class User < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :email attr_accessible :bills attr_accessible :income attr_accessible :savings attr_accessible :timezone_offset attr_accessible :tos after_create :after_create_email before_create :before_create_timestamps before_save :before_save_recent_transactions before_save :before_save_savings_goal before_save :before_save_spending_goal has_many :emails, :class_name => 'UserEmail', :dependent => :destroy serialize :recent_transactions not_saved_from_form = lambda do |r| r.bills.nil? && r.income.nil? && r.savings.nil? end validates_acceptance_of( :tos, :allow_nil => false, :unless => not_saved_from_form ) validates_format_of( :email, :with => /\S+@\S+\.\S+/, :unless => lambda { |r| } ) validates_numericality_of( :bills, :income, :savings, :unless => not_saved_from_form ) validates_presence_of :email, :unless => lambda { |r| } # Class methods class < conditions) users.each do |user| user.reset! end end def reset_spent_today! conditions = [ 'send_at <= ?', ] users = self.find(:all, :conditions => conditions) users.each do |user| user.reset_spent_today! end end def send_emails!(&block) conditions = [ 'send_now = 1 OR send_at <= ?', ] users = self.find(:all, :conditions => conditions) users.each do |user| user.emails.each do |email| next unless && email.failures <= 5 begin $mail.deliver( :from => '', :to =>, :subject => "Today's budget", :body => yield(user) ) email.sent! rescue Exception => e email.increment!(:failures) end end user.sent! end end end # Instance methods [ :email, :bills, :income, :savings, :tos ].each do |attribute| define_method(attribute) do read_attribute attribute end define_method("#{attribute}=") do |value| write_attribute( attribute, attribute == :email || attribute == :tos ? value : to_number(value) ) end end def add_email!(address, send=false) UserEmail.create(:email => address, :user_id => if send self.flash = "Successfully added #{address} to your account." self.send_now = true end end # Beginning of fiscal month def beginning_of_month self.reset_at - 1.month end # Days in this fiscal month def days_in_month self.reset_at.to_date - self.beginning_of_month.to_date end # Days left in this fiscal month def days_left to_local(self.reset_at).to_date - to_local( - 1 end # Days left in this fiscal month, including today def days_left_including_today self.days_left + 1 end # Days passed in this fiscal month def days_passed to_local( - to_local(self.beginning_of_month).to_date end # Days passed in this fiscal month, including today def days_passed_including_today self.days_passed + 1 end # Reset spent_today def reset_spent_today! self.update_attribute :spent_today, 0 end def reset! self.temporary_spending_cut = self.total_left * -1 if self.temporary_spending_cut < 0 self.temporary_spending_cut = 0 end self.spent_this_month = 0 update_reset_at end def sent! self.flash = nil self.send_now = false update_send_at unless self.send_now_changed? rescue # This fixes a really confusing error when running cucumber features: # No response yet. Request a page first. (Rack::Test::Error) # Happens on User#save after using $mail.deliver. end # How much the user should have spent in this period def should_have_spent self.spending_per_day * self.days_passed_including_today end def spend!(amount) amount = amount.to_f if amount.respond_to?(:upcase) self.recent_transactions ||= [] self.recent_transactions.unshift(amount) self.spent_this_month += amount self.spent_today += amount self.send_now = true end # Spending goal for the month def spending_goal read_attribute(:spending_goal) - self.temporary_spending_cut end # Today's spending goal def spending_goal_today (self.surplus(:exclude_today) / self.days_left_including_today) - self.spent_today end # Today's spending goal with savings included in money left to spend def spending_goal_today_savings (self.savings_goal + self.surplus(:exclude_today)) / self.days_left_including_today end # How much the user is spending per day (ideally) def spending_per_day self.spending_goal / self.days_in_month end # How much the user has spent this month def spent_this_month(option=nil) case option when :exclude_today read_attribute(:spent_this_month) - self.spent_today else read_attribute(:spent_this_month) end end # Variance from budget based on savings_goal def surplus(option=nil) two_decimals(self.spending_goal - spent_this_month(option)) end # Variance from budget based on should_have_spent def surplus_for_period(option=nil) two_decimals(self.should_have_spent - spent_this_month(option)) end # Total remaining money for the month def total_left(option=nil) self.surplus(option) + self.savings_goal end private def after_create_email self.add_email!(read_attribute(:email)) end def before_create_timestamps self.reset_at = update_send_at update_reset_at end def before_save_recent_transactions if self.recent_transactions self.recent_transactions = self.recent_transactions[0..4] end end def before_save_savings_goal if self.savings self.savings_goal = self.savings end end def before_save_spending_goal if self.income && self.bills && self.savings self.spending_goal = self.income - self.bills - self.savings end end def local_12am_to_server_time time = to_local( time = DateTime.strptime( time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y 12:00 AM %Z"), "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p %Z" ) to_system(time.to_time) end def to_local(time) return time.utc unless self.timezone_offset time.utc + self.timezone_offset end def to_number(string) string = string.gsub(/[^\d\.]/, '') string.blank? ? string : string.to_f end def to_system(time) return time.utc unless self.timezone_offset time.utc - self.timezone_offset end def two_decimals(amount) sprintf("%.2f", amount).to_f end def update_reset_at self.reset_at = self.reset_at + 1.month end def update_send_at if self.send_at self.send_at = self.send_at + else self.send_at = local_12am_to_server_time end end end