/* RSence * Copyright 2006 Riassence Inc. * http://riassence.com/ * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this software package. If not, contact licensing@riassence.com */ /*** = Description ** HStepper is a control unit made of two adjacent buttons with up and down arrows ** to select the previous or next of a set of contiguous values. ** Normally, a HStepper instance works in combination with a HTextControl or a HStringView instance. ** ** = Instance Variables ** +minValue+:: The smallest allowed value ** +maxValue+:: The biggest allowed value ** +stepSize+:: Amount of to step, defaults to +/- 1 ** +repeatInterval+:: Interval in milliseconds for repeat ** +wrapAround+:: Boolean to control wrap-around behaviour ***/ var//RSence.Controls HStepper = HControl.extend({ componentName: "stepper", defaultEvents: { mouseDown: true, click: true, keyDown: true, mouseWheel: true }, controlDefaults: (HControlDefaults.extend({ minValue: 0, maxValue: 100, stepSize: 1, repeatInterval: 200, wrapAround: false })), /** Setter for wrap-around behaviour **/ setWrapAround: function(_on){ this.options.wrapAround = _on; }, // -- Makes sure the value is in its boundaries and either wrap-around // to min/max or revert to the current value ++ _checkValueBoundaries: function(_value){ // -- checks for boundaries ++ var _this = this, _options = _this.options, _minVal = _options.minValue, _maxVal = _options.maxValue, _tooSmall = _value<_minVal, _tooBig = _value>_maxVal, _overflow = ( _tooSmall || _tooBig ); // -- The value is ok, just return it as it is ++ if (!_overflow) { return _value; } /// -- Handle the overflow condition: ++ // -- Wrap around uses min/max as new value as either is reached ++ if (_options.wrapAround) { if (_tooSmall) { return _maxVal; } else { return _minVal; } } // -- Any other condition means we just revert the changes ++ else { return _this.value; } }, /** Adds the step size to the value **/ stepUp: function(){ this.setValue( this._checkValueBoundaries( this.value + this.options.stepSize ) ); }, /** Subtracts the step size from the value **/ stepDown: function(){ this.setValue( this._checkValueBoundaries( this.value - this.options.stepSize ) ); }, // -- Background-offset of the state images up/down, // overrideable in the html template ++ bgStateUp: '0px -23px', bgStateDown: '0px -46px', // enables the up/down effect in the image based on the _up boolean (true means up, false means down) _bgStateOn: function( _up ){ ELEM.setStyle(this.markupElemIds.state,'background-position',_up?this.bgStateUp:this.bgStateDown); }, // reverts the up/down effect _bgStateOff: function(){ ELEM.setStyle(this.markupElemIds.state,'background-position',''); }, // Starts the repeating stepping up or down (when the mouse button or a arrow key is down) _setRepeatInterval: function( _up ){ var _this = this, _options = _this.options; _this._repeatInterval && clearInterval( _this._repeatInterval ); _this._bgStateOn( _up ); _up?_this.stepUp():_this.stepDown(); _this._repeatInterval = setInterval( _up?function(){_this.stepUp();}:function(){_this.stepDown();}, _options.repeatInterval ); }, // Stops the repeating stepping up or down enabled in _setRepeatInterval _clearRepeatInterval: function(){ this._bgStateOff(); clearInterval( this._repeatInterval ); }, /** Checks where the mouseDown happened and adjusts the stepper up/down based on that **/ mouseDown: function( x, y ){ this.setMouseUp(true); this._setRepeatInterval( ( y - this.pageY() ) <= 11 ); return true; }, /** Stops the repeating stepping, when the mouse button goes up **/ mouseUp: function(){ this._clearRepeatInterval(); return true; }, click: function(){ this.mouseUp(); return true; }, /** Stops the repeating stepping, when the control becomes inactive **/ blur: function(){ this._clearRepeatInterval(); }, /** adjusts stepping up/down based on the arrow key pressed. * up and right arrow keys steps the value up, down and left steps the value down **/ keyDown: function( _keyCode ) { this.setKeyUp(true); var _keyDown = (_keyCode === Event.KEY_DOWN), _keyUp = (_keyCode === Event.KEY_UP), _keyLeft = (_keyCode === Event.KEY_LEFT), _keyRight = (_keyCode === Event.KEY_RIGHT), _arrowKey = (_keyDown || _keyUp || _keyLeft || _keyRight); if (_arrowKey) { this._setRepeatInterval( (_keyUp || _keyRight) ); } else if (_keyCode === Event.KEY_HOME) { this.setValue(this.options.minValue); } else if (_keyCode === Event.KEY_END) { this.setValue(this.options.maxValue); } // Page up and page down keys act just like arrow up/down. else if (_keyCode === Event.KEY_PAGEUP) { this._setRepeatInterval( 1 ); } else if (_keyCode === Event.KEY_PAGEDOWN) { this._setRepeatInterval( 0 ); } return true; }, /** stops the repeating when a key goes up **/ keyUp: function(){ this._clearRepeatInterval(); return true; }, /** steps the value up/down based on the mouse scroll wheel **/ mouseWheel: function(_delta) { (_delta>0)?this.stepUp():this.stepDown(); return true; } });