/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright 2020-Present Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "dns_srv_tracker.hxx" #include "core/logger/logger.hxx" #include "core/utils/join_strings.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include namespace couchbase::core::impl { dns_srv_tracker::dns_srv_tracker(asio::io_context& ctx, std::string address, const io::dns::dns_config& config, bool use_tls) : ctx_{ ctx } , dns_client_{ ctx_ } , address_{ std::move(address) } , config_{ config } , use_tls_{ use_tls } , service_{ use_tls_ ? "_couchbases" : "_couchbase" } { } void dns_srv_tracker::get_srv_nodes( utils::movable_function callback) { CB_LOG_DEBUG("Query DNS-SRV: address=\"{}\", service=\"{}\", nameserver=\"{}:{}\"", address_, service_, config_.nameserver(), config_.port()); dns_client_.query_srv(address_, service_, config_, [self = shared_from_this(), callback = std::move(callback)]( couchbase::core::io::dns::dns_srv_response&& resp) mutable { origin::node_list nodes; if (resp.ec) { CB_LOG_WARNING("failed to fetch DNS SRV records for \"{}\" ({}), " "assuming that cluster is listening this address", self->address_, resp.ec.message()); } else if (resp.targets.empty() && self->address_ != "localhost") { CB_LOG_WARNING("DNS SRV query returned 0 records for \"{}\", assuming " "that cluster is listening this address", self->address_); } else { nodes.reserve(resp.targets.size()); for (const auto& address : resp.targets) { origin::node_entry node; node.first = address.hostname; node.second = std::to_string(address.port); nodes.emplace_back(node); } } return callback(nodes, resp.ec); }); } void dns_srv_tracker::do_dns_refresh() { get_srv_nodes( [self = shared_from_this()](origin::node_list nodes, std::error_code dns_ec) mutable { bool expected_state{ true }; if (dns_ec || nodes.empty()) { if (dns_ec) { CB_LOG_WARNING("unable to perform DNS-SRV refresh: {}", dns_ec.message()); } self->refresh_in_progress_.compare_exchange_strong(expected_state, false); return; } std::set> listeners; { std::scoped_lock lock(self->config_listeners_mutex_); listeners = self->config_listeners_; } if (!listeners.empty()) { auto config = topology::make_blank_configuration(nodes, self->use_tls_, true); std::vector endpoints; endpoints.reserve(nodes.size()); for (const auto& [host, port] : nodes) { endpoints.emplace_back(fmt::format("\"{}:{}\"", host, port)); } CB_LOG_DEBUG("generated configuration from DNS-SRV response \"{}\": [{}]", self->address_, utils::join_strings(endpoints, ", ")); for (const auto& listener : listeners) { listener->update_config(config); } } self->refresh_in_progress_.compare_exchange_strong(expected_state, false); }); } void dns_srv_tracker::report_bootstrap_error(const std::string& endpoint, std::error_code ec) { bool trigger_dns_srv_refresh = false; if (ec && ec != errc::common::request_canceled) { std::scoped_lock lock(known_endpoints_mutex_); known_endpoints_.erase(endpoint); if (known_endpoints_.empty()) { trigger_dns_srv_refresh = true; } } else { return; } bool expected_state{ false }; if (trigger_dns_srv_refresh && refresh_in_progress_.compare_exchange_strong(expected_state, true)) { CB_LOG_DEBUG( "all nodes failed to bootstrap, triggering DNS-SRV refresh, ec={}, last endpoint=\"{}\"", ec.message(), endpoint); return asio::post(asio::bind_executor(ctx_, [self = shared_from_this()]() mutable { self->do_dns_refresh(); })); } } void dns_srv_tracker::report_bootstrap_success(const std::vector& endpoints) { std::set> known_endpoints{ endpoints.begin(), endpoints.end() }; std::scoped_lock lock(known_endpoints_mutex_); std::swap(known_endpoints_, known_endpoints); } void dns_srv_tracker::register_config_listener(std::shared_ptr listener) { std::scoped_lock lock(config_listeners_mutex_); config_listeners_.insert(listener); } void dns_srv_tracker::unregister_config_listener(std::shared_ptr listener) { std::scoped_lock lock(config_listeners_mutex_); config_listeners_.erase(listener); } } // namespace couchbase::core::impl