 0) { let c = JSON.stringify(e); throw new Error(`"indent" option must be a positive integer, not ${c}`); } this.setSchema(); let n = [], r = !1; if (this.version) { let c = "%YAML 1.2"; === "yaml-1.1" && (this.version === "1.0" ? (c = "%YAML:1.0") : this.version === "1.1" && (c = "%YAML 1.1")), n.push(c), (r = !0); } let s = this.listNonDefaultTags(); this.tagPrefixes.forEach(({ handle: c, prefix: l }) => { s.some((f) => f.indexOf(l) === 0) && (n.push(`%TAG ${c} ${l}`), (r = !0)); }), (r || this.directivesEndMarker) && n.push("---"), this.commentBefore && ((r || !this.directivesEndMarker) && n.unshift(""), n.unshift(this.commentBefore.replace(/^/gm, "#"))); let i = { anchors: Object.create(null), doc: this, indent: "", indentStep: " ".repeat(e), stringify: zt, }, o = !1, a = null; if (this.contents) { this.contents instanceof S.Node && (this.contents.spaceBefore && (r || this.directivesEndMarker) && n.push(""), this.contents.commentBefore && n.push(this.contents.commentBefore.replace(/^/gm, "#")), (i.forceBlockIndent = !!this.comment), (a = this.contents.comment)); let c = a ? null : () => (o = !0), l = zt(this.contents, i, () => (a = null), c); n.push(S.addComment(l, "", a)); } else this.contents !== void 0 && n.push(zt(this.contents, i)); return ( this.comment && ((!o || a) && n[n.length - 1] !== "" && n.push(""), n.push(this.comment.replace(/^/gm, "#"))), n.join(` `) + ` ` ); } }; Y._defineProperty(en, "defaults", ui); tn.Document = en; tn.defaultOptions = Aa; tn.scalarOptions = Ta; }); var gi = ee((hi) => { "use strict"; var zn = xs(), Ne = pi(), xa = Hn(), Ra = le(), Da = jn(); $e(); function Ya(t, e = !0, n) { n === void 0 && typeof e == "string" && ((n = e), (e = !0)); let r = Object.assign( {}, Ne.Document.defaults[Ne.defaultOptions.version], Ne.defaultOptions, ); return new xa.Schema(r).createNode(t, e, n); } var Ke = class extends Ne.Document { constructor(e) { super(Object.assign({}, Ne.defaultOptions, e)); } }; function Ba(t, e) { let n = [], r; for (let s of zn.parse(t)) { let i = new Ke(e); i.parse(s, r), n.push(i), (r = i); } return n; } function mi(t, e) { let n = zn.parse(t), r = new Ke(e).parse(n[0]); if (n.length > 1) { let s = "Source contains multiple documents; please use YAML.parseAllDocuments()"; r.errors.unshift(new Ra.YAMLSemanticError(n[1], s)); } return r; } function $a(t, e) { let n = mi(t, e); if ((n.warnings.forEach((r) => Da.warn(r)), n.errors.length > 0)) throw n.errors[0]; return n.toJSON(); } function Fa(t, e) { let n = new Ke(e); return (n.contents = t), String(n); } var qa = { createNode: Ya, defaultOptions: Ne.defaultOptions, Document: Ke, parse: $a, parseAllDocuments: Ba, parseCST: zn.parse, parseDocument: mi, scalarOptions: Ne.scalarOptions, stringify: Fa, }; hi.YAML = qa; }); var yi = ee((Rm, di) => { di.exports = gi().YAML; }); var Ei = ee((Q) => { "use strict"; var Ve = $e(), We = le(); Q.findPair = Ve.findPair; Q.parseMap = Ve.resolveMap; Q.parseSeq = Ve.resolveSeq; Q.stringifyNumber = Ve.stringifyNumber; Q.stringifyString = Ve.stringifyString; Q.toJSON = Ve.toJSON; Q.Type = We.Type; Q.YAMLError = We.YAMLError; Q.YAMLReferenceError = We.YAMLReferenceError; Q.YAMLSemanticError = We.YAMLSemanticError; Q.YAMLSyntaxError = We.YAMLSyntaxError; Q.YAMLWarning = We.YAMLWarning; }); var tr = {}; nr(tr, { languages: () => Pr, options: () => _r, parsers: () => er, printers: () => Ja, }); var Ii = (t, e, n, r) => { if (!(t && e == null)) return e.replaceAll ? e.replaceAll(n, r) : ? e.replace(n, r) : e.split(n).join(r); }, yt = Ii; var je = "string", Qe = "array", Je = "cursor", Ge = "indent", Oe = "align", He = "trim", Le = "group", Ae = "fill", Te = "if-break", Xe = "indent-if-break", Ce = "line-suffix", ze = "line-suffix-boundary", te = "line", Ze = "label", Me = "break-parent", Et = new Set([Je, Ge, Oe, He, Le, Ae, Te, Xe, Ce, ze, te, Ze, Me]); function Pi(t) { if (typeof t == "string") return je; if (Array.isArray(t)) return Qe; if (!t) return; let { type: e } = t; if (Et.has(e)) return e; } var et = Pi; var _i = (t) => new Intl.ListFormat("en-US", { type: "disjunction" }).format(t); function xi(t) { let e = t === null ? "null" : typeof t; if (e !== "string" && e !== "object") return `Unexpected doc '${e}', Expected it to be 'string' or 'object'.`; if (et(t)) throw new Error("doc is valid."); let n =; if (n !== "[object Object]") return `Unexpected doc '${n}'.`; let r = _i([...Et].map((s) => `'${s}'`)); return `Unexpected doc.type '${t.type}'. Expected it to be ${r}.`; } var rn = class extends Error { name = "InvalidDocError"; constructor(e) { super(xi(e)), (this.doc = e); } }, sn = rn; var sr = () => {}, he = sr, St = sr; function tt(t, e) { return he(e), { type: Oe, contents: e, n: t }; } function ke(t, e = {}) { return ( he(t), St(e.expandedStates, !0), { type: Le, id:, contents: t, break: !!e.shouldBreak, expandedStates: e.expandedStates, } ); } function on(t) { return tt(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, t); } function ir(t) { return tt({ type: "root" }, t); } function or(t) { return tt(-1, t); } function an(t, e) { return ke(t[0], { ...e, expandedStates: t }); } function wt(t) { return St(t), { type: Ae, parts: t }; } function nt(t, e = "", n = {}) { return ( he(t), e !== "" && he(e), { type: Te, breakContents: t, flatContents: e, groupId: n.groupId } ); } function ar(t) { return he(t), { type: Ce, contents: t }; } var bt = { type: Me }; var Ri = { type: te, hard: !0 }, Di = { type: te, hard: !0, literal: !0 }, ne = { type: te }, Nt = { type: te, soft: !0 }, N = [Ri, bt], rt = [Di, bt]; function v(t, e) { he(t), St(e); let n = []; for (let r = 0; r < e.length; r++) r !== 0 && n.push(t), n.push(e[r]); return n; } var Yi = (t, e, n) => { if (!(t && e == null)) return Array.isArray(e) || typeof e == "string" ? e[n < 0 ? e.length + n : n] :; }, x = Yi; function Bi(t, e) { if (typeof t == "string") return e(t); let n = new Map(); return r(t); function r(i) { if (n.has(i)) return n.get(i); let o = s(i); return n.set(i, o), o; } function s(i) { switch (et(i)) { case Qe: return e(; case Ae: return e({ ...i, parts: }); case Te: return e({ ...i, breakContents: r(i.breakContents), flatContents: r(i.flatContents), }); case Le: { let { expandedStates: o, contents: a } = i; return ( o ? ((o =, (a = o[0])) : (a = r(a)), e({ ...i, contents: a, expandedStates: o }) ); } case Oe: case Ge: case Xe: case Ze: case Ce: return e({ ...i, contents: r(i.contents) }); case je: case Je: case He: case ze: case te: case Me: return e(i); default: throw new sn(i); } } } function cr(t, e = rt) { return Bi(t, (n) => typeof n == "string" ? v( e, n.split(` `), ) : n, ); } function Ot(t) { return (e, n, r) => { let s = !!(r != null && r.backwards); if (n === !1) return !1; let { length: i } = e, o = n; for (; o >= 0 && o < i; ) { let a = e.charAt(o); if (t instanceof RegExp) { if (!t.test(a)) return o; } else if (!t.includes(a)) return o; s ? o-- : o++; } return o === -1 || o === i ? o : !1; }; } var Nc = Ot(/\s/u), cn = Ot(" "), Oc = Ot(",; "), Lc = Ot(/[^\n\r]/u); function $i(t, e, n) { let r = !!(n != null && n.backwards); if (e === !1) return !1; let s = t.charAt(e); if (r) { if ( t.charAt(e - 1) === "\r" && s === ` ` ) return e - 2; if ( s === ` ` || s === "\r" || s === "\u2028" || s === "\u2029" ) return e - 1; } else { if ( s === "\r" && t.charAt(e + 1) === ` ` ) return e + 2; if ( s === ` ` || s === "\r" || s === "\u2028" || s === "\u2029" ) return e + 1; } return e; } var ln = $i; function Fi(t, e) { let n = e - 1; (n = cn(t, n, { backwards: !0 })), (n = ln(t, n, { backwards: !0 })), (n = cn(t, n, { backwards: !0 })); let r = ln(t, n, { backwards: !0 }); return n !== r; } var lr = Fi; var fn = class extends Error { name = "UnexpectedNodeError"; constructor(e, n, r = "type") { super(`Unexpected ${n} node ${r}: ${JSON.stringify(e[r])}.`), (this.node = e); } }, fr = fn; function ur(t, e) { let { node: n } = t; if ( n.type === "root" && e.filepath && /(?:[/\\]|^)\.(?:prettier|stylelint|lintstaged)rc$/u.test(e.filepath) ) return async (r) => { let s = await r(e.originalText, { parser: "json" }); return s ? [s, N] : void 0; }; } ur.getVisitorKeys = () => []; var pr = ur; var st = null; function it(t) { if (st !== null && typeof { let e = st; return (st = it.prototype = null), e; } return (st = it.prototype = t ?? Object.create(null)), new it(); } var qi = 10; for (let t = 0; t <= qi; t++) it(); function un(t) { return it(t); } function Ui(t, e = "type") { un(t); function n(r) { let s = r[e], i = t[s]; if (!Array.isArray(i)) throw Object.assign(new Error(`Missing visitor keys for '${s}'.`), { node: r, }); return i; } return n; } var mr = Ui; var Ki = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries({ root: ["children"], document: ["head", "body", "children"], documentHead: ["children"], documentBody: ["children"], directive: [], alias: [], blockLiteral: [], blockFolded: ["children"], plain: ["children"], quoteSingle: [], quoteDouble: [], mapping: ["children"], mappingItem: ["key", "value", "children"], mappingKey: ["content", "children"], mappingValue: ["content", "children"], sequence: ["children"], sequenceItem: ["content", "children"], flowMapping: ["children"], flowMappingItem: ["key", "value", "children"], flowSequence: ["children"], flowSequenceItem: ["content", "children"], comment: [], tag: [], anchor: [], }).map(([t, e]) => [ t, [ ...e, "anchor", "tag", "indicatorComment", "leadingComments", "middleComments", "trailingComment", "endComments", ], ]), ), hr = Ki; var Vi = mr(hr), gr = Vi; function ve(t) { return t.position.start.offset; } function dr(t) { return t.position.end.offset; } function yr(t) { return /^\s*@(?:prettier|format)\s*$/u.test(t); } function Er(t) { return /^\s*#[^\S\n]*@(?:prettier|format)\s*?(?:\n|$)/u.test(t); } function Sr(t) { return `# @format ${t}`; } function Wi(t) { return Array.isArray(t) && t.length > 0; } var Ie = Wi; function G(t, e) { return ( typeof (t == null ? void 0 : t.type) == "string" && (!e || e.includes(t.type)) ); } function pn(t, e, n) { return e( "children" in t ? { ...t, children: => pn(r, e, t)) } : t, n, ); } function Pe(t, e, n) { Object.defineProperty(t, e, { get: n, enumerable: !1 }); } function br(t, e) { let n = 0, r = e.length; for (let s = t.position.end.offset - 1; s < r; s++) { let i = e[s]; if ( (i === ` ` && n++, n === 1 && /\S/u.test(i)) ) return !1; if (n === 2) return !0; } return !1; } function Lt(t) { let { node: e } = t; switch (e.type) { case "tag": case "anchor": case "comment": return !1; } let n = t.stack.length; for (let r = 1; r < n; r++) { let s = t.stack[r], i = t.stack[r - 1]; if (Array.isArray(i) && typeof s == "number" && s !== i.length - 1) return !1; } return !0; } function At(t) { return Ie(t.children) ? At(x(!1, t.children, -1)) : t; } function wr(t) { return t.value.trim() === "prettier-ignore"; } function Nr(t) { let { node: e } = t; if (e.type === "documentBody") { let n = t.parent.head; return R(n) && wr(x(!1, n.endComments, -1)); } return Z(e) && wr(x(!1, e.leadingComments, -1)); } function _e(t) { return !Ie(t.children) && !ji(t); } function ji(t) { return Z(t) || ie(t) || mn(t) || H(t) || R(t); } function Z(t) { return Ie(t == null ? void 0 : t.leadingComments); } function ie(t) { return Ie(t == null ? void 0 : t.middleComments); } function mn(t) { return t == null ? void 0 : t.indicatorComment; } function H(t) { return t == null ? void 0 : t.trailingComment; } function R(t) { return Ie(t == null ? void 0 : t.endComments); } function Or(t) { let e = [], n; for (let r of t.split(/( +)/u)) r !== " " ? n === " " ? e.push(r) : e.push((e.pop() || "") + r) : n === void 0 && e.unshift(""), (n = r); return ( n === " " && e.push((e.pop() || "") + " "), e[0] === "" && (e.shift(), e.unshift(" " + (e.shift() || ""))), e ); } function Lr(t, e, n) { let r = e .split( ` `, ) .map((s, i, o) => i === 0 && i === o.length - 1 ? s : i !== 0 && i !== o.length - 1 ? s.trim() : i === 0 ? s.trimEnd() : s.trimStart(), ); return n.proseWrap === "preserve" ? => (s.length === 0 ? [] : [s])) : r .map((s) => (s.length === 0 ? [] : Or(s))) .reduce( (s, i, o) => o !== 0 && r[o - 1].length > 0 && i.length > 0 && !(t === "quoteDouble" && x(!1, x(!1, s, -1), -1).endsWith("\\")) ? [...s.slice(0, -1), [...x(!1, s, -1), ...i]] : [...s, i], [], ) .map((s) => (n.proseWrap === "never" ? [s.join(" ")] : s)); } function Ar(t, { parentIndent: e, isLastDescendant: n, options: r }) { let s = t.position.start.line === t.position.end.line ? "" : r.originalText .slice(t.position.start.offset, t.position.end.offset) .match(/^[^\n]*\n(.*)$/su)[1], i; if (t.indent === null) { let c = s.match(/^(? *)[^\n\r ]/mu); i = c ? c.groups.leadingSpace.length : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } else i = t.indent - 1 + e; let o = s .split( ` `, ) .map((c) => c.slice(i)); if (r.proseWrap === "preserve" || t.type === "blockLiteral") return a( => (c.length === 0 ? [] : [c]))); return a( o .map((c) => (c.length === 0 ? [] : Or(c))) .reduce( (c, l, f) => f !== 0 && o[f - 1].length > 0 && l.length > 0 && !/^\s/u.test(l[0]) && !/^\s|\s$/u.test(x(!1, c, -1)) ? [...c.slice(0, -1), [...x(!1, c, -1), ...l]] : [...c, l], [], ) .map((c) => c.reduce( (l, f) => l.length > 0 && /\s$/u.test(x(!1, l, -1)) ? [...l.slice(0, -1), x(!1, l, -1) + " " + f] : [...l, f], [], ), ) .map((c) => (r.proseWrap === "never" ? [c.join(" ")] : c)), ); function a(c) { if (t.chomping === "keep") return x(!1, c, -1).length === 0 ? c.slice(0, -1) : c; let l = 0; for (let f = c.length - 1; f >= 0 && c[f].length === 0; f--) l++; return l === 0 ? c : l >= 2 && !n ? c.slice(0, -(l - 1)) : c.slice(0, -l); } } function ot(t) { if (!t) return !0; switch (t.type) { case "plain": case "quoteDouble": case "quoteSingle": case "alias": case "flowMapping": case "flowSequence": return !0; default: return !1; } } var hn = new WeakMap(); function Tt(t, e) { let { node: n, root: r } = t, s; return ( hn.has(r) ? (s = hn.get(r)) : ((s = new Set()), hn.set(r, s)), !s.has(n.position.end.line) && (s.add(n.position.end.line), br(n, e) && !gn(t.parent)) ? Nt : "" ); } function gn(t) { return ( R(t) && !G(t, ["documentHead", "documentBody", "flowMapping", "flowSequence"]) ); } function I(t, e) { return tt(" ".repeat(t), e); } function Qi(t, e, n) { let { node: r } = t, s = t.ancestors.filter( (l) => l.type === "sequence" || l.type === "mapping", ).length, i = Lt(t), o = [r.type === "blockFolded" ? ">" : "|"]; r.indent !== null && o.push(r.indent.toString()), r.chomping !== "clip" && o.push(r.chomping === "keep" ? "+" : "-"), mn(r) && o.push(" ", e("indicatorComment")); let a = Ar(r, { parentIndent: s, isLastDescendant: i, options: n }), c = []; for (let [l, f] of a.entries()) l === 0 && c.push(N), c.push(wt(v(ne, f))), l !== a.length - 1 ? c.push(f.length === 0 ? N : ir(rt)) : r.chomping === "keep" && i && c.push(on(f.length === 0 ? N : rt)); return ( r.indent === null ? o.push(or(I(n.tabWidth, c))) : o.push(on(I(r.indent - 1 + s, c))), o ); } var Tr = Qi; function Ct(t, e, n) { let { node: r } = t, s = r.type === "flowMapping", i = s ? "{" : "[", o = s ? "}" : "]", a = Nt; s && r.children.length > 0 && n.bracketSpacing && (a = ne); let c = x(!1, r.children, -1), l = (c == null ? void 0 : c.type) === "flowMappingItem" && _e(c.key) && _e(c.value); return [ i, I(n.tabWidth, [ a, Ji(t, e, n), n.trailingComma === "none" ? "" : nt(","), R(r) ? [N, v(N,, "endComments"))] : "", ]), l ? "" : a, o, ]; } function Ji(t, e, n) { return ({ isLast: r, node: s, next: i }) => [ e(), r ? "" : [ ",", ne, s.position.start.line !== i.position.start.line ? Tt(t, n.originalText) : "", ], ], "children", ); } function Gi(t, e, n) { var C; let { node: r, parent: s } = t, { key: i, value: o } = r, a = _e(i), c = _e(o); if (a && c) return ": "; let l = e("key"), f = Hi(r) ? " " : ""; if (c) return r.type === "flowMappingItem" && s.type === "flowMapping" ? l : r.type === "mappingItem" && dn(i.content, n) && !H(i.content) && ((C = s.tag) == null ? void 0 : C.value) !== ",2002:set" ? [l, f, ":"] : ["? ", I(2, l)]; let m = e("value"); if (a) return [": ", I(2, m)]; if (Z(o) || !ot(i.content)) return [ "? ", I(2, l), N, => [e(), N], "value", "leadingComments"), ": ", I(2, m), ]; if ( Xi(i.content) && !Z(i.content) && !ie(i.content) && !H(i.content) && !R(i) && !Z(o.content) && !ie(o.content) && !R(o) && dn(o.content, n) ) return [l, f, ": ", m]; let d = Symbol("mappingKey"), y = ke([nt("? "), ke(I(2, l), { id: d })]), h = [N, ": ", I(2, m)], g = [f, ":"]; Z(o.content) || (R(o) && o.content && !G(o.content, ["mapping", "sequence"])) || (s.type === "mapping" && H(i.content) && ot(o.content)) || (G(o.content, ["mapping", "sequence"]) && o.content.tag === null && o.content.anchor === null) ? g.push(N) : o.content && g.push(ne), g.push(m); let w = I(n.tabWidth, g); return dn(i.content, n) && !Z(i.content) && !ie(i.content) && !R(i) ? an([[l, w]]) : an([[y, nt(h, w, { groupId: d })]]); } function dn(t, e) { if (!t) return !0; switch (t.type) { case "plain": case "quoteSingle": case "quoteDouble": break; case "alias": return !0; default: return !1; } if (e.proseWrap === "preserve") return t.position.start.line === t.position.end.line; if ( /\\$/mu.test( e.originalText.slice(t.position.start.offset, t.position.end.offset), ) ) return !1; switch (e.proseWrap) { case "never": return !t.value.includes(` `); case "always": return !/[\n ]/u.test(t.value); default: return !1; } } function Hi(t) { var e; return ((e = t.key.content) == null ? void 0 : e.type) === "alias"; } function Xi(t) { if (!t) return !0; switch (t.type) { case "plain": case "quoteDouble": case "quoteSingle": return t.position.start.line === t.position.end.line; case "alias": return !0; default: return !1; } } var Cr = Gi; function zi(t) { return pn(t, Zi); } function Zi(t) { switch (t.type) { case "document": Pe(t, "head", () => t.children[0]), Pe(t, "body", () => t.children[1]); break; case "documentBody": case "sequenceItem": case "flowSequenceItem": case "mappingKey": case "mappingValue": Pe(t, "content", () => t.children[0]); break; case "mappingItem": case "flowMappingItem": Pe(t, "key", () => t.children[0]), Pe(t, "value", () => t.children[1]); break; } return t; } var Mr = zi; function eo(t, e, n) { let { node: r } = t, s = []; r.type !== "mappingValue" && Z(r) && s.push([v(N,, "leadingComments")), N]); let { tag: i, anchor: o } = r; i && s.push(n("tag")), i && o && s.push(" "), o && s.push(n("anchor")); let a = ""; return ( G(r, [ "mapping", "sequence", "comment", "directive", "mappingItem", "sequenceItem", ]) && !Lt(t) && (a = Tt(t, e.originalText)), (i || o) && (G(r, ["sequence", "mapping"]) && !ie(r) ? s.push(N) : s.push(" ")), ie(r) && s.push([ r.middleComments.length === 1 ? "" : N, v(N,, "middleComments")), N, ]), Nr(t) ? s.push( cr( e.originalText .slice(r.position.start.offset, r.position.end.offset) .trimEnd(), ), ) : s.push(ke(to(t, e, n))), H(r) && !G(r, ["document", "documentHead"]) && s.push( ar([ r.type === "mappingValue" && !r.content ? "" : " ", t.parent.type === "mappingKey" && t.getParentNode(2).type === "mapping" && ot(r) ? "" : bt, n("trailingComment"), ]), ), gn(r) && s.push( I(r.type === "sequenceItem" ? 2 : 0, [ N, v( N, ({ node: c }) => [lr(e.originalText, ve(c)) ? N : "", n()], "endComments", ), ), ]), ), s.push(a), s ); } function to(t, e, n) { let { node: r } = t; switch (r.type) { case "root": { let s = []; t.each(({ node: o, next: a, isFirst: c }) => { c || s.push(N), s.push(n()), kr(o, a) ? (s.push(N, "..."), H(o) && s.push(" ", n("trailingComment"))) : a && !H(a.head) && s.push(N, "---"); }, "children"); let i = At(r); return ( (!G(i, ["blockLiteral", "blockFolded"]) || i.chomping !== "keep") && s.push(N), s ); } case "document": { let s = []; return ( ro(t, e) === "head" && ((r.head.children.length > 0 || r.head.endComments.length > 0) && s.push(n("head")), H(r.head) ? s.push(["---", " ", n(["head", "trailingComment"])]) : s.push("---")), no(r) && s.push(n("body")), v(N, s) ); } case "documentHead": return v(N, [, "children"),, "endComments")]); case "documentBody": { let { children: s, endComments: i } = r, o = ""; if (s.length > 0 && i.length > 0) { let a = At(r); G(a, ["blockFolded", "blockLiteral"]) ? a.chomping !== "keep" && (o = [N, N]) : (o = N); } return [v(N,, "children")), o, v(N,, "endComments"))]; } case "directive": return ["%", v(" ", [, ...r.parameters])]; case "comment": return ["#", r.value]; case "alias": return ["*", r.value]; case "tag": return e.originalText.slice( r.position.start.offset, r.position.end.offset, ); case "anchor": return ["&", r.value]; case "plain": return at( r.type, e.originalText.slice(r.position.start.offset, r.position.end.offset), e, ); case "quoteDouble": case "quoteSingle": { let s = "'", i = '"', o = e.originalText.slice( r.position.start.offset + 1, r.position.end.offset - 1, ); if ( (r.type === "quoteSingle" && o.includes("\\")) || (r.type === "quoteDouble" && /\\[^"]/u.test(o)) ) { let c = r.type === "quoteDouble" ? i : s; return [c, at(r.type, o, e), c]; } if (o.includes(i)) return [ s, at( r.type, r.type === "quoteDouble" ? yt(!1, yt(!1, o, String.raw`\"`, i), "'", s.repeat(2)) : o, e, ), s, ]; if (o.includes(s)) return [ i, at(r.type, r.type === "quoteSingle" ? yt(!1, o, "''", s) : o, e), i, ]; let a = e.singleQuote ? s : i; return [a, at(r.type, o, e), a]; } case "blockFolded": case "blockLiteral": return Tr(t, n, e); case "mapping": case "sequence": return v(N,, "children")); case "sequenceItem": return ["- ", I(2, r.content ? n("content") : "")]; case "mappingKey": case "mappingValue": return r.content ? n("content") : ""; case "mappingItem": case "flowMappingItem": return Cr(t, n, e); case "flowMapping": return Ct(t, n, e); case "flowSequence": return Ct(t, n, e); case "flowSequenceItem": return n("content"); default: throw new fr(r, "YAML"); } } function no(t) { return t.body.children.length > 0 || R(t.body); } function kr(t, e) { return H(t) || (e && (e.head.children.length > 0 || R(e.head))); } function ro(t, e) { let n = t.node; if ( (t.isFirst && /---(?:\s|$)/u.test(e.originalText.slice(ve(n), ve(n) + 4))) || n.head.children.length > 0 || R(n.head) || H(n.head) ) return "head"; let r =; return kr(n, r) ? !1 : r ? "root" : !1; } function at(t, e, n) { let r = Lr(t, e, n); return v( N, => wt(v(ne, s))), ); } function vr(t, e) { if (G(t)) switch (t.type) { case "comment": if (yr(t.value)) return null; break; case "quoteDouble": case "quoteSingle": e.type = "quote"; break; } } vr.ignoredProperties = new Set(["position"]); var so = { preprocess: Mr, embed: pr, print: eo, massageAstNode: vr, insertPragma: Sr, getVisitorKeys: gr, }, Ir = so; var Pr = [ { linguistLanguageId: 407, name: "YAML", type: "data", color: "#cb171e", tmScope: "source.yaml", aliases: ["yml"], extensions: [ ".yml", ".mir", ".reek", ".rviz", ".sublime-syntax", ".syntax", ".yaml", ".yaml-tmlanguage", ".yaml.sed", ".yml.mysql", ], filenames: [ ".clang-format", ".clang-tidy", ".gemrc", "CITATION.cff", "glide.lock", ".prettierrc", ".stylelintrc", ".lintstagedrc", ], aceMode: "yaml", codemirrorMode: "yaml", codemirrorMimeType: "text/x-yaml", parsers: ["yaml"], vscodeLanguageIds: ["yaml", "ansible", "home-assistant"], }, ]; var Mt = { bracketSpacing: { category: "Common", type: "boolean", default: !0, description: "Print spaces between brackets.", oppositeDescription: "Do not print spaces between brackets.", }, singleQuote: { category: "Common", type: "boolean", default: !1, description: "Use single quotes instead of double quotes.", }, proseWrap: { category: "Common", type: "choice", default: "preserve", description: "How to wrap prose.", choices: [ { value: "always", description: "Wrap prose if it exceeds the print width.", }, { value: "never", description: "Do not wrap prose." }, { value: "preserve", description: "Wrap prose as-is." }, ], }, bracketSameLine: { category: "Common", type: "boolean", default: !1, description: "Put > of opening tags on the last line instead of on a new line.", }, singleAttributePerLine: { category: "Common", type: "boolean", default: !1, description: "Enforce single attribute per line in HTML, Vue and JSX.", }, }; var io = { bracketSpacing: Mt.bracketSpacing, singleQuote: Mt.singleQuote, proseWrap: Mt.proseWrap, }, _r = io; var er = {}; nr(er, { yaml: () => Qa }); var kt = ` `, xr = "\r", Rr = (function () { function t(e) { this.length = e.length; for (var n = [0], r = 0; r < e.length; ) switch (e[r]) { case kt: (r += kt.length), n.push(r); break; case xr: (r += xr.length), e[r] === kt && (r += kt.length), n.push(r); break; default: r++; break; } this.offsets = n; } return ( (t.prototype.locationForIndex = function (e) { if (e < 0 || e > this.length) return null; for (var n = 0, r = this.offsets; r[n + 1] <= e; ) n++; var s = e - r[n]; return { line: n, column: s }; }), (t.prototype.indexForLocation = function (e) { var n = e.line, r = e.column; return n < 0 || n >= this.offsets.length || r < 0 || r > this.lengthOfLine(n) ? null : this.offsets[n] + r; }), (t.prototype.lengthOfLine = function (e) { var n = this.offsets[e], r = e === this.offsets.length - 1 ? this.length : this.offsets[e + 1]; return r - n; }), t ); })(); function B(t, e = null) { "children" in t && t.children.forEach((n) => B(n, t)), "anchor" in t && t.anchor && B(t.anchor, t), "tag" in t && t.tag && B(t.tag, t), "leadingComments" in t && t.leadingComments.forEach((n) => B(n, t)), "middleComments" in t && t.middleComments.forEach((n) => B(n, t)), "indicatorComment" in t && t.indicatorComment && B(t.indicatorComment, t), "trailingComment" in t && t.trailingComment && B(t.trailingComment, t), "endComments" in t && t.endComments.forEach((n) => B(n, t)), Object.defineProperty(t, "_parent", { value: e, enumerable: !1 }); } function ge(t) { return `${t.line}:${t.column}`; } function Dr(t) { B(t); let e = oo(t), n = t.children.slice(); t.comments .sort((r, s) => r.position.start.offset - s.position.end.offset) .filter((r) => !r._parent) .forEach((r) => { for (; n.length > 1 && r.position.start.line > n[0].position.end.line; ) n.shift(); ao(r, e, n[0]); }); } function oo(t) { let e = Array.from(new Array(t.position.end.line), () => ({})); for (let n of t.comments) e[n.position.start.line - 1].comment = n; return Yr(e, t), e; } function Yr(t, e) { if (e.position.start.offset !== e.position.end.offset) { if ("leadingComments" in e) { let { start: n } = e.position, { leadingAttachableNode: r } = t[n.line - 1]; (!r || n.column < r.position.start.column) && (t[n.line - 1].leadingAttachableNode = e); } if ( "trailingComment" in e && e.position.end.column > 1 && e.type !== "document" && e.type !== "documentHead" ) { let { end: n } = e.position, { trailingAttachableNode: r } = t[n.line - 1]; (!r || n.column >= r.position.end.column) && (t[n.line - 1].trailingAttachableNode = e); } if ( e.type !== "root" && e.type !== "document" && e.type !== "documentHead" && e.type !== "documentBody" ) { let { start: n, end: r } = e.position, s = [r.line].concat(n.line === r.line ? [] : n.line); for (let i of s) { let o = t[i - 1].trailingNode; (!o || r.column >= o.position.end.column) && (t[i - 1].trailingNode = e); } } "children" in e && e.children.forEach((n) => { Yr(t, n); }); } } function ao(t, e, n) { let r = t.position.start.line, { trailingAttachableNode: s } = e[r - 1]; if (s) { if (s.trailingComment) throw new Error( `Unexpected multiple trailing comment at ${ge(t.position.start)}`, ); B(t, s), (s.trailingComment = t); return; } for (let o = r; o >= n.position.start.line; o--) { let { trailingNode: a } = e[o - 1], c; if (a) c = a; else if (o !== r && e[o - 1].comment) c = e[o - 1].comment._parent; else continue; if ( ((c.type === "sequence" || c.type === "mapping") && (c = c.children[0]), c.type === "mappingItem") ) { let [l, f] = c.children; c = Br(l) ? l : f; } for (;;) { if (co(c, t)) { B(t, c), c.endComments.push(t); return; } if (!c._parent) break; c = c._parent; } break; } for (let o = r + 1; o <= n.position.end.line; o++) { let { leadingAttachableNode: a } = e[o - 1]; if (a) { B(t, a), a.leadingComments.push(t); return; } } let i = n.children[1]; B(t, i), i.endComments.push(t); } function co(t, e) { if ( t.position.start.offset < e.position.start.offset && t.position.end.offset > e.position.end.offset ) switch (t.type) { case "flowMapping": case "flowSequence": return ( t.children.length === 0 || e.position.start.line > t.children[t.children.length - 1].position.end.line ); } if (e.position.end.offset < t.position.end.offset) return !1; switch (t.type) { case "sequenceItem": return e.position.start.column > t.position.start.column; case "mappingKey": case "mappingValue": return ( e.position.start.column > t._parent.position.start.column && (t.children.length === 0 || (t.children.length === 1 && t.children[0].type !== "blockFolded" && t.children[0].type !== "blockLiteral")) && (t.type === "mappingValue" || Br(t)) ); default: return !1; } } function Br(t) { return ( t.position.start !== t.position.end && (t.children.length === 0 || t.position.start.offset !== t.children[0].position.start.offset) ); } function b(t, e) { return { type: t, position: e }; } function $r(t, e, n) { return { ...b("root", t), children: e, comments: n }; } function ct(t) { switch (t.type) { case "DOCUMENT": for (let e = t.contents.length - 1; e >= 0; e--) t.contents[e].type === "BLANK_LINE" ? t.contents.splice(e, 1) : ct(t.contents[e]); for (let e = t.directives.length - 1; e >= 0; e--) t.directives[e].type === "BLANK_LINE" && t.directives.splice(e, 1); break; case "FLOW_MAP": case "FLOW_SEQ": case "MAP": case "SEQ": for (let e = t.items.length - 1; e >= 0; e--) { let n = t.items[e]; "char" in n || (n.type === "BLANK_LINE" ? t.items.splice(e, 1) : ct(n)); } break; case "MAP_KEY": case "MAP_VALUE": case "SEQ_ITEM": t.node && ct(t.node); break; case "ALIAS": case "BLANK_LINE": case "BLOCK_FOLDED": case "BLOCK_LITERAL": case "COMMENT": case "DIRECTIVE": case "PLAIN": case "QUOTE_DOUBLE": case "QUOTE_SINGLE": break; default: throw new Error(`Unexpected node type ${JSON.stringify(t.type)}`); } } function X() { return { leadingComments: [] }; } function oe(t = null) { return { trailingComment: t }; } function $() { return { ...X(), ...oe() }; } function Fr(t, e, n) { return { ...b("alias", t), ...$(), ...e, value: n }; } function qr(t, e) { let n = t.cstNode; return Fr( e.transformRange({ origStart: n.valueRange.origStart - 1, origEnd: n.valueRange.origEnd, }), e.transformContent(t), n.rawValue, ); } function Ur(t) { return { ...t, type: "blockFolded" }; } function Kr(t, e, n, r, s, i) { return { ...b("blockValue", t), ...X(), ...e, chomping: n, indent: r, value: s, indicatorComment: i, }; } var ae; (function (t) { (t.Tag = "!"), (t.Anchor = "&"), (t.Comment = "#"); })(ae || (ae = {})); function Vr(t, e) { return { ...b("anchor", t), value: e }; } function xe(t, e) { return { ...b("comment", t), value: e }; } function Wr(t, e, n) { return { anchor: e, tag: t, middleComments: n }; } function jr(t, e) { return { ...b("tag", t), value: e }; } function vt(t, e, n = () => !1) { let r = t.cstNode, s = [], i = null, o = null, a = null; for (let c of r.props) { let l = e.text[c.origStart]; switch (l) { case ae.Tag: (i = i || c), (o = jr(e.transformRange(c), t.tag)); break; case ae.Anchor: (i = i || c), (a = Vr(e.transformRange(c), r.anchor)); break; case ae.Comment: { let f = xe( e.transformRange(c), e.text.slice(c.origStart + 1, c.origEnd), ); e.comments.push(f), !n(f) && i && i.origEnd <= c.origStart && c.origEnd <= r.valueRange.origStart && s.push(f); break; } default: throw new Error(`Unexpected leading character ${JSON.stringify(l)}`); } } return Wr(o, a, s); } var yn; (function (t) { (t.CLIP = "clip"), (t.STRIP = "strip"), (t.KEEP = "keep"); })(yn || (yn = {})); function It(t, e) { let n = t.cstNode, r = 1, s = n.chomping === "CLIP" ? 0 : 1, o = n.header.origEnd - n.header.origStart - r - s !== 0, a = e.transformRange({ origStart: n.header.origStart, origEnd: n.valueRange.origEnd, }), c = null, l = vt(t, e, (f) => { if ( !( a.start.offset < f.position.start.offset && f.position.end.offset < a.end.offset ) ) return !1; if (c) throw new Error( `Unexpected multiple indicator comments at ${ge(f.position.start)}`, ); return (c = f), !0; }); return Kr(a, l, yn[n.chomping], o ? n.blockIndent : null, n.strValue, c); } function Qr(t, e) { return Ur(It(t, e)); } function Jr(t) { return { ...t, type: "blockLiteral" }; } function Gr(t, e) { return Jr(It(t, e)); } function Hr(t, e) { return xe(e.transformRange(t.range), t.comment); } function Xr(t, e, n) { return { ...b("directive", t), ...$(), name: e, parameters: n }; } function Re(t, e) { for (let n of t.props) { let r = e.text[n.origStart]; switch (r) { case ae.Comment: e.comments.push( xe(e.transformRange(n), e.text.slice(n.origStart + 1, n.origEnd)), ); break; default: throw new Error(`Unexpected leading character ${JSON.stringify(r)}`); } } } function zr(t, e) { return Re(t, e), Xr(e.transformRange(t.range),, t.parameters); } function Zr(t, e, n, r) { return { ...b("document", t), ...oe(r), children: [e, n] }; } function K(t, e) { return { start: t, end: e }; } function En(t) { return { start: t, end: t }; } function F(t = []) { return { endComments: t }; } function es(t, e, n) { return { ...b("documentBody", t), ...F(n), children: e ? [e] : [] }; } function q(t) { return t[t.length - 1]; } function Pt(t, e) { let n = t.match(e); return n ? n.index : -1; } function ts(t, e, n) { let r = t.cstNode, { comments: s, endComments: i, documentTrailingComment: o, documentHeadTrailingComment: a, } = lo(r, e, n), c = e.transformNode(t.contents), { position: l, documentEndPoint: f } = fo(r, c, e); return ( e.comments.push(...s, ...i), { documentBody: es(l, c, i), documentEndPoint: f, documentTrailingComment: o, documentHeadTrailingComment: a, } ); } function lo(t, e, n) { let r = [], s = [], i = [], o = [], a = !1; for (let c = t.contents.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) { let l = t.contents[c]; if (l.type === "COMMENT") { let f = e.transformNode(l); n && n.line === f.position.start.line ? o.unshift(f) : a ? r.unshift(f) : f.position.start.offset >= t.valueRange.origEnd ? i.unshift(f) : r.unshift(f); } else a = !0; } if (i.length > 1) throw new Error( `Unexpected multiple document trailing comments at ${ge(i[1].position.start)}`, ); if (o.length > 1) throw new Error( `Unexpected multiple documentHead trailing comments at ${ge(o[1].position.start)}`, ); return { comments: r, endComments: s, documentTrailingComment: q(i) || null, documentHeadTrailingComment: q(o) || null, }; } function fo(t, e, n) { let r = Pt(n.text.slice(t.valueRange.origEnd), /^\.\.\./), s = r === -1 ? t.valueRange.origEnd : Math.max(0, t.valueRange.origEnd - 1); n.text[s - 1] === "\r" && s--; let i = n.transformRange({ origStart: e !== null ? e.position.start.offset : s, origEnd: s, }), o = r === -1 ? i.end : n.transformOffset(t.valueRange.origEnd + 3); return { position: i, documentEndPoint: o }; } function ns(t, e, n, r) { return { ...b("documentHead", t), ...F(n), ...oe(r), children: e }; } function rs(t, e) { let n = t.cstNode, { directives: r, comments: s, endComments: i } = uo(n, e), { position: o, endMarkerPoint: a } = po(n, r, e); return ( e.comments.push(...s, ...i), { createDocumentHeadWithTrailingComment: (l) => ( l && e.comments.push(l), ns(o, r, i, l) ), documentHeadEndMarkerPoint: a, } ); } function uo(t, e) { let n = [], r = [], s = [], i = !1; for (let o = t.directives.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) { let a = e.transformNode(t.directives[o]); a.type === "comment" ? i ? r.unshift(a) : s.unshift(a) : ((i = !0), n.unshift(a)); } return { directives: n, comments: r, endComments: s }; } function po(t, e, n) { let r = Pt(n.text.slice(0, t.valueRange.origStart), /---\s*$/); r > 0 && !/[\r\n]/.test(n.text[r - 1]) && (r = -1); let s = r === -1 ? { origStart: t.valueRange.origStart, origEnd: t.valueRange.origStart } : { origStart: r, origEnd: r + 3 }; return ( e.length !== 0 && (s.origStart = e[0].position.start.offset), { position: n.transformRange(s), endMarkerPoint: r === -1 ? null : n.transformOffset(r), } ); } function ss(t, e) { let { createDocumentHeadWithTrailingComment: n, documentHeadEndMarkerPoint: r, } = rs(t, e), { documentBody: s, documentEndPoint: i, documentTrailingComment: o, documentHeadTrailingComment: a, } = ts(t, e, r), c = n(a); return o && e.comments.push(o), Zr(K(c.position.start, i), c, s, o); } function _t(t, e, n) { return { ...b("flowCollection", t), ...$(), ...F(), ...e, children: n }; } function is(t, e, n) { return { ..._t(t, e, n), type: "flowMapping" }; } function xt(t, e, n) { return { ...b("flowMappingItem", t), ...X(), children: [e, n] }; } function ce(t, e) { let n = []; for (let r of t) r && "type" in r && r.type === "COMMENT" ? e.comments.push(e.transformNode(r)) : n.push(r); return n; } function Rt(t) { let [e, n] = ["?", ":"].map((r) => { let s = t.find((i) => "char" in i && i.char === r); return s ? { origStart: s.origOffset, origEnd: s.origOffset + 1 } : null; }); return { additionalKeyRange: e, additionalValueRange: n }; } function Dt(t, e) { let n = e; return (r) => t.slice(n, (n = r)); } function Yt(t) { let e = [], n = Dt(t, 1), r = !1; for (let s = 1; s < t.length - 1; s++) { let i = t[s]; if ("char" in i && i.char === ",") { e.push(n(s)), n(s + 1), (r = !1); continue; } r = !0; } return r && e.push(n(t.length - 1)), e; } function Sn(t, e) { return { ...b("mappingKey", t), ...oe(), ...F(), children: e ? [e] : [] }; } function wn(t, e) { return { ...b("mappingValue", t), ...$(), ...F(), children: e ? [e] : [] }; } function De(t, e, n, r, s) { let i = e.transformNode(t.key), o = e.transformNode(t.value), a = i || r ? Sn( e.transformRange({ origStart: r ? r.origStart : i.position.start.offset, origEnd: i ? i.position.end.offset : r.origStart + 1, }), i, ) : null, c = o || s ? wn( e.transformRange({ origStart: s ? s.origStart : o.position.start.offset, origEnd: o ? o.position.end.offset : s.origStart + 1, }), o, ) : null; return n( K( a ? a.position.start : c.position.start, c ? c.position.end : a.position.end, ), a || Sn(En(c.position.start), null), c || wn(En(a.position.end), null), ); } function os(t, e) { let n = ce(t.cstNode.items, e), r = Yt(n), s =, c) => { let l = r[c], { additionalKeyRange: f, additionalValueRange: m } = Rt(l); return De(a, e, xt, f, m); }), i = n[0], o = q(n); return is( e.transformRange({ origStart: i.origOffset, origEnd: o.origOffset + 1 }), e.transformContent(t), s, ); } function as(t, e, n) { return { ..._t(t, e, n), type: "flowSequence" }; } function cs(t, e) { return { ...b("flowSequenceItem", t), children: [e] }; } function ls(t, e) { let n = ce(t.cstNode.items, e), r = Yt(n), s =, c) => { if (a.type !== "PAIR") { let l = e.transformNode(a); return cs(K(l.position.start, l.position.end), l); } else { let l = r[c], { additionalKeyRange: f, additionalValueRange: m } = Rt(l); return De(a, e, xt, f, m); } }), i = n[0], o = q(n); return as( e.transformRange({ origStart: i.origOffset, origEnd: o.origOffset + 1 }), e.transformContent(t), s, ); } function fs(t, e, n) { return { ...b("mapping", t), ...X(), ...e, children: n }; } function us(t, e, n) { return { ...b("mappingItem", t), ...X(), children: [e, n] }; } function ps(t, e) { let n = t.cstNode; n.items .filter((o) => o.type === "MAP_KEY" || o.type === "MAP_VALUE") .forEach((o) => Re(o, e)); let r = ce(n.items, e), s = mo(r), i =, a) => { let c = s[a], [l, f] = c[0].type === "MAP_VALUE" ? [null, c[0].range] : [c[0].range, c.length === 1 ? null : c[1].range]; return De(o, e, us, l, f); }); return fs( K(i[0].position.start, q(i).position.end), e.transformContent(t), i, ); } function mo(t) { let e = [], n = Dt(t, 0), r = !1; for (let s = 0; s < t.length; s++) { if (t[s].type === "MAP_VALUE") { e.push(n(s + 1)), (r = !1); continue; } r && e.push(n(s)), (r = !0); } return r && e.push(n(1 / 0)), e; } function ms(t, e, n) { return { ...b("plain", t), ...$(), ...e, value: n }; } function hs(t, e, n) { for (let r = e; r >= 0; r--) if (n.test(t[r])) return r; return -1; } function gs(t, e) { let n = t.cstNode; return ms( e.transformRange({ origStart: n.valueRange.origStart, origEnd: hs(e.text, n.valueRange.origEnd - 1, /\S/) + 1, }), e.transformContent(t), n.strValue, ); } function ds(t) { return { ...t, type: "quoteDouble" }; } function ys(t, e, n) { return { ...b("quoteValue", t), ...e, ...$(), value: n }; } function Bt(t, e) { let n = t.cstNode; return ys(e.transformRange(n.valueRange), e.transformContent(t), n.strValue); } function Es(t, e) { return ds(Bt(t, e)); } function Ss(t) { return { ...t, type: "quoteSingle" }; } function ws(t, e) { return Ss(Bt(t, e)); } function bs(t, e, n) { return { ...b("sequence", t), ...X(), ...F(), ...e, children: n }; } function Ns(t, e) { return { ...b("sequenceItem", t), ...$(), ...F(), children: e ? [e] : [] }; } function Os(t, e) { let r = ce(t.cstNode.items, e).map((s, i) => { Re(s, e); let o = e.transformNode(t.items[i]); return Ns( K( e.transformOffset(s.valueRange.origStart), o === null ? e.transformOffset(s.valueRange.origStart + 1) : o.position.end, ), o, ); }); return bs( K(r[0].position.start, q(r).position.end), e.transformContent(t), r, ); } function Ls(t, e) { if (t === null || (t.type === void 0 && t.value === null)) return null; switch (t.type) { case "ALIAS": return qr(t, e); case "BLOCK_FOLDED": return Qr(t, e); case "BLOCK_LITERAL": return Gr(t, e); case "COMMENT": return Hr(t, e); case "DIRECTIVE": return zr(t, e); case "DOCUMENT": return ss(t, e); case "FLOW_MAP": return os(t, e); case "FLOW_SEQ": return ls(t, e); case "MAP": return ps(t, e); case "PLAIN": return gs(t, e); case "QUOTE_DOUBLE": return Es(t, e); case "QUOTE_SINGLE": return ws(t, e); case "SEQ": return Os(t, e); default: throw new Error(`Unexpected node type ${t.type}`); } } function As(t, e, n) { let r = new SyntaxError(t); return ( = "YAMLSyntaxError"), (r.source = e), (r.position = n), r; } function Ts(t, e) { let n = t.source.range || t.source.valueRange; return As(t.message, e.text, e.transformRange(n)); } function Cs(t, e, n) { return { offset: t, line: e, column: n }; } function Ms(t, e) { t < 0 ? (t = 0) : t > e.text.length && (t = e.text.length); let n = e.locator.locationForIndex(t); return Cs(t, n.line + 1, n.column + 1); } function ks(t, e) { return K(e.transformOffset(t.origStart), e.transformOffset(t.origEnd)); } function vs(t) { if (!t.setOrigRanges()) { let e = (n) => { if (ho(n)) return (n.origStart = n.start), (n.origEnd = n.end), !0; if (go(n)) return (n.origOffset = n.offset), !0; }; t.forEach((n) => bn(n, e)); } } function bn(t, e) { if (!(!t || typeof t != "object") && e(t) !== !0) for (let n of Object.keys(t)) { if (n === "context" || n === "error") continue; let r = t[n]; Array.isArray(r) ? r.forEach((s) => bn(s, e)) : bn(r, e); } } function ho(t) { return typeof t.start == "number"; } function go(t) { return typeof t.offset == "number"; } function Nn(t) { if ("children" in t) { if (t.children.length === 1) { let e = t.children[0]; if ( e.type === "plain" && e.tag === null && e.anchor === null && e.value === "" ) return t.children.splice(0, 1), t; } t.children.forEach(Nn); } return t; } function On(t, e, n, r) { let s = e(t); return (i) => { r(s, i) && n(t, (s = i)); }; } function Ln(t) { if (t === null || !("children" in t)) return; let e = t.children; if ((e.forEach(Ln), t.type === "document")) { let [i, o] = t.children; i.position.start.offset === i.position.end.offset ? (i.position.start = i.position.end = o.position.start) : o.position.start.offset === o.position.end.offset && (o.position.start = o.position.end = i.position.end); } let n = On(t.position, yo, Eo, bo), r = On(t.position, So, wo, No); "endComments" in t && t.endComments.length !== 0 && (n(t.endComments[0].position.start), r(q(t.endComments).position.end)); let s = e.filter((i) => i !== null); if (s.length !== 0) { let i = s[0], o = q(s); n(i.position.start), r(o.position.end), "leadingComments" in i && i.leadingComments.length !== 0 && n(i.leadingComments[0].position.start), "tag" in i && i.tag && n(i.tag.position.start), "anchor" in i && i.anchor && n(i.anchor.position.start), "trailingComment" in o && o.trailingComment && r(o.trailingComment.position.end); } } function yo(t) { return t.start; } function Eo(t, e) { t.start = e; } function So(t) { return t.end; } function wo(t, e) { t.end = e; } function bo(t, e) { return e.offset < t.offset; } function No(t, e) { return e.offset > t.offset; } var Si = rr(yi(), 1); var J = rr(Ei(), 1), Ym = J.default.findPair, Bm = J.default.toJSON, $m = J.default.parseMap, Fm = J.default.parseSeq, qm = J.default.stringifyNumber, Um = J.default.stringifyString, Km = J.default.Type, Ua = J.default.YAMLError, Vm = J.default.YAMLReferenceError, Zn = J.default.YAMLSemanticError, Ka = J.default.YAMLSyntaxError, Wm = J.default.YAMLWarning; var { Document: wi, parseCST: bi } = Si.default; function Ni(t) { let e = bi(t); vs(e); let n = => new wi({ merge: !1, keepCstNodes: !0 }).parse(a)), r = new Rr(t), s = [], i = { text: t, locator: r, comments: s, transformOffset: (a) => Ms(a, i), transformRange: (a) => ks(a, i), transformNode: (a) => Ls(a, i), transformContent: (a) => vt(a, i), }; for (let a of n) for (let c of a.errors) if ( !( c instanceof Zn && c.message === 'Map keys must be unique; "<<" is repeated' ) ) throw Ts(c, i); n.forEach((a) => ct(a.cstNode)); let o = $r( i.transformRange({ origStart: 0, origEnd: i.text.length }),, s, ); return Dr(o), Ln(o), Nn(o), o; } function Wa(t, e) { let n = new SyntaxError( t + " (" + e.loc.start.line + ":" + e.loc.start.column + ")", ); return Object.assign(n, e); } var Oi = Wa; function ja(t) { try { let e = Ni(t); return delete e.comments, e; } catch (e) { throw e != null && e.position ? Oi(e.message, { loc: e.position, cause: e }) : e; } } var Qa = { astFormat: "yaml", parse: ja, hasPragma: Er, locStart: ve, locEnd: dr, }; var Ja = { yaml: Ir }; var yh = tr; export { yh as default, Pr as languages, _r as options, er as parsers, Ja as printers, };