# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2017 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'net/ssh' require 'net/ssh/multi' require 'net/ssh/proxy/command' autoload :OpenStruct, "ostruct" autoload :Timeout, "timeout" autoload :ERB, "erb" autoload :Base64, "base64" require 'open-uri' module MU class Cloud class Google # A server as configured in {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::servers}. In # Google Cloud, this amounts to a single Instance in an Unmanaged # Instance Group. class Server < MU::Cloud::Server attr_reader :mu_name attr_reader :config attr_reader :deploy attr_reader :cloud_id attr_reader :cloud_desc attr_reader :groomer attr_accessor :mu_windows_name # @param mommacat [MU::MommaCat]: A {MU::Mommacat} object containing the deploy of which this resource is/will be a member. # @param kitten_cfg [Hash]: The fully parsed and resolved {MU::Config} resource descriptor as defined in {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::servers} def initialize(mommacat: nil, kitten_cfg: nil, mu_name: nil, cloud_id: nil) @deploy = mommacat @config = MU::Config.manxify(kitten_cfg) @cloud_id = cloud_id if @deploy @userdata = MU::Cloud.fetchUserdata( platform: @config["platform"], cloud: "google", template_variables: { "deployKey" => Base64.urlsafe_encode64(@deploy.public_key), "deploySSHKey" => @deploy.ssh_public_key, "muID" => MU.deploy_id, "muUser" => MU.mu_user, "publicIP" => MU.mu_public_ip, "skipApplyUpdates" => @config['skipinitialupdates'], "windowsAdminName" => @config['windows_admin_username'], "resourceName" => @config["name"], "resourceType" => "server", "platform" => @config["platform"] }, custom_append: @config['userdata_script'] ) end if !mu_name.nil? @mu_name = mu_name @config['mu_name'] = @mu_name # describe @mu_windows_name = @deploydata['mu_windows_name'] if @mu_windows_name.nil? and @deploydata else if kitten_cfg.has_key?("basis") @mu_name = @deploy.getResourceName(@config['name'], need_unique_string: true) else @mu_name = @deploy.getResourceName(@config['name']) end @config['mu_name'] = @mu_name @config['instance_secret'] = Password.random(50) end @config['ssh_user'] ||= "mu" @groomer = MU::Groomer.new(self) end # Generate a server-class specific service account, used to grant # permission to do various API things to a node. # @param rolename [String]: # @param project [String]: # @param scopes [Array]: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes def self.createServiceAccount(rolename, project: MU::Cloud::Google.defaultProject, scopes: ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/compute.readonly", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/logging.write", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"]) #https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only ? name = MU::Cloud::Google.nameStr(rolename) saobj = MU::Cloud::Google.iam(:CreateServiceAccountRequest).new( account_id: rolename.gsub(/[^a-z]/, ""), # XXX this mangling isn't required in the console, so why is it here? service_account: MU::Cloud::Google.iam(:ServiceAccount).new( display_name: rolename, # do NOT specify project_id or name, we know that much ) ) resp = MU::Cloud::Google.iam.create_service_account( "projects/#{project}", saobj ) MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:ServiceAccount).new( email: resp.email, scopes: scopes ) end # Retrieve the cloud descriptor for this machine image, which can be # a whole or partial URL. Will follow deprecation notices and retrieve # the latest version, if applicable. # @param image_id [String]: URL to a Google disk image # @return [Google::Apis::ComputeBeta::Image] def self.fetchImage(image_id) img_proj = img_name = nil begin img_proj = image_id.gsub(/.*?\/?projects\/([^\/]+)\/.*/, '\1') img_name = image_id.gsub(/.*?([^\/]+)$/, '\1') img = MU::Cloud::Google.compute.get_image(img_proj, img_name) if !img.deprecated.nil? and !img.deprecated.replacement.nil? image_id = img.deprecated.replacement end end while !img.deprecated.nil? and img.deprecated.state == "DEPRECATED" and !img.deprecated.replacement.nil? MU::Cloud::Google.compute.get_image(img_proj, img_name) end # Generator for disk configuration parameters for a Compute instance # @param config [Hash]: The MU::Cloud::Server config hash for whom we're configuring disks # @param create [Boolean]: Actually create extra (non-root) disks, or just the one declared as the root disk of the image # @param disk_as_url [Boolean]: Whether to declare the disk type as a short string or full URL, which can vary depending on the calling resource # @return [Array]: The Compute :AttachedDisk objects describing disks that've been created def self.diskConfig(config, create = true, disk_as_url = true) disks = [] puts config['image_id'] puts config['basis'] img = fetchImage(config['image_id'] || config['basis']['launch_config']['image_id']) # XXX slurp settings from /dev/sda or w/e by convention? disktype = "projects/#{config['project']}/zones/#{config['availability_zone']}/diskTypes/pd-standard" disktype = "pd-standard" if !disk_as_url # disk_type: projects/project/zones/#{config['availability_zone']}/diskTypes/pd-standard Other values include pd-ssd and local-ssd imageobj = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:AttachedDiskInitializeParams).new( source_image: img.self_link, disk_size_gb: 10, # this is binary? 2gb, that says disk_type: disktype, ) disks << MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:AttachedDisk).new( auto_delete: true, boot: true, mode: "READ_WRITE", type: "PERSISTENT", initialize_params: imageobj ) if config["storage"] config["storage"].each { |vol| devicename = vol['device'].gsub(/[^\w\-\.]/, "-").sub(/^[^\w]/, "") disk_desc = { :auto_delete => true, :device_name => devicename, # XXX empty string is also legit :mode => "READ_WRITE", :type => "PERSISTENT" # SCRATCH is equivalent of ephemeral? cheap virtual memory disk? maybe ship a standard set } if vol['snapshot_id'] disk_desc[:source_snapshot] = vol['snapshot_id'] # XXX check existence in in validateConfig elsif vol['somekindofidforaloosevolume'] disk_desc[:source] = vol['somekindofidforaloosevolume'] # XXX check existence in in validateConfig end # XXX I don't know how to do this in managed instance groups #next next if !create diskname = MU::Cloud::Google.nameStr(config['mu_name']+"-"+devicename) newdiskobj = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:Disk).new( size_gb: vol['size'], description: MU.deploy_id, zone: config['availability_zone'], # type: "projects/#{config['project']}/zones/#{config['availability_zone']}/diskTypes/pd-ssd", type: "projects/#{config['project']}/zones/#{config['availability_zone']}/diskTypes/pd-standard", source_snapshot: vol['snapshot_id'], # type: projects/project/zones/#{config['availability_zone']}/diskTypes/pd-standard Other values include pd-ssd and local-ssd name: diskname ) MU.log "Creating disk #{diskname}", details: newdiskobj newdisk = MU::Cloud::Google.compute.insert_disk( config['project'], config['availability_zone'], newdiskobj ) disk_desc[:source] = newdisk.self_link disks << MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:AttachedDisk).new(disk_desc) } end disks end # Generator for disk configuration parameters for a Compute instance # @param config [Hash]: The MU::Cloud::Server config hash for whom we're configuring network interfaces # @param vpc [MU::Cloud::Google::VPC]: The VPC in which this interface should reside # @return [Array]: Configuration objects for network interfaces, suitable for passing to the Compute API def self.interfaceConfig(config, vpc) subnet_cfg = config['vpc'] if config['vpc']['subnets'] and !subnet_cfg['subnet_name'] and !subnet_cfg['subnet_id'] subnet_cfg = config['vpc']['subnets'].sample end subnet = vpc.getSubnet(name: subnet_cfg['subnet_name'], cloud_id: subnet_cfg['subnet_id']) if subnet.nil? raise MuError, "Couldn't find subnet details while configuring Server #{config['name']} (VPC: #{vpc.mu_name})" end base_iface_obj = { :network => vpc.url, :subnetwork => subnet.url } if config['associate_public_ip'] base_iface_obj[:access_configs] = [ MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:AccessConfig).new ] end interfaces = [base_iface_obj] # XXX add more if they asked for it (e.g. config['private_ip']) interfaces end # Called automatically by {MU::Deploy#createResources} def create service_acct = MU::Cloud::Google::Server.createServiceAccount( @mu_name.downcase, project: @config['project'] ) MU::Cloud::Google.grantDeploySecretAccess(service_acct.email) begin disks = MU::Cloud::Google::Server.diskConfig(@config) interfaces = MU::Cloud::Google::Server.interfaceConfig(@config, @vpc) if @config['routes'] @config['routes'].each { |route| @vpc.cloudobj.createRouteForInstance(route, self) } end desc = { :name => MU::Cloud::Google.nameStr(@mu_name), :can_ip_forward => !@config['src_dst_check'], :description => @deploy.deploy_id, :service_accounts => [service_acct], :network_interfaces => interfaces, :machine_type => "zones/"+@config['availability_zone']+"/machineTypes/"+@config['size'], :metadata => { :items => [ { :key => "ssh-keys", :value => @config['ssh_user']+":"+@deploy.ssh_public_key }, { :key => "startup-script", :value => @userdata } ] }, :tags => MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:Tags).new(items: [MU::Cloud::Google.nameStr(@mu_name)]) } desc[:disks] = disks if disks.size > 0 # Tags in GCP means something other than what we think of; # labels are the thing you think you mean desc[:labels] = {} MU::MommaCat.listStandardTags.each_pair { |name, value| if !value.nil? desc[:labels][name.downcase] = value.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9\-\_]/i, "_") end } desc[:labels]["name"] = @mu_name.downcase instanceobj = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:Instance).new(desc) MU.log "Creating instance #{@mu_name}" begin instance = MU::Cloud::Google.compute.insert_instance( @config['project'], @config['availability_zone'], instanceobj ) rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e MU.log e.message, MU::ERR raise e end @cloud_id = instance.name # XXX or instance.target_link... pick a convention, would you? if !@config['async_groom'] sleep 5 MU::MommaCat.lock(@cloud_id+"-create") if !postBoot MU.log "#{@config['name']} is already being groomed, skipping", MU::NOTICE else MU.log "Node creation complete for #{@config['name']}" end MU::MommaCat.unlock(@cloud_id+"-create") end done = false @deploy.saveNodeSecret(@cloud_id, @config['instance_secret'], "instance_secret") @config.delete("instance_secret") if cloud_desc.nil? or cloud_desc.status != "RUNNING" raiseert MuError, "#{@cloud_id} appears to have gone sideways mid-bootstrap #{cloud_desc.status if cloud_desc.nil?}" end notify rescue Exception => e if !cloud_desc.nil? and !done MU.log "Aborted before I could finish setting up #{@config['name']}, cleaning it up. Stack trace will print once cleanup is complete.", MU::WARN if !@deploy.nocleanup MU::MommaCat.unlockAll if !@deploy.nocleanup parent_thread_id = Thread.current.object_id Thread.new { MU.dupGlobals(parent_thread_id) MU::Cloud::Google::Server.cleanup(noop: false, ignoremaster: false, skipsnapshots: true) } end end raise e end return @config end # Return a BoK-style config hash describing a NAT instance. We use this # to approximate Amazon's NAT gateway functionality with a plain # instance. # @return [Hash] def self.genericNAT return { "cloud" => "Google", "size" => "g1-small", "run_list" => [ "mu-utility::nat" ], "platform" => "centos7", "ssh_user" => "centos", "associate_public_ip" => true, "static_ip" => { "assign_ip" => true }, "routes" => [ { "gateway" => "#INTERNET", "priority" => 50, "destination_network" => "" } ] } end # Ask the Google API to stop this node def stop MU.log "Stopping #{@cloud_id}" MU::Cloud::Google.compute.stop_instance( @config['project'], @config['availability_zone'], @cloud_id ) begin sleep 5 end while cloud_desc.status != "TERMINATED" # means STOPPED end # Ask the Google API to start this node def start MU.log "Starting #{@cloud_id}" MU::Cloud::Google.compute.start_instance( @config['project'], @config['availability_zone'], @cloud_id ) begin sleep 5 end while cloud_desc.status != "RUNNING" end # Ask the Google API to restart this node def reboot(hard = false) return if @cloud_id.nil? if hard groupname = nil if !@config['basis'].nil? resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.autoscale(@config['region']).describe_auto_scaling_instances( instance_ids: [@cloud_id] ) groupname = resp.auto_scaling_instances.first.auto_scaling_group_name MU.log "Pausing Autoscale processes in #{groupname}", MU::NOTICE MU::Cloud::AWS.autoscale(@config['region']).suspend_processes( auto_scaling_group_name: groupname ) end begin MU.log "Stopping #{@mu_name} (#{@cloud_id})", MU::NOTICE MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(@config['region']).stop_instances( instance_ids: [@cloud_id] ) MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(@config['region']).wait_until(:instance_stopped, instance_ids: [@cloud_id]) do |waiter| waiter.before_attempt do |attempts| MU.log "Waiting for #{@mu_name} to stop for hard reboot" end end MU.log "Starting #{@mu_name} (#{@cloud_id})" MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(@config['region']).start_instances( instance_ids: [@cloud_id] ) ensure if !groupname.nil? MU.log "Resuming Autoscale processes in #{groupname}", MU::NOTICE MU::Cloud::AWS.autoscale(@config['region']).resume_processes( auto_scaling_group_name: groupname ) end end else MU.log "Rebooting #{@mu_name} (#{@cloud_id})" MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(@config['region']).reboot_instances( instance_ids: [@cloud_id] ) end end # Figure out what's needed to SSH into this server. # @return [Array]: nat_ssh_key, nat_ssh_user, nat_ssh_host, canonical_ip, ssh_user, ssh_key_name, alternate_names def getSSHConfig node, config, deploydata = describe(cloud_id: @cloud_id) # XXX add some awesome alternate names from metadata and make sure they end # up in MU::MommaCat's ssh config wangling ssh_keydir = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir+"/.ssh" return nil if @config.nil? or @deploy.nil? nat_ssh_key = nat_ssh_user = nat_ssh_host = nil if !@config["vpc"].nil? and !MU::Cloud::Google::VPC.haveRouteToInstance?(cloud_desc, region: @config['region']) if !@nat.nil? if @nat.cloud_desc.nil? MU.log "NAT was missing cloud descriptor when called in #{@mu_name}'s getSSHConfig", MU::ERR return nil end foo, bar, baz, nat_ssh_host, nat_ssh_user, nat_ssh_key = @nat.getSSHConfig if nat_ssh_user.nil? and !nat_ssh_host.nil? MU.log "#{@config["name"]} (#{MU.deploy_id}) is configured to use #{@config['vpc']} NAT #{nat_ssh_host}, but username isn't specified. Guessing root.", MU::ERR, details: caller nat_ssh_user = "root" end end end if @config['ssh_user'].nil? if windows? @config['ssh_user'] = "Administrator" else @config['ssh_user'] = "root" end end return [nat_ssh_key, nat_ssh_user, nat_ssh_host, canonicalIP, @config['ssh_user'], @deploy.ssh_key_name] end # Apply tags, bootstrap our configuration management, and other # administravia for a new instance. def postBoot(instance_id = nil) if !instance_id.nil? @cloud_id = instance_id end instance = cloud_desc node, config, deploydata = describe(cloud_id: @cloud_id) instance = cloud_desc raise MuError, "Couldn't find instance of #{@mu_name} (#{@cloud_id})" if !instance return false if !MU::MommaCat.lock(@cloud_id+"-orchestrate", true) return false if !MU::MommaCat.lock(@cloud_id+"-groom", true) # MU::MommaCat.createStandardTags(@cloud_id, region: @config['region']) # MU::MommaCat.createTag(@cloud_id, "Name", node, region: @config['region']) # # if @config['optional_tags'] # MU::MommaCat.listOptionalTags.each { |key, value| # MU::MommaCat.createTag(@cloud_id, key, value, region: @config['region']) # } # end # # if !@config['tags'].nil? # @config['tags'].each { |tag| # MU::MommaCat.createTag(@cloud_id, tag['key'], tag['value'], region: @config['region']) # } # end # MU.log "Tagged #{node} (#{@cloud_id}) with MU-ID=#{MU.deploy_id}", MU::DEBUG # # Make double sure we don't lose a cached mu_windows_name value. if windows? or !@config['active_directory'].nil? if @mu_windows_name.nil? @mu_windows_name = deploydata['mu_windows_name'] end end # punchAdminNAT # # # # If we came up via AutoScale, the Alarm module won't have had our # # instance ID to associate us with itself. So invoke that here. # if !@config['basis'].nil? and @config["alarms"] and !@config["alarms"].empty? # @config["alarms"].each { |alarm| # alarm_obj = MU::MommaCat.findStray( # "AWS", # "alarms", # region: @config["region"], # deploy_id: @deploy.deploy_id, # name: alarm['name'] # ).first # alarm["dimensions"] = [{:name => "InstanceId", :value => @cloud_id}] # # if alarm["enable_notifications"] # topic_arn = MU::Cloud::AWS::Notification.createTopic(alarm["notification_group"], region: @config["region"]) # MU::Cloud::AWS::Notification.subscribe(arn: topic_arn, protocol: alarm["notification_type"], endpoint: alarm["notification_endpoint"], region: @config["region"]) # alarm["alarm_actions"] = [topic_arn] # alarm["ok_actions"] = [topic_arn] # end # # alarm_name = alarm_obj ? alarm_obj.cloud_id : "#{node}-#{alarm['name']}".upcase # # MU::Cloud::AWS::Alarm.setAlarm( # name: alarm_name, # ok_actions: alarm["ok_actions"], # alarm_actions: alarm["alarm_actions"], # insufficient_data_actions: alarm["no_data_actions"], # metric_name: alarm["metric_name"], # namespace: alarm["namespace"], # statistic: alarm["statistic"], # dimensions: alarm["dimensions"], # period: alarm["period"], # unit: alarm["unit"], # evaluation_periods: alarm["evaluation_periods"], # threshold: alarm["threshold"], # comparison_operator: alarm["comparison_operator"], # region: @config["region"] # ) # } # end # # # We have issues sometimes where our dns_records are pointing at the wrong node name and IP address. # # Make sure that doesn't happen. Happens with server pools only # if @config['dns_records'] && !@config['dns_records'].empty? # @config['dns_records'].each { |dnsrec| # if dnsrec.has_key?("name") # if dnsrec['name'].start_with?(MU.deploy_id.downcase) && !dnsrec['name'].start_with?(node.downcase) # MU.log "DNS records for #{node} seem to be wrong, deleting from current config", MU::WARN, details: dnsrec # dnsrec.delete('name') # dnsrec.delete('target') # end # end # } # end # Unless we're planning on associating a different IP later, set up a # DNS entry for this thing and let it sync in the background. We'll # come back to it later. if @config['static_ip'].nil? && !@named MU::MommaCat.nameKitten(self) @named = true end nat_ssh_key, nat_ssh_user, nat_ssh_host, canonical_ip, ssh_user, ssh_key_name = getSSHConfig if !nat_ssh_host and !MU::Cloud::Google::VPC.haveRouteToInstance?(cloud_desc, region: @config['region']) # XXX check if canonical_ip is in the private ranges # raise MuError, "#{node} has no NAT host configured, and I have no other route to it" end # # Set console termination protection. Autoscale nodes won't set this # # by default. # MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(@config['region']).modify_instance_attribute( # instance_id: @cloud_id, # disable_api_termination: {:value => true} # ) #MU.log "Let's deal with addressing", MU::WARN, details: cloud_desc # If we asked for a public IP address, make sure we get one # addrobj = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:Address).new( # name: @mu_name+"-public-ip", # description: @deploy.deploy_id # ) # addr_insert = MU::Cloud::Google.compute.insert_global_address( # @config['project'], ## @config['region'], # addrobj # ) # pp addr_insert # raise "BOOP" # has_elastic_ip = false # if !instance.public_ip_address.nil? # begin # resp = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2((@config['region'])).describe_addresses(public_ips: [instance.public_ip_address]) # if resp.addresses.size > 0 and resp.addresses.first.instance_id == @cloud_id # has_elastic_ip = true # end # rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidAddressNotFound => e # # XXX this is ok to ignore, it means the public IP isn't Elastic # end # end # win_admin_password = nil # ec2config_password = nil # sshd_password = nil # if windows? # ssh_keydir = "#{Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir}/.ssh" # ssh_key_name = @deploy.ssh_key_name # # if @config['use_cloud_provider_windows_password'] # win_admin_password = getWindowsAdminPassword # elsif @config['windows_auth_vault'] && !@config['windows_auth_vault'].empty? # if @config["windows_auth_vault"].has_key?("password_field") # win_admin_password = @groomer.getSecret( # vault: @config['windows_auth_vault']['vault'], # item: @config['windows_auth_vault']['item'], # field: @config["windows_auth_vault"]["password_field"] # ) # else # win_admin_password = getWindowsAdminPassword # end # # if @config["windows_auth_vault"].has_key?("ec2config_password_field") # ec2config_password = @groomer.getSecret( # vault: @config['windows_auth_vault']['vault'], # item: @config['windows_auth_vault']['item'], # field: @config["windows_auth_vault"]["ec2config_password_field"] # ) # end # # if @config["windows_auth_vault"].has_key?("sshd_password_field") # sshd_password = @groomer.getSecret( # vault: @config['windows_auth_vault']['vault'], # item: @config['windows_auth_vault']['item'], # field: @config["windows_auth_vault"]["sshd_password_field"] # ) # end # end # # win_admin_password = MU.generateWindowsPassword if win_admin_password.nil? # ec2config_password = MU.generateWindowsPassword if ec2config_password.nil? # sshd_password = MU.generateWindowsPassword if sshd_password.nil? # # # We're creating the vault here so when we run # # MU::Cloud::Server.initialSSHTasks and we need to set the Windows # # Admin password we can grab it from said vault. # creds = { # "username" => @config['windows_admin_username'], # "password" => win_admin_password, # "ec2config_username" => "ec2config", # "ec2config_password" => ec2config_password, # "sshd_username" => "sshd_service", # "sshd_password" => sshd_password # } # @groomer.saveSecret(vault: @mu_name, item: "windows_credentials", data: creds, permissions: "name:#{@mu_name}") # end # # # # # If we've asked for additional subnets (and this @config is not a # # member of a Server Pool, which has different semantics), create # # extra interfaces to accomodate. # if !@config['vpc']['subnets'].nil? and @config['basis'].nil? # device_index = 1 # @vpc.subnets { |subnet| # subnet_id = subnet.cloud_id # MU.log "Adding network interface on subnet #{subnet_id} for #{node}" # iface = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(@config['region']).create_network_interface(subnet_id: subnet_id).network_interface # MU::MommaCat.createStandardTags(iface.network_interface_id, region: @config['region']) # MU::MommaCat.createTag(iface.network_interface_id, "Name", node+"-ETH"+device_index.to_s, region: @config['region']) # # if @config['optional_tags'] # MU::MommaCat.listOptionalTags.each { |key, value| # MU::MommaCat.createTag(iface.network_interface_id, key, value, region: @config['region']) # } # end # # if !@config['tags'].nil? # @config['tags'].each { |tag| # MU::MommaCat.createTag(iface.network_interface_id, tag['key'], tag['value'], region: @config['region']) # } # end # # MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(@config['region']).attach_network_interface( # network_interface_id: iface.network_interface_id, # instance_id: @cloud_id, # device_index: device_index # ) # device_index = device_index + 1 # } # end # elsif !@config['static_ip'].nil? # if !@config['static_ip']['ip'].nil? # public_ip = MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.associateElasticIp(@cloud_id, classic: true, ip: @config['static_ip']['ip']) # elsif !has_elastic_ip # public_ip = MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.associateElasticIp(@cloud_id, classic: true) # end # end # # # if !@config['image_then_destroy'] # notify # end # # MU.log "EC2 instance #{node} has id #{@cloud_id}", MU::DEBUG # # @config["private_dns_name"] = instance.private_dns_name # @config["public_dns_name"] = instance.public_dns_name # @config["private_ip_address"] = instance.private_ip_address # @config["public_ip_address"] = instance.public_ip_address # # ext_mappings = MU.structToHash(instance.block_device_mappings) # # # Root disk on standard CentOS AMI # # tagVolumes(@cloud_id, "/dev/sda", "Name", "ROOT-"+MU.deploy_id+"-"+@config["name"].upcase) # # Root disk on standard Ubuntu AMI # # tagVolumes(@cloud_id, "/dev/sda1", "Name", "ROOT-"+MU.deploy_id+"-"+@config["name"].upcase) # # # Generic deploy ID tag # # tagVolumes(@cloud_id) # # # Tag volumes with all our standard tags. # # Maybe replace tagVolumes with this? There is one more place tagVolumes is called from # volumes = MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(@config['region']).describe_volumes(filters: [name: "attachment.instance-id", values: [@cloud_id]]) # volumes.each { |vol| # vol.volumes.each { |volume| # volume.attachments.each { |attachment| # MU::MommaCat.listStandardTags.each_pair { |key, value| # MU::MommaCat.createTag(attachment.volume_id, key, value, region: @config['region']) # # if attachment.device == "/dev/sda" or attachment.device == "/dev/sda1" # MU::MommaCat.createTag(attachment.volume_id, "Name", "ROOT-#{MU.deploy_id}-#{@config["name"].upcase}", region: @config['region']) # else # MU::MommaCat.createTag(attachment.volume_id, "Name", "#{MU.deploy_id}-#{@config["name"].upcase}-#{attachment.device.upcase}", region: @config['region']) # end # } # # if @config['optional_tags'] # MU::MommaCat.listOptionalTags.each { |key, value| # MU::MommaCat.createTag(attachment.volume_id, key, value, region: @config['region']) # } # end # # if @config['tags'] # @config['tags'].each { |tag| # MU::MommaCat.createTag(attachment.volume_id, tag['key'], tag['value'], region: @config['region']) # } # end # } # } # } # # canonical_name = instance.public_dns_name # canonical_name = instance.private_dns_name if !canonical_name or nat_ssh_host != nil # @config['canonical_name'] = canonical_name # # if !@config['add_private_ips'].nil? # instance.network_interfaces.each { |int| # if int.private_ip_address == instance.private_ip_address and int.private_ip_addresses.size < (@config['add_private_ips'] + 1) # MU.log "Adding #{@config['add_private_ips']} extra private IP addresses to #{@cloud_id}" # MU::Cloud::AWS.ec2(@config['region']).assign_private_ip_addresses( # network_interface_id: int.network_interface_id, # secondary_private_ip_address_count: @config['add_private_ips'], # allow_reassignment: false # ) # end # } # notify # end # # windows? ? ssh_wait = 60 : ssh_wait = 30 # windows? ? max_retries = 50 : max_retries = 35 # begin # session = getSSHSession(max_retries, ssh_wait) # initialSSHTasks(session) # rescue BootstrapTempFail # sleep ssh_wait # retry # ensure # session.close if !session.nil? # end # # if @config["existing_deploys"] && !@config["existing_deploys"].empty? # @config["existing_deploys"].each { |ext_deploy| # if ext_deploy["cloud_id"] # found = MU::MommaCat.findStray( # @config['cloud'], # ext_deploy["cloud_type"], # cloud_id: ext_deploy["cloud_id"], # region: @config['region'], # dummy_ok: false # ).first # # MU.log "Couldn't find existing resource #{ext_deploy["cloud_id"]}, #{ext_deploy["cloud_type"]}", MU::ERR if found.nil? # @deploy.notify(ext_deploy["cloud_type"], found.config["name"], found.deploydata, mu_name: found.mu_name, triggering_node: @mu_name) # elsif ext_deploy["mu_name"] && ext_deploy["deploy_id"] # MU.log "#{ext_deploy["mu_name"]} / #{ext_deploy["deploy_id"]}" # found = MU::MommaCat.findStray( # @config['cloud'], # ext_deploy["cloud_type"], # deploy_id: ext_deploy["deploy_id"], # mu_name: ext_deploy["mu_name"], # region: @config['region'], # dummy_ok: false # ).first # # MU.log "Couldn't find existing resource #{ext_deploy["mu_name"]}/#{ext_deploy["deploy_id"]}, #{ext_deploy["cloud_type"]}", MU::ERR if found.nil? # @deploy.notify(ext_deploy["cloud_type"], found.config["name"], found.deploydata, mu_name: ext_deploy["mu_name"], triggering_node: @mu_name) # else # MU.log "Trying to find existing deploy, but either the cloud_id is not valid or no mu_name and deploy_id where provided", MU::ERR # end # } # end # See if this node already exists in our config management. If it does, # we're done. if @groomer.haveBootstrapped? MU.log "Node #{node} has already been bootstrapped, skipping groomer setup.", MU::NOTICE @groomer.saveDeployData MU::MommaCat.unlock(@cloud_id+"-orchestrate") MU::MommaCat.unlock(@cloud_id+"-groom") return true end @groomer.bootstrap # Make sure we got our name written everywhere applicable if !@named MU::MommaCat.nameKitten(self) @named = true end MU::MommaCat.unlock(@cloud_id+"-groom") MU::MommaCat.unlock(@cloud_id+"-orchestrate") return true end #postBoot # Locate an existing instance or instances and return an array containing matching AWS resource descriptors for those that match. # @param cloud_id [String]: The cloud provider's identifier for this resource. # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @param tag_key [String]: A tag key to search. # @param tag_value [String]: The value of the tag specified by tag_key to match when searching by tag. # @param ip [String]: An IP address associated with the instance # @param flags [Hash]: Optional flags # @return [Array>]: The cloud provider's complete descriptions of matching instances def self.find(cloud_id: nil, region: MU.curRegion, tag_key: "Name", tag_value: nil, ip: nil, flags: {}) # XXX put that 'ip' value into flags instance = nil flags["project"] ||= MU::Cloud::Google.defaultProject if !region.nil? and MU::Cloud::Google.listRegions.include?(region) regions = [region] else regions = MU::Cloud::Google.listRegions end found_instances = {} search_semaphore = Mutex.new search_threads = [] # If we got an instance id, go get it if !cloud_id.nil? and !cloud_id.empty? parent_thread_id = Thread.current.object_id regions.each { |region| search_threads << Thread.new { Thread.abort_on_exception = false MU.dupGlobals(parent_thread_id) MU.log "Hunting for instance with cloud id '#{cloud_id}' in #{region}", MU::DEBUG MU::Cloud::Google.listAZs(region).each { |az| resp = nil begin resp = MU::Cloud::Google.compute.get_instance( flags["project"], az, cloud_id ) rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e raise e if !e.message.match(/^notFound: /) end found_instances[cloud_id] = resp if !resp.nil? } } } done_threads = [] begin search_threads.each { |t| joined = t.join(2) done_threads << joined if !joined.nil? } end while found_instances.size < 1 and done_threads.size != search_threads.size end if found_instances.size > 0 return found_instances end # Ok, well, let's try looking it up by IP then if instance.nil? and !ip.nil? MU.log "Hunting for instance by IP '#{ip}'", MU::DEBUG end if !instance.nil? return {instance.name => instance} if !instance.nil? end # Fine, let's try it by tag. if !tag_value.nil? MU.log "Searching for instance by tag '#{tag_key}=#{tag_value}'", MU::DEBUG end return found_instances end # Return a description of this resource appropriate for deployment # metadata. Arguments reflect the return values of the MU::Cloud::[Resource].describe method def notify node, config, deploydata = describe(cloud_id: @cloud_id, update_cache: true) deploydata = {} if deploydata.nil? if cloud_desc.nil? raise MuError, "Failed to load instance metadata for #{@config['mu_name']}/#{@cloud_id}" end interfaces = [] private_ips = [] public_ips = [] cloud_desc.network_interfaces.each { |iface| private_ips << iface.network_ip if iface.access_configs iface.access_configs.each { |acfg| public_ips << acfg.nat_ip if acfg.nat_ip } end interfaces << { "network_interface_id" => iface.name, "subnet_id" => iface.subnetwork, "vpc_id" => iface.network } } deploydata = { "nodename" => @mu_name, "run_list" => @config['run_list'], "image_created" => @config['image_created'], # "iam_role" => @config['iam_role'], "cloud_desc_id" => @cloud_id, "private_ip_address" => private_ips.first, "public_ip_address" => public_ips.first, "private_ip_list" => private_ips, # "key_name" => cloud_desc.key_name, # "subnet_id" => cloud_desc.subnet_id, # "cloud_desc_type" => cloud_desc.instance_type #, # "network_interfaces" => interfaces, # "config" => server } if !@mu_windows_name.nil? deploydata["mu_windows_name"] = @mu_windows_name end if !@config['chef_data'].nil? deploydata.merge!(@config['chef_data']) end deploydata["region"] = @config['region'] if !@config['region'].nil? if !@named MU::MommaCat.nameKitten(self) @named = true end return deploydata end # Called automatically by {MU::Deploy#createResources} def groom MU::MommaCat.lock(@cloud_id+"-groom") node, config, deploydata = describe(cloud_id: @cloud_id) if node.nil? or node.empty? raise MuError, "MU::Cloud::Google::Server.groom was called without a mu_name" end # Make double sure we don't lose a cached mu_windows_name value. if windows? or !@config['active_directory'].nil? if @mu_windows_name.nil? @mu_windows_name = deploydata['mu_windows_name'] end end # punchAdminNAT # MU::Cloud::AWS::Server.tagVolumes(@cloud_id) # If we have a loadbalancer configured, attach us to it # if !@config['loadbalancers'].nil? # if @loadbalancers.nil? # raise MuError, "#{@mu_name} is configured to use LoadBalancers, but none have been loaded by dependencies()" # end # @loadbalancers.each { |lb| # lb.registerNode(@cloud_id) # } # end # Let us into any databases we depend on. # This is probelmtic with autscaling - old ips are not removed, and access to the database can easily be given at the BoK level # if @dependencies.has_key?("database") # @dependencies['database'].values.each { |db| # db.allowHost(@deploydata["private_ip_address"]+"/32") # if @deploydata["public_ip_address"] # db.allowHost(@deploydata["public_ip_address"]+"/32") # end # } # end @groomer.saveDeployData begin @groomer.run(purpose: "Full Initial Run", max_retries: 15) rescue MU::Groomer::RunError MU.log "Proceeding after failed initial Groomer run, but #{node} may not behave as expected!", MU::WARN end if !@config['create_image'].nil? and !@config['image_created'] img_cfg = @config['create_image'] # Scrub things that don't belong on an AMI session = getSSHSession sudo = purgecmd = "" sudo = "sudo" if @config['ssh_user'] != "root" if windows? purgecmd = "rm -rf /cygdrive/c/mu_installed_chef" else purgecmd = "rm -rf /opt/mu_installed_chef" end if img_cfg['image_then_destroy'] if windows? purgecmd = "rm -rf /cygdrive/c/chef/ /home/#{@config['windows_admin_username']}/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/Administrator/.ssh/authorized_keys /cygdrive/c/mu-installer-ran-updates /cygdrive/c/mu_installed_chef" # session.exec!("powershell -Command \"& {(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter \"Name='UniversalForwarder'\").Uninstall()}\"") else purgecmd = "#{sudo} rm -rf /root/.ssh/authorized_keys /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*key* /etc/chef /etc/opscode/* /.mu-installer-ran-updates /var/chef /opt/mu_installed_chef /opt/chef ; #{sudo} sed -i 's/^HOSTNAME=.*//' /etc/sysconfig/network" end end session.exec!(purgecmd) session.close stop image_id = MU::Cloud::Google::Server.createImage( name: MU::Cloud::Google.nameStr(@mu_name), instance_id: @cloud_id, region: @config['region'], storage: @config['storage'], family: ("mu-"+@config['platform']+"-"+MU.environment).downcase, project: @config['project'], exclude_storage: img_cfg['image_exclude_storage'], make_public: img_cfg['public'], tags: @config['tags'], zone: @config['availability_zone'] ) @deploy.notify("images", @config['name'], {"image_id" => image_id}) @config['image_created'] = true if img_cfg['image_then_destroy'] MU.log "Image #{image_id} ready, removing source node #{node}" MU::Cloud::Google.compute.delete_instance( @config['project'], @config['availability_zone'], @cloud_id ) destroy else start end end MU::MommaCat.unlock(@cloud_id+"-groom") end # Create an image out of a running server. Requires either the name of a MU resource in the current deployment, or the cloud provider id of a running instance. # @param name [String]: The MU resource name of the server to use as the basis for this image. # @param instance_id [String]: The cloud provider resource identifier of the server to use as the basis for this image. # @param storage [Hash]: The storage devices to include in this image. # @param exclude_storage [Boolean]: Do not include the storage device profile of the running instance when creating this image. # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @param tags [Array]: Extra/override tags to apply to the image. # @return [String]: The cloud provider identifier of the new machine image. def self.createImage(name: nil, instance_id: nil, storage: {}, exclude_storage: false, project: MU::Cloud::Google.defaultProject, make_public: false, tags: [], region: nil, family: "mu", zone: MU::Cloud::Google.listAZs.sample) instance = MU::Cloud::Server.find(cloud_id: instance_id, region: region) if instance.nil? raise MuError, "Failed to find instance '#{instance_id}' in createImage" end labels = {} MU::MommaCat.listStandardTags.each_pair { |key, value| if !value.nil? labels[key.downcase] = value.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9\-\_]/i, "_") end } bootdisk = nil threads = [] parent_thread_id = Thread.current.object_id instance[instance_id].disks.each { |disk| threads << Thread.new { Thread.abort_on_exception = false MU.dupGlobals(parent_thread_id) if disk.boot bootdisk = disk.source else snapobj = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:Snapshot).new( name: name+"-"+disk.device_name, description: "Mu image created from #{name} (#{disk.device_name})" ) diskname = disk.source.gsub(/.*?\//, "") MU.log "Creating snapshot of #{diskname} in #{zone}", MU::NOTICE, details: snapobj snap = MU::Cloud::Google.compute.create_disk_snapshot( project, zone, diskname, snapobj ) MU::Cloud::Google.compute.set_snapshot_labels( project, snap.name, MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:GlobalSetLabelsRequest).new( label_fingerprint: snap.label_fingerprint, labels: labels.merge({ "mu-device-name" => disk.device_name, "mu-parent-image" => name, "mu-orig-zone" => zone }) ) ) end } } threads.each do |t| t.join end labels["name"] = instance_id.downcase imageobj = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:Image).new( name: name, source_disk: bootdisk, description: "Mu image created from #{name}", labels: labels, family: family ) newimage = MU::Cloud::Google.compute.insert_image( project, imageobj ) newimage.name end def cloud_desc max_retries = 5 retries = 0 if !@cloud_id.nil? begin return MU::Cloud::Google.compute.get_instance( @config['project'], @config['availability_zone'], @cloud_id ) rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e if e.message.match(/^notFound: /) return nil else raise e end end end nil end def cloud_desc MU::Cloud::Google::Server.find(cloud_id: @cloud_id).values.first end # Return the IP address that we, the Mu server, should be using to access # this host via the network. Note that this does not factor in SSH # bastion hosts that may be in the path, see getSSHConfig if that's what # you need. def canonicalIP mu_name, config, deploydata = describe(cloud_id: @cloud_id) if !cloud_desc raise MuError, "Couldn't retrieve cloud descriptor for server #{self}" end private_ips = [] public_ips = [] cloud_desc.network_interfaces.each { |iface| private_ips << iface.network_ip if iface.access_configs iface.access_configs.each { |acfg| public_ips << acfg.nat_ip if acfg.nat_ip } end } # Our deploydata gets corrupted often with server pools, this will cause us to use the wrong IP to identify a node # which will cause us to create certificates, DNS records and other artifacts with incorrect information which will cause our deploy to fail. # The cloud_id is always correct so lets use 'cloud_desc' to get the correct IPs if MU::Cloud::Google::VPC.haveRouteToInstance?(cloud_desc) or public_ips.size == 0 @config['canonical_ip'] = private_ips.first return private_ips.first else @config['canonical_ip'] = public_ips.first return public_ips.first end end # Retrieves the Cloud provider's randomly generated Windows password # Will only work on stock Amazon Windows AMIs or custom AMIs that where created with Administrator Password set to random in EC2Config # return [String]: A password string. def getWindowsAdminPassword end # Add a volume to this instance # @param dev [String]: Device name to use when attaching to instance # @param size [String]: Size (in gb) of the new volume # @param type [String]: Cloud storage type of the volume, if applicable def addVolume(dev, size, type: "pd-standard") devname = dev.gsub(/.*?\/([^\/]+)$/, '\1') resname = MU::Cloud::Google.nameStr(@mu_name+"-"+devname) MU.log "Creating disk #{resname}" description = @deploy ? @deploy.deploy_id : @mu_name+"-"+devname newdiskobj = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:Disk).new( size_gb: size, description: description, zone: @config['availability_zone'], # type: "projects/#{config['project']}/zones/#{config['availability_zone']}/diskTypes/pd-ssd", type: "projects/#{@config['project']}/zones/#{@config['availability_zone']}/diskTypes/pd-standard", # Other values include pd-ssd and local-ssd name: resname ) begin newdisk = MU::Cloud::Google.compute.insert_disk( @config['project'], @config['availability_zone'], newdiskobj ) rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e if e.message.match(/^alreadyExists: /) MU.log "Disk #{resname} already exists, ignoring request to create", MU::WARN return else raise e end end attachobj = MU::Cloud::Google.compute(:AttachedDisk).new( auto_delete: true, device_name: devname, source: newdisk.self_link, type: "PERSISTENT" ) attachment = MU::Cloud::Google.compute.attach_disk( @config['project'], @config['availability_zone'], @cloud_id, attachobj ) end # Determine whether the node in question exists at the Cloud provider # layer. # @return [Boolean] def active? true end # Remove all instances associated with the currently loaded deployment. Also cleans up associated volumes, droppings in the MU master's /etc/hosts and ~/.ssh, and in whatever Groomer was used. # @param noop [Boolean]: If true, will only print what would be done # @param ignoremaster [Boolean]: If true, will remove resources not flagged as originating from this Mu server # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @return [void] def self.cleanup(noop: false, ignoremaster: false, region: $MU_CFG['google']['region'], skipsnapshots: false, onlycloud: false, flags: {}) flags["project"] ||= MU::Cloud::Google.defaultProject # XXX make damn sure MU.deploy_id is set MU::Cloud::Google.listAZs(region).each { |az| disks = [] resp = MU::Cloud::Google.compute.list_instances( flags["project"], az, filter: "description eq #{MU.deploy_id}" ) if !resp.items.nil? and resp.items.size > 0 resp.items.each { |instance| saname = instance.tags.items.first.gsub(/[^a-z]/, "") # XXX this nonsense again MU.log "Terminating instance #{instance.name}" if !instance.disks.nil? and instance.disks.size > 0 instance.disks.each { |disk| disks << disk if !disk.auto_delete } end deletia = MU::Cloud::Google.compute.delete_instance( flags["project"], az, instance.name ) if !noop MU.log "Removing service account #{saname}" begin MU::Cloud::Google.iam.delete_project_service_account( "projects/#{flags["project"]}/serviceAccounts/#{saname}@#{flags["project"]}.iam.gserviceaccount.com" ) if !noop rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e raise e if !e.message.match(/^notFound: /) end # XXX wait-loop on pending? # pp deletia } end if disks.size > 0 # XXX make sure we don't miss anything that got created with dumb flags end # XXX honor snapshotting MU::Cloud::Google.compute.delete( "disk", flags["project"], az, noop ) if !noop } end # Cloud-specific configuration properties. # @param config [MU::Config]: The calling MU::Config object # @return [Array]: List of required fields, and json-schema Hash of cloud-specific configuration parameters for this resource def self.schema(config) toplevel_required = [] schema = { "image_id" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "The Google Cloud Platform Image on which to base this instance. Will use the default appropriate for the platform, if not specified." }, "routes" => { "type" => "array", "items" => MU::Config::VPC.routeschema } } [toplevel_required, schema] end # Confirm that the given instance size is valid for the given region. # If someone accidentally specified an equivalent size from some other cloud provider, return something that makes sense. If nothing makes sense, return nil. # @param size [String]: Instance type to check # @param region [String]: Region to check against # @return [String,nil] def self.validateInstanceType(size, region) types = (MU::Cloud::Google.listInstanceTypes(region))[region] if types and (size.nil? or !types.has_key?(size)) # See if it's a type we can approximate from one of the other clouds atypes = (MU::Cloud::AWS.listInstanceTypes)[MU::Cloud::AWS.myRegion] foundmatch = false if atypes and atypes.size > 0 and atypes.has_key?(size) vcpu = atypes[size]["vcpu"] mem = atypes[size]["memory"] ecu = atypes[size]["ecu"] types.keys.sort.reverse.each { |type| features = types[type] next if ecu == "Variable" and ecu != features["ecu"] next if features["vcpu"] != vcpu if (features["memory"] - mem.to_f).abs < 0.10*mem foundmatch = true MU.log "You specified an Amazon instance type '#{size}.' Approximating with Google Compute type '#{type}.'", MU::WARN size = type break end } end if !foundmatch MU.log "Invalid size '#{size}' for Google Compute instance in #{region}. Supported types:", MU::ERR, details: types.keys.sort.join(", ") return nil end end size end # Cloud-specific pre-processing of {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::servers}, bare and unvalidated. # @param server [Hash]: The resource to process and validate # @param configurator [MU::Config]: The overall deployment configurator of which this resource is a member # @return [Boolean]: True if validation succeeded, False otherwise def self.validateConfig(server, configurator) ok = true server['size'] = validateInstanceType(server["size"], server["region"]) ok = false if server['size'].nil? # If we're not targeting an availability zone, pick one randomly if !server['availability_zone'] server['availability_zone'] = MU::Cloud::Google.listAZs(server['region']).sample end subnets = nil if !server['vpc'] vpcs = MU::Cloud::Google::VPC.find if vpcs["default"] server["vpc"] ||= {} server["vpc"]["vpc_id"] = vpcs["default"].self_link subnets = vpcs["default"].subnetworks MU.log "No VPC specified for Server #{server['name']}, using default VPC for project #{server['project']}", MU::NOTICE else ok = false MU.log "You must specify a target VPC when creating a Server", MU::ERR end end if !server['vpc']['subnet_id'] and server['vpc']['subnet_name'].nil? if !subnets if server["vpc"]["vpc_id"] vpcs = MU::Cloud::Google::VPC.find(cloud_id: server["vpc"]["vpc_id"]) subnets = vpcs["default"].subnetworks.sample end end if subnets server['vpc']['subnet_id'] = subnets.delete_if { |subnet| !subnet.match(/regions\/#{Regexp.quote(server['region'])}\/subnetworks/) }.sample end if server['vpc']['subnet_id'].nil? ok = false MU.log "Failed to identify a subnet in my region (#{server['region']})", MU::ERR, details: server["vpc"]["vpc_id"] end end if server['image_id'].nil? if MU::Config.google_images.has_key?(server['platform']) server['image_id'] = configurator.getTail("server"+server['name']+"Image", value: MU::Config.google_images[server['platform']], prettyname: "server"+server['name']+"Image", cloudtype: "Google::::Apis::ComputeBeta::Image") else MU.log "No image specified for #{server['name']} and no default available for platform #{server['platform']}", MU::ERR, details: server ok = false end end real_image = nil begin real_image = MU::Cloud::Google::Server.fetchImage(server['image_id'].to_s) rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e MU.log e.inspect, MU::WARN end if real_image.nil? MU.log "Image #{server['image_id']} for server #{server['name']} does not appear to exist", MU::ERR ok = false else server['image_id'] = real_image.self_link server['image_id'].match(/projects\/([^\/]+)\/.*?\/([^\/]+)$/) img_project = Regexp.last_match[1] img_name = Regexp.last_match[2] begin snaps = MU::Cloud::Google.compute.list_snapshots( img_project, filter: "name eq #{img_name}-.*" ) server['storage'] ||= [] used_devs = server['storage'].map { |disk| disk['device'].gsub(/.*?\//, "") } snaps.items.each { |snap| next if !snap.labels.is_a?(Hash) or !snap.labels["mu-device-name"] or snap.labels["mu-parent-image"] != img_name devname = snap.labels["mu-device-name"] if used_devs.include?(devname) MU.log "Device name #{devname} already declared in server #{server['name']} (snapshot #{snap.name} wants the name)", MU::ERR ok = false end server['storage'] << { "snapshot_id" => snap.self_link, "size" => snap.disk_size_gb, "delete_on_termination" => true, "device" => devname } used_devs << devname } rescue ::Google::Apis::ClientError => e # it's ok, sometimes we don't have permission to list snapshots # in other peoples' projects raise e if !e.message.match(/^forbidden: /) end end ok end private end #class end #class end end #module