require 'log4r' require 'vagrant/util/platform' require File.expand_path("../base", __FILE__) module VagrantPlugins module Parallels module Driver # Driver for Parallels Desktop 8. class PD_8 < Base def initialize(uuid) super() @logger ="vagrant::provider::parallels::pd_8") @uuid = uuid end def compact(uuid) used_drives = read_settings.fetch('Hardware', {}).select { |name, _| name.start_with? 'hdd' } used_drives.each_value do |drive_params| execute(:prl_disk_tool, 'compact', '--hdd', drive_params["image"]) do |type, data| lines = data.split("\r") # The progress of the compact will be in the last line. Do a greedy # regular expression to find what we're looking for. if lines.last =~ /.+?(\d{,3}) ?%/ yield $1.to_i if block_given? end end end end def clear_shared_folders shf = read_settings.fetch("Host Shared Folders", {}).keys shf.delete("enabled") shf.each do |folder| execute("set", @uuid, "--shf-host-del", folder) end end def create_host_only_network(options) # Create the interface execute(:prlsrvctl, "net", "add", options[:network_id], "--type", "host-only") # Configure it args = ["--ip", "#{options[:adapter_ip]}/#{options[:netmask]}"] if options[:dhcp] args.concat(["--dhcp-ip", options[:dhcp][:ip], "--ip-scope-start", options[:dhcp][:lower], "--ip-scope-end", options[:dhcp][:upper]]) end execute(:prlsrvctl, "net", "set", options[:network_id], *args) # Determine interface to which it has been bound net_info = json { execute(:prlsrvctl, 'net', 'info', options[:network_id], '--json', retryable: true) } iface_name = net_info['Bound To'] # Return the details return { :name => iface_name, :ip => options[:adapter_ip], :netmask => options[:netmask], :dhcp => options[:dhcp] } end def delete execute('delete', @uuid) end def delete_disabled_adapters read_settings.fetch('Hardware', {}).each do |adapter, params| if adapter.start_with?('net') and !params.fetch("enabled", true) execute('set', @uuid, '--device-del', adapter) end end end def delete_unused_host_only_networks networks = read_virtual_networks # 'Shared'(vnic0) and 'Host-Only'(vnic1) are default in Parallels Desktop # They should not be deleted anyway. networks.keep_if do |net| net['Type'] == "host-only" && net['Bound To'].match(/^(?>vnic|Parallels Host-Only #)(\d+)$/)[1].to_i >= 2 end read_vms_info.each do |vm| used_nets = vm.fetch('Hardware', {}).select { |name, _| name.start_with? 'net' } used_nets.each_value do |net_params| networks.delete_if { |net| net['Bound To'] == net_params.fetch('iface', nil) } end end networks.each do |net| # Delete the actual host only network interface. execute(:prlsrvctl, "net", "del", net["Network ID"]) end end def enable_adapters(adapters) # Get adapters which have already configured for this VM # Such adapters will be just overridden existing_adapters = read_settings.fetch('Hardware', {}) { |name| name.start_with? 'net' } # Disable all previously existing adapters (except shared 'vnet0') existing_adapters.each do |adapter| if adapter != 'vnet0' execute('set', @uuid, '--device-set', adapter, '--disable') end end adapters.each do |adapter| args = [] if existing_adapters.include? "net#{adapter[:adapter]}" args.concat(["--device-set","net#{adapter[:adapter]}", "--enable"]) else args.concat(["--device-add", "net"]) end if adapter[:type] == :hostonly # Oddly enough, but there is a 'bridge' anyway. # The only difference is the destination interface: # - in host-only (private) network it will be bridged to the 'vnicX' device # - in real bridge (public) network it will be bridged to the assigned device args.concat(["--type", "bridged", "--iface", adapter[:hostonly]]) elsif adapter[:type] == :bridge args.concat(["--type", "bridged", "--iface", adapter[:bridge]]) elsif adapter[:type] == :shared args.concat(["--type", "shared"]) end if adapter[:mac_address] args.concat(["--mac", adapter[:mac_address]]) end if adapter[:nic_type] args.concat(["--adapter-type", adapter[:nic_type].to_s]) end execute("set", @uuid, *args) end end def execute_command(command) execute(*command) end def export(path, tpl_name) execute("clone", @uuid, "--name", tpl_name, "--template", "--dst", path.to_s) do |type, data| lines = data.split("\r") # The progress of the export will be in the last line. Do a greedy # regular expression to find what we're looking for. if lines.last =~ /.+?(\d{,3}) ?%/ yield $1.to_i if block_given? end end read_vms[tpl_name] end def halt(force=false) args = ['stop', @uuid] args << '--kill' if force execute(*args) end def import(template_uuid) template_name = read_vms.key(template_uuid) vm_name = "#{template_name}_#{( * 1000.0).to_i}_#{rand(100000)}" execute("clone", template_uuid, '--name', vm_name) do |type, data| lines = data.split("\r") # The progress of the import will be in the last line. Do a greedy # regular expression to find what we're looking for. if lines.last =~ /.+?(\d{,3}) ?%/ yield $1.to_i if block_given? end end read_vms[vm_name] end def read_bridged_interfaces host_hw_info = read_host_info.fetch("Hardware info") net_list = do |name, attrs| # Get all network interfaces except 'vnicXXX' attrs.fetch("type") == "net" and name !~ /^(vnic(.+?))$/ end bridged_ifaces = [] net_list.keys.each do |iface| info = {} ifconfig = execute(:ifconfig, iface) # Assign default values info[:name] = iface info[:ip] = "" info[:netmask] = "" info[:status] = "Down" if ifconfig =~ /(?<=inet\s)(\S*)/ info[:ip] = $1.to_s end if ifconfig =~ /(?<=netmask\s)(\S*)/ # Netmask will be converted from hex to dec: # '0xffffff00' -> '' info[:netmask] = $1.hex.to_s(16).scan(/../){|octet| octet.hex}.join(".") end if ifconfig =~ /\W(UP)\W/ and ifconfig !~ /(?<=status:\s)inactive$/ info[:status] = "Up" end bridged_ifaces << info end bridged_ifaces end def read_guest_ip mac_addr = read_mac_address.downcase leases_file = "/Library/Preferences/Parallels/parallels_dhcp_leases" begin{mac_addr}/) do |line| return line[/^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/] end rescue Errno::EACCES raise Errors::DhcpLeasesNotAccessible, :leases_file => leases_file.to_s rescue Errno::ENOENT # File does not exist # Perhaps, it is the fist start of Parallels Desktop return nil end nil end def read_guest_tools_version read_settings.fetch('GuestTools', {}).fetch('version', nil) end def read_host_info json { execute('server', 'info', '--json', retryable: true) } end def read_host_only_interfaces net_list = read_virtual_networks net_list.keep_if { |net| net['Type'] == "host-only" } hostonly_ifaces = [] net_list.each do |iface| info = {} net_info = json { execute(:prlsrvctl, 'net', 'info', iface['Network ID'], '--json') } # Really we need to work with bounded virtual interface info[:name] = net_info['Bound To'] info[:ip] = net_info['Parallels adapter']['IP address'] info[:netmask] = net_info['Parallels adapter']['Subnet mask'] # Such interfaces are always in 'Up' info[:status] = "Up" # There may be a fake DHCPv4 parameters # We can trust them only if adapter IP and DHCP IP are in the same subnet dhcp_ip = net_info['DHCPv4 server']['Server address'] if network_address(info[:ip], info[:netmask]) == network_address(dhcp_ip, info[:netmask]) info[:dhcp] = { :ip => dhcp_ip, :lower => net_info['DHCPv4 server']['IP scope start address'], :upper => net_info['DHCPv4 server']['IP scope end address'] } end hostonly_ifaces << info end hostonly_ifaces end def read_mac_address read_settings.fetch('Hardware', {}).fetch('net0', {}).fetch('mac', nil) end def read_network_interfaces nics = {} # Get enabled VM's network interfaces ifaces = read_settings.fetch('Hardware', {}).keep_if do |dev, params| dev.start_with?('net') and params.fetch("enabled", true) end ifaces.each do |name, params| adapter = name.match(/^net(\d+)$/)[1].to_i nics[adapter] ||= {} if params['type'] == "shared" nics[adapter][:type] = :shared elsif params['type'] == "host" # It is PD internal host-only network and it is bounded to 'vnic1' nics[adapter][:type] = :hostonly nics[adapter][:hostonly] = "vnic1" elsif params['type'] == "bridged" and params.fetch('iface','').start_with?('vnic') # Bridged to the 'vnicXX'? Then it is a host-only, actually. nics[adapter][:type] = :hostonly nics[adapter][:hostonly] = params.fetch('iface','') elsif params['type'] == "bridged" nics[adapter][:type] = :bridged nics[adapter][:bridge] = params.fetch('iface','') end end nics end def read_settings vm = json { execute('list', @uuid, '--info', '--json', retryable: true).gsub(/^INFO/, '') } vm.last end def read_shared_interface # There should be only one Shared interface shared_net = read_virtual_networks.detect { |net| net['Type'] == 'shared' } return nil if !shared_net net_info = json { execute(:prlsrvctl, 'net', 'info', shared_net['Network ID'], '--json') } info = { name: net_info['Bound To'], ip: net_info['Parallels adapter']['IP address'], netmask: net_info['Parallels adapter']['Subnet mask'], status: "Up" } if net_info.key?('DHCPv4 server') info[:dhcp] = { ip: net_info['DHCPv4 server']['Server address'], lower: net_info['DHCPv4 server']['IP scope start address'], upper: net_info['DHCPv4 server']['IP scope end address'] } end info end def read_state vm = json { execute('list', @uuid, '--json', retryable: true).gsub(/^INFO/, '') } return nil if !vm.last vm.last.fetch('status').to_sym end def read_virtual_networks json { execute(:prlsrvctl, 'net', 'list', '--json', retryable: true) } end def read_vms results = {} vms_arr = json([]) do execute('list', '--all', '--json', retryable: true).gsub(/^INFO/, '') end templates_arr = json([]) do execute('list', '--all', '--json', '--template', retryable: true).gsub(/^INFO/, '') end vms = vms_arr | templates_arr vms.each do |item| results[item.fetch('name')] = item.fetch('uuid') end results end # Parse the JSON from *all* VMs and templates. Then return an array of objects (without duplicates) def read_vms_info vms_arr = json([]) do execute('list', '--all','--info', '--json', retryable: true).gsub(/^INFO/, '') end templates_arr = json([]) do execute('list', '--all','--info', '--json', '--template', retryable: true).gsub(/^INFO/, '') end vms_arr | templates_arr end def read_vms_paths list = {} read_vms_info.each do |item| if Dir.exists? item.fetch('Home') list[File.realpath item.fetch('Home')] = item.fetch('ID') end end list end def register(pvm_file) execute("register", pvm_file) end def registered?(uuid) read_vms.has_value?(uuid) end def resume execute('resume', @uuid) end def set_mac_address(mac) execute('set', @uuid, '--device-set', 'net0', '--type', 'shared', '--mac', mac) end def set_name(name) execute('set', @uuid, '--name', name, :retryable => true) end def share_folders(folders) folders.each do |folder| # Add the shared folder execute('set', @uuid, '--shf-host-add', folder[:name], '--path', folder[:hostpath]) end end def ssh_port(expected_port) expected_port end def start execute('start', @uuid) end def suspend execute('suspend', @uuid) end def unregister(uuid) execute("unregister", uuid) end def verify! version end def version if execute('--version', retryable: true) =~ /prlctl version ([\d\.]+)/ $1.downcase else raise VagrantPlugins::Parallels::Errors::ParallelsInstallIncomplete end end def vm_exists?(uuid) raw("list", uuid).exit_code == 0 end end end end end