# resurrect example hh = grab(:view).tool({ name: :home, x: 99, y: 9, color: :black }) hh.add({ touch: { proc: lambda do self.color(:darkred) end } }) hh.add(:touch) do wait 2 do self.color(:white) hh.delete(true) end wait 3 do resurrect :home_tool end end b = box({color: :green, x: 200, y: 100, atome_id: :the_box, drag: true }) t = b.text({ content: "click the box or the tool to delete, it'll be resurected!", y: 99, x: 33, atome_id: :the_text }) b.image({ content: :moto, x: 150, y: 9, size: 66, atome_id: :the_image }) t.circle({ x: 33, y: -99, size: 66, atome_id: :the_circle }) b.touch do b.delete(true) ATOME.wait 1 do resurrect b.atome_id end end