# 0.1.2 (2022-02-01) - Adds `MARC::Spec#exists?` to check if a MARC record has data matching a query, without actually retrieving the data. This is slightly more efficient than using `MARC::Spec#find` with `any?`, as it will return early when it finds the first result. # 0.1.1 (2021-10-18) - `MARC::Spec` methods now raise an `ArgumentError` for invalid query strings instead of returning a raw `Parslet::ParseFailed`. - Add `MARC::Spec#parse_query` and `MARC::Spec#execute_query` to facilitate caching parsed query objects. (Not that parsing is expensive, but sometimes it's convenient to be able to treat the query as a structured object rather than a string.) - Add `MARC::Spec::Queries::Query#tag_str` to retrieve the MARC tag specifier from a query object. Note that this returns a MARCSpec `fieldTag` string (which may include `.` wildcard characters), plus an optional, bracketed `index`. For more information see [9.2 Reference to field data](http://marcspec.github.io/MARCspec/marc-spec.html#reference-to-field-data) in the MARCSpec docs. # 0.1.0 (2021-10-15) - Initial release.